The Rematch (Wrestling Diaries #2)

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The Rematch (Wrestling Diaries #2) Page 2

by Sarah Bale


  “That’s all you have to say? Really?”

  Denver went to his bag and pulled out a pair of boxers. He let the towel fall and I turned my head. I knew sharing a room with him was a bad idea.

  “You can look now.”

  Just to be safe I waited a few seconds before turning.

  I said, “You don’t seem surprised.”

  “He called me, too. Must have been after he couldn’t get you.”

  My heart leapt.

  “What did he say?”

  He shrugged. “The usual. I’m an asshole for getting with you. Blah. Blah. Blah.”

  “And you said?”

  He put on his black slacks before replying, “I told him what you or I did was none of his business.”

  “So you didn’t deny it?”

  “Did you want me to?”

  I chewed on my bottom lip. Did I? Why did I even care what Mesquite thought? That was the real freaking question.

  Denver sat next to me on the bed. “Listen honey, I’m not trying to make your life more difficult, but Mesquite needs to sweat this out a bit. He was an asshole to you. He chose someone else and you deserve to be happy, too. So let him think whatever the fuck he wants.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Damn straight I’m right!”

  I sighed. “And he was an asshole…”

  “Hell yeah he was.” Denver leaned in. “Plus I’m not going to let him screw me out of my date with a pretty lady.”

  Laughing, I replied, “You’re determined to get this date, aren’t you?”

  “I am.” He stood. “But not this trip, I fear.”

  This was news to me.


  I’d thought we’d be going out later that night. I even picked my outfit with that in mind, lingerie and all.

  “Since Mesquite is out, they are looking at making me the next rival for Richmond. I might even get a title shot, but that means less free time.”

  “Denver, that’s great!”

  He gave me a mischievous smile. “It’s true. Some guys do have it all. The title, the girl, and the money.”

  This made me laugh. That’s one thing about Denver I was starting to appreciate more and more - he always knew what to say to make me smile.

  December 4

  When my phone rang with an unknown number I was prepared.


  “I wasn’t sure if you’d answer.”

  His deep voice still sent shivers down my spine. I hated the he still affected me.

  “Well, after that last message I thought I should at least get a chance to reply.”

  There was a loud noise in the background.

  “What was that?”

  “Sorry. We’re on set and they’re getting the pyros ready.”

  Static buzzed and I wondered if I’d lost him.


  “I’m here.” He sighed. “I have no right to even be upset with you.”

  “I know.”

  “But I am. Jamie – Denver? Really?”

  His tone said it all. He thought I was awful for dating Denver. I didn’t correct him on his assumption.

  “Mesquite, what it boils down to is that you made your choice. You picked her. Not me.”

  It still hurt saying the words, but it was the truth.

  I went on, “I understand that you are upset, but it really doesn’t matter.”

  “But what if it did? What if I was wrong?”

  Part of me had known he was going to say that.

  “Goodbye, Mesquite.”

  December 6

  LaTonya came to visit me today. The last time she’d been at my house my entire world fell apart.

  She hugged me. “I promise I’m not bearing bad news for you this time.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  I grabbed two glasses and a bottle of white wine. Tucking my leg underneath me, I sat next to her on the couch.

  “I am curious why you’re here.”

  She stared at her glass. “I’m here because now I’m the one with a problem. I think Richmond is cheating on me.”

  “Did something happen?”

  “Ever since he won the title he’s been acting distant. I thought it was the added duties at first, but then I saw something on Instagram that has me questioning everything.”

  When it came to dating a celebrity the Internet was your biggest enemy. People could attack you from every angle and there really wasn’t a way to protect yourself unless you stayed off it completely, which was nearly impossible.

  “What did you see?”

  She pulled out her phone and showed me the photo. Ouch. Richmond sat in a booth at a club next to a beautiful woman with coffee colored skin. They were leaning into each other and his arm was around her shoulder. It wasn’t overly suggestive, but I could see why she was worried.

  “LaTonya, have you asked him?”

  “I’m scared. We all know wrestlers aren’t the most faithful creatures.”

  I frowned at the thought. Some were, if it was the right person.

  “You need to talk to him. And you need to be prepared to hear his answer.”

  She took a sip of wine. “I just thought I was enough for him. Maybe I’m not.”

  “No, this has nothing to do with you. If he’s cheating, then it’s on him - not you!”

  I’d learned that the hard way. I didn’t want to tell her that she would blame herself, though. Nothing anyone said would stop this from happening. And she’d feel like she was falling down a dark hole with nothing to save her.

  “It still makes me feel like I’ve done something wrong. Like I’m lacking.”

  I patted her knee. “Just talk to him. And do it in person. Something like this doesn’t need to be done over the phone, especially a text message.”

  Texting was always a tricky game. You never knew the tone the other person was using. And with this already being a sensitive subject, she didn’t need the added stress.

  “You’re right. Hopefully it’s nothing.”

