The Soldier's Final Mission (Romance on the Go Book 0)

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The Soldier's Final Mission (Romance on the Go Book 0) Page 5

by Laura M. Baird

  Riley carefully held the picture, studying it. “She’s pretty. Her hair is dark.” He looked up at Bob. “Your hair isn’t dark.”

  Bob ran a hand across his closely cropped hair which was dark blond. “No. Mackenzie’s mother’s hair was dark, and she looks a lot like her mother.”

  “Where’s her mommy?”

  Becca noticed Bob’s eyes dim a bit before speaking next. “Her mommy’s in Heaven.”

  Riley’s eyes widened. “What happened?” he whispered.

  Becca caught Bob’s questioning look at her and she nodded for him to continue. She realized they certainly did have a lot to discuss, as this would be firsthand news to her as well.

  “She was sick and never got better. Mackenzie’s grandma took care of her for a while.”

  “I bet she was sad,” Riley stated. “When she comes here, she’ll have a new mommy and she won’t be sad anymore.” And as if that solved that, Riley handed back the picture to Bob and hopped off the couch. “It’s Sunday and we’re going to the zoo!” Once again, Riley marched off, presumably to his room to get ready for his adventure.

  When Bob looked to Becca, she just smiled and shrugged. “Yeah, I might have promised that last night as well.”

  Bob was off the couch and in front of Becca, threading a hand in her loose hair. “Sounds like a good day to me.” He leaned forward placing a tender kiss on her lips. “Why don’t you go shower and get ready while I spend some time with Riley?”

  Becca softened beneath his touch, placing her hand against his face. “Thank you.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him again, lingering for a moment before she decided she’d better get to it. “Be out in a bit.”

  Bob nodded as she skirted past him, heading toward her room, all while smiling to herself.

  She finally had the man she loved back in her life.


  The only thing that could’ve made the day any better was to have had Mackenzie with them, Bob thought. After he, Becca, and Riley had spent hours at the zoo, they were headed toward the parking lot, Riley squirming atop Bob’s shoulders while talking excitedly about all that they’d seen.

  “Those elephants were so big! And their noses were so long!”

  “It’s called a trunk, honey.”

  “That’s sounds funny. Why not a nose?”

  Becca exchanged a grin with Bob, and a look that said, “I told you so.” She wasn’t kidding when she said Riley had energy to spare and his questions were nonstop. But Bob had enjoyed every moment. He had missed all that with Mackenzie and felt like he had some making up to do. Besides, if he was going to be a permanent part of Becca and Riley’s lives, he better get used to it. No, he immediately thought, there was no getting used to it, there was living it and making it a part of his life.

  When he looked to Becca, he just smiled.

  “Why not call it a nose, Mommy?” Riley asked again, waiting for an answer.

  “Well, because…”


  All eyes turned to the male voice calling out. Bob noticed a good-looking guy with brown hair, brown eyes, and medium build. He looked like your average suburban husband, even had the wife to match. An obviously pregnant wife. The woman had vibrant red hair and a slim build, except for the baby bump.

  “Patrick. What—”

  “Hi, Daddy,” Riley said.

  Bob tried to control his reaction, looking to Becca then back to the man who was evidently Riley’s dad, Patrick. The man who was currently scowling between Becca and Bob, and who hadn’t even acknowledged his son. Bob figured it would’ve only been a matter of time before he met the man. Obviously he had hoped for a better planned meeting, rather than a surprise like this.

  “Who’s this?” Patrick asked abruptly.

  Riley took the initiative to talk. “This is Bob! He’s a soldier and a hero! And we had fun at the zoo! Are—”

  “Are you a boyfriend?” Patrick asked, staring at Bob.

  Bob met his stare, trying to remain calm, especially with Riley present. Patrick’s accusing tone was laughable, considering he had a pregnant woman in his presence. And if the look on Becca’s face was any indication of the situation, she had no clue whatsoever that Patrick had a woman in his life, let alone one who looked like she could deliver a baby at any moment.

