Shifters & Bad Boys Bundle (Shifters & Bad Boys. Man love, bdsm, and rockstar romance. Book 1)

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Shifters & Bad Boys Bundle (Shifters & Bad Boys. Man love, bdsm, and rockstar romance. Book 1) Page 29

by Anita Lawless

  The vibrations inside my cunt stopped. I almost mewled in disappointment, but then his admonishment echoed in my head, so I remained still, trembling as the frustration and desire grew. This new game was challenging, and I did love a challenge.

  “Very good,” he said when I continued to hold still for some minutes. Then the vibration returned to my pussy, only more intense this time. I almost bucked my hips again, and I bit back a groan.

  He drew near and dragged the feathers on the flogger over my nipples. Back and forth, back and forth, until they were hardened tips poking far out from my tits. I closed my eyes and focused all my will on not reacting. Instead I would regulate my breath, let my bliss go inward, and experience it this way until I was permitted release.

  The feathers moved lowered. Now he tickled my pulsing clit with their light, airy ends. But he soon changed it up, replacing the feathers with the beaded floggers. He pressed one beaded tendril tight against my clitoris and ground the cold, smooth surface in. I clenched my teeth hard while my forehead knitted in knots of concentration. But when he took a bead in his mouth along with the swollen nub, and rolled it over the extra sensitive flesh using his tongue, I could not stop myself.

  “Ahhhh…sonofabitch,” I cried out, and all pleasure between my legs went dead.

  “Naughty naughty,” he admonished, giving me a displeased look as he pulled his mouth from my sex. “Take a moment to think about your behavior, then we’ll continue.”

  I grit my teeth, thrashed in my bonds, and glared down at him. As much as frustration flooded me, I was enjoying this game of denial and submission. Staving the pleasure off, withholding orgasm, seemed to make the sensation all the more powerful. I knew when he let me come, it would be incredibly intense.

  “Still moving.” He clucked his tongue. “You won’t get off tonight if you keep this up.”

  I gathered all my strength and willed myself as motionless as a statute. As I did so, I gave him a glare that earned me a mocking, albeit gentle, smile.

  “You are worked up. The finale is going to be spectacular. And I think you’re almost ready.” He dipped two fingers between my soaking slit and caressed my labia, tugging the lips out and rolling them between thumb and finger. Then he moved behind me, trailing the tethers of the flogger over my tingling skin as he did so. Soon a sharp sting assaulted my ass cheeks, and I made my muscles go rigid so I wouldn’t move from the unexpected slap. He asked if I wanted to stop, wanted to use our safe word, but when I remained silent and unmoving, a few more thwacks kissed my rounded derriere

  “Now for the finale.” He tipped up my chin and kissed me passionately, standing before me once more. “Remember our safe word, and we can stop immediately if you aren’t comfortable. Are you ready?”

  I nodded, my breath coming in short pants as I trembled from the vibrating massage still thrumming inside of me.

  He left the platform to open the room’s door. “Then let the show begin.”

  People dressed in colorful finery spilled in the entrance. They smiled up at me, gave me sizzling gazes of appraisal or more aloof ones of scrutiny, as they found seats at the front. My cheeks burned with humiliation and exhilaration. The air seemed cooler, and my skin prickled while my mind buzzed with hyper-awareness. I held my breath until my lungs ached to let the air go. Not that I hadn’t been on display for more than Lenny before. I thought of my threesome with him and Jeff Callahan, the very man who’d set up this night for us. I thought of my first gang bang with his wrestler friends. But this was different. This was a crowd unattached from the act itself, and my performance would be judged by them.

  “Now, Cherry.” He slapped the thongs of the flogger against one gloved hand. “These people are going to pick your pleasure for the rest of the evening.” He swept a hand toward the murmuring crowd. “They will call out ways to delight and torture you, and I’ll select my favorites. If you have any doubts, now’s the time to give the safe word.”

  His huge, black-brown eyes bored into me with such intensity as he waited for my answer. My whole body burned with embarrassment, but the thrill of this blatant exhibitionism was not lost on me either. Briefly I ticked over my decision, had a momentary thought about throttling Lenny, but as I gazed into those eyes once more, I knew he did this as much for me as he did for himself.