  We chatted a bit longer before she left. She promised she’d wait to talk to Richmond face to face. When she was gone I looked at my phone. Mesquite hadn’t tried to contact me and I was glad.

  Kind of.


  Hell, I didn’t even know anymore.

  December 9

  LaTonya got her answer. She was vague, but I didn’t pressure her. As long as she was happy…

  December 12

  Denver asked if he could spend the holiday with me. Since I’m boycotting my family get-together, I agreed. We decided to go somewhere warm. He suggested Florida first, but quickly said Cancun when he realized who else lived in Florida.

  Christmas in Mexico? I’m not complaining about that!

  December 13

  Watching wrestling on TV is a lot easier since Mesquite is out. Plus, Denver keeps things exciting by doing little things for me during his matches. Tonight he wore red for me and kept flexing at the camera. I told him that he needed to blow a kiss, but he said the guys would rib the hell out of him if he did that.


  December 15

  I went to my work holiday party tonight. My boss surprised me again by presenting me with the employee of the year award.

  “Jamie, you’ve gone above and beyond for the company this year. Because of you, our sales and production are at an all-time high.”

  It was silly, but I couldn’t wait to put the plaque in my office. I’d worked so hard to get where I was in the company and now I had a symbol of that hard work. He shook my hand and I went back to my seat. I’m pretty sure I grinned the rest of the night.

  December 20

  I left for Cancun today. Denver tried to pay for my ticket, but I wouldn’t let him.

  “I have plenty of miles to use, Denver. That’s what they’re for.”

  “That’s not the point, Jamie. The man is supposed to pay.”

p; Laughing, I replied, “Not anymore, doll face. We’re splitting this fifty-fifty or I’m not going.”

  He finally agreed. When I landed in Cancun he was waiting with a sign in his hands. My heart ached as I remembered the last time he held a sign for me. Then it said: Mesquite’s woman. He’d been so tickled with the codenames I used in my diary, claiming his sounded rugged and Mesquite’s sounded like a sauce.

  This time the sign read: Denver’s partner in crime.

  I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him close.

  “What’s that for?” he asked as we pulled away.

  I didn’t want to send him mixed signals, so I replied, “Because I’m thankful to have a buddy like you.”

  That was the truth and the best I could offer.

  His lips twitched. “Let’s get out of here.”

  There was a limo waiting outside, as well as two margaritas with little umbrellas in them.

  Sipping on mine, I said, “You thought of everything.”

  “Just wait until we get to the resort. You’re going to love the room.”

  I began to panic. Had he listened to my request and booked a room with two beds?

  He chuckled. “Calm down, Jamie. You’re going to love the room because of the view. Nothing more… unless you want more.”

  I was about to retort when I saw the playful gleam in his eyes.

  “Why do you love torturing me?”

  “Because you make it so easy. Now drink up. We’re here to have the best damn holiday ever.”

  The hotel was amazing and our room wasn’t a room at all, but a bungalow with a private pool – and two big beds.

  “Denver, this is too much.”

  Denver flopped onto his bed, scattering the flower petals that had been so carefully laid out in the shape of a heart.

  “It’s not too much. I wanted to make sure housekeeping wouldn’t bother us at the arse crack of dawn. Plus, one of the guys knew someone with a hook-up, so the room was a steal.”

  I lay next to him and stretched. Holy heck, this had to be the most comfortable mattress I’d ever lain on.

  “Good job then.”

  I yawned and Denver suddenly jumped to his feet.

  “Oh no. None of that!”

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “Get your ass into your bikini right now! We are not - I repeat - are NOT spending the first night of vacation in bed, unless it’s in the sexy way.”

  Standing, I said, “You’ve made your point. I’ll change.”

  “I mean I’m down for sexy bed time…”

  I closed the bathroom door, laughing. Had to give a man props for trying.

  When I came out he was dressed in his swimming trunks with a towel thrown over his shoulder. I followed him out the French doors that led to a small deck over the crystal clear water. Pictures of Cancun just didn’t do it justice. I sat and dipped my feet into the water at the same time Denver did a cannonball, splashing me.

  Laughing, I said, “Thanks. I’m all wet now.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  I kicked my leg, splashing him back, which, in return, made him start humming the ‘Jaws’ theme song as he swam toward me. Grabbing my legs, he had me in the water before I knew what was happening. We wrestled around and I couldn’t remember when I’d laughed so much.

  “I’m going to get you for that,” Denver yelled after I dunked him.

  He grabbed me, pulling me flush against his muscular chest. As he looked down at me the look in his eyes changed. Air left my lungs in a rush. We were too close, but it felt right.

  Denver said, “I’m going to kiss you, Jamie, so if that’s not what you want then I suggest you get out of the water right now.”

  I inhaled, but didn’t move. The water lapped around us, but all I could feel was his presence. His head lowered and our lips lightly brushed. I drank in the sweetness of the moment. He pulled away and looked down at me. I saw fire and longing -and it was mutual.

  His lips recaptured mine, more demanding this time. I trembled as I held onto him. How had I denied these feelings for so long? He murmured something soft and poetic and I found myself getting lost in him. This was a kiss for my tired soul to melt into.

