The Lies That Save Us (The Broken Heart Series)

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The Lies That Save Us (The Broken Heart Series) Page 16

by JL Redington


  Alexa awoke to a feeling of fog. There were soft voices around her and she panicked for a moment, wondering if now they would finally finish their job. She moved her legs, moved her fingers, her arms. She could feel the clean sheets against her legs, smell the sterile hospital room. She wasn’t in the warehouse and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Slowly her mind remembered hearing her father at her side when she was taped to the chair. She remembered whispering his name. Was it really him? Had she been dreaming?

  She tried to force her eyes open but they simply would not cooperate. Her mouth was dry and she needed water. Were her eyes still so swollen she couldn’t open them?

  Gradually the fog lifted and she tried to blink. Her eyes opened. The light in the room was bright and blinding. Everything around her was a blur. Someone was sitting on the bed beside her. She moved her head to the right and saw silver hair.

  Was it true? Had it really been her dad that rescued her from the cartel? Was he really there?

  Alexa forced her eyes to focus on the person beside her.

  “Daddy…? Is it…you?” her mouth was dry, her voice hoarse as she whispered the words. “How…?”

  She’d buried her father, watched his casket put in the ground. She was the first to throw a handful of dirt over it. How is it him? How could it be him?

  “Yes Princess, it’s me. I’m right here.” Max picked up her free hand and held it gently in his. No one had called her princess for a very long time. It was her dad’s pet word for her, had been for as long as she could remember.

  Tears filled her eyes as she squeezed his hand. A soft cry left her throat as she focused on her dad. “It’s you? It’s really you?”

  “Yes, Alexa, it’s me. I’m here and I’ll never leave you again.” Her dad whispered as he lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed her.

  She smiled weakly, trying to soak it all in to a head that just wasn’t accepting logical thought.

  “Where…am I?”

  “You’re in the hospital, Alexa. You were in pretty bad shape when we brought you in. I’ll explain all of it to you when you’re better, but for now, we’re a family again.”

  “How long…been out?” Her voice was still so dry and she coughed bringing horrendous pain to her sides. “Water, please…” she said trying not to cough again as she held her side.

  Max quickly grabbed the water pitcher and poured some in the cup. He put it to her lips, cradling her head with his other hand.

  “Mmm…good…good…thanks,” she whispered. That felt much better as the pain in her side subsided. “Where were you?”

  “They’ll be plenty of time for all of that later. You had surgery, honey, and you’ve had a rough go of it. Let’s just think about getting you better for now. It’ll give us something to talk about when we get you home.” Max patted her hand and smiled at her.

  Alexa looked to the end of her bed and saw Keith standing there.

  “Hey, Keith,” she said a little stronger. “How did you get here?”

  Keith chuckled, “Well, we do have modern transportation these days, you know.”

  Alexa smiled as her dad touched her cheek.

  “Honey, I want to introduce you to your Uncle Keith,” said Max, smiling. “He used to throw you in the air when you were tiny and make you laugh and laugh.”

  Her eyes closed for a moment and she remembered a dark haired man throwing her in the air. It was an early memory and she smiled. She remembered him chasing her playfully around the living room. The memories were fuzzy, but she remembered bits and pieces.

  “You’re…you’re…my uncle?” she asked, trying to digest this new information. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Max patted her hand.

  “He was in the same situation I was, only for probably twenty years, instead of one, like me. Every time we tried to bring him out, that same cartel came right after him. It was decided he would stay hidden until we could stop them altogether. That’s why you don’t remember him, and that’s also why he couldn’t say anything to you. He’s the one that came forward with the additional funds for the diner. Knowing you, that’s been bugging you as well.”

  “Are you kidding me?” she exclaimed in her still raspy voice. Her eyes were wide with surprise.

  “How many times did I talk to you about that? You are a great liar, Uncle Keith, but thank you for helping me get the diner, really. What an amazingly generous thing to do. I’ve wanted to say that to my benefactor for the longest time.”

  “You’ve said it over and over. You just didn’t know you were saying it to the one that gave you the funds,” Keith smiled proudly at her. “You’ve done incredibly well with the diner, Alexa, incredibly well. My little donation just makes me part owner, right? So I have an interest in how things go there.” He laughed at his own joke.

  “It absolutely does! I told you how you reminded me of my dad, didn’t I? I said it all the time!”

  She smiled at him, still weak, but gaining her voice.

  “I kept telling him that, Dad, because he’d do things that just looked like you! Now I know why.”

  Suddenly she realized someone was missing. She felt a stab of fear pierce her, rising up from her stomach like bad heartburn. Her eyes widened and filled with tears.

  “Where’s Cayman? Daddy, where’s Cayman? Is he okay?”

