Inside Steve's Brain

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by Leander Kahney

  Of course, with the iPod, Apple now has a Sony-like lineup of products. There are more than half a dozen different models, from the bare-bones Shuffle to the high-end video iPod and the iPhone, priced at every $50 price point between $100 and $350. But to get there took Apple several years—not all at launch.

  Personal Focus

  At a personal level, Jobs focuses on his areas of expertise and delegates all else. At Apple, he is very hands-on in areas he knows well: developing new products, overseeing marketing, and giving keynote speeches. At Pixar, Jobs was just the opposite. He delegated the moviemaking process to his capable lieutenants. Jobs’s main role at Pixar was cutting deals with Hollywood, a skill at which he excels. Let’s break down these areas this way.

  What Jobs is good at: 1. Developing new products. Jobs is a master at conceiving and helping to create innovative new products. From the Mac to the iPod and the iPhone, Jobs’s passion is for inventing new products.

  2. Product presentations. Steve Jobs is the public face of Apple. When the company has a new product, Jobs is the one who introduces it to the world. For this he spends weeks in preparation.

  3. Cutting deals. Jobs is a master negotiator. He cut great deals with Disney to distribute Pixar’s movies and persuaded all five major record labels to sell music through iTunes.

  What Jobs is NOT good at: 1. Directing movies. At Apple, Jobs has a reputation as a micromanager and a meddler, but at Pixar, he was very hands-off. Jobs can’t direct movies, so he doesn’t even try. (More on Pixar in Chapter 4.)

  2. Dealing with Wall Street. Jobs has little interest in dealing with Wall Street. For many years, he trusted the company’s financials to his CFO, Fred Anderson. Until Apple’s stock options scandal in 2006 and 2007, Anderson was widely admired and respected for his handling of the company’s financials.

  3. Operations. Likewise, Jobs delegates the tricky job of operations to his veteran COO, Tim Cook, who is widely regarded as his right-hand man. (When Jobs was treated for cancer, Cook took over as temporary CEO.) Under Cook, Apple has become an extremely lean and efficient operation. Jobs boasts that Apple is more efficient than Dell, supposedly the industry’s operational gold standard. (More on this in Chapter 6.)

  4. Staying focused. Over the years, the list of products Jobs hasn’t done has grown quite long: from handhelds to web tablets and low-end, bare-bones computers. “We look at a lot of things, but I’m as proud of the products that we have not done as I am of the ones we have done,” Jobs told the Wall Street Journal.29

  Apple’s labs are littered with prototype products that never made it out the door. The product Jobs is most proud of not doing is a PDA, a personal digital assistant, the successor to the Newton he discontinued in 1998. Jobs has admitted he’s done a lot of thinking about a PDA, but by the time Apple was ready—in the early 2000s—he’d decided the PDA’s time had already passed. PDAs were fast being superseded by cell phones with address books and calendar functions. “We got enormous pressure to do a PDA and we looked at it and we said, ‘Wait a minute, 90 percent of the people that use these things just want to get information out of them, they don’t necessarily want to put information into them on a regular basis and cellphones are going to do that,’ ” Jobs told the Wall Street Journal.30 He was right: witness the iPhone. (And the Palm, which hasn’t adapted well, is now on the ropes.)

  There have also been calls for Apple to sell to big business, the so-called enterprise market. Jobs has resisted because selling to companies—no matter how big the potential market—is outside of Apple’s focus. Since Jobs’s return, Apple has focused on consumers. “The roots of Apple were to build computers for people, not for corporations,” Jobs has said. “The world doesn’t need another Dell or Compaq.”31

  There are much greater profits to be made selling a $3,000 machine than a $500 machine, even if you sell fewer of them. By aiming at the middle and high end of the market, Apple enjoys some of the best profit margins in the business: about 25 percent. Dell’s profit margins are only about 6.5 percent, while Hewlett-Packard’s are even lower, about 5 percent.