  “Señor, there’s a phone call for you. It’s an emergency.”

  Denver groaned and I glanced to see what was going on. The woman who’d interrupted us stood on the deck with a phone in her hand.

  “Fuck,” Denver muttered under his breath. He swam to the woman and took the phone. “What? Shit, no joke? Yeah, I can do that. Thanks for letting me know.”

  He handed the phone to the woman and she scurried off. He climbed the ladder onto the deck.

  Unease made my stomach churn.

  “Who was it?”

  He wiped his face with a towel and then helped me up the ladder. Wrapping a towel around my shoulders I waited for him to answer.

  “It was work. I’m going to have to cut my vacation short. Richmond tore his ACL and is going to be out of action for a while. They want him to lose the belt to me on Monday.”

  While that was awful for Richmond, it was also great news for Denver. We walked into the bungalow and I shivered at the coolness of the room.

  “So, we have three days then?”

  He nodded. I don’t know if it was the kiss or something in the air, but I suddenly found myself feeling very forward. Maybe I was just tired of pining over Mesquite. Or maybe I was finally admitting to myself that there was something about Denver I couldn’t ignore any longer. I tossed my towel to the side and took a step toward him.

  “Well then - we should enjoy the time we have left.”

  I reached behind my back and untied the top to my bikini. Denver never took his eyes from me as I took it off and let it fall to the ground. My bikini bottoms were next and I shimmied from them. I took another step, closing the distance between us.

  “Jamie - are you sure?”

  “Denver, I don’t want to think right now. I just want to feel.”

  He watched me and then nodded, as if he’d made some sort of decision. Whatever happened in this moment would change both of us and I, for one, was ready to finally get over Mesquite.

  Denver ran his hand down my arm. Goosebumps popped up across my skin and I shivered, hypnotized by his touch. He caught my lips with his own and I was shocked at my own response. I wanted this so much more than I had realized.

  He led me to the bed and I settled onto the soft mattress. There was a moment when I could tell Denver was starting to talk himself out of what was happening. I caressed his face and then moved my hand lower.

  His chest was firm and I could feel his abs as I ran my hand across his stomach. When my hand went lower I was pleased to find that he was responding to my touch.

  Oh my - apparently Denver was a big guy everywhere. I slipped my hand into his shorts and wrapped my fingers around his length. With slow, calculated movements I began to tease him. Air hissed from his lips and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Oh, you think this is funny do you?” His accent was thick now.

  I imitated his British accent and replied, “I do.”

  “Two can play at this game.”

  Moving over me, he used his knee to nudge my legs apart. He caught my lips and kissed me at the same time he followed an imaginary trail from my breasts, to my stomach, and then lower. True to his word, he began to tease me.

  I gasped as pressure began to build in my lower stomach. I didn’t want to go to that special place alone so I began stroking him again. He pulled back and sweat glistened from his chest. Something about this man made me primal and I wanted to lick the sweat off.

  “I don’t want to finish like this. I want to finish inside you.”

  “Yes.” The word left my lips sounding like a prayer and a command at the same time.

  His lips lifted into a smile, but his eyes held fire behind them. He got up and a moment later he came back with a condom.

,” I panted.

  He was eager to oblige. Thank god he’d come prepared. Then he moved over me again.

  “I’ll try to be gentle. I’ve been told I’m a lot to handle.”

  “I like a challenge,” I teased back.

  I could feel his length pressed against my stomach and I arched into him. God, he could hurry up any time. He chuckled and used his fingers to spread my juices around. I bucked again, wanting to find my release.


  I met his gaze and nodded. He slowly entered me.


  “More than okay.”

  At first, his movements were slow but we both began to get caught up in the moment. His thrusts became quicker and I met each one. God, he felt so perfect inside of me.

  “You feel so good,” he said into my ear. “So fucking hot and wet.”

  My inner muscles clenched around him. I loved how his dirty words made my heart race.

  “I bet I’m the only one you get this wet for.”

  “Yes,” I breathed out.

  I dug my heels into the mattress so I could feel more of him. He was so big!

  “And any time you come after this you’ll always think of me.”

  I closed my eyes and nodded. Yes! Oh, yes!

  “Jamie, look at me. I want to see your eyes when you come.”

  I blinked and forced my eyes to stay open. Flecks of white kept creeping in the edge of my vision and I knew I was close. So close…

  Denver suddenly slowed his pace, but each thrust seemed to reach my core. Oh. My. God. Our eyes locked and then my entire world exploded as I came. Denver began thrusting at a frantic pace, riding on the waves of my orgasm. When he came, I cried out as more waves of pleasure overtook me.

  When we’d both came down to earth he pulled out. I swore my body wept at the loss. He held me close to his body and kissed the top of my head.



  “Can’t wait to see what round two will be like.”

  I laughed and punched him playfully in the chest.

  Then I said, “Hopefully round two involves me on top.”

  And I meant it.

  December 23


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