The Last Chance

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The Last Chance Page 13

by Darrien Lee

  “You’ll never know until you talk to her and find out,” Bradford added.

  Ramsey ran his hands over his face and then said, “I need to come clean and tell you guys something, and you better not repeat it.”

  “What is it?” Ron asked as he joined the pair.

  Ramsey turned to them and said, “Keilah and I had a little thing going on for the past several months. It was supposed to be strictly physical, but things went a lot further than I expected.”

  “What do you mean it was supposed to be strictly physical?” Ron asked.

  Ramsey sighed and said, “Keilah wanted me to be there for her during what she called her ‘dry spell’ until she met someone.”

  Bradford stepped forward and asked, “When you say ‘be there for her,’ you mean sexual, right?”

  Ramsey put another clip in his gun and nodded.

  “You lucky son of a bitch,” Bradford replied. “No wonder you’re acting so weird. You should’ve known you wouldn’t have been able to walk away from a woman like her without getting caught up. I ain’t mad at you, though, because I’m sure I would be acting the same way or worse, especially since she’s dating someone else now. I don’t have to ask you if she was off da hook, do I?”

  Ramsey looked at his two friends and said, “No, you don’t. She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever been with. Because of her, I’m even thinking about turning in my player’s card.”

  Ron said, “I knew something was going on, because when I asked you to find out if Keilah would be interested in going out with me, you sort of frowned and squirmed in your seat. You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t know,” Ramsey answered with frustration.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” Bradford asked. “A man always knows.”

  “I don’t know,” Ramsey repeated in an elevated tone.

  Bradford stepped to Ramsey and said, “A woman like Keilah would get me to the altar with no hesitation, and if you don’t know whether or not you love her, something’s wrong with you. All I’m going to say is if you’re not sure about how you feel, you’d better figure it out and quick, because that soldier boy is pushing up on Keilah hard and fast. And you say he’s out in Cali meeting the family? That’s not good. You need to find out how she feels about you and fast,” Ron admonished.

  All of them put their goggles on. Ron patted Ramsey on the shoulder and said, “I’m rooting for you, bro. It’ll work out, so don’t worry.”

  “I’m rooting for you too,” Bradford added.

  All three of them dropped the subject, went into their cubicles, and reloaded their weapons for another round of target firing. After leaving the firing range, they went to a nearby restaurant for dinner before going their separate ways. When Ramsey got home he thought about everything that his two best friends had said to him. Maybe they were right and he should sit down with Keilah and find out exactly how she felt.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Genesis paced back and forth in the front of the casino lobby. The casino was full of patrons, and the guest of honor was running late. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, pushed a button, and spoke into it. “Roman, did you call Keilah’s cell?”

  “Yeah, she said they were on their way.”

  Genesis ran his hand over his head nervously.

  “Hell, that was twenty minutes ago,” Roman continued. “You know how long it takes Keilah to get dressed. Maybe she wanted to make a grand entrance.”

  “Whatever, y’all better get down here before she gets here.”

  “Chill, Genesis. We’re on our way.”

  While Genesis waited for his brothers, he checked in with security. Minutes later, Malachi, Luke, and Roman turned the corner, and they all walked outside onto the red carpet to greet their beloved sister. Seconds later, her limo pulled up and came to a stop.

  The brothers’ hearts swelled with pride when they saw her step out of the car. She was absolutely beautiful and looked exactly like their mother. Roman had arranged for a videographer and photographer to capture the moment Keilah saw the casino. They were secure in knowing she wouldn’t realize it was named in honor of her until the right moment. Michael stepped out of the limo and stood beside her. Both of them were taken aback by all the lights and flashing of the cameras. Patrons and spectators watched as the handsome Chance brothers met their sister on the red carpet.

  “Oh my God. This is beautiful. I had no idea it was going to look like this,” Keilah said.

  Luke kissed her, and with tears in his eyes, smiled. “Welcome to the Special K Casino, sis.”