  “Continue,” was all I said, and my audience erupted in applause. My heart felt as if it would burst through my rib cage at their enthusiasm.

  Like a wild and handsome ring leader, he worked the crowd, listening to their shouts of what he should do to me next. I warred with myself as I waited, biting my bottom lip hard and trying to ignore the vibrator still thrumming in me. Part of me felt guilty for enjoying this objectification, but the other half of me spoke up, asking, if it was on my own terms, if my consent was given, was it truly objectification? I didn’t feel like a mere toy my lover used to satisfy his whims. I felt alive, beautiful and sexual, like my lover wanted to proudly display me as his treasure for all the room to see.

  Someone called out, “Please, let me help you tease and torment her.”

  I looked to the throng of people at the same time as Lenny. A curvy platinum blonde stood up, clad in a white gown with a flower painted up its front in a splash of color. She cast a glance at the two of us that managed to come off as both demure and wanton.

  Lenny walked back to me, took my hands in his face, and whispered, “This is entirely up to you, my lady. I planned to take requests from a few people, but if you want one to join us, if you want her in our game, that’s you decision. Not mine.”

  I stared deep into his eyes, looked at her. I’d never experienced a woman before, and I’d never really thought of myself as even bi-curious, but the thought of making out with her didn’t repulse me. Quite the opposite. I waited for the wave of jealousy to hit me, to feel challenged by this seductive stranger who was bold enough to request she be allowed to play with us. But jealousy didn’t come when I gazed into her aquamarine eyes. She was simply a woman curious to explore her sexuality, no different than me. This wasn’t about competition over a man. This was about giving and receiving pleasure, challenging with pleasure, making sex into a thrilling game. So I accepted her offer, and the crowd rang out with cheers again.

  I quivered all over, and it was getting harder and harder not to come, as I watched Lenny take her hand and lead her to the bar to select an instrument for my torment. He’d left the control for the vibrator just inches from my shackled ankle, and as I looked down at it now, sweat dripped from my tense forehead. The thing had been turned up to full speed since before our audience filed in.

  She selected a tapered riding crop and a long column of clear anal beads. I trembled as the two of them approached me. My attention darted from them to the crowd. All eyes were trained on me, and once more nerves and embarrassment threatened to make a chicken of me.

  The woman dipped to her knees in front of me, then she traced my outer labia with the tip of the riding crop. To keep from crying out, I bit my lip until I tasted blood. She gave me an impish smile as she repeated this action on my inner labia. Restraining myself became even harder. Not only was I turned on by the sensation, the excitement of another new experience—having a woman touch me—made my pulse pound hard in my ears. Still I swallowed the moan that tickled at the back of my throat.

  “Do you like watching her play with your pussy?” he whispered as he unfastened the manacles at my ankles. “I bet you just want to scream in release right now, don’t you, Cherry? Such agony and bliss all rolled into one, isn’t it?”

  He hadn’t told me I could speak, and I feared if I did the words would come out a scream, so I simply nodded.

  His strong, long fingers dug into my ass as he tilted my hips back and spread my legs. The lady move with us, her attention still eagerly zoned in on my sex. At my behind, he splayed my crack, and soon his touch pressed a cold liquid up and down my seam. He gave special treatment to my asshole, where he liberally spread the lub
e that now warmed and tingled, adding to the assault of sensation that now threatened to drive me mad.

  “Ohhhhhh,” I moaned. I couldn’t stop this one in time.

  His probing fingers left my ass as the crowd made sounds of disapproval. Their disappointment made my face burn with shame. The lady on her knees quit pleasuring my pussy, and I almost shrieked out my frustration until I was red faced.

  “Not yet, bad girl.” My lover slapped my apple shaped bottom with the column of anal beads. “Be still and silent until I tell you differently.”

  I waited anxiously for their touches to return. Soon I felt cool, smooth beads entering my ass, and I struggled not to push my bottom backward in order to take the penetration deeper. At my knees, the woman poked out a pink tongue and placed tiny, teasing licks over my clit, while she tickled my nipples with the head of the riding crop.