  Before Bob could respond, Becca spoke out. “Patrick, this isn’t the time or place. Bob’s a friend who arrived in town just yesterday. I had plans to call you tonight, when—”

  “Really? And just what were you planning to tell me during this call? That you’ve got a guy—”

  “That’s enough,” Bob said, not wanting to see this get any uglier in front of Riley. He lifted the boy off his shoulders and crouched down to speak to him. “Riley, how ‘bout you and your mom go get the AC going in the car while I talk to your dad? Then we’ll go get that pizza we talked about. Sound okay to you?”

  “Sure! Bye, Dad,” the boy said absently without even looking at the man. He then grabbed Becca’s hand and began to try to pull her toward the parking lot. “Come on, Mom.”

  “Bob, I think…”

  “It’s okay, Becca, this won’t take long. You can call Patrick tonight like you planned to do.”

  “Just a minute. Who do you think you are, telling—”

  “I’m the man who’s going to have a civil word with you in a public place. Now, if you don’t want this to get embarrassing for you, say good-bye to your son, we’ll have a word, and then you can get on with your afternoon.”

  Bob watched Patrick’s face heat before he relented, muttering a lackluster good-bye, all while the woman at his side remained silent and timid.

  Ensuring that Becca and Riley had walked well enough away, he turned back to Patrick, calmly addressing him. “If seeing me with Becca and Riley was a shock, although I highly doubt it—probably more arrogant pride—imagine what Becca must think seeing the two of you? You find it unthinkable that she could’ve moved on? You obviously have. And from her look, she had no idea you were seeing someone, let alone long enough to be having a baby any day now. Assuming the baby’s yours?”

  “Of course the child is mine,” Patrick said between clenched teeth. “Do you think I’d— ”

  “I have no idea what to think about you, seeing as I don’t even know you. Just like you don’t know me. But you will, because I’m the man who’s going to be in Becca and Riley’s life from now on. Now, as the educated, mature man I’m guessing you are, you will receive Becca’s call tonight and you are going to listen to her explanation. And if you think for one moment that I’m going to allow you to give her any upset, you better think again. Don’t be a hypocrite, Patrick, and don’t be an asshole.” Bob watched the muscles in the man’s jaw tighten, and he tried not to smile. Instead, he carried on. “Be honest with Becca. Riley’s your son, so if you want a relationship with him, say so. I’d never challenge your position as his father, but if your sole focus is on your new family, then say that as well.

  “She and I have a past, and yesterday is the first time we’ve seen each other in almost six years. But know that we won’t be separated again. And know that I will be a father figure to that little boy, not because I have to, but because I want to.”

  Bob let his words sink in, looking back and forth between Patrick and the woman at his side. “Now, I’m going to go join Becca and Riley, and I’ll leave you two to enjoy your afternoon.” With that, Bob simply nodded and walked away.

  When he reached the vehicle, Riley was chattering away while safely secured in his seat. Becca, however, had a worried look on her face that Bob wanted to instantly take away. So before she had a chance to say a word, Bob spoke.

  “All right, who’s hungry for pizza?” He buckled in the driver’s seat and reached for Becca’s hand, giving it a light squeeze.

  “Me, me, me!” Riley sang.

  “Everything’ll be fine,” Bob whispered to Becca. “We’ll talk later.” Bob was glad that she didn’t protest, bu
t simply nodded as he drove out of the parking lot.

  Much later, once Riley was settled in bed and Becca had her call with Patrick, they spoke.

  “I had no idea he was seeing anyone. Guess it explains his excuses and absences from our so-called family get-togethers.” Becca sat in a huff on the couch next to Bob. He gathered her close, wrapping an arm around her and kissing the top of her head. “And to think he was appalled at seeing me with someone! What a—”

  “Hey, he is Riley’s dad.” Bob ran his hand through Becca’s silky strands, trying to soothe her.

