Shifters & Bad Boys Bundle (Shifters & Bad Boys. Man love, bdsm, and rockstar romance. Book 1)

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Shifters & Bad Boys Bundle (Shifters & Bad Boys. Man love, bdsm, and rockstar romance. Book 1) Page 27

by Anita Lawless

  I told Lenny to “straddle my face,” and he did so. My small hand wrapped around his steely erection, eagerly guiding the purple glans into my mouth. I sucked his whole length in, until his head touched the back of my throat, then I held him there as long as I could, while their hands roamed and pleasured my body again, along with their cocks and mouths.

  It was the greatest high I’d ever experienced, not that I’d experienced any highs beyond weed and natural ones like this. To be seduced, sexually satisfied, by four handsome men, and to return that bliss. It was as if our bodies all become one great body, melting and molding together.

  “Ohh, yeahhh…” Lenny moaned from above me. “This feels so great. Are you enjoying yourself, Cherry? I love watching you take and give pleasure.”

  I pulled his cock from my mouth long enough to say, “Yes, oh yes… It feels amazing.”

  My anal and vaginal walls clenched tight around the dicks stroking them. The final lover in our gang bang touched my pulsing clit, rubbing and gently pinching it while I took this ardent fucking from front and behind. While I couldn’t see him with my lips wrapped around a penis, I searched his cock out with one hand, pumping my tight grip up and down to return the enjoyment he gave me.

  I took the cock from my mouth again, long enough to speak. “When you’re all gonna cum, do it on me. My tits, my face, everywhere. I want to bath in your spunk.”

  They made sure they made me come again first. It didn’t take long, since my g-spot and clit, my whole body, was still hyper-aware from the last two they’d given me. When the lover pulled from my pussy as I screamed release, I ejaculated all over his firm, sweat-dripping chest. Once more the orgasms left me shivering and breathless.

  I told him to shove his cock back in until he was ready to cum. Soon, they were all ready, and salty semen washed over my breasts, trickled down my nipples, pooled in my belly button. Two of them helped me lick the pearly juice from my tits and the rest of my skin, while the other two collapsed in a breathless heap at my feet.


  Bonus Story: Cherry’s Sex Exploration

  One Year Later

  “We have to talk about this,” I said, glass cleaner poised in one hand and a cleaning rag in the other. “You’ve been avoiding the subject for the last two weeks, every time I try to bring it up. What’s going on with you, Lenny?”

  In truth, we hadn’t really talked about what would happen to the apartment or sex store in over three months. My year spent with this fallen rock star had flown by. How funny it was to muse on the intense hate we held for each other just twelve months ago. My deceased brother’s idea of a practical joke brought us together. He left all his assets to me and Lenny, but we only inherited our equal shares after living together for one year. Alan, my brother, had known Lenny and I were like oil and water, ever since he and Alan had been pals back in high school. Somehow, though, over the course of the year, we’d transformed from enemies to close friends. I’m sure the sex experimentation had something to do with that. Today, however, with his surly mood and avoidance attitude, Lenny was pissing me off royally.

  “Why are you in such a hurry to split up our spoils and move on?” His eyes were like polished, black pebbles reflecting anger.

  “In a hurry?” I slapped the glass cleaner and rag down on the counter. “We have less than a week left before our appointment with the executor. We need to know how we’re dividing things up before we see him.”

  Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the tiny bell above the shop door jingled. All thoughts of dividing assets fled when I saw who walked in.

  My Aunt Christie. She looked sharp and poised in a power suit, well coiffed bob, and dark, oversized sunglasses. She flashed a red lipstick smile before taking off her shades and giving a look of distaste to a display rack of anal beads. Considering the sexual history I knew she had, that seemed a tad hypocritical.

  “Cherry, darling.” She held her arms wide for a hug from me, but her gaze fixated on Lenny with lecherous intent. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “Aunt Christie.” I gingerly stepped into her embrace. “How did you find me?”

