Elvis Presley

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by Williamson, Joel

  of female fans, 44, 51, 161

  of femininity, 195–96

  of image, 48–49, 51–52, 60–61, 176–77, 199, 299, 320

  of marriage, 299–300

  “Memphis Mafia” providing, 174–75

  of musical style, 209–10

  in NBC Comeback Special, 209–10, 212

  obsession with, 242–43

  possessiveness and, 161, 162, 181–82, 184–85

  Presley, Gladys, and, 111–12

  in relationships, 184–85, 187–88, 195–96, 237, 241, 247–48, 263, 264, 267, 284–85, 301, 304

  of spending, 243

  in stage performance, 40, 54, 268–71

  autopsy, 11–15, 321–22

  awards, 59–60, 250–51

  awareness. See perception and perceptiveness

  Axton, Mae Boren, 35–36, 37, 50–51

  babysitting, teenage girls in, xvi–xvii

  “Bad Elvis” image, 231–32

  badges and credentials, 242–46, 247, 249, 250, 251–52

  Bain, Jackson, 19–20

  Baker family, 164

  bank robbery, at birthplace, 72–73

  Baptist Memorial Hospital, 9–14, 322

  Bean, Orville, 65–66, 68–69, 71, 73, 101–2, 115

  the Beatles, 247, 250

  Beaulieu, Priscilla, 191, 256 control and femininity of, 195–96

  drug use of, 193–94

  family oversight of, 193–95

  marriage to, 194–95, 199, 233

  romantic relationship with, 179, 186–87, 192–96, 198–99, 220

  sex games with, 196

  sexual infidelity and, 198–99, 220, 235

  sex with juvenile, 179, 186–87

  beauty or attractiveness, as requirement, 181, 293–94, 304

  Belafonte, Harry, 204–5

  Belew, Bill, 211–12, 213, 223, 230–31

  Bell, Reggie, 100–101

  Berle, Milton, 54

  betrayal, 279–81, 284–86, 287

  Biggs, Delta Mae (aunt), 272, 317–18

  Binder, Steve, 204–6, 207–11, 213, 215, 218–19, 230

  biographies, x–xi

  birth and birthplace, xvii, 70, 72–73, 233

  Black, Bill, 150, 151–52, 154–55, 213–14

  Black, Evelyn, 157

  black culture, 105–6, 139, 140, 149, 217–18

  Blue Moon Boys, 40 concert frequency for, 27–28, 40–41

  formation of, 26, 155

  management of, 26–28, 38

  on NBC Comeback Special, 213

  recordings of, 26, 38–39

  road life for, 28–30

  “Blue Moon of Kentucky,” 23, 24–25, 154–55, 156

  Bobo, F. L., 81

  Boccaccio’s tales, 252–54

  body at death, 318–21

  in gospel performances, 158

  illness in, 45

  musical style linked to, 30, 38

  safety of, 43

  sexuality of, xx, 25, 30

  in stage performance, 24, 25, 26, 30, 45–46, 158, 218

  women’s response to, 30

  bodyguards, 275–89. See also tell-all book

  Bova, Joyce, 236, 237–38, 243–44, 248, 252–56

  “boys” or “guys.” See also “Memphis Mafia” costs associated with, 227

  death threat fears of, 276

  end of, 307

  firing of bodyguard, 279–89

  marriage and divorce for, 235

  NBC Comeback Special and presence of, 210–11, 212–13, 214

  physical assaults from, 275

  self defined through, 170, 171–75, 257

  self-esteem lacking and, 197

  sex parties and, 234

  on Thompson’s personality, 261–62

  violence or aggression of, 173–74, 275–77, 284–85

  women recruited by, 179, 262, 293–94, 304, 308, 311

  bribery, 281

  Brinkley, David, 18–19

  Brown, Earl, 215

  Brown, Estelle, 268, 269

  Brownlee, Jo Kathy, 271–72

  Buergin, Margit, 177

  burial, 325, 326–27, 329

  Camp 5, Parchman Farm, 82–84

  Carnation Milk Company, 73

  cars in childhood, 122, 123

  gifts of, 28–29, 227, 242, 249, 270–71, 298

  on tour, 28–29

  Carter, Anita, 53

  Carter sisters or family, 29, 30, 53

  celebrity and fame, 157–63, 230, 293, 305

  censorship, 50

  Change of Habit, 220–21

  character, of female fans, 30–32

  charities and charitable contributions, 60

  chickens, of Presley, Gladys, 166

  childhood among African Americans, 105–6

  car in, 122, 123

  employment, 118–19, 121, 123–24

  home or housing, 69–70, 101–3, 105–6, 110–16

  itinerant, 96–97