  It went on like this for what seemed an eternity. Lenny whispering “Don’t come yet, darling. Not until I tell you,” while the woman sucked and nibbled my throbbing nub, and he nudged more of the anal beads up my quivering canal. Finally, when I could take it no longer, and my every muscle felt strung as taut as piano wire, he let me have release. “All right, sweet Cherry,” he said loud enough for our audience to hear. “It’s time. Come for us, darling. Cum hard and vicious.”

  The anal beads probing and stroking my rectum were replaced by his long, thick, hot cock. Velvety skin covering concrete hardness nudged its way inside me. I let out a loud long moan that turned into a shrill squeal as he slowly thrust in and out my ass, holding my hips steady while she ate my pussy with enthusiasm. I bucked and thrashed in my bonds, letting my whole body go limp as it quivered all over from the intense release zipping through it in a shockwave. It was like a dam had broke, and my orgasm rushed through in an uncontrollable torrent. I felt my juices dripping down my legs as I climaxed from the insistent thrumming inside my pussy, the skilled mouth at my clit, the plump cock stroking my g-spot from behind. I became bliss—pure and simple and melting into ecstasy. The crowd’s applause grew to a deafening decibel, and as I squirmed and squealed I noted some gave me a standing ovation. I soaked up their approval, letting a lazy, satisfied smile spread across my lips.


  The executor looked from me to Lenny in obvious astonishment. “You’re both sure about this?”

  I said, “Completely sure,” and Lenny gave a confident nod.

  “Well.” The executor took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes as if he could scarcely believe them. “I must say I’m surprised. I thought you two would come in here today demanding we get to work on splitting up your inheritance. But if you’re both content to keep things as is, then my job is done here.” He gave a bemused smile and held out his hand for both of us to shake. After we did so, just as we went to stand, he stopped us. “I’m sorry…but if you don’t mind me asking, how did you two ever come to such a peaceful agreement? You were at each other’s throats a year ago.”

  I looked at Lenny, who reached out and squeezed my hand. “Let’s just say we arrived at an arrangement that satisfied both our needs,” he said.


  Bad Boy Werewolf

  Bad Boys of BDSM Volume 1

  By Leigh Foxlee

  What’s a woman to do when she’s torn between a vampire and a werewolf?


  Bad Boy Werewolf

  Chapter 1

  Let’s get one thing straight up front. I never planned to be Princess Charming to a troubled alpha male former lead singer sensation who brought problems with him everywhere he went. Hell, I never expected to see Noah Wilder, ex-frontman of our band No Mercy, ever again, and I was sure he was dead.

  That is until about seventeen minutes ago, when he stumbled into my dressing room and collapsed at me feet.

  At first, I didn’t recognize him. His straight, black hair is longer than when he disappeared that night, after our gig in the Commodore Ballroom. He’s got a beard now, and his skin is paler than before, plus he’s lost some weight, which makes his features leaner, sharper, than they used to be. He looks like he’s been through a rough time while he’s been away, and my head is filled with questions for him. The most insistent one being, “Why did you leave me—us?”

  I wouldn’t have known it was him still, but as he fell to the floor he croaked out my name, “Merry.”

  Well, that’s the shortened version of it. Everyone calls me Merry, but my full handle is Meredith Sledge. I know, what an old fashioned name, right? Mom gave me the handle to honor the grandmother I never knew. I’m the former lead guitarist turned lead singer/bassist for No Mercy, and up until a year and a half ago Noah and I were together. Mom isn’t Noah’s biggest fan, considering I left college to join his band. She wanted me to have a promising career as a history teacher. Follow in her footsteps. But I decided to be a rock star instead.

  Noah stepped off the stage one night and completely vanished. Just as No Mercy was rocketing toward success and after we’d signed a deal with a major independent label, our lead singer disappeared. Some said he couldn’t handle the pressure of impending stardom, others speculated murder, and all sorts of wild rumors flew. I was left with a broken heart, grieving with the other band members, who also voted me as our new lead singer. Pressure x 11!