  She tilted her head and looked at him in confusion. Luke pointed upward toward the marquee. Michael and Keilah looked up and saw the name of the casino in lights. Michael embraced her and pulled her close. “Baby, what an honor.”

  Keilah looked up at the glittering sign and tears immediately ran down her face. She jumped into the arms of her brothers with total excitement. “I don’t believe you guys. I love it. Thank you so much.”

  Roman took her arm and twirled her around for the cameras. “You haven’t seen anything yet, little sis,” he said.

  Luke put his hands up to get his siblings’ attention and motioned for their wives to join them. “Wait, guys. There’s something Keilah has to do before we go in, and we have to get pictures first. Come on, Michael. You stand next to Keilah.”

  Michael took his position next to Keilah, and the brothers stood behind them along with the women in their lives. One of the casino employees brought over a pair of gigantic scissors as two others stretched out a large yellow ribbon in front of the doors. Keilah did the honor of cutting the ribbon to officially open the Special K Casino. There was thunderous applause as the ribbon was cut, after which Keilah greeted the rest of her family members before walking through the doors.

  Once inside, Keilah was again in awe. She immediately noticed the feminine touch to the décor. She turned to her brothers and dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief Michael had given her.

  Luke smiled and gave her a loving hug. “You like?”

  “I love it. You guys are amazing. I couldn’t love you any more than I already do. I just wish Momma and Daddy could’ve lived to see this.”

  Malachi stepped forward and also hugged her. “Don’t worry, sis. I have no doubt they’re both looking down on us right now.”

  Genesis took a call over his phone and then interrupted them. “Hey, guys, everything’s set up in the conference room.”

  “What about my tour?” Keilah asked.

  Roman took her by the arm and led her toward an elevator. “First things first, baby girl.”

  They all piled into the elevator and watched as Luke slid a key into the special lock on the panel. Within seconds they stepped out onto a private floor above the casino. The entire family entered the room, which was filled with balloons, an assortment of food, and plenty of Cristal. Luke and Genesis popped a couple of bottles of the champagne and poured the clear liquid into everyone’s glasses. Luke held his glass high and spoke softly.

  “Tonight, we are one as a family, the way it was always meant to be. Tonight we reached another milestone by opening the Special K Casino in honor of our only sister, Keilah Chance. Keilah, we never doubted for one second that you would grow up to be a young woman who would touch the lives of many people; however, you have touched our lives more. That’s why we wanted to show you our love by giving you the Special K Casino so you’ll know just how much you mean to us. This casino is for you and your heirs, and we want you to make sure it is passed down for generations to come. Joe Chance had a vision for his children a long time ago that was on its way to becoming a reality when his life was cut short. We have been blessed to make sure his vision became a reality twice over. Tonight we raise our glasses to toast in honor of you and the memory of our father and mother, Joe and Amanda Chance.”

  There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Even the brothers found it hard to control their emotions. After comfortin
g and congratulating each other, the family members enjoyed delicious chilled shrimp, mini quiche, and many other delicacies before Malachi and Luke gave Keilah the grand tour of her very own casino while Michael, Roman, Genesis and some of the other family members continued to celebrate upstairs.

  The tour of the casino amazed Keilah beyond her wildest dreams. She was especially impressed that her brothers incorporated businesses within the casino that she loved as well as most women did. This was their ingenious concept to cater to female patrons, which in turn would bring in more male patrons. As they walked the floor of the casino, men and women alike praised the facility for its exceptional service and unique amenities. The men loved it because if the women in their lives were not into gambling, they could get pampered in the salon or spa, or shop in the shoe store or boutique.

  As the group continued through the casino, they recognized some local entrepreneurs and professional athletes as they enjoyed the facility. They also noticed that some of the city’s known street pharmacists were also part of the grand-opening crowd. Minutes later, they came face to face with the last person they wanted to see: Keytone and his two associates.

