When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie

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When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie Page 6

by KC Mills

We sat there not saying anything with Jahari sucking on his bottle the only sound in the room until Jock’s voice drowned it out.

  “We’re not together, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  My eyes met Jock’s briefly before they focused on his son again. “I’m not thinking anything. Like I said, it's not my business.” My words were hard, but I was smiling inside.

  “What the fuck ever. You care, so don't act like you don't.” Jock chuckled. “She was a one time deal, and I hate that shit. I love my son, but I can't fuck with her like that, so don't go thinking I’ve been lying to you.”

  “Lying to me about what, Jock?”

  “I told you I’m not with anybody, and I mean that shit, Kiz.”

  “Man, please. You got hoes, Jock. I’m not stupid.”

  “Do I fuck other females? Hell yeah, why wouldn't I? You got that lame ass nigga, and I have needs, but I’m not with anybody, Kiz. So don't go thinking that. That's all I'm saying.”

  I bit into my lip, trying to hide my smile before I took the bottle from Jahari and held him against my shoulder to burp him. I wasn't in love with the idea of Jock being with other women, even if I did have Red, but the fact that he always made a point of trying to convince me that they didn’t mean anything to him put me at ease just a little.

  “That’s a good look for you, Kiz, but only if it was my seed. Not that weak ass muthafucker you with.”

  I sucked my teeth and cut my eyes at him. “Well, you don't have to worry about that either way because this is as close as I'm getting to anybody’s seed. Yours or his. I don’t want kids.”

  “Well you better rethink that plan cause you’re having mine when you get your head right, and I put that on everything.”

  “You sound crazy as hell right now, Jock. Here, take this baby.” I shoved Jahari toward Jock.

  He took him into his arms and laughed at me. “I ain't crazy, Kiz, just confident.”

  I shook my head and sighed. He could be as confident as he wanted, but there won’t be any babies coming out of me, and that was my word, so Jock could take it or leave it.


  “Why you keep looking at that piece of shit watch?” Siah teased, which made me suck my teeth.

  “It's not a piece of shit, and you bought it, so—”

  Siah smiled and lifted his glass to his mouth. I watched his sexy ass lips as they connected with it, and my body shivered with memories of his lips on me.

  “It is a piece of shit, Pretty. I only bought it because you asked me to. It's not what I would have chosen.”

  I looked at my wrist again and smiled at my new watch. It was cute to me. Simple, but still cute. Siah was trying to get me some overpriced watch that would have gotten me robbed. His logic behind it was that it was an investment. Siah purchased expensive things, but mostly things that held value. It wasn't like he spent stupid money, well not all the time, but when it came to his cars and jewelry, he invested in items that held value. I didn't care too much about that. I just liked what I liked.

  “Well, I like it, so stop talking about it.”

  Siah reached for my hand. Once he had it, he brought my wrist to his mouth and kissed the inside of it. His action made me blush a little before he inspected the watch on my wrist and then shrugged.

  “If you like it, I love it.” He smiled at me before releasing my wrist. “But it's still a piece of shit.”

  Before I could say anything, Siah’s phone went off and he leaned back to pull it out of his pocket. He glanced at the screen before his eyes connected with mine and he answered.

  “Yeah? Nah, what’s up? I can't do that right now. Just hit me in the morning and I’ll make it happen. Aight, bet.”

  Siah moved his phone back into his pocket, but not before putting it on silent. “No more calls,” he said and winked at me, but I leaned back in my chair annoyed.

  “What, Nonie?”

  “Nothing.” I lifted my drink and let the straw of my daiquiri slide between my lips then took a sip before placing it down in front of me.

  “That was business, Nonie. You know I wouldn't disrespect you like that. So fix your damn face, Pretty.”

  “What makes you think I care who calls you and why?” I asked, holding a nonchalant expression, but smiling inside.

  “’Cause you’re spoiled as shit, and the way your damn lips poked out the second I answered that call told me you care.”

