Twelve Days of Love

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Twelve Days of Love Page 4

by Tess MacKall

  “Any second now you’ll see. Keep looking straight ahead.” He cut off the headlights.

  “What the hell did you do that for? Now you can’t see to drive. We’ll hit something!”

  “Patience, honey. Any second…” He’d done this same thing dozens of times now.

  It had to be seen the way nature intended.

  The road widened and a sweeping array of stars came into view as if the sky and land were one. Darkness slowly receded into the thick forest behind them, replaced by the sterling aura of the luminous points of light. They emerged into a clearing. Eden gasped, placed her hands against her breasts and sat forward.

  Before them, spread out in a seemingly endless vista, the lake layered itself between the star-spangled heaven and the shadowed earth. The big, milky moon’s reflection bounced excitedly on the water’s rippling silver surface.

  Nick killed the engine. The hum of the windows as he lowered them interrupted the heavy silence. He focused his attention on Eden, whose expression had transformed from one of surprise to absolute wonder.

  “This is amazing. I haven’t seen the stars like this since we were kids. And the moon… God, it looks like it’s sitting right in the water. How did you find this place?”

  “Someone who used to buy cars from me was moving out West and wanted to sell. One look was all it took.”

  “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”

  He smiled, looking at her. “I have.”

  She didn’t seem to hear him, or if she had, didn’t let on she’d understood his meaning. He popped the trunk and got out. She joined him at the rear of the car, pizza box in hand. Tossing a blanket over his shoulder, he lifted the small cooler and nodded for her to walk toward the lake.

  At the top of the hill was a small deck he’d had constructed so he’d have a place to sit on those nights he traveled up here to think. He set the cooler on the deck and unfolded the blanket, laying it on the redwood planks. They plopped down next to each other, Eden shaking her head, looking out at the panoramic view. She planted the pizza box in front of them while he poured them each a glass of lambrusco.

  Lifting both glasses, he offered one to her. “What shall we drink to?”

  Smiling, she said, “How about the gorgeous view?”

  “Sounds good to me.” Yeah, definitely a great view from where I sit.

  They tapped their glasses together and sipped some wine. She took in the scenery, and he stared at her. With her every movement, moonbeams danced in her hair. Would she let him kiss her?

  “I don’t know about you, Nick, but this pizza is driving me crazy. Let’s eat.”

  He tamped down his physical urges, grabbed a slice and handed it to her, then took one for himself. Still warm, the gooey cheese and meat recipe was just what the doctor ordered for a stomach that had been balled into knots all day.

  “Mmm…good,” he said, chewing.

  She nodded and drank from her wine. Once they’d finished the first slice, a contented sigh blew from her lips as she leaned back on one arm, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. The fact that Nick had yet to touch her the way he wanted kept him wound up tight.

  “You remember Sandy Austin?” she asked.

  “Red hair, freckles?”

  “Yeah, that’s her. She has six kids. Married a jockey.”

  “A jockey? That girl is six feet tall at least!” he said between bites.

  “They say love is blind.” She sipped from her glass.

  “And apparently carries a ladder!” She laughed lightly. Nick’s gut tightened, the sensation traveling to his cock. God he loved the sound. He’d never heard her laugh before. They’d never done anything but spit fire at each other and he’d always wondered what it would be like to make her laugh—just once. And now he had.

  He chuckled, tossed his leftover chunk of crust out onto the grass and reached for his glass. Forcing himself not to think about how hard she made him, he swallowed some of the fruity wine as he looked at her over the rim.

  Nick topped off their glasses and propped himself on his side, facing her. For the next two hours they talked about their lives over the past fifteen years. He told her about his decision to leave college, his failed marriage and how he felt as if he was just now finding himself. She listened intently, commenting in all the right places, saying all the right things. She wasn’t as open, even hesitant it seemed when it came to discussing her time in New York. But he pieced together enough by what she said—and hadn’t said—to understand that she may not have been all that happy.

  At least they’d connected. Their first night was already a success.

  But he needed more.

