The Lies That Save Us (The Broken Heart Series)

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The Lies That Save Us (The Broken Heart Series) Page 5

by JL Redington

  The next couple days, Alexa spent watching over Cayman, shopping for a new shirt (which made Cayman smile again) and getting supplies for the trip to Arizona. She thought a bit comical they were actually only two and a half hours from home. She’d called Tahleah, but didn’t give her any details of the shooting. She just said they liked the area and decided to spend a couple of days. She knew it would upset Keith if he knew what had happened and he’d probably have been in his car, on his way down before she even hung up the phone.

  Cayman’s surgery went well, as expected. It wasn’t really a surgery at all, but a local anesthetic to remove the bullet and then a couple of stitches to close the wound.

  There were more visits from the State Police once Cayman was available for interviews, although there really wasn’t much to tell. He said he saw the gun come out the window of the other vehicle and immediately drew his gun and started firing. The car didn’t return to see if they had killed him, they just disappeared. Neither Alexa nor Cayman got a good look at the people in the car, as he was looking at the gun barrel and she had her head on her lap.

  Alexa kept quiet, though she knew this wasn’t the right version of the story. Why would he lie about who fired first? Was he lying? Was he just not remembering it right? Cayman didn’t strike her as the type to ‘forget’ something as important as who fired first. Something was just not right. Alexa decided to wait, she didn’t know why, but now didn’t seem like the time to argue with him. She needed to keep an eye on him, and she would do just that.

  They finally released Cayman and as they wheeled him to the car, he started to direct them to the driver’s side.

  “Uh, no.” said Alexa flatly.

  “Hey, it’s my car and I’m fine. You’re not going to mother me the whole way, are you?” he said sounding a bit defeated.

  “Yes I am, and I’ll bet if I called your mother she would agree with me. Don’t’ ask me how I know that, I just do.”

  “No doubt she’d agree with you.” He said dismally.

  The nurse pushing the wheel chair agreed it was probably not the best idea for a patient full of pain killers to be doing a lot of driving.

  They pulled away from the hospital with a list of things to watch for, medications to give and warnings about over-doing. But both of them were happy to be on the road again and heading to Arizona.

  “You still packin’ heat?” Alexa said with a laugh she couldn’t stifle. “I’ve always wanted to say that.” She was talking through her laughter.

  Cayman just shook his head. “Movies make that oh so much more glamorous than it really is. And I’m finding when you get shot in real life, it hurts way more than they show on film.”

  Chapter Five

  “Well,” said Cayman, teasing, “you’re not as bad a driver as everyone says you are!”

  “Very funny. I’m sure you’ve been talking to so many people, too.”

  “You never know,” said Cayman, “I could’ve been.”

  “Yes, and I’m so not a private person, so all that information would be freely out there. And no one in Startup has ever seen me drive -- why am I even discussing this with you?”

  Cayman laughed.

  “I have no idea, but it was worth the look on your face, for sure.”

  They rode in silence for a moment when Alexa remembered their conversation about his siblings.

  “So, what are your brother’s names? Are you the oldest? Youngest? Middle?”

  “Yeah, I’m the older, more experienced brother,” he grinned. “Then there’s Patrick, and bringing up the rear is Samuel…Sam. I think we turned out to be pretty good people.”

  “Oh, you do, do you?” grinned Alexa. “I think you’re a bit forward.”

  Cayman took playful offense at the statement.

  “Forward? Forward? Considering it took me three weeks to grab you and kiss your neck, I would say I was certainly a gentleman. What did you want, a year? Too bad if you did. All that beauty, just wasting away; I think I was definitely a prince.”

  “Oh, now that’s funny!” laughed Alexa, “a prince, really. That’s how you see yourself? A prince?”

  “Cayman reached across his chest with his good hand and gently stroked her cheek.

  “You know, if I wasn’t so wounded from protecting you, I’d pull this car over right now and let you have your way with me.”