  In the summer of 2007, Dell was the biggest PC manufacturer in the world, with a whopping 30 percent share of the U.S. market. Apple trailed third, with a much smaller 6.3 percent market share.32 But in the third quarter of 2007, Apple reported a record profit of $818 million, while Dell, which sells more than five times as many machines, earned only $2.8 million in profit. Yes, a big chunk of Apple’s profit came from the sale of iPods, and Dell was going through a restructuring, but Apple clearly makes much more money on the sale of a $3,500 high-end MacBook Pro laptop (as much as $875) than Dell makes on a $500 system (about $25). This is why Dell bought Alienware, a boutique gaming machine manufacturer, in 2006.

  It’s been clear for years that Apple doesn’t compete in the same market as PC companies, but for many years its health as a business was measured by the number of machines it sold, not the value of those machines. Success in the PC market has traditionally been measured by quantity, not quality. Pundits and industry-watch Gartner Inc. made repeated calls for Apple to exit the hardware business because its market share in the 2000s slipped into low single digits. But Apple goes after the most profitable segment of the market, not the most number of machines, although this is starting to change.

  Lessons from Steve • Get busy, Roll up your sleeves and get to work straight away.

  • Face hard decisions head-on. Jobs has to make some hard, painful decisions, but faces the situation head-on.

  • Don’t get emotional. Assess your company’s problems with a cool, clear head.

  • Be firm. It couldn’t have been easy, but Jobs was firm and fair when he stepped back into Apple and began his drastic reorganization. He knew what had to be done. He took the time to explain it, and he expected the staff to fall in line.

  • Get informed; don’t guess. Make a thorough inspection of the company and base your decisions on data, not hunches. It’s tough but fair.

  • Reach out for help. Don’t shoulder the burden alone. Jobs asks for the company’s help, and he gets it. The managers help shoulder the burden of any cuts.

  • Focus means saying “no.” Jobs focuses Apple’s limited resources on a small number of projects it can execute well.

  • Stay focused; don’t allow feature creep. Keep things simple, which is a virtue in a world of overly complex technology.

  • Focus on what you are good at; delegate all else. Jobs doesn’t direct animated movies or woo Wall Street. He concentrates on what he’s good at.

  Chapter 2

  Despotism: Apple’s One-Man Focus Group

  “We made the buttons on the screen look so good you’ll want to lick them.”

  —Steve Jobs, on Mac OS X’s user interface, Fortune, January 24, 2000

  Before Jobs returned to Apple, the company had spent several years fruitlessly trying to develop a modern version of the Macintosh operating system. Since its debut in 1984, the old Mac OS had turned into a bloated, unstable patchwork of code. It had become a nightmare to maintain and upgrade. For users, it meant constant crashes, freezes, and restarts—and lots of lost data, frustration, and rage.

  Because large portions of the Mac OS were still based on creaky old code, Apple decided that it had to start from scratch. In 1994, programmers began a ground-up rewrite of the operating system, code-named Copland, after the famous American composer. But after a couple of years of effort, it became apparent the project was a gargantuan effort and would never be finished. The Apple executive team at the time decided it would be easier (and wiser) to purchase a next-generation operating system from another company rather than develop one itself. The search eventually led to the purchase of Steve Jobs’s NeXT.

  Apple was interested in NeXTstep, a surprisingly advanced and sophisticated operating system that Jobs had developed during his wilderness years away from Apple. NeXTstep had everything the old Mac OS lacked. It was fast, stable, and almost crash-proof. I
t had modern networking features— essential in the Internet age—and a modular architecture that was easily modified and upgraded. It also came with a collection of great programming tools, which made it very easy for software developers to write programs for it. Programming tools are a huge competitive advantage in the tech industry. Computer platforms are doomed unless they can attract talented programmers to create applications for them, just like game consoles are doomed unless they can attract great games. From the Mac to the Palm Pilot and the Xbox, the success of a platform is primarily determined by the software that can run on it. In some cases this is the so-called killer app—an essential piece of software that guarantees the success of the platform, like Office on Windows, or the game Halo on the Xbox.

  What’s NeXT?