  “Ha! In DNA only.” Becca tipped her face up to Bob’s. “He didn’t even dance around the subject, Bob.” Her voice choked with emotion, she continued, tucking her head into his shoulder. “He truly has no interest in his son. Well, other than still providing financial support. Unless…”

  “Unless, what?” When she didn’t answer, Bob lifted her face, seeing the tears gathering in her eyes. “Becca?”

  “Patrick was all-too-willing to sign away parental rights, thinking you were interested in adopting him. What kind of man could so easily sign his son away?” She hid her face once again. “What does that say about me getting involved with someone like that?”

  Bob shifted to frame Becca’s face, ensuring she kept her eyes on him. “Hey, I’m sure he wasn’t such an ass when you first met him, otherwise, you wouldn’t have given him the time of day. And no matter what you may think of him now, look at what he’s given you. Who he’s given you? You have a beautiful, bright, amazing son, and it’s Patrick who’ll miss out on not knowing that wonderful little guy. And now I’m the lucky one who gets to have you and him in my life.

  “Becca, I love you, and I’m here to stay, and it would be my honor to call that little guy my son. That is, if he’d like me to be his father. I want to bring Mackenzie out just as soon as I can, and I want us to start on our forever. I wasted too many years, and I’ll never be able to tell you how sorry I am, but know that I’ll make up for it, for the rest of my days. And…”

  “Bob,” Becca started, now mimicking his movement and framing his face. Her tears now flowed freely down her cheeks. “I love you, and you have nothing to make up for.” When Bob wanted to protest, Becca stopped him with the shake of her head. “No looking back. We only go forward from here. I’m ready for our forever, too.” She leaned forward, kissing him. “We’ll figure it all out. Together.”

  “Together,” Bob echoed. He kissed her passionately, initiating a storm of desire that swept them both up. They found their release quickly before slowing it down for round two once they made it to the bedroom.

  Afterward, all Bob felt was peace and content, knowing his final mission—to have Becca—was a success.


  Two months later

  “How much longer, Becca?” Mackenzie asked.

  “Not too long, sweetheart. Promise.” The girl seemed satisfied with that as she joined Riley on the giant beanbag in the living room while a holiday movie played.

  The two had become inseparable since Bob had returned to North Carolina and brought his daughter out to live in San Diego. Riley loved having a big sister, and Becca couldn’t have asked for a better one for him than Mackenzie. The girl was smart and outgoing, and had plenty of energy to keep up with her new little brother. Amazingly, she readily accepted Becca, knowing that Becca made her daddy happy. And after some one-on-one girl talk, Becca promised that not only would she make Bob happy, but she’d always be there for Mackenzie as well.

  As Becca joined Bob on the couch, everyone waiting for the Thanksgiving turkey to finish cooking, she reflected on the fortunate turn of events in the past two months. Within weeks of Mackenzie arriving, Becca and Bob had had a small, intimate wedding ceremony, and both had been thrilled when Tessa was able to attend. Now proceedings were underway for Bob to officially adopt Riley. Riley of course had been thrilled with his newly acquired family. They had decided to stay in Becca’s house, given that it had plenty of room, and the area’s school district was excellent for the kids.

  Bob’s separation from the service would be completed before Christmas, and he already had a job lined up for which he was eager to start. Becca decided since the kids were in school she’d return to work as well, securing a job at one of the financial institutions.

  She snuggled into Bob’s side, sighing contently.

  “Happy?” Bob asked, kissing the top of her head.

  Becca looked up at him, never tiring of the view of her amazing husband. “Beyond.” As Bob leaned down to kiss her, she lingered in its sweetness. “You’re finally mine,” she whispered when he pulled away and smiled at her.

  His smile melted her heart every time, because she knew that it no longer contained sadness. His smile reflected the happiness of a man who finally found his stability. His home.

  The End





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