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Lawman Page 6

by Regina Carlysle

  Alexander’s eyes widened. “Amazing. To think of having the use of that power.”

  “That’s why it is all the more important we find a way to capture Katalin, the other sister. She has found her mate, a Sheriff, of all things. They have not consummated but as Anton told us before his death, she has the power of telekinesis. Even now those gifts of hers are blossoming like a flower. Imagine how powerful she shall be once she is consummated with the right lycan male.”

  The younger lycan laughed. “And I assume it will not be with the Sheriff.”

  “Absolutely not.” Viktor laughed too. There was no way he would allow such a thing. His smile faded a bit. “I have not come up with a plan yet but I am working on it. I want you to have her for yourself when the time comes. I believe she would be the perfect mate for one such as you, my friend.”

  Alexander’s nostrils flared and his ice-blue eyes dilated until the blue nearly disappeared altogether. “I don’t know what to say. I have waited so long for a mate.”

  Viktor stood, an indication the meeting was over. He walked around the desk and slapped Alexander on the back. “You deserve the best. Now shall we drink to it?”

  Full dark had settled by the time Gabe braked to a stop in front of his house. Wearily, he rubbed his hands over his face. It had been a hell of a day in the County Sheriff’s Department with one little emergency after another when all he had really been able to think of was getting home to his mate.



  He liked the sounds of those words.

  Gabe got out of the truck, adjusted his tan Stetson and studied the house he’d built over one hundred and fifty years ago. His critical eye took in the sun-weathered limestone rock and the wide veranda that swept the front and sides of the place, recalling how he’d set each stone and hammered each nail in the hopes that one day he’d find the perfect mate. Together they would raise a family on these barren plains. Now it had happened. Or at least part of his dream had come true. Electricity sizzled through his veins at the simple thought of finally consummating things with Kat and once again, Gabe realized that he wasn’t as patient as he’d once thought.

  Hell’s bells, he wanted her.

  Eager to see her, he climbed the wide, sweeping front steps to the porch and stepped into the house. The scent of food hit his nostrils and his belly rumbled in response.

  Scanning the huge living room with its hardwood floors and plush furnishings, a mix of old style charm and modern convenience, he frowned. Where was she? “Kat? I’m home.”

  “Back here in the kitchen.”

  Her emotions, tranquil and calm mixed with eagerness, swamped him causing his frown to disappear. Tipping his Stetson back with the edge of his finger, he stalked through the living room and connecting dining room to enter the kitchen. Kat stood at the stove and when he walked in she turned to smile. She held a big spoon in one hand and the other was fisted at her hip. She wore a pair of shorts and some kind of oversize tee shirt that had a neckline so big the shirt dipped to expose one slender shoulder. “It’s about time you got home. Miss me?”

  Happiness exploded through his system as he swept his hat from his head, tossed it to the kitchen table and went to her. Sweeping her up, turning in a wide circle with her in his arms, Gabe buried his face against her throat. “You know it, my little cat,” he whispered before pressing a kiss to her exposed flesh. “I’m sorry I’m so late.”

  Katalin’s arms went around him the second he lifted her up and she squeezed them a little. Tilting her head, she looked at him. “Don’t apologize. I’ve been busy with dinner since I got home. Did your emergency get settled?”

  Gabe took her lips and felt the welcome in her kiss. Setting her on her feet, he smiled and went to the fridge, taking out a long-necked bottle of beer. Once he’d opened it, he took a drink and settled back against a countertop. He didn’t want to talk about his day but if she needed to hear it, he would oblige. “Yeah. I was just about to head home when dispatch got a call about an elderly human male who’d fallen. I met the ambulance at his place to make sure everything was okay. Looks like he broke his hip. He’s a widower, so I locked his place up nice and tight and made a call to his adult children.”

  Katalin took a chair at the kitchen table. “That was nice of you.”

  Gabe grunted and took another swallow of his beer. “He’s a nice old man and it’s my job.”

  “Are there a lot of humans in the area?”

  “A few. Cloverfield is the county seat and as you know, it’s a lycan community. But my office serves the entire county and the small towns surrounding Cloverfield are entirely populated by humans. Of course, they don’t know what we are. No clue. Every four years we have an election and so far, nobody has run against me.”