  After buying NeXT, Apple had to figure out how to turn NeXTSTEP into a Macintosh operating system. At first, the job looked so big that Apple’s programmers decided they should take the old interface in Mac OS 8 and try to graft it on top of the NeXTSTEP codebase. According to Cordell Ratzlaff, the manager who was charged with overseeing the job, the interface graft didn’t look like it would present much of a challenge. “We assigned one designer to OS X,” he recalled. “His job was pretty boring: make the new stuff look like the old stuff.”

  But Ratzlaff thought it was a shame to put an ugly façade on such an elegant system, and he soon had designers creating mockups of new interface designs. Ratzlaff told me that the mockups were designed to show off many of the advanced technologies under NeXTstep’s hood—especially its powerful graphics and animation capabilities.1

  Ratzlaff, a soft-spoken creative director for Frog Design, a storied and internationally famous design company, worked at Apple for nine years. Starting as a designer, he rose through the ranks to lead the human interface group for Mac OS. In this role, Ratzlaff was in charge of the look and feel of Apple’s operating systems from Mac OS 8 through the first release of OS X.

  Interfaces these days are colorful and dynamic, but in the late 1990s, both Apple’s and Microsoft’s operating systems were plain and gray, with boxy windows, sharp corners, and lots of bevels. Then Apple came out with the tear-shaped iMac, a computer with a transparent plastic shell and curvy organic lines. It was a big inspiration to Ratzlaff and his colleagues. They soon had mockups of colorful, airy interfaces with see-through menus, soft edges, and round, organic buttons.

  Ratzlaff’s boss, Bertrand Serlet, now Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, admired the mockups but he made it clear there was neither the time nor resources to implement them. OS X’s lone designer continued to graft the old Mac interface onto NeXTstep.

  After several months of work, Apple held an off-site for all the engineering groups working on OS X to gather a status report. Ratzlaff was asked to show his mockups, mostly just for kicks. His talk would be some light relief at the end of a long, hard week. He was scheduled as the last speaker on the last day. But he secretly hoped there’d be support for the new designs and they’d be implemented, although he didn’t rate his chances. As the two-day event wore on, it became clearer and clearer what an enormous project OS X was. Everyone was wondering how it was ever going to get done. “And then here at the end, here’s me saying, ‘Oh, and here’s a new user interface. It’s translucent, there’s real-time animation, and a full alpha channel,’ ” Ratzlaff recalled. “There was literally laughter in the room because there was no way we were going to redo the user interface. I was pretty depressed afterwards.”

  “You’re a Bunch of Idiots”

  Two weeks later Ratzlaff got a call from Steve Jobs’s assistant. Jobs hadn’t seen the mockups at the off-site—he hadn’t attended—but now he wanted a peek. At the time, Jobs was still conducting his survey of all the product groups. Ratzlaff and his designers were sitting in a conference room waiting for Jobs, when he walked in and immediately called them “a bunch of amateurs.”

  “You’re the guys who designed Mac OS, right?” he asked them. They sheepishly nodded yes. “Well, you’re a bunch of idiots.”

  Jobs rattled off all the things he hated about the old Mac interface, which was just about everything. One of the things he hated most were all the different mechanisms for opening windows and folders. There were at least eight different ways of accessing folders—from dropdown menus to pop-up menus, the DragStrip, the Launcher, and the Finder. “The trouble was, you had too many windows,” said Ratzlaff. “Steve wanted to simplify window management.” Because Ratzlaff was the one primarily responsible for these features, he started to get nervous about his job, but after twenty minutes of withering criticism, Ratzlaff realized his position was probably safe. “I figure he’s not going to fire us, because that would’ve happened already,” Ratzlaff said.

  Jobs, Ratzlaff, and the designers settled into an in-depth discussion of the old Mac interface and how it might be overhauled. Ratzlaff’s team showed Jobs their mockups and the meeting wrapped up well. “Prototype these things and show them to me,” Jobs instructed them.

  The design team worked for three weeks, night and day, building working prototypes in Macromedia Director, a multimedia authoring tool often used for mocking up custom interfaces for software or websites. “We knew our jobs were on the line so we were pretty worried,” he said. “He [Jobs] came over to the offices. We spent the whole afternoon with him. He was blown away. From that point on, it was clear there was going to be a new user interface for OS X.”