  musical inspiration in, 99, 100–101

  musical talent in, 101, 104, 127–29

  personality, 112, 113

  popularity, 104, 128–29, 132

  poverty in, 102–3, 107, 109, 110, 112, 113, 121, 125–26

  Presley, Vernon, and relationship in, 121–22

  rebellion in, 126

  romantic relationships in, 131–32

  violence or aggression in, 121–22, 126–27

  children, for Presley, Gladys, 329

  Circle G Ranch, 227, 233

  civil rights, 204–5, 208, 215–16, 217–18

  Clark, Petula, 204–5

  Clarksdale, 143

  class. See social hierarchy

  clothing and outfits on dying day, 314

  in high school, 120, 126

  for Las Vegas shows, 223

  in Nixon meeting, 246–47

  at Parchman Farm, 82–83

  rebellion through, 126

  on television, 50, 211–12, 213, 216, 217

  on tour, 35

  women given, 160–61, 260, 263, 265

  as young adult, 133, 150

  Cocke, Marian, 272

  Cold War, xix

  command. See authority, command, or control

  communication with Nixon, 246–48

  with Smith, Billy, 308, 309

  with women, 133–34, 137–38, 146, 179–80, 188–89, 239, 260

  Como, Perry, 49–50

  concerts or shows. See also Las Vegas and Las Vegas shows; television; tours, touring, or road Blue Moon Boys and frequency of, 27–28, 40–41

  crowd size at, 41–42

  female fans dominating, 39–40, 46, 48–49

  film and television impacting number of, 48–49

  illness and, 271, 275

  karate during, 266–67

  Las Vegas, 221–24

  media on early, 36

  Omaha, 330–34

  other acts at, 34–35

  outside South and early, 41–43

  Overton Shell and first, 23–25, 157–58

  personal safety and, 42, 164–65

  racial South in, 40–41

  radio in booking, 148

  confidence. See self-esteem or confidence

  conflict or fights, on tour, 52–53. See also violence or aggression

  confrontation, 122, 285

  control. See authority, command, or control

  correspondence, 80–81, 89, 177

  cost “boys” and associated, 227

  of first recordings, 145

  of Graceland, 227

  of lawsuits, 277, 282

  of Lisa Marie, 229

  of Parchman visits, 81

  of payroll, 227

  country life, 29–30

  cover-ups, 10–14

  Cox, Jimmie, 73–74

  creativity and creative figures, xvii, 143–44. See also musical creativity or talent

  credentials. See badges and credentials

  crime, criminals, and criminal activity, 65–66, 70–71, 72
–74, 79, 108

  Crosby, Charles, 3, 4, 9, 321

  “cross-over” people, xviii

  crowds, 41–42. See also audience

  Crown Electric, 136–38

  cruelty. See anger or cruelty

  Crumpacker, Chick, 37–38

  culture. See also Southern culture black, 105–6, 139, 140, 149, 217–18

  European, 186–87

  popular, 19

  dancers, 221–22

  Dean, James, 57

  death and dying activities before, 315–16, 318

  autopsy and, 11–13, 321–22

  at Baptist Memorial Hospital, 9–10, 11

  body at, 318–21

  cause of, 14–15, 321–22

  drugs in, 5, 10–15, 17–18, 316–18, 321–22

  at Graceland, 3–4

  health and well-being on day of, 315

  heart failure in, 13, 15

  last day and night before, 314–18

  love and mourning at, 19–20

  media response to, 10, 12, 14–15, 18–20, 320

  medical personnel at, 3–4, 320, 321

  Nichopoulos’s involvement in, 7–9, 10, 12, 15–18, 316–17

  physical appearance at, 4, 5

  Presley, Vernon, and, 5, 8–9, 10, 16–17, 320–21

  of Presley, Gladys, 163–69, 180–81, 183–84

  public and theories for, 16–18

  temperature at, 3–4

  threats, 236–38, 276, 316

  trial concerning, 5–6, 15–16

  will after, 322–24

  debt, Nichopoulos’s, 8–9, 271. See also finances, financial habits, and spending

  decoration and furnishing, of Graceland, 167, 260–61

  deference, 127, 290, 306

  depression, 271–72, 306

  desegregation, xix, 40–41

  desertion, 256, 267–68, 272

  desire, as object of, xii. See also sex, sexuality, sexual desire, and sexual life