  She smiled. “I’m surprised the old-timers vote for you considering your long rocker hair.”

  Gabe lifted his brows. “A rocker? I have a mind to spank you for calling me such a thing. I am purely a Texas man and country to the bone.”

  Katalin’s face turned a pretty shade of pink and it made him pause. Lust swept through his body and his cock stiffened, hard as a stone, behind the fly of his jeans. Just the image of bending her over his lap and spanking her pretty bare bottom made him wish she weren’t quite so fragile. No doubt, if she could read his mind instead of just his emotions, she’d take off running. Her gaze focused on the top on the kitchen table and ruthlessly he tuned in to her emotions. Lust. Hunger. Curiosity.

  Her emotions beat through his blood like the fluttering of a million tiny wings. Eyeing her steadily, Gabe set his beer aside and in three long strides he stood looking down into her startled face. Gently, when every savage instinct in his lycan body protested, he took her shoulders and pulled her to her feet. Leaning close, he whispered against her lips. “I’m hungry.”

  Kat’s gaze dropped to his mouth then back up again. Sexual tension vibrated like a tuning fork between them. “I have chicken,” she murmured. “And vegetables. You like veggies, don’t you?”

  Gabe shook his head. “Not particularly in the mood for chicken and veggies right now, Katalin.”

  She licked her lips and helplessly he watched the motion. Heat slid over his flesh as his eager fingers plied the long plane of her back. Giving in to the savage impulses whipping through his body, he reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. She’d taken her after work comfort to a delicious new level by going braless so Gabe took advantage by latching onto one perky nipple, pulling it deep into his mouth to suck. Kat’s soft whimper was like a sexy song. Swamped by the lust that moved from her to him, absorbing it into his pores, he licked and tugged her diamond-hard nipple while moving her backward until her pretty ass was pressed against the sturdy kitchen table. Something sizzled on the stove but he couldn’t give a damn about that right now. Not when she was pliant and sexy in his arms. Gabe insinuated his thigh between hers and pushed up against her hot, little pussy. Instantly Katalin reacted, moving against the muscular column as her hands clung to his shoulders. Her head fell back, giving Gabe free rein to move his mouth from her nipple to the column of her throat. Nipping at the tender junction between her neck and shoulder, he felt the shiver that raced through her as if it were his own. The natural energy of their species heightened every kiss, every touch and Gabe took full advantage. Drawing back slightly, he turned Katalin until she faced the table. Instantly his hands cupped her breasts, loving the way her hard, little nipples poked into the center of his palm.

  “I saw your face when I mentioned bending you over my knee and warming your bottom. You liked that idea, didn’t you?” he whispered. Gabe emphasized the words by plying her breasts and teasing the nipples with his thumb and forefinger. He didn’t expect an answer from her. She was too new to the game of sex and pleasure for that. “We won’t do anything you aren’t ready for. Got that?”


  Gabe dragged his hands over her torso, lingering at her ribs and the
softer than soft flesh of her belly before diving his hands into the front of her shorts. He dipped his fingers briefly into the liquid flesh of her pussy. “Damn you’re creamy, darlin’.” His voice went rough verging on a low growl. “Fuck these shorts.”

  Quickly whipping the garment—along with her panties—off her legs in one movement, he cupped a breast with one hand and from behind her, he sent his fingers over the petals of her sex, gathering the moisture on his hand as he played with her. Sending two fingers deep, he heard her gasp and felt the clench of vaginal walls. He finger-fucked her long and slow. “Bend over. I want to look at you.”

  Gabe bent her naked body, belly first over the table and gently coaxed her legs apart. Her ass was round and perfect. Stepping back, taking his time about it, he examined the length of her legs, the pink ripe flesh between her thighs and the tender dip at the base of her spine. Silence hung heavy in the room as energy and lust poured over him like a tsunami. “You are the most perfect woman.”