  Jobs was so impressed that he said to Ratzlaff: “This is the first evidence of three-digit intelligence at Apple I’ve seen yet.” Ratzlaff was happy to take the compliment. For Jobs, acknowledging you have an IQ higher than 100 is a glowing endorsement. Confident that their jobs were safe, Ratzlaff and the designers celebrated with a few six-packs of beer. But they became nervous when they saw Jobs coming back down the corridor with Phil Schiller, Apple’s head of marketing. Luckily, Jobs was pleased. As Jobs approached, they heard him tell Schiller excitedly, “You’ve got to see this.”

  “From then on we had no trouble,” Ratzlaff said.

  No Detail Too Small

  For the next eighteen months, Ratzlaff’s team had a weekly meeting with Jobs during which they’d show him their latest mockups. For each element of the new interface—the menus, the dialogs, the radio buttons—Jobs requested several variations so that he could select the best ones. As we’ll see in more detail later, Jobs always asks for multiple variations of products in development—both hardware and software. During the meetings with Ratzlaff, Jobs gave lots of feedback for refining the designs, and only when he was satisfied could features be ticked off.

  The design team’s mockups, in Macromedia Director, were dynamic, but they weren’t functioning software. Jobs could open and close windows, pull down menus, and see how the system would work. But they were only animations. They weren’t working code. The team had the working code running on another machine that was placed next to the Director demo. When they showed the working code to Jobs, he’d lean forward, his nose to the screen, and examine them closely, moving from the demo to the prototype and back again.

  “He would compare them pixel by pixel to see if they matched,” Ratzlaff said. “He was way down into the details. He would scrutinize everything, down to the pixel level.” If they didn’t match, Ratzlaff said, “some engineer would get yelled at.”

  Incredibly, Ratzlaff’s team spent six months refining the scrollbars to Jobs’s satisfaction. Scrollbars are an important part of any computer operating system but are hardly the most visible element of the user interface. Nonetheless, Jobs insisted the scrollbars look just so, and Ratzlaff’s team had to design version after version. “It had to be done right,” said Ratzlaff, laughing at the effort that went into such a seemingly minor detail.

  At first, the design team found it very difficult to get the scrollbar details true. The little arrows were the wrong size, or in the wrong place, or the color was off. The scrollbars had to look different if the w
indow was the currently active window or one of the background windows. “It was pretty hard to get them to fit with the rest of the design in all these different states,” Ratzlaff said with a note of weariness in his voice. “We kept at it until it was right. We worked on it for a long, long time.”

  Simplifying the UI

  OS X’s interface was designed with new users in mind. Because the system would be new to everyone—even veteran Mac users—Jobs focused on simplifying the interface as much as possible. For example, in the old Mac OS, most of the settings that determined system behavior were hidden away in myriad System Extensions, Control Panel menus, and special dialog boxes of the various system components. Setting up an Internet connection used to involve tweaking settings in up to half a dozen different places.

  To simplify things, Jobs ordered as many settings as possible to be collected together into a single System Preferences box that lived in a new navigation element called “The Dock.” The Dock is an icon-filled bar that sits at the bottom of the screen. It is home to commonly used applications and the system trashcan. It can accommodate all kinds of stuff, from frequently used folders to mini-programs called “scripts.”

  Jobs insisted on stripping back as many interface elements as possible, maintaining that the content of the windows were the most important thing, not the windows themselves. His desire to strip back and simplify put an end to several major features, including a single-window mode that the design team worked on for many months.

  Jobs hated having multiple windows open. Every time a new folder or document was opened, it spawned a new window. Quickly, the screen was filled with overlapping windows. So the designers created a special single-window mode. Everything was displayed in the same window, no matter which software program the user was working in. The window would display a spreadsheet, then a text document or a digital photo. The effect was rather like jumping from website to website in a single web browser window, except here it was between documents stored on the local hard drive.


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