  He offered her a lemon drop and she shook her head. Popping one in his mouth, he sucked on it as they continued to talk. More relaxed than he’d ever been, he found it almost easy to let her really see the man he’d become.

  At some point she’d turned and mimicked his position, making them eye level. Their glasses were empty, so was the bottle. He reached over, smoothing her silky hair from her face. His fingers trailed down her cheek to her chin, tilting it upward. She closed her eyes to reveal dark, crescent lashes.

  Leaning in, hesitant, he brushed his lips across hers in a soft, languid caress. Her mouth moved slightly and a little moan sounded low in her throat. More. He slid his hand around to her nape and brought her closer. He deepened the kiss, releasing only a fraction of the passion burning inside him. She opened for him and their tongues entwined. The tension in him slowly eased and gave way to his heart. A rush of emotions blended with his physical needs and life suddenly had real meaning for him.

  Nick had died and gone to heaven.

  Tender yet erotic, Nick’s kiss ignited sexual yearnings inside Eden she’d tried so hard to ignore whenever he was around. For months, he’d continually awakened her desires, and not for one second had she guessed anything would come of it. But here they were, sharing a kiss.

  Eden wound her arms around him, reveling in the taste of his mouth, the hint of lemon drops forever on his breath, his tongue dancing with hers. As his hands roamed across her back, the kiss became fevered and before she knew it, her leg had moved between his, her upper thigh bumping his erection.

  The failed relationship she’d willingly run from in New York had taken what little trust she’d possessed. She’d worked so hard at guarding herself, but now her walls were crumbling, placing her heart in jeopardy once more. And here was Nick—touching her, wanting her—making her want him. Nick, the high-school jock. Nick, the guy it was impossible to have. Nick, the man of her dreams. He’d taken control of her body and she couldn’t stop herself from giving in.

  Juices gathered between her folds and her pussy ached. Her nipples throbbed, begging for his lips as pangs of lust burst inside her. She needed him so badly. The kiss was everything she’d dreamed of—filled with passion and the demand for her, only her.

  This was what she wanted. Had always wanted, wasn’t it? Doubt became a distant whisper as she breathed in the scent of lemon drops and strained for more of what he had to give.

  A rumbling moan sounded from deep in his chest. He pressed his hard length to her and slowly ground it against her thigh. The frantic beats of Eden’s heart pounded in her ears. Her clit throbbed in a wild rhythm. His hand slipped beneath her blouse and pulled her bra aside. She arched, her nipples swelling tighter. He took one hard tip in his mouth and nibbled and sucked, inciting tiny whimpers from her she barely recognized as her own.

  His other hand made quick work of unfastening her jeans and dipped inside her panties. The pressure of his warm palm to her sex left her breathless. Unable to deny her need, Eden writhed beneath him, craving more.

  He slid his finger through her slickened cleft. Eden’s hips lurched upward with the flurry of heated sensations in her pussy. God help her, he’d found her clit and knew just what to do with it. Her creamy essence poured from her opening and she held on tight in anticipation of the explosive orgasm
she knew was coming. Her heartbeat accelerated. Her breath came harsh and ragged. He moved his fingers over the taut nub, quickening the short strokes.

  She pulled back slightly, needing the tantalizing sensations to last, and traced her fingers over the rigid imprint at the front of his jeans. Damn, his cock was big, and he obviously needed her as much as she needed him. He eased up the pressure of his finger on her clit and groaned. Anxious to hold his length, feel its weight, she unzipped his fly then reached inside and cupped her hand around his silky hardness.

  It had been so long since she’d been with a man, and that alone was enough to make every nerve in her body stand on end. Being with Nick was the ultimate fantasy. She was so unsure of herself, but her body didn’t care about the doubts her mind whispered. Right now Nick wanted her and that made her feel sexy. Made her want to shout it to the world. To tell him to fuck her, to taste her, to hold her all night long.

  How far could her body take her before fear took over?

  She stroked his cock gently and it jerked in her hand. The skin tightened and she felt it swell. A shudder passed through her with the thought of just how aroused he was.

  “You keep doing that, sweetheart, and I’m going to come in your hand.”