  Aunt Christie was a shark in high heels, or so Mom had called her. Whereas Mom and Dad had been on the low to mid end of the financial world, satisfied with their work as a retirement planner and certified financial planner, Christie went for the big time. She was a securities broker trading on the major stock exchanges. When I first decided I wanted to be a financial planner like my mother, Christie offered to let me do my work experience requirement with her. However, I also had an offer from Mom’s old mentor, David Jennins, to do my work experience with him, locally, which was closer to the financial institute I was attending.

  “Your mom said you were running your brother’s old store.” She focused in on Lenny again, raking a stare up and down his body. “Among other things. Since you’ll need to start your work experience soon, I thought I’d drop by to see if you’d like to accept my offer.”

  Lenny cast me a curious glance. “I thought you already had a placement for that.”

  I squirmed under both their gazes, feeling like a fish on a hook. “Well, technically, I do, but Aunt—”

  “Call me Christie, dear. Aunt makes me sound so old.”

  I grit my teeth and continued. “Christie offered me a placement with her office before I even started school. I just haven’t decided which to take yet.”

  His eyebrows drew down farther, knitting in a irritable frown. I sensed he was annoyed I’d never told him this, but he remained silent.

  “And this must be your co-worker.” Christie sashayed up to the counter and held her hand out to Lenny.

  He gave her a disinterested up and down and ignored her outstretched palm. “Co-owner.”

  Her plastic smile faltered at his rebuff, but my aunt was not one to be daunted. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr…?”

  When Lenny just continued to frown at her, I offered, “Lenny, Lenny McDougall. Maybe you’ve even heard of him. He once fronted Leather Lotharios.”

  “Was that a movie?” She tapped her artfully painted lips.

  Lenny inhaled deeply. “No, we were a one hit wonder glam band.”

  Christie may have had a head for high finance, but she lacked much pop culture knowledge. I suspected that offended Lenny less than the way she zoned in on him like a hungry dog eyeing a bone wrapped in red, juicy meat. I had to giggle to myself, wondering how many times he had done the same thing to some starry-eyed groupie. Though I felt some sympathy for him, being the object of my aunt’s predatory interest, I couldn’t help but think that turnabout was fair play. Besides, Christie was a tall, willowy beauty, so I couldn’t figure out why he was so disgruntled, other than her superior attitude and the fact she’d interrupted our conversation. Usually attention from an attractive female had him preening.

  “Excuse me, ladies,” he said, slipping from behind the counter and heading toward the back room. “I need to take stock of our lube supply.”

  I politely ushered Christie up to our apartment, told her to make herself comfortable, and then I rushed back downstairs to talk to him briefly.

  “This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook,” I said to him, hands on hips as I watched him pull down a box of sensation gel.

  “I might be avoiding the subject, but you’re the one keeping secrets,” he snarled in return.

  Sighing, I shook my head at him. “You’re like a bear with a sore ass, you know that? Look, I’m sorry about Christie, and that I didn’t tell you about her offer a long time ago.”

  He shrugged, sat down, avoided my stare. “Sure, right. Because I’m so important in your life.”

  A bang sounded from upstairs. I glanced above, hoping Christie hadn’t burned down the kitchen making coffee, then I scowled at Lenny. “Don’t even pull a guilt trip on me right now.” I set off for the apartment to see what my aunt had gotten into.

  “Sorry about the noise,” she said as I walked in. “I tripped
over your friend’s guitar. Nearly took the heel right off my Gucci.”

  A look at Lenny’s Fender made my guts flutter with dismay. Most of the strings were broken, and a big chip had been taken out of the headstock. I quelled the anger that rose in me at her disregard for the damage, then went to the kitchen.

  She sipped on a coffee and had helped herself to one of Lenny’s joints. “I don’t usually smoke this stuff.” She crinkled her nose and gave a grin that said she thought herself very decadent. “But I thought what the hell. It was just lying on your table. Really, you should be more careful.”

  “Look, Christie—”

  “So how long will it take you to pack and get ready to come home with me?” Her smile was all assured arrogance, and I’d had my fill.

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I stared the money maven down. “I’m not coming with you. I’ve already accepted the placement with Mr. Jennins. Sorry you made your trip for nothing.” But I didn’t sound sorry at all. I sounded spiteful, and I was glad of it.