  Alexa leaned into his hand and said, “Yes, and who’s driving the vehicle? I would be the one pulling over, and as charming as you are, that’s not going to happen. We have work to do. And speaking of work, what are we doing? What are we going to do once we get to Arizona, assuming I can even remember the place Dad and I went to.”

  “We’re going to figure this out, that’s what we’re going to do.”

  Just then Alexa’s cell phone rang. It was Tahleah, talking excitedly. Alexa immediately went pale. She pulled to the side of the road and stopped.

  “Whoa, slow down! Say it again, slower this time.”

  From the way Alexa was pressing the phone to her ear, it was apparent her friend had slowed down and she was able to digest what she was being told.

  “Thanks, Tahleah. Thanks for letting me know. Keep me posted. Thanks for cleaning it all up. Sorry you had to do that.”

  She hung up the phone and turned to Cayman.

  “What’s happened?” he asked with concern.

  “My place was broken into. They don’t know when, but it looked to be shortly after we left. It was pretty trashed, but nothing was broken. It would seem whoever was in there was particularly interested in my book shelf, which is where I kept my photo album- the one we brought with us.”

  Cayman sat back and sighed.

  “There’s something in that album we’re not seeing. We need to scrutinize every photo tonight when we stop.”

  Time flew by like the mile markers on the side of the highway. Cayman was feeling pretty tired by the time they pulled off the road for some lunch. They decided they would go as far as Boise and stop there for the evening so he could rest. Alexa helped Cayman get settled into his room. She put his shave kit items on the counter in the bathroom so he could easily get the things he needed.

  “I may need a sponge bath tonight, you know. The doctor said no showers for a few days.” He smiled at her invitingly.

  “In your dreams, gun boy. You play with bullets and you’re going to get hurt. Think about that next time. And sponge bath with your good arm.”

  Cayman crossed the room to where Alexa sat and pulled her to her feet with his good arm.

  “What?” she asked smiling up at him.

  “What do you mean ‘what’?” he grinned. “You’ve been amazing, and I need you to know that.” He lifted her chin with his hand and kissed her gently.

  “Cayman, I-”

  “I know, I know,” he said as he sat down at the table. “I get it, Alexa, but sometimes I just need to kiss you. No strings attached, just a kiss.”

  If he only knew what those kisses did to her, he would probably have used it much more to his advantage. Her stomach lurched each time she looked into his eyes or followed the curve of his mouth. She loved the strength of his arms and the security of being wrapped up in them. She often found herself aching to feel them around her. She loved how hard her heart beat whenever he held her, how her head spun out of control with each touch.

  But there was something there she’d never experienced before. He seemed to have a real respect for her, for what she needed the relationship to be. Even with the conflicted feelings about him that plagued her, she still felt safe with him.

  She refused to tell him any of these feelings right now. She needed more time to figure him out, so she just smiled, and promptly changed the subject.

  “You knew they were following us, didn’t you?” she asked pointedly, smile fading a little.

  “What makes you say that?” he said, clearly evading the question.

  “You knew…you were pulling your gun out before they even got up
alongside us. You knew. How did you know, and how did you know you were going to need a gun? Cayman, I asked myself so many questions while I sat in the ER. I need to know what you know. Back at the pond, where we saw my dad, you said you’d ‘make some calls’. What calls did you make?”

  “Nothing earth shattering, I can tell you that. I know some people in law enforcement because I’ve grown up in the area, that’s all. I just thought I’d give them a call and see if they’d seen any strangers hanging around. When they came up empty there was nothing to tell you. That’s it. That’s the sum of my phone calls.”

  “I want to believe that, Cayman, I really do. But I can’t afford to take anything at face value anymore. My life was devastated when my father died, and all the events surrounding his death. My heart can’t take any more than it’s already taken. I feel like you’re holding something back. I don’t know what exactly, I can’t imagine what, but something. I know it.”