  I wanted to slap the smug grin off his face, but I didn't react. Instead, I changed the subject. “We have to meet Archer in the morning, and Kizzie doesn't want to be stuck there with him alone, so I was thinking—”

  “Fuck Archer’s old ass. He ain't gon’ fuck with Kizzie, I’ll make sure of that. But you’re staying at my house tonight, so don’t even say that shit. I’ll handle Archer.” Siah’s expression dropped and his eyes turned dark. “That nigga don't be pushing up on you, does he, Nonie? And don't lie trying to save his ass either ’cause I swear on everything, I’ll fuck him up.”

  “No, he hasn't. Chill out, crazy. He flirts with Kizzie a little, but trust me, he knows better than to say anything to me. Thanks to you.”

  Siah looked across the table at me, wearing a grin. “I didn't say shit to him, but I will, if I need to.”

  My eyes moved to Siah’s face, but I looked past him when I saw a man who looked like Red. It couldn't be him because this muthafucker I had my eyes on had his arms around some trick with his lips on her face. So I know good and damn well that it wasn't Kizzie’s Red.

  I guess the look on my face concerned Siah because he turned to see what I was looking at. By then, I knew for sure that it was Red, so I was already digging in my purse in search of my phone. Realizing what I was doing, Siah leaned forward and snatched it out my hand.

  “Give me my phone, Siah. I’m about to let Kizzie know that nigga is up in here with some two dollar hoe,” I snapped and reached for my phone, but he leaned back and slipped it into his pocket.

  “That ain't your shit to be worried about, and you’re not about to let her problems fuck up our evening.”

  “Siah, really? That's my girl and she needs to know—”

  “Man, chill the fuck out, Nonie. What difference does it make if she knows right now or later? She’s not about to drive her ass across the bridge to deal with that shit right now. She’s at the crib with Jock, so let it go and tell her tomorrow if you want, but right now, this is about us. Another nigga’s infidelity is not about to fuck up my night.”

  Siah was so calm and unmoved that it pissed me off. He knew how close I was to Kizzie, and he was tight with Kizzie too, but here he was acting like me seeing Red hugged up with the next hoe wasn't a big deal.

  “Just let me send her a text, Siah.”

  “Nonie, let that shit go. I just told you she’s at the crib with Jock, so she can't say shit about that nigga being here with someone else, now can she?”

  He looked me right in my eyes and waited. Damn. He was right and I knew it, but I still wanted to tell her. I guess it would have to wait, but I was going to say something to Red’s cheating sass. We knew that Kizzie was creeping with Jock, but he didn't, so he was wrong as fuck for being out with that hoe. I pushed my chair back a little and stood while Siah looked at me like I was crazy.

  “Nonie, sit your ass down. You're not about to approach that nigga, ’cause if he gets out of line with you, Imma have to fuck him up. I just told you, we’re not about to let what they have going on fuck up our night.”

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” I lied as my eyes moved across the restaurant.

  Siah’s crazy ass pushed his chair back and stood. “Aight, I’ll go with you then.”

  “You can't go in the bathroom with me, Siah.”

  “But I can walk you to the door and wait outside for you. Fuck, I’ll go in that bitch if I want to, now try me.”

  I knew I wasn't about to get anything past him. His crazy ass was telling the truth. He’d escort me into the bathroom and wipe my
ass for me if it meant that I stayed away from Red, so I sat down and so did he.

  “I don't know why the hell your spoiled ass is over there pouting. Let that shit go, Nonie, and enjoy dinner. I didn't bring you all the way over here for you to be worried about another nigga, Pretty.”

  Siah had won. I would only piss him off and ruin the night if I didn't let hit go, so I did the best I could and focused on us. But believe me when I say I was mad as hell about it. Even though Kizzie was creeping with Jock, Red was wrong as hell, and that made me want to handle him.

  After we finished dinner, Siah drove us to Time Square to walk around. I loved the city, especially at night because it was so beautiful. The energy was addictive and being there with Siah made it all feel so perfect. As we moved around, he kept his arm draped around my shoulder, making sure to keep my body close to his. He smelled so damn good, and his body wrapped around mine made me feel safe. God, I loved this man, when I knew I shouldn't because the only person that Siah loved was himself. True enough, he cared about me and would do anything for me, but I was starting to question if he was even capable of love.