  The sharp angles of her face sagged with defeat. She stubbed out the joint on the sink like it was a cigarette. “Well, that’s a disappointment. I had so much to offer you at Robards and Tanner. I could teach you a lot about the world of high finance, Cherry.”

  I gave a disinterested shrug. “I’m not interested in the high stress that comes with it. I don’t need to be a major player. Call me unambitious, but I just want a comfortably lucrative career like Mom and Dad achieved.”

  She shook her head in obvious disappointment. “So you’re just going to settle. Well, it’s your life. I can’t force you to be like me. But I do think you’re wasting your talents.”

  Her haughty attitude now had me burning with fury. “You’re welcome to your opinion.”

  Her eyebrow spiked up, and she gave me a critical perusal. She stalked over to the couch to grab her bag and coat. “Well, I suppose I’ll head to my hotel then. Since you obviously don’t need anything from me.”

  I waited until the door slammed before I took a long, slow breath. I closed my eyes and let my rage cool. Aunt Christie had always been the uber-competitive overachiever of the family, which was fine, but she expected everyone else to be that way, too, and when they weren’t she saw them as a failure.

  After fifteen minutes I headed downstairs, only to receive another solid kick to the gut. Lenny stood with Christie at the door to our shop, and he was sliding into his leather jacket.

  “What’s this?” I blurted before I could stop myself

  Christie gave me a smug, cruel smile. “Your friend and I are going out for a couple of drinks. You don’t mind, do you?”

  Lenny’s eyes bored into me. We were locked in a stare off that shot daggers back and forth. I hated him as much as he seemed to hate me in that moment.

  So instead of protesting, like every instinct in me screamed to do, I tried to look unconcerned as I said, “Sure, fine. Have a great time.”

  His eyes grew wide with surprise, then narrowed to calculating slits. “Why don’t you come with us, Cherry?”

  But I was just in the mood to spite him, too. I shook my head. “No thanks.” And then I made my next sentence pointed with double meaning I hoped he caught. “I’m not interested.”


  Since the first time we slept together, which was my first time, Lenny and I had been exclusive. Yes, we’d shared partners with each other, but not separately. He’d confessed this to me one night, three months back, when he was particularly drunk and chatty.

  “There’s been no one else since you,” he’d slurred into my hair, while falling asleep curled around me in my bed. “Do you know, that’s a record for me. You must be something special.”

  I’d thought little of the words at the time, but now, as I sat nursing a bottle of vodka and finishing the joint Christie had so rudely taken without permission, the impact of his confession hit me full on. And all his weird behavior over the last three months hit me like a brick to the chest, knocking the air out of me.

  Lenny McDougall, failed rock star and former slut extraordinaire, had feelings for me. Maybe he had even loved me. No, love was silly talk, wasn’t it? A man who’d had as many women as he had couldn’t be in love with me. We were fond of each other, perhaps, but this wasn’t love. He wouldn’t have left with her if it was.

  And how did I feel about him? The question haunted me, so I pushed it to the back of my mind for later analysis. I cared for him, but love was definitely silly.

  I needed to get out, but driving was definitely not happening in my state. So I took a walk toward the campus. The college was a quiet place at night, with few people roaming its pristine white halls, except for janitors and a few students attending night classes. I wanted outdoor solitude where I could just let my thoughts drift and my emotions calm.

  The campus was a hulking, sprawling set of sandstone colored buildings that appeared soothing under the glow of their bright security lights. I headed for the main entrance, tucked myself beneath the spotlight that also spilled over the front lawn, and tried to still my woozy head. Too much booze and walking too fast were a disagreeable combination. I gulped in the cool night air and leaned up against a rough, concrete wall.

  Just as I was contemplating the advantages of selling my half of the apartment and store to Lenny, Marcus Ryan, a guy in one of my classes, came out the double glass doors. Marcus was a slick one, and he’d been flittering with me in class for weeks. I’d politely dissuaded him, saying I was already kind of in a relationship with someone. As his silvery grey gaze fell on me, he smiled that dripping with over confidence smile I’d seen him use on other female classmates. Even though I’d told him I sort of had someone, he kept trying for an in every so often.