  Her voice was loud enough that it woke the sleeping Cayman on the other side of her. He sat straight up and winced at the pain in his hip. Still a little groggy, he had to take a minute to remember where he was. It didn’t take him long, and he blushed at the open copy of “Green Eggs and Ham” lying on the bed.

  He gasped as he realized Alexa had woken up. He grabbed one of his crutches and stood up beside her bed. Lifting her hand softly to his lips he kissed it, never taking his eyes from hers.

  “I was reading to you, did you hear me?” He said, grinning.

  Her tears fell as she gripped his hand. She was so thankful he was alive, the fear she’d felt in that moment faded slowly leaving a lasting impression on her heart. She couldn’t live without this man, she didn’t even want to try. She wouldn’t take her eyes from his, feeling his hand in hers, trying to make herself believe he was alive. There was so much she wanted to say.

  “I’m…I’m so sorry, Cayman, so sorry. I thought I’d never see you again and all I could think of was how I’d never get to tell you how sorry I was for treating you the way I did.”

  Cayman softly put his finger over her lips to shush her.

  “You were smart to not trust me, Alexa. Once I got my emotions mixed up with what I was supposed to be doing, I did a lousy job of being professional. I should have watched you better; I shouldn’t have let you go into that shop by yourself. It’s me that’s sorry.”

  “Shut up and kiss me,” she said with a smile.

  Taking a deep breath and wrinkling his eyes, he moved slowly through the pain in his hip. He bent over the bed and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. He didn’t care that her father was there, he’d wanted to do that from the minute he got to the hospital. The warmth of those lips heated him through and he kissed her again and again.

  “Alright already!” exclaimed Max. “Am I going to have to get a bucket of water?”

  “A hose might be more appropriate,” laughed Keith.

  Cayman winced in pain as he stood again and Alexa caught the look on his face.

  “You’re hurt!” she said, concerned. Then she laughed and said, “Again?”

  “Yeah, well, it would seem loving you is going to be one of my most painful experiences. Can’t seem to keep you away from the gunfire for some reason, and when I try, it hurts.”

  “Don’t make me laugh,” said Alexa as she gingerly held her side. “It hurts to laugh.”

  “Yup,” said Cayman looking from Keith to Max, “heard that one before, too, and from those very same lips. This relationship could be very dangerous for me.”

  Alexa lifted her
hand and slapped him playfully on the arm.

  “You better be nice to me or I’ll tell your mom.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The room erupted in laughter. Patrick had just walked into the room when Alexa made that announcement.

  “She knows Mom?” Patrick said in surprise.

  “No, she doesn’t know Mom,” said Cayman with a smile, “but she knows enough about her to know she would automatically be on her side with finally having another woman around.”

  “A wise woman, indeed, your mother,” said Max walking up to stand beside Cayman. Placing his arm around his shoulder, he smiled down at his daughter.

  Alexa smiled at Cayman. She was thoroughly enjoying the corner she’d put him in.

  “You know, Alexa,” began Max, “I have always thought of this young man as the son I never had, his brother as well. We’ve been in some pretty tight scrapes and they’ve saved my life more times than I can count.”

  “Back atcha,” smiled Patrick, “I’m sure the count of who saved who the most would end up in your favor.”

  The feeling in the room was family. It felt like a family separated for some time had now found their way back to each other. Alexa smiled and then put on a mock frown.

  “Well, I guess that does it for you and I, Mr. Richards. I can’t be making out with my brother anymore, now can I? How gross is that?”

  There was another eruption of laughter.

  “You’re all going to have to leave if you keep this up,” warned Alexa. “I told you it hurts to laugh.”

  Cayman cleared his throat and looked at Max.

  “About that…I have a question for you, an important one.”

  “Now, that sounds serious,” smiled Max.

  “Maxwell Menetti,” said Cayman, clearing his nervous throat, and stepping back a bit so they stood face to face, “I would like to ask you for permission to marry your incredible daughter, if she’ll have me.”

  “Well, I can’t speak for her, of course, because she’d skin me alive,” he laughed, “but I can’t think of a thing that would make me happier.”

  Cayman looked around the room and grinned. He moved the chair away from the bed and set his crutches against the bed. He started to kneel down on one knee. The pain in his hip wouldn’t cooperate, so he awkwardly stood again and inched as close to the bed as he could, pulling a small box from his jacket pocket.

  “Alexa Menetti; I’ve looked my whole life for you. From the minute I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one I’d searched for. If you’ll have me, I promise to cherish you until the day I die. You will always be my priority, my beautiful soul mate, my wife. Alexa, I love you, more than I love breath itself. Will you marry me?”