  “No,” she whispered. “No, I’m—”

  “Shh. You are perfect for me.” Bending over her, he pressed his lips to her back while his hands went to work stroking the globes of her ass, dipping intermittently into her juicy cunt. Below him, she shivered in response. Her need called to him. His cock ached. Gabriel was done with waiting. Thoughts of her had ridden him hard all day and he couldn’t stand the restraint a second more. “I have to fuck you, honey. Now.”

  The rasp of his zipper sliding downward broke the heavy silence in the room. Katalin went still against the surface of the table, her hands flexing at the edges of the wood. Gabe pushed his jeans below his hips and fisted one hand around the base of his cock while holding her steady with the other. The head of his cock throbbed and his balls drew up tightly against his body as he dragged himself over her pussy. Repeating the action, teasing himself, teasing her nearly brought him to his knees. Finally he couldn’t wait. Due to his height, he bent his knees and with a low groan, he pushed inside with a force he’d never used with her before. Energy blasted from his cock into sensitive tissues pulsing in time with the beat of his heart. In. Out. In. Out. He rammed his cock deep, filling her up with steely power. There was no time for finesse. Only need. Only fucking and feeling and losing control.

  Katalin cried out, her voice muffled by the wood of the table, and against his thighs he felt her legs tremble. Pleasure swam through his body, permeating his mind and he realized with awe that their lust was shared, powerful and more real than anything he’d ever hoped to experience. Thrusting, pounding, he gritted his teeth as waves of sensation ripped through him. Kat’s vaginal walls gripped hard, milking his cock until he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Finally, finally Kat wailed out, a sound of torment and pleasure as she spasmed around the thick stalk. There was nothing left to do but slam his eyes shut as orgasm took hold, leaving him shaken and feeling more vulnerable to a woman than he’d ever been.

  Later, Gabe leaned back in the tub, holding Kat against him. Dinner had been left to warm in the oven and he didn’t have much doubt he’d head back downstairs later and fix a couple of plates for them. Maybe around midnight. Damn, he was a horny ass. The poor woman had to work tomorrow but if he had his way they’d spend the rest of the night in a sweaty tangle on his big bed. While he’d run the bathwater, getting it to a comfortable heat level, she’d shyly set several fat candles on the ledge of his boat-sized tub. Romance, sex, the whole ball of wax was new to her and the innate reserve of her personality was, to him at least, so damn charming. Now the candles flickered in the darkened bathroom, bouncing light off water and walls. Gabe drew his hand down her bare arm, chasing the drops of water. Kat looked up at him, her eyes vivid in the candlelight, her lashes clumped with dampness. “This is nice. Sure you aren’t hungry?” she asked.

  “Starving, darlin’ but just for you.” He tapped the end of her nose. “We’ll eat later. Tell me about your day. Did Sara bring you home?”

  Kat rested her cheek against his chest. “She did. I walked from the school to Poteet’s and Sara met me there. She was picking up a few things and trying on and such so I didn’t want to put her out.”

  “You could have called me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “And I didn’t want to put you out.”

  Gabe pressed his lips to her wet hair. “I can see we need to talk about getting you a car.”

  Instantly Kat sucked in a gasp and rolled over to lean her forearms on his chest. Her breasts teased his ribs. “Oh no you don’t! I wasn’t asking for a car. Yeah, eventually I’ll get one. I’m actually sticking back money from my job at the school and I figure I’ll be able to afford one…hmm.”

  Gabe could practically hear her ticking off the months before she’d have enough to spring for a car. “Uh-uh. You are my mate and I am perfectly capable of getting you something. No arguing. I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now. It’s not right that you have to depend on others. You aren’t helpless.”

  Katalin went still against him and he wondered if he’d said something wrong. Finally she sighed. She traced one hand along his side, her slender fingers teasing his skin. “Can I tell you something?”

  “You bet.”

  “I’ve never felt so comfortable with anyone before. You seem to be interested in what I have to say.”

  “I am. I want to know everything about you.”

  Kat pressed her mouth to his throat and Gabe swallowed hard. Every little touch, no matter how innocent, made him want her. “You don’t tell me to be quiet. You never tell me to shush. I know my mom and Sara were only trying to protect me from Anton but it was always so important to hold my emotions steady that after awhile it just became natural for me to be still and keep my thoughts to myself.” She looked into his eyes and Gabe was lost. “You let me be me. I somehow know that, with you, I can say whatever I want and the world won’t go crazy around me. Does that make sense?”