  “Well, well, well, I see the Chance brothers have done it again. Congratulations,” Keytone said as he held his hand out and waited for Luke to shake it.

  Luke stared at Keytone and shoved his hands inside his pockets.

  “Ah, come on, Luke. Can’t you give your homeboy some love?” Keytone asked.

  Malachi attempted to step forward, but Keilah discreetly grabbed his arm, stopping him. The last thing she wanted was to have her homecoming turn into an all-out brawl. Luke looked around before stepping closer to Keytone. “Keytone, this is a respectable business, and I won’t have it tarnished by you or anyone like you.”

  “Come on, Luke. I’m just here to congratulate you on your new casino. You know we go way back. That has to count for something even though you guys ran out on me, but I’m willing to let the past stay in the past.”

  “I hope you mean that, Keytone,” Luke responded.

  Keytone looked over Luke’s shoulder and spotted Keilah. “Keilah Chance, what a nice surprise. You’re looking fabulous as ever.”

  Keilah stared back at Keytone and smiled. “Thank you.”

  He smiled and asked, “So, how’s the bodyguard business doing?”

  “It’s doing well, Keytone,” she replied with pride. “Thanks for asking.”

  Keytone smiled with admiration. “I’m sure you’re good at what you do. It’s not like you haven’t had some great guidance from your brothers. But from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re the one who needs guarding. You’ve grown up into a beautiful woman, Keilah, and I’m happy to see a hometown girl do well.”

  She lowered her head and blushed. “I appreciate that, Keytone.”

  Luke turned and noticed that Malachi was getting agitated with the conversation, so he felt he’d better hurry up and end it before things got out of hand. When the rest of the brothers along with Michael arrived on the scene, Luke knew he had to defuse the situation immediately.

  “Look, Keytone, we all know Keilah has grown up, and we’re also proud of her accomplishments. I just want to make sure we understand each other, and I want you to stay away from her. Do you feel me?”

  Keytone put a toothpick in his mouth and laughed. He was notorious on the streets, but he knew the brothers were just being protective and this wasn’t the time to challenge them.

  “I see you guys haven’t changed a bit. Still treating little Keilah like she’s a baby.”

  Malachi couldn’t take it anymore. He stepped forward and yelled at Keytone. “Keilah has sense enough not to waste a minute of her time with someone like you.”

  Keytone shoved his hands into his pockets and laughed even louder. “You know, it hasn’t been that long ago that you guys begged me for a job and I helped you guys out. You seem a little ungrateful to me, but that’s okay. Look, I’m cool with you guys, but for some reason you have a problem with me. Now if you don’t mind, the poker table is calling my name. Keilah, it’s good seeing you again, and good luck with your business.”

  She nodded without speaking, and they all watched as Keytone and his associates made their way toward the poker tables. Malachi sighed as the rest of the Chance brothers, except for himself and Luke, dissipated into the crowd. Luke took Keilah by the arm and attempted to lead her across the room. “Come on, let’s finish your tour.”

  She pulled away from him and looked at Malachi. “Why do y’all always have to embarrass me like that? Keytone was right. You guys act like I’m still a little girl needing your protection. I wish you would stop treating me like a child.”

  Malachi grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her toward him. “Keilah, Keytone is dangerous, and you can’t take your eyes off him for a second. We used to work for him, so we know what we’re talking about.”

  Keilah couldn’t believe her ears. She pulled away from Malachi and asked, “Have you ever heard of people changing?”

  Malachi and Luke were stunned. Malachi gave her a look that could kill. “Have you lost your damn mind? We know him better than anyone, and believe me, he hasn’t changed.”

  “But what if he has, Malachi?”

  Luke put his hands up to diffuse the situation. “Keilah, stop yelling. Look, you have to understand that we saw things, unpleasant things, when we were associated with Keytone, and that’s a life we don’t want any part of ever again.”