  “What’s on your mind, Pretty?” Siah's voice danced around me, pulling my attention back to him.

  When his lips touched my temple, I felt a wave of energy flow through my body.

  “Nothing.” I snuggled closer to him, sending my arm around his waist and gripping the side of his shirt.

  “Don't hide from me, Nonie. That’s not us, baby girl. Good or bad, tell me what's on your mind.” Siah stopped walking and stepped in front of me, placing his hands on the sides of my face before bringing his lips to mine and kissing me on the forehead first and then my lips.

  “I’m not hiding. I promise, it's nothing.”

  We’d had the same conversations enough times for me to know how it would end. Siah wanted to claim me, but I wanted to be the only one he claimed. He never could promise me that, so as always, we agreed to disagree. We were what we were. I cared about him, he cared about me. I was his and he was mine, but we were the only ones who knew that. Well, besides Jock and Kizzie.

  “Yosiah, I’m good, baby. Don't create a problem that doesn't exist.” I smiled as I stared into his eyes.

  His gaze stayed on me for a moment before his lips connected with mine again. He didn't believe me, but he let it go and draped his arm around my shoulder again.

  “You ready to head home?” he asked once we were moving again.

  “Home?” I questioned with a grin.

  “My house is your home, Nonie. You have a key, don't you?”

  “That doesn’t make it my home, Yosiah. It just means I have a key to your house.”

  With an arrogant laugh, Siah leaned into me. “Ain't no other bitch even been to my house, Nonie, and your ass has a key. My security code is the day we met, which means that you can get in and out my shit whenever you want, with or without me. It's your home, Nonie.”

  “Your other women know that?”

  “Don't do that shit, man. Fuck everybody but you. I ain't perfect, but ain't no other female gonna be what you are. So dead that shit you talking, Pretty.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, well I don't like to share, so when you grow up we’ll have that discussion.”

  “Whatever, man.” Siah mushed me and then jumped away so that I wouldn't hit him back. His goofy ass knew better.

  “And for the record, this a grow ass man right here. Fuck that ‘when I grow up shit’ you talking, Pretty. But we ’bout to head home so I can refresh your memory on that.


  When I woke up the next morning, Siah wasn't in bed with me, but I expected that. He rarely ever slept unless he was so lit that he just passed out, and even then he was up early. It was crazy to me how his mind never rests. Let him tell it, the only time he actually sleeps peacefully is when my body was wrapped around his.

  As far as I was concerned, it was just something he told me, because Siah always had a way with words. He was good for making me feel like the sun rises and sets just for me, and whether I believed it or not, it always made me feel special.

  I rolled over, not quite ready to get up yet. Pulling the covers with me, I wrapped them securely around my naked body. I could stay in this bed forever; it was so perfect. Of course, Siah had the best of everything at his house. He lived like a king, and this bed was a reflection of that. As much as I wanted to stay right in it all day long, I knew I had to get up so I wouldn't be late for our meeting with Archer or Kizzie would murder me. Kizzie, damn.

  I had to tell her about seeing Red last night. I knew my girl would be ready to break heads, but even more than that, she was going to be hurt. Yeah, she was messing around with Jock, so it wasn't like she really owned the right, but Kizzie cared about Red. Hell, she might even love him, so regardless of what she had going on in her life, she was going to be devastated when I told her about him being hugged up with that two dollar hoe.

  When I was able to summon the motivation to pull myself out of Siah's bed, I sat up and stretched. I was in desperate need of some coffee, so I moved to the dresser, retrieved one of Siah’s t-shirts, and pulled it over my head before leaving his room to head to the kitchen.

  Apparently, that was a bad idea because the second I hit the top of the stairs, I was met with a pair of eyes that didn't belong to Siah. I jumped out of the way, but it was too late because a smile spread across Jamar’s face as his focus locked on me. Since Siah had his back to me, he turned to see what Jamar was smiling about.

  “Yo, ain't that Royce’s girl?” Jamar said, obviously feeling bold because questioning Siah about his personal business was dang sure not the right move.