  discontent or unhappiness, 257, 300–301

  diversity, in Las Vegas shows, 222–23

  divorce, 258, 264–65, 303–5, 311–12

  doctors or medical personnel, 3–4, 6–7, 320, 321. See also Nichopoulos, Dr. George; specific doctors

  Dorsey, Jimmy, 49–50

  Dorsey, Tommy, 49–50

  Dougher, Paul, 118

  Douglas, Donna, 198

  drugs and drug use, 270 addiction, 7–8, 315

  allergic reaction to, 244, 245

  in autopsy, 14–15

  Beaulieu’s, 193–94

  cover-up of, 10–11, 14

  in death, 5, 10–15, 17–18, 316–18, 321–22

  employees instructed regarding, 5

  illness or injury from, 286

  Nixon and service regarding, 244–45

  police investigation of, 305

  prescriptions for, 5–6, 15–16, 316–17

  recording and, 253

  spiritual philosophy concerning, 255–56

  in tell-all book, 288, 314

  Thompson care during, 261–62

  women and, 252–53, 254, 261–63

  Dunleavy, Steve, 280, 312

  Eastern thought, 291–92

  East Tupelo Consolidated School, 99

  economy and economics, of South, 112–13

  The Ed Sullivan Show, 50, 54–55, 56

  education elementary school, 99–101

  employment versus, 123

  high school, 110, 116–18, 123

  junior high school, 103, 104

  of Nichopoulos, 7

  for Presley, Gladys, 99

  of Presley, Vernon, 74–75

  Southern culture and, 117

  Edwards, Mike, 234

  elementary school, 99–101

  Elliott, Maurice, 12

  Elvis and Me (Beaulieu), 194, 199, 256

  Elvis in Concert, 330–34

  “Elvis mania,” xx, 41, 44, 48–49

  Elvis on Tour documentary, 257–58

  Elvis: What Happened?, 312

  emotions or emotional response at Assembly of God, 87

  from family visits to Parchman, 82–83

  of female fans, 30, 41–42, 49, 60

  to mother’s death, 168

  over Presley, Lisa Marie, 304–5

  to Parker, Tom, 299

  of Presley, Gladys, 124–25, 164–65, 166, 167

  to Presley, Vernon’s, incarceration, 92

  to Presley, Vernon’s, suspended sentence, 92–93

  of public, ix

  across race, 60

  to religion, 289–90

  empathy, xii–xiii

  employment and employees bodyguards’ fired from, 278–89

  childhood, 118–19, 121, 123–24

  at Crown Electric, 136–38

  drug use and instructions to, 5

  education versus, 123

  of family, 165–66, 307–9

  fatigue from, 123–24

  during Great Depression, 73–74, 90–91

  home and itinerant, 96–97

  illness or injury and, 120–21, 122, 135

  in laundry, 90, 106

  in Memphis, 96, 97–98, 109–10, 111

  “Memphis Mafia” as, 173–74

  physical appearance and, 136–37

  for Presley, Gladys, 90, 106, 110, 111, 120, 122

  for Presley, Vernon, 90–91, 95–98, 108, 109–10, 111, 118, 119, 120–21, 122, 328–29

  reputation and, 90–91, 96

  as singer, 145

  tell-all book from, 279–89

  treatment of, 280–81, 283–84

  during World War II, 95–96

  WPA, 65, 91, 96

  as young adult, 129–30, 136–38

  enjoyment or indulgence of gospel music, 133, 138

  image based on, 231

  of money and wealth, 52

  of sex and sexual life, xii, 31, 43, 160, 177, 178–79, 180–81, 184, 190, 234, 235–36, 238