  He handed her the box with an amazingly large diamond engagement ring sparkling in the light.

  Alexa’s eyes filled with tears as she reached for his hand.

  “Yes…Yes I will marry you, and cherish you as well for the rest of our lives. I love you, Cayman Richards. I always will.”

  Cheers erupted in the hospital room. Soft, not so explosive as they would have been if they hadn’t been in a hospital room. Cayman flinched again at the pain in his hip as he bent over and kissed Alexa.

  He stood and took the ring from the box, placing it proudly on her finger. The diamond nearly covered the whole of her finger below the knuckle.

  “I just have one question for you, Cayman,” she said seriously, struggling to take her eyes from the gorgeous stone.

  “What?” he said, his nervousness gone.

  “Are you gonna cringe like that every time you kiss me?”

  “Now, you might think that is a negative thing, my love, but it is merely a manifestation of how desperately and completely I love you.”

  The room filled with a moan from the whole group, except Alexa. She grinned at him encouragingly instead...

  “You can call me ‘my love’ anytime you want to.”

  She pulled him down into another kiss, ignoring the pain on his face.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The beautiful couple walked through the massive double doors into the bridal suite. Alexa approached the huge freestanding mirror. Her new husband sauntered slowly up behind her and gently unzipped her strapless gown. She let it fall to the floor, goosebumps forming on her skin where the dress touched her as it fell. She turned to him, kissing him passionately as she removed his jacket.

  She giggled playfully, moving her head to the side as he kissed her neck, and explored the contour of her body. She slowly removed his tie, tossing it to the floor. Their eyes met and both smiled as she unbuttoned his shirt, kissing his chest with each opened button. He was finally hers…forever. She felt the thrill of knowing tonight was only the beginning of many, many nights together…

  He kissed her so very softly on the shoulders; the passion began to burn in both husband and wife. She removed his shirt, then unbuckled his belt, released the button on his slacks and pulled gently on the zipper. Cayman let the pants fall to the floor. He stepped out of them, kicking them to the side with one leg as she giggled again. His arms embraced her and she melted into him. He lifted her into his arms, kissing her again.

  He carried her to the bed, their kisses growing more passionate, ready, inviting. He laid her head gently on the pillow, his lips never leaving her mouth.

  There will be no interruption this time, no stopping to wonder if they should or they shouldn’t. They are now Mr. & Mrs. Cayman Richards, and they will not be pausing for anything or anyone.

  Their passion ignited as they realized once again, how very, very in love they felt. They gave themselves to each other willingly, passionately, forever.


  Patrick removed the covers and sat up, his toes playing in the thick luxurious carpet. His sandy hair looked like he’d been in a tornado, his deep blue eyes staring at the carpet. Checking the clock, he stood, stretched his six foot, well muscled frame and headed to the bathroom. He grabbed his clothes as he walked by the end of the bed. Before leaving the bedroom, he turned and looked at the beauty he’d spent the previous night with.

  What was that Cayman had said to him? “…there’s just something about her, Patrick, something that made me see she was more than a body, more than a shell…”

  He still couldn’t understand what that felt like. Kennedy was beautiful, a perfect body, smart, easy to talk to. What more could anyone want? Would I still be able to breathe if she were gone?

  He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, laughing softly to himself.

  “She’ll be gone by the time I’m out of the shower, and I won’t care. How do I find the kind of love Cayman was talking about? Do I even want that kind of love? Why am I even thinking about it? Am I looking for that?”

  Patrick shook his head as he stepped into the shower and let the water pour over him. He thought about the wedding the night before, how happy his brother was, how beautiful Alexa was. It seemed to him they’d both glowed with the love they felt for each other. He thought of his mom and his dad. He wondered if that was how they felt when they’d married. Did they still feel that way, in a “we’ve-been-married-forty-five-years” kind of way? It was obvious his dad loved his mother. It was beyond obvious Cayman loved Alexa.

  When he turned off the water he had no idea how long he’d been in the shower. He really didn’t care. He wrapped the towel around him and opened his shave kit setting it on the side of the sink.

  His cell phone rang in the other room. He walked out and snickered when he saw the bed was empty, Kennady’s things gone. He was right…he didn’t care. Goodbyes like that were always so messy.

  The phone rang again. Rummaging through his pack he pulled the howling cell from inside and pressed the button to answer it.

  “Richards” he said briskly.

  “Patrick, it’s Max. Are you alone?”

  “Yes…what’s going on?”

  “It’s Sam. We need you at the hospital, now. Don’t’ ca
ll your parents, don’t call Cayman. Just get here…”

  To be continued….

  Watch for the next book in the Broken Heart Series:

  Solitary Tears

  And be sure to

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  I’ll see you there!




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