  “That is none of your got damn business.” I heard Siah’s voice roar through the house so loud that it startled me a little. I didn't bother staying to find out what was about to go down. Instead, I just made my way back to Siah’s room so that I could shower and get dressed.

  About twenty minutes later I had finished my shower and was walking around Siah’s room in my bra and panties, collecting my things. My body was still tired and I really wanted to crawl back into his bed and sleep for a few more hours, but the long ass drive we had to make back to town was preventing me from doing that.

  “Why the fuck was you walking around with no clothes on, Nonie?” I could hear the annoyance in Siah’s voice when he entered his bedroom.

  He walked into his closet and after a few minutes returned with a charcoal gray Henley that he pulled over his head. I couldn't help but admire how sexy his arms and chest were as his muscles flexed to assist him in putting his shirt on.

  “It's early as hell, Siah, how was I supposed to know you would have somebody here? Don't snap on me about it.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me for a minute before a smile surfaced. “You know Imma have to beat that nigga’s ass if he go running his mouth to Royce. Not because I give a fuck, that’s your shit, but because he knows better than to mind my business.”

  I felt the muscles in my chest tighten. I didn't know why I cared about Royce finding out about us. All in all, he was a sweet guy and he was good to me when we were together. It just felt wrong.

  “I’m sure you told him not to, so he won't,” I said, feeling hopeful. Not many people were bold enough to cross Yosiah, so Jamar would likely keep his mouth shut.

  Siah released an arrogant laugh. “Yeah, I told him to keep his mouth shut, but niggas don't respect authority.”

  I lifted my jeans off the bed and worked them onto my body while I watched Siah walk back into the closet. He returned a few minutes later with a pair of Hermes sneakers and a matching leather belt to place on the black jeans that were hanging low around his waist. Damn, he was sexy as fuck. I swear I couldn't get enough of this man.

  “You better put your damn clothes on and stop looking at me like that before we don't make it back to town in time for that damn meeting you’ve been crying about.” Siah spoke without looking up at me because he wa
s in the process of putting on his shoes.

  I rolled my eyes since his back was to me, but I knew he was right, so I kept my mouth shut.

  I finished dressing while Siah left the room to take a call. Although I wanted to be nosey, I had to finish getting my stuff ready. I moved around the room, picking up the rest of my things and shoving them in my overnight bag so we could get on the road. Once I was done, I slid my feet into my heels, grabbed my bag, and after shutting off the lights, I left Siah’s room.

  I found him downstairs in the kitchen, phone pressed to his ear and damn near whispering, which meant that he had to be talking to one of his little hoes. His back was to me, but the second he heard my heels tapping the marble floor of his kitchen, he turned to me for a second but kept talking.

  “Yo, check it, I’ll hit you later today. I have some shit to handle right now. Man, don't press me. I said maybe, but I gotta go. Aight bet.”

  “Why you hang up? I don't care ’bout you making plans with your little nobodies. You been with me for the past two days, I know it's time to put them back in rotation.” I moved past Siah, making sure to bump him on my way to the refrigerator.

  When I pulled the door open to find something to take with me, I felt Siah’s body behind me, pressed against mine. His scent circled around us as his hands followed the motion and moved around my waist. I felt his lips on my neck and then against my ear.

  “I don't have a rotation, Nonie. I have you. No bitch can fuck with that, so kill all that jealousy shit, Pretty.”

  As much as I wanted to melt into his body, I wasn't falling for his bullshit lines, so I elbowed him off me and leaned into the refrigerator to grab a bottle of orange juice. Siah’s cocky ass laughed, but he took the hint and stepped away from me. After his paranoid ass checked the monitor to view all the images from his security cameras, we left his house.

  The drive was quiet; I was in my head about dealing with Kizzie in regards to Red, while Siah was thinking about God knows what. He kept his business away from me unless he just needed to vent, but even then, it was limited details. I was good with that because I didn't want nor desire to be caught up in his illegal activities. That was a complication I could live without. Kizzie and I were different when it came to stuff like that. She loved that street life. It got her panties wet to know about stuff like that. I never understood it, but Kizzie was my girl, and what was good with her was good with me.


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