  Swallowing, she dared to look at him. Would he see the raw lust in her eyes? See how afraid she was of what she was feeling? “I want you to come.”

  He smiled, circling her clit with his finger, and said in a playful tone, “I will if you will.”

  There was something about his voice, something about the way he smiled that seemed so familiar and welcoming. She’d never had that feeling with another man. Nick had a way of cutting through her defenses.

  She let her finger trail over his cock and loop around the thick corona. He upped the pace to the strokes he delivered to her clit and she curved into his palm. As she pumped his cock to match the movement of his fingers, he brushed his lips over hers. She opened for him and their tongues curled together.

  He tore his mouth from hers and whispered raggedly, “Come for me, honey.”

  Quickly he lowered his head to suck her nipple. It was too much for her and she threw her head back.

  A gasp broke free of her mouth as she twisted and buried her face in the crook of his neck. Her body trembled and she squeezed her eyes shut, savoring the wash of ecstasy flooding her. Sated, she bucked into his touch then clamped her legs together. Nick released a long groan and his cock jerked in her hand. His warm cum spilled and she found herself wishing he’d come inside her. He tipped her chin upward, feathering his lips over hers.

  “Why don’t we head back to my place?” he said in a breathless voice laced with the promise of so much more.

  Eden’s world ceased to spin. Her breathing calmed—and her mind cleared.

  This was Nick, the high-school heartthrob. The man she’d compared every other man to. Her mind collided with her heart and body. For over a year she’d mooned after her boss in New York, taking him into her bed night after night with the hope that he’d return some small measure of affection, only to be dropped for a socialite the moment his gallery found success. Success she’d created through her hard work and discerning eye.

  To be rejected by Nick Lancaster would be unbearable.

  She pushed off his chest and sat up. “We have to stop.”

  He too sat up, shoving his cock into his pants and asked, “Why? You want me just as much as I want you.”

  Her body and heart were in full agreement, but her mind had declared war. She leveraged herself from the deck and walked over to the wood railing, keeping her back to him as she zipped and fastened her jeans. His long sigh, obviously one of frustration, reached her ears and settled over her with the weight of an anchor.

  She’d just rejected having what she knew would be amazing sex with Nick Lancaster, and a man like that didn’t ask twice, did he? Regardless, it wouldn’t be making love, and sex without the emotional attachment would never work for her. She couldn’t go through that again.

  Eden sensed him behind her before he actually touched her. His arms encircled her waist as he planted a kiss to the top of her head. She prayed he didn’t press the issue. It was just another one-night stand to him, and he’d never understand how she felt. Why should he? She should be honored that he wanted her for simply one night. After all, she wasn’t the kind of woman Nick could want forever.

  “I didn’t mean to push you, Eden.”

  “It’s okay. Really. I’m fine.”

  “I thought you were into it as much as me.”

  Into it? God knew she was into it. So did Nick, even if he doubted it now. She’d acted like a tease in addition to all her other shortcomings. She was so ashamed of herself. Why couldn’t she just accept this for what it was? Why did she have to make it so complicated? Maybe if she stayed quiet he’d drop the subject. She didn’t trust herself to speak without crying anyway. And it wasn’t worth it. He’d take her home and that would be the end of it. Evidently, Nick’s love life was in a slump, and she was the stand-in until someone with bigger pompoms surfaced.

  It was time to go home.

  Eden loosened herself from his hold and faced him. “It’s getting late. I’ve got an early day tomorrow.”

  He looked down at the deck and shoved his hands in his pockets. “If that’s what you want.”

  Hurriedly, Eden picked up the empty pizza box and glasses and walked toward the car, leaving Nick to gather the rest. They met at the trunk and stowed everything away.

  She skirted around to her side and got in. A cool breeze blew through the open window, the smell of pine and earth wafting all around her. Nick opened his door and seated himself. They sat there in silence, staring out at the lake. Clouds had moved in, streaking the sky, and one by one smothered the silvery beacons of light. Eventually, the moon ceased dancing in the water, and the lake faded to black.