  It’s been a wild year and a half. By the looks of it, for both of us. We have a lot of catching up to do.

  “Noah?” I nudge his wrist with the toe of my Skechers.

  “It’s me.” His voice is still a rough whisper.

  “I never thought I’d see you again!” I slide from the chair where I was doing my makeup and get to my knees beside the fallen giant.

  “I’m back.”

  “I can see that.”

  I touch his soft, snarled hair and a jolt of remembrance shoots through me. Memories of how many times we’ve been alone in dressing rooms just like this flit through my mind. Memories where our positions were shifted, sometimes with me bent over the makeup counter…

  I shake those thoughts from my head and press my palm to the middle of his back. “Do you need help sitting up?”

  He braces his big hands on the tiles beneath him. “No, I’m good.”

  But seconds later his arms give out and he’s flat on his face again. I hook my hands under his armpits and maneuver to help him sit. Once he’s upright, his hazel eyes stare into mine and he mumbles thanks.

  I hold his stare. “Where have you been? We all thought you were dead!”

  He rubs the back of his head, looks away. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you what I can. Right now, I just really want to sleep.” Sighing, he runs a long fingered hand down his face.

  But sleep isn’t coming anytime soon for Noah because Rita, No Mercy’s drummer, just walked in, and she’s stopped with her back pressed against the closed door. “Who’s this?” She gives me a look, then her gaze darts to Noah.

  He gazes up at her. “Hey Rita.” A crooked smile tugs at his lips. “How’s life?”

  “Noah Wilder!” she screams loud enough for half the auditorium to hear. “You’ve got a shitload of explaining to do!”

  “I missed you too,” he quips.

  “Where have you been?” She slaps him on the shoulder as he gets up and walks toward a chair. He grunts as he sits down.

  “The question of the day,” I mutter.

  “It would take a week of talking to tell you everything.” His eyes are bloodshot and his lids look heavy from lack of sleep. “I can barely keep my eyes open.” He looks at me, then to Rita, who stands in front of him with her hands on her hips, tapping her toe . “I’m sorry I abandoned the band. It wasn’t in my plans, but I kinda got ambushed.”

  “So you’re coming back to the band, right?” Rita beams. “Not that Merry isn’t an awesome singer, but—”

  “No! I’m avoiding the spotlight.” Noah’s jaw clenches and unclenches.

  Rita gives me a confused look, which I return.

  “But you were the face
of No Mercy!” she protests.

  “Merry is an awesome singer. Your words” he says, scratching his thick beard as he does so.

  “Pretty awesome, actually,” I say. “But I’d like to go back to lead guitar. I prefer playing second string to being the main focus.” I shrug. “That way, when I go after world domination, no one will suspect me.”

  Noah chuckles and gives a sad smile. “Keep being the focus. I’m through with singing. But I would like to work with the band again. Just behind the scenes this time.”

  I give him a curious frown. “Behind the scenes?”

  “Yup. I’m gonna be your roadie.”

  “But the other roadies will recognize you,” Rita says.

  Noah raises an eyebrow at her. “Did you recognize me?”

  She holds up her hands, sighs. “Fine. I still think it’s a bad idea.”

  I put a hand on his jean-clad thigh and give it a squeeze. “We’re just happy to have you back.”

  I notice Rita looking at my hand, and I also notice her mischievous smirk. “Well, I’ll let you two catch up. I need to find our sound engineer.”

  “Who’s playing lead guitar now if Merry gave it up?” Noah suddenly asks.

  Rita turns and her eyes hold a wicked green gleam. “Oh, Andre took over lead guitar. Rumor has it he also hooked up with our lead singer, but you might want to ask Merry about that.”

  “Rita!” I shout after her retreating, redhead self. I love my best friend, but she has a tendency for gossip and troublemaking at the worst possible times.

  “You’re with Andre?” Noah’s voice holds a thread of hurt and anger.

  I give him a desperate glance. “I thought you were dead! I waited for over six months. I believed you were still alive even when everyone else thought you were worm food. But…”

  “But you decided to crawl into bed with my best friend,” he snarls.


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