  Gabe fell in love with Katalin in that moment. The predilections of the gods suddenly made some weird kind of sense and he knew there was a reason they were together. Aching for her, he gathered her slick body tighter against him and kissed her with a hunger he knew would never end. She was his. They were a mated pair and consummation between them would simply be a powerful beginning to the rest of their lives.

  Chapter Six

  Katalin slid against him in the tub and straddled his hips when Gabe took his kiss deeper, sending his tongue over hers, brushing the sides of her cheeks. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of the taste of her. Kat sighed, sinking into him. She felt the same and her heart tightened, filling with an emotion that could only be love. With Gabe she felt protected, cared for, and cosseted yet he let her have free rein too. Never once had he been disinterested in her thoughts and feelings. Even her powers seemed to be under control with his steady influence surrounding her.

  And he wanted her.


  Gabe tugged her even closer until her breasts were plastered to his muscular chest. The notion that this powerful lycan male belonged to her threatened to steal her breath, and unable to resist his appeal, she rubbed her nipples against his warmth loving the way he went still as if to absorb every sensation. Her nipples hardened, the ache dipping into her core to coil in her belly. His cock rose up hard between them and the temptation of all that heat and strength was impossible to ignore. She pressed her cunt against it. Clinging to him, she slid over the steely erection then finally reached beneath the water, letting her fingers play across the surface of the heavy head. Gabe broke the kiss with a low groan, resting his head against the rim of the tub. His neck and jaw, so strong and sturdy, temped her mercilessly so she pressed her lips there, stringing kisses over his damp skin. Wicked desire swept her up. Gabriel clutched her hips, digging his fingers deep, pushing up in counterpoint.

  “So good, Gabe. So good,” she whispered against his throat. Writhing over the heavy stalk as the water kicked up around them, she caught her breath, lost in sensation.
His balls drew up tight against her and she rubbed her pussy against them.

  “Damn woman! Ride me, honey.”

  Rising over him, poised to take him deep inside her body, she was suddenly so glad she was lycan rather than human. There was no need for that bit of protective latex for their kind because they didn’t carry disease and the threat of pregnancy wouldn’t be problem until she shifted into her wolf. Yay for being a lycan.

  Joyous, needy, hungry, Kat sank down over his cock, loving the way her flesh responded, loving the way he filled the emptiness, completing her in a manner that nothing had before. Gabe pushed up, high and hard inside. The heavy thickness consumed the void making sensitive nerve endings sit up and sing. He held the upward momentum as she rode him, rising and falling over his cock. Gabe latched onto a nipple, sucking as she fucked him. Hunger swept over her, through her, as wicked fingers of pleasure danced over her flesh. Settling her hands on his head to hold him to her, she rose and fell loving the power that shimmered between them. Her pussy. His cock. Joined as one. She milked his flesh until Gabe gave up and fucked her hard, pushing up deep then withdrawing. A low sound broke from her lips when Gabe reached for her clit, tugging the knot gently. Pleasure raced through her body, breaking over her like a wave. Light and energy consumed her. She felt the push of it as Gabe thrust it deep into her pussy. A part of her let go, a part she’d held tightly in her mind and a responding energy burst from her to Gabe.

  Gabriel made a rough wild sound. “Gods!” His teeth flashed white in the semi-darkness and a low beastly growl burst from his lips. “Fuck!” He pushed deep and high once more and as Kat flew apart, lost in the powerful climax she felt his seed jet into her. Spasming around his cock in the aftermath, she rested her head on his chest and gasped for breath. “Not done with you,” she choked. “Take me to bed.”

  Bereft when he withdrew from her clasping pussy, she sighed, feeling lost without him buried deep. Disentangling her gently, he stood towering over her, to step from tub. Within seconds, he lifted her up, his lycan strength so amazing she was left breathless by the time he stood her on her feet. Instantly, Gabe wrapped her in a fluffy towel and began to dry her.


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