  Nick started the engine and headed back down the road to the city.

  Chapter Five

  Countdown: Day Eleven

  Eden swore she’d scream if the phone rang one more time. Stabbing the floral foam with a stem prepped for the spherical black and red vase, she jumped at the sound of the bells over the door. Frozen in place, she swallowed hard. Was it Nick? Too afraid to peek, she waited for someone to say something.

  Carolyn, the part-time floral designer who’d worked for Eden’s mother for years, walked through the workroom doorway. Eden breathed a sigh of relief—or was it loss? Not that she expected to see Nick again, but deep down she secretly hoped.

  “Hi, sweetie!” Carolyn chirped in her perpetually happy voice.

  “Good morning, Carolyn.”

  “Busy as usual I see. Want me to start on that stack of orders on the desk?”

  “That would be great. I’m finishing up here, then I’m going to load the delivery truck. Wesley should arrive in about an hour to start his rounds.”

  “You’ve already got the morning deliveries ready?”

  “All but this one. I’ve been working since six. Couldn’t sleep.”

  “Must have something to do with that hot date you had with Nick Lancaster last night.” Carolyn winked and chuckled, her auburn curls and cherubic face jiggling with the laughter.

  “How do you—”

  “I had coffee with your mom this morning.”

  “Oh. Well, the date or whatever it was didn’t really work out.”

  “Awww, sweetie. I’m so sorry. Your mom really likes Nick. Me too. Are you sure?”

  Eden snipped the stem of a bright yellow lily. “Yeah, I know. And yes, I’m sure.”

  “Something tells me you haven’t seen the last of him. Oh, the phone. I’ll get it.”

  Everybody liked Nick. Last night Eden had found herself liking him—liking more than just him as a matter of fact. A sweet pleasurable throb flared low in her belly, inciting a surge of wetness to coat her panties. Damn it. Nick was nowhere around and her panties still got wet.

  Worse than that,
a deep emotional ache had seized her and she couldn’t shake the sadness. He’d walked her to the door and kissed her cheek when he took her home, but it was obvious she’d never see him again. She heard the shop door and ignored it, unable to face a customer right now.

  “We’ve got a problem, Eden.”

  Eden spun to look at Carolyn. “What?”

  “Wesley is sick with an upper respiratory infection and can’t come in. He sounded like he was hacking up a lung for the last couple of days. Glad he finally went to the doctor.”

  “Ah, crap. I mean, I’m sorry Wesley is sick. But now I have to make the deliveries. I’ve got to get extra flowers ordered for the Valentine’s Day rush and I still haven’t taken care of all the orders that need to be wired.”

  “Need a driver?”

  Total meltdown. That’s what Nick’s voice did to her. The scissors she held clamored to the surface of the worktable. A rush of adrenaline so powerful she thought she’d collapse from the overdose ripped through her veins. She leaned against the workstation to steady her jellied legs.

  “Wh-what are you doing here?” she asked.

  “Thought I’d catch you before you made lunch plans and take you out. Looks like you need a delivery guy instead.” His boyish grin beamed like a ray of sunshine.

  “I-I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “You didn’t. I volunteered.” He rolled up his sleeves. “Where do I start?”

  Before Eden could say another word, Carolyn latched onto Nick’s arm and steered him over to the cooler where she instructed him on taking out the finished arrangements to the delivery truck. Eden wanted to protest, but the elation she felt at seeing him cautioned her to keep her mouth shut. She’d chased him away last night and today he didn’t seem to be too upset—at least not openly so.

  What did his being here mean?

  Eden decided she didn’t want to think anymore. She just wanted to keep her head down and get some work done. There was no doubt in her mind Nick could handle the delivery to the hospital. The deliveries after lunch were another thing entirely. Nick was in great physical shape but the in-and-out-of-the-truck grind of deliveries wasn’t something she could picture him doing. After all, he was used to running a company not playing delivery boy. He’d probably make this one run and then suddenly get called away. Anticipating his retreat, Eden hunkered down at her desk and dove into work, ignoring the endless chatter between Nick and Carolyn.


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