  She folded her arms and let out a breath. “That was a long time ago, Luke.”

  Luke and Malachi stared at her in amazement. They were shocked to hear Keilah defend Keytone after everything they’d told her about him. Unbeknownst to them, she knew a different side to Keytone, a side that she had been familiar with since she was a little girl. Yes, she’d seen his police record and read the newspaper articles, but he had never been convicted of any of the things he’d been accused of.

  Luke sighed and said, “Let’s all calm down. This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Malachi, we’ll keep our eye on Keytone like we’ve always done. Keilah, stop acting so god-damn defiant. We know you can take care of yourself, but don’t for one second think you’re invincible or that Keytone has changed his ways.”

  She lowered her head and sighed. “I’m sorry. I just hate to see you guys carry around so much anger for one person, and I don’t mean to give you a hard time.”

  Luke took her by the hand and smiled. “Apology accepted. Now come on. Let’s gamble and have some fun.”

  Malachi was still angry that Keilah would defend someone like Keytone, and just as he followed the pair around the corner, he noticed another familiar face looking their way. He tapped Luke on the shoulder to get his attention. “Luke, is that X and his crew?”

  Luke stared across the room in the direction of the young man, then turned away. “Yeah, that’s him.”

  Keilah followed Malachi’s gaze curiously. “Who’s X?”

  As they walked off together, Luke sighed before responding. “His name is Xavier, but he’s known as X on the street. His dad and Joe were friends, but he’s just another thug trying to make a name for himself. He usually hangs out at a railyard on the outskirts of town. I think his family has some businesses out there.”

  Keilah looked back over her shoulder at the young man who held up his drink and winked at her from across the room.

  It was nearly 3:00 A.M. when Keilah and Michael called it a night. It had been a night of fun and gambling, and now they were exhausted. They said their good-byes to the rest of the family and climbed inside the limo for the ride back to their hotel. Unbeknownst to the pair, their every move was being tracked.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next morning, Keilah woke up extra early to get her workout in before meeting back up with the family. Just as she exited their hotel room, her cell phone rang.


  “Good morning, Keilah. I thought I would check in to see h
ow everything went last night and to see if you were feeling better today?”

  Keilah pushed the button for the elevator and smiled upon hearing Ramsey’s voice. “It was beautiful, Ramsey, and for the record, I’m feeling much better. Thanks for asking.”

  “I didn’t mean to call you so early, but I know how you like to work out, so I figured you were already up,” he replied.

  “You’re right. I’m on my way down to the fitness room now.”

  “What did your brothers say about Michael?”

  Keilah sighed and said, “They don’t like anybody I date, Ramsey. Of course they feel like he’s too old for me, but when you look at it, there’s not that much difference in our ages.”

  “Who gave you the hardest time?” Ramsey teased.

  Keilah giggled. “Do you have to ask? You know it was Luke.”

  Ramsey laughed. “Well, don’t be so hard on him. You’re like his daughter more so than his sister, and he only wants the best for you.”

  “I know, and I appreciate it so much, but my brothers definitely need to lighten up.”

  “Maybe they see something in Michael that you don’t.”

  “That would make me blind as hell, wouldn’t it?” she replied with a smile on her face.

  “Keilah, I know you’ve only been gone for about twenty-four hours, but I miss you around here.”

  “That’s so sweet of you and just so you know, I miss you too. I’m having a great time with my family—well, I am when I’m not arguing with my brothers over stupid stuff.”

  “Stop being a hard-ass, and listen to them. You know they mean well,” Ramsey replied.

  “I know, but they really know how to push my buttons.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know. By the way, some of your regulars are missing you, too, and we picked up a few new clients. When you get back, we need a meeting to discuss scheduling assignments.”

  Keilah looked at her watch and said, “Sounds good. So why are you up so early?”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” he admitted. “So I thought I would get some work done, and then I’m going to go work out myself.”


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