  “I’ve told you everything I can,” said Cayman softly, “you have to trust me now. You are just going to have to trust me.”

  “What does that mean?” Alexa could feel her voice rising and the fear bubbling into her head, permeating her brain. “I have to trust you but who are you? Why should I trust you? I don’t even know you.”

  “Yes, Alexa, you do know me. I’ve been with you for weeks now. You know exactly who I am and you know me. ME, Alexa. You know everything you need to know about me.”

  Alexa calmly stood and picked up the album. Cayman’s eyes followed the album as she moved from the table.

  “What are you doing?” he asked caustiously.

  “I’m going to my room,” she said. “I’m tired and I want to go to sleep.”

  “Alexa, I’m sorry, I wish I had more to tell you, really. Please, sit down. Let’s look at some photos and see what we can figure out.”

  Alexa couldn’t look at him. With each accusation she made regarding his character and her mistrust it was clear she hurt him more. She wanted to stay, but there was something not right about this, about him. At the same time she thought that, she wondered how she could possibly suspect this man who so clearly cared for her, and she for him. What was she doing?

  She walked to the door, and he didn’t follow her. The look in his eyes, begging her to stay, was all that needed to be said. She opened the door, closing it behind her and walked across the hall to her own room. She unlocked her room door and pushed it open, reaching up to turn on the light at the same time.

  Suddenly she was pulled inside as she screamed, “CAYMAN!” A hand went over her mouth and someone grabbed at the album knocking it out of her grasp. The album hit the floor and the hand left her mouth as her assailant reached for it. She turned quickly to face him, kneeing him soundly in the groin. She heard him grunt as she pushed him over into the dresser and grabbed the album, racing out the door.

  “Cayman! Cayman!” Before she could get another scream out, Cayman was out his door and reaching for Alexa.

  “What happened? Are you okay?”

  She was completely out of breath from the struggle.

  “A my room,” she gasped, “tried to get the album. He’s still in there!”

  Cayman reached behind him and under his shirt with that same fluid motion he had in the car.

  “Go!” he said pointing, “My room. Go in the bathroom and lock the door. Here’s my phone, call 911 and don’t come out unless I tell you.” She grabbed the phone and rushed to the bathroom.

  He was already walking stealthily to the door of her room. Using the wall as a shield he peeked around the corner into the room. Alexa bolted through his door and into the bathroom locking the door behind her. Her hands shook so bad she could barely dial the phone. Somehow she managed to dial 911.

  The calm voice on the other end was in clear contrast to Alexa’s terror.

  “9-1-1; what is your emergency?”

  “There’s a man in my room. He tried… he tried…”

  “Ma’am, where are you?”

  “I’m at the Family Inn on Main, room 135. Please hurry.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. There is a patrol car on the way right now. Are you in a safe place?”


  “Stay on the line with me until the officers get to you. Do you understand?”


  “Did he harm you, do you need an ambulance?”

  “No…no, I’m fine. But my friend went in there.”

  “He went into your room?”


  “Stay where you are. You should be able to hear the sirens soon.”

  It wasn’t longer than three minutes, but it seemed like hours, when she finally heard the sirens blaring. After what seemed like more hours she could hear Cayman in the hallway talking with the police. She heard footsteps and heard Cayman again, this time outside the bathroom door.

  “Alexa, it’s okay. You can open the door.”

  She turned the knob and pulled the door slowly open. When she saw Cayman she flew into his arms. He gingerly moved his sore arm out of the way and grabbed her with his good one, wrapping it tightly around her.

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  The concern in Cayman’s eyes made her want to cry. No one cared for her like that for a very long time.

  “No, no, I’m fine, a little shaken up, but fine.” She said as she swallowed, blinking back tears.

  There were more questions from the officers, more inquiries regarding his first encounter, and now this one. They had to go to the police station, fill out the required forms and endure even more questions. By the end of the whole ordeal Alexa was exhausted. She just wanted to go to bed, but with that thought the terror returned.

