The Last Chance

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The Last Chance Page 17

by Darrien Lee

  Roman looked at her and smiled. “Where are you trying to get to so early?”

  She turned on her heels and smiled back at him. “I said lunch.”

  “Sure,” Roman teased.

  Luke stopped her for a moment and said, “Toya, when you get back from lunch, I need you to contact P.K. Sloan for me.”

  “If I get him on the line do you want me to send the call through?”

  He nodded at her and answered, “If you don’t mind, and have a good lunch.”

  “Thanks, Luke,” Toya replied as she grabbed her purse and stepped inside the elevator.

  Luke looked at Roman as he placed his hand on the doorknob. “Let’s go see what X has on his mind.”

  Luke opened the door and found X looking down on casino patrons through a one-way window in the office. He turned and said, “Nice place you guys have here. You’ve come a long way. Business seems to be doing very well.”

  Roman sat his mail on the desk and joined Xavier at the window. “We make do. Now, what can we do for you?”

  Luke stood back and observed X’s body language. He was young, cocky, and was trying to make a name for himself on the streets. X had been tied to several brutal beatings and shootings in the area over the past year, and he didn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. X turned around to face Luke. “Roman, I thought I asked to speak to Luke alone.”

  Roman folded his arms and stood toe-to-toe with Xavier. “You might’ve requested that, but it’s not going to happen. What we have here is a family partnership, and we don’t conduct business alone. Now what is this about?”

  Xavier stared at Roman and smiled. “I didn’t mean any disrespect to you or your brothers. I know Luke is the head of the family—that’s the only reason I wanted to talk to him in private.”

  Luke walked over to where they were standing. “Xavier, what Roman is saying is that any business that has to be discussed affects all of us, and we won’t have it any other way. Now say what you came here to say.”

  Xavier pointed at a chair. “Do you mind if I sit down?”

  Luke made his way around the desk to his chair. “Have a seat.”

  Roman sat in the chair next to Xavier and listened as he spoke. “OK, I’ll get right to it. I want in, and you know I deserve it. Our pops started this shit, and it’s only fair that you guys give me an opportunity to invest in the Lucky Chance. I can bring in even more exciting events. We can sponsor boxing matches, concerts, all kinds of events to make even more money.”

  Luke looked at Roman in disbelief. Yes, Xavier was their father’s old partner Graham’s son, but Graham died before Joe Chance turned their gambling house into a successful business. For X to feel like he was owed something was ridiculous.

  “We’re not looking to expand right now, X, and when we do, it will be a family decision,” Luke stated.

  Could this be the deal Keilah’s attackers were talking about? If not, it was ironic that he would waltz into their office the day of her attack and throw them a proposition. But he wasn’t the first person who had ever approached them, so for now, Luke would just listen. He decided to play things cool and see what X had up his sleeve.

  “Luke, I don’t think you realize the millions of dollars you’re passing on,” Xavier replied.

  “Xavier, I don’t think you heard me earlier. I said this is a family business, and the last time I checked, you weren’t family, and for the last time, we’re not looking to expand.”

  X’s obvious disappointment showed on his face. He’d tried to approach them the nice way, and it just blew up in his face. “You guys are making a huge mistake.”

  Roman added, “Don’t think we haven’t received offers like yours before, Xavier. If we decide we want to make any changes to the way we run things around here, that will be our choice. “

  Luke stood and walked over to the door, opening it. “The best advice I can give you, X, is to go into business for yourself, because this one’s off-limits. Now if you don’t mind, we have work to do.”

  Xavier laughed and stood up. As he buttoned his jacket, he looked at the pair in disbelief.

  “You guys don’t know what you’re passing up. I have connections that could make the Lucky Chance as hot as any of those casinos in Vegas.”

  Roman smiled and said, “We appreciate your interest, but we’ll pass.”

  Xavier walked out the door, down the hallway to the elevator, and stepped inside. Roman and Luke came out into the hallway and watched as the elevator door closed. Roman pulled a radio out of his pocket and told security to keep an eye on Xavier, especially if he decided to hang around the casino. Luke and Roman returned to the office and closed the door.

  “What do you think about that, Luke? Could he have been the one to send those guys to attack Keilah?”

  Luke sat down behind his desk and sighed. “I don’t know. He was arrogant enough to walk up in here right afterward, but we can’t jump to conclusions, at least not yet. X is trying to make a name for himself, and I don’t want him trying to do it with us. If he’s that connected, he needs to go into business elsewhere.” Changing the subject, Roman picked his mail up off the desk and asked, “Why are you in here today? It’s my week to manage the office.”