  Esposito, Joanie, 234–35

  Esposito, Joe, 210, 282, 319–20

  Europe, 169, 177–80, 185–87

  failure, xiii, 13, 15, 122, 135, 329–30

  fame. See celebrity and fame

  family. See also specific families; specific family members of Alden, Ginger, 295, 296–97, 301–2, 303–4, 305, 314

  Beaulieu and oversight of, 193–95

  closeness of, 137

  divorce in, 311–12

  employment of, 165–66, 307–9

  Graceland for, 165–66, 167, 170–71, 310–11, 325–30

  history, 67–69

  illness in, 97, 120–21, 122, 124–27, 135, 163–69, 283, 311

  of Locke, 134, 162

  Locke on Presley, 135

  management and relationship to, 39, 165, 166–67

  marriage within, 97

  memorial, 326–30

  money and, 101–2, 107, 108–9, 122–24, 125–26, 136–37, 163–64, 303–4, 323–24

  Parchman and visits of, 80–84

  physical abuse in, 183, 329

  Presley, Lisa Marie, and resemblance in, xx

  Presley, Vernon’s, incarceration and impact on, 65–67, 72, 82–84, 91–92, 328–29

  for Presley, Gladys, 328, 329

  religion for, 84–88, 103–4

  self defined through, 170–71

  sexuality and, xvi–xvii

  sleeping arrangements, 91–92

  in social events, 89

  in social hierarchy, 103, 113–14

  success and home purchased for, 163–64

  war impacting, xvi, xix

  fans. See audience; female fans

  fantasy, of female fans, 43

  father and husband, 89–90, 92–94, 122, 135, 329–30. See also Presley, Vernon (father)

  Faulkner, William, xvii, 140–41, 143–44

  FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation

  fear or fears, ix, 44, 172, 272, 276, 293

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 47–48, 250

; female fans. See also teenage girls character of, 30–32

  control of, 44, 51, 161

  defense of, 43

  desegregation and impact on, xix

  emotional response of, 30, 41–42, 49, 60

  family and sexuality for, xvi–xvii

  fantasy of, 43

  first great audience in white, xviii–xix

  marriage for, 162–63

  media on, 46

  performance of, 40

  relationship to, xiii

  religious morality in response to, 46–47

  romantic relationships and, 162–63

  safety concerns over, 42, 164–65

  sexuality and sexual desire of, xix–xx, xxi, 30–32, 36–37, 42, 43, 44, 49, 158–59, 232

  shows dominated by, 39–40, 46, 48–49

  war impacting, xvi, xix, 46–47

  female strippers, 45–46

  feminine and femininity, xx–xxi, 195–96

  fights. See conflict or fights

  Fike, Lamar, 175–76, 180–81, 183, 185, 235, 261

  films. See also specific films acting and screen test for, 57–58

  audience and “Elvis mania” changed by, 48–49, 51–52

  Dean and opportunity in, 57

  leaving, 219

  money from, 52, 196–97, 203–4

  morality espoused in, 58, 59

  musical talent showcased on, 57–58, 59

  Parker, Tom, involvement with, 196–97, 203–4, 219, 257, 299

  performance exclusive to, 56

  quality of, 203–4

  recording impact from, 203

  serious acting and, 196–97

  sex with costars of, 198

  tour, 257–58, 330–34

  finances, financial habits, and spending. See also cost on airplanes, 272

  control of, 243

  on gifts, 243, 270–71

  money and, 226–28, 243, 248–49, 272, 277

  tax shelters and, 227–28

  will and, 323

  Finstad, Suzanne, 194–95

  “The First Elvis,” xx

  “Flash,” 6

  Florida, 35–37

  Fontana, D. J., 38, 213–14

  Forbess, Evan “Buzzy,” 118

  Ford, Whitey, 29–30

  Fortas, Alan, 190

  Francisco, Dr. Jerry, 11–15

  friends and friendships. See also specific friends betrayal of, 284–86, 287

  after early success, 161–62

  fear of desertion from, 272

  gifts to, 8, 249

  in high school, 117–18

  military service, 169, 185, 187–88

  personal demands in, 237

  with police officers, 242

  Presley, Priscilla in, 264–65

  Fruchter family, 124


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