  “Well, hello, Cherry.” His pale, aristocratic face almost took on a predatory expression. “I never see you at the school at night.”

  I decided to try and steer the focus of the conversation away from me and onto him, which wasn’t too hard with Marcus. “Hey. Yeah, I needed some air. What brings you here? Night class?”

  He tossed his head and the light gleamed off his blond hair, cut in an expensive business style. “Just getting some extra studying in for the big exam.” He moved closer, hemming me in with one arm propped on the concrete. “Not everyone can ace the classes like you, little Miss Brainiac.”

  The alcohol still swimming in my system made me brash, bold. I thought about Lenny having sex with Aunt Christie, about him doing things with her only he and I did. Anger returned and whispered of its need for revenge.

  But my rational side brought up the many reasons I shouldn’t. While I was now on the pill, I had no idea who Marcus had been with, and I had no condoms in my purse. Word around campus said he liked to get about, but I didn’t know if he practiced safe sex. The impulsive side looking for retribution countered that we didn’t need to have sex. I could just make out with him for a while and then head home. But the rational me thought this was a pretty bad idea too.

  I shrugged, gave a coquettish smile. “Schoolwork has always just kind of come easy for me. I love to challenge my mind, I guess.”

  He pushed closer still, and I could smell the overpowering scent of Binaca on his breath. “You should tutor me sometime. I could really use the help, especially from someone as lovely as yourself.”

  His subtlety definitely needed work, but I played his game anyway. I ran my fingers through his hair, which was tough to do with all the gel he had in it. “And how would you repay me for this tutoring?” My voice was seductive, low, and even I was surprised by the sexual power it seemed to hold.

  His eyes went wide and he loosened his designer tie. “I could give you pre-payment right now.”

  His kiss lacked Lenny’s finesse. A tongue plunged roughly into my mouth and scraped over my teeth. Instead of teasing my tongue into submission, his violently twined around mine and claimed it until I struggled to get breath. I slid my hands up his smooth, white dress shirt and closed my eye
s. When I did, an image of Lenny kissing me floated into my thoughts. With much effort, I broke our lip lock and gasped in air.

  “What’s wrong?” he practically growled the words as he wiped spit from his bottom lip.

  “Not big on kissing,” I lied, but I didn’t want my face consumed. I walked my fingers up his collar. “Unzip your pants, and I’ll use my lips somewhere else.” Again my rational side disapproved, but I was effectively ignoring innate logic at this point.

  His toothy grin made me shiver, but I led him to the edge of the light as he unfastened his belt. I dropped to my knees where the grass met the sidewalk, just as his pink, swelling cock poked from his open fly. A thrill coursed up my spine at the chance of being caught. We were out of the direct glow of the lights now, but anyone coming from inside the school, or even driving by, would get a good view of us. While I wasn’t that attracted to Marcus, despite his good looks, I was turned on by the exhibitionism involved in this act.

  I swirled my tongue slowly beneath his ridge, licked quickly at the head while I worked the shaft with my hand. He moaned and his cock twitched, growing harder. His shaft was extra thick, as was his cockhead, and the entire organ was a rosy pink hue. I fondled his shaved balls with my other hand and lapped clear pre-cum from his hole.

  “Will this count as payment?” he grunted. “Seems I’m still the one getting the service.” Then he laughed at his attempt to be clever.

  “I like sucking cock,” I told him before I flit a tongue out over his smooth sac. “Like having this power over a male.”

  “So I guess that’s a yes.”

  I ignored him this time, taking the thin skin covering his scrotum deep into my mouth. I pressed my tongue into this tender tissue, and he groaned louder then thrust into my tight hand, which skimmed up and down the soft flesh covering his steely erection. When I brought my grip up this time, I lazily swept a thumb under the ridge of his dick, and I continued to do so until he begged for my mouth.

  I closed my eyes as I took him to the root, and I swallowed while his glans rested against the back of my throat. He let out a satisified “Ahhhh” and clutched at the back of my head with one hand, guiding me in a rhythm while he face fucked me. As I blew him, my traitorous mind once more conjured Lenny, but this time I felt a sort of spiteful glee. If he could so callously throw me away and do my aunt, well, I could just as easily do the same.


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