  It was a few hours before dawn when they entered the motel the following morning. Cayman walked her to her door and saw the look on her face.

  “Why don’t you stay with me, Alexa?”


  “I’ll sleep on the couch, I promise. I know you don’t want to be alone tonight and I can’t blame you. I’d feel safer if I had you where I could see you.” Cayman put his arm around her and held her close.

  “Let me grab a few things,” she said, “and…thank you.”

  She opened the door to her room. Cayman took her arm gently and pulled her back.

  “I’ll have a look around first, if you’re okay with that,” he said.

  She nodded and he went through the door first, turned on the light and found it just as it was left. Alexa went in and grabbed a few things for the night and quickly left the room without looking back.

  They sat together on the couch for a few minutes looking through the pictures again, hoping to find something that would give them a clue to her father’s murder and to whatever it was others were looking for in this album.

  Fatigue was quickly overtaking them both, and Cayman leaned his head back against the couch. He could feel her breathing slow and then move to the steady rhythm of one who was sound asleep. He gently stroked her hair, wondering how long he could keep his lie from her. He hadn’t planned on Alexa being who she was. He hadn’t planned on her beauty, on her strength and her heart. He wondered how this whole thing would play out. He carefully pulled his gun from the back of his jeans and stared at it. He sighed and tapped the barrel against the side of his head, thinking. He replaced the gun, let his eyelids close and he, too, fell asleep.

  Chapter Six

  Alexa woke and wiped the drool from her mouth. She slowly moved her head and her cheek hit a button, a shirt button. With horror she realized she’d slobbered all down the front of Cayman’s shirt. He was sitting back and grinning from ear to ear.

  “We finally slept together. I gotta ask…was it all you’d hoped?”

  Alexa blushed and gasped when she got a good look at his shirt.

  “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry…I can’t believe I did that…I-”

  “Well, if you’ll give me a minute, I’ll get up and put on a clean shirt. Actually,
I’ll get up and shower, unless you want first dibs. Of course, we could conserve water and shower together…” His voice trailed off as he laughed at his own joke.

  “You really think you’re funny, don’t you?” she chided him.

  “I do what I can, you know…it’s a gift.”

  She slapped his good arm and stood up, stretching.

  “You first, I’ll wait.” She walked to the still made bed and pulled down the covers. Crawling into the comfort of the clean blankets she pulled them over her and snuggled into crisp clean sheets. Cayman walked to the side of the bed and sat down. She smiled up at him. He moved the hair out of her face with his finger and bent down, softly kissing her cheek.

  “It’s such a corner I feel myself in,” she said, “I’m so grateful to have you with me, but still wondering who you are.”

  “You know who I am. I keep telling you who I am, and you’re incredibly beautiful.”

  “Go take your shower,” she said smiling.

  “It’ll have to be a cold one, that’s for sure.”

  She watched him gather up clean clothes, shave kit, shoes and socks. He walked into the bathroom, closed the door and soon she heard the water running.

  Alexa lay in bed, feeling no less confused than she had before. There was a part of her that was falling for this man, in a guarded, not-so-sure sort of way. He was kind, protective and she felt she could count on him. That meant something, right? She tried to reason with herself, or was it justifying her position? It seemed to her that if she ever figured out if it was reasoning or justification, she’d have her answer about him.

  She had her turn in the shower and as she finished dressing she gathered her things from the bathroom counter. She opened the door and with her first step from the bathroom she stopped. Cayman’s incredible cologne filled her senses. Oh the things that smell made her want to do, but she couldn’t and she knew it. Biting her lip for support she squared her shoulders and with great difficulty reminded herself of the reason for this trip. Answers. She needed answers about her dad…and Cayman.

  Alexa turned from the hallway and found Cayman sitting patiently on the side of the bed with his bag already packed. Their eyes met and sent the familiar stirring through her she’d so come to enjoy. It was a moment that seemed to last an eternity until he spoke.


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