  “I had a couple of letters I needed to get out before the end of the week. Michael and Malachi are downstairs doing a walk-through.”

  Roman walked over to the window and looked down on the casino floor. “Where’s Keilah?”

  Luke leaned back in his chair and shook his head. “She’s at Malachi’s house. They’re going to stay with him the rest of their trip.”

  Roman turned and asked, “How’s she doing?”

  “She’s fine, just a little scratched up. She gave those guys a good fight.”

  Roman sat down in the chair across from Luke. “I hope we can find out who was behind it and soon. I’d hate to think that it was X and we let him walk out of here just now.”

  Luke looked up at Roman. “No way. I believe she was targeted. A random attack usually involves only one person. Two men jumped Keilah, so it was likely they knew she wasn’t going to be easy to take down. No, this was definitely personal.”

  “Do you think Keytone had something to do with it?”

  Luke tapped his pen on the desk and thought to himself. “Nah, that’s not his style. Besides, he would never hurt Keilah, even if there’s no love lost with us.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  Luke keyed a few things in on the computer and said, “I’m sure. Now, punks like Xavier don’t care who gets in the way.”

  “Do you think it was him?”

  Luke frowned and answered, “It could’ve been anyone, but whoever it was will pay.”

  At that moment, security called Roman on his radio to announce that Xavier had left the building. Roman thanked the guard and stood. “Well, I have work to do. Get out of here and enjoy your day. I’m going to call and check on Keilah.”

  “You might not reach her because she said she was going to get in the pool, but you can try her.”

  Roman walked toward the door. “We need to have a family meeting tonight to discuss what happened to Keilah and about X coming up in here. I don’t think he’s going to give up too easily. You know how his dad was, stubborn, hot-tempered, and an alcoholic. I don’t know why Daddy ever opened that shack with him in the first place.”

  Without looking up from the computer screen, Luke replied, “You’re right, but it was hard to figure out why Daddy did a lot of things. Graham was one of his drinking buddies, so if he started anything with anybody, it was going to be him. We can meet over at Malachi’s tonight to discuss this further. Give everyone a call and set it up.”

  “Will do,” Roman said.

  “I’ll be leaving in about thirty minutes, so if you need me after that, hit me up on my cell.”

  “OK. See you later.”

  Roman closed the door, leaving Luke deep in thought. Maybe it was Xavier that had Keilah assaulted.
That’s something he would have to look into and fast.

  Across town, Keytone walked into a local bar and pool hall. It was a known spot in the neighborhood for finding undesirables to do anything for a buck. Almost immediately, he noticed, sitting at the bar, a known drug addict who kept up with everything that was going on in the neighborhood. Keytone approached him and sat down next to him. “What’s up, Pinky?”

  Pinky looked over at the person sitting next to him and started trembling. “I don’t owe you any money, Keytone. Why are you hassling me?”

  “Calm down, Pinky. I’m only here for information. I’ll make it worth your while,” Keytone said as he handed Pinky a hundred-dollar bill.

  Information was what Pinky always had. He held out his hand and smiled. “Thanks, Keytone.”

  Keytone stood and placed more money on the bar to pay for Pinky’s drinks. “Come take a ride with me so we can talk.”

  Pinky grinned and got off his bar stool, following Keytone out the door. Outside, a couple of guys from Keytone’s crew, waited by the car. When Keytone approached them, T. Money opened the back door of the Lexus so Keytone and Pinky could get in. Li’l Mike pulled out into traffic and Keytone immediately began to question Pinky regarding the Chance family.

  At first Pinky talked about the news of the new casino. Then he went on to say he’d overheard a conversation about someone planning to take over the Lucky Chance Casino.

  “Damn, Pinky. Where were you when you heard that?” Keytone asked.

  Pinky was somewhat full of liquor and did his best to recollect the information Keytone wanted. “I can’t remember. I was in a bar somewhere.”

  Keytone turned to Pinky and asked, “Who was doing the talking?”

  “I can’t think of that dude’s name. I’ve seen him around. He’s a young, smart-mouthed dude.”

  Keytone felt a little better. He was finally getting somewhere with Pinky. “What does he look like?”

  “I don’t know. He’s a young dude.”

  Frustrated, Keytone asked, “Did he say anything about assaulting a woman?”

  “Not that I can remember. Look, I was drinking a lot that day. I don’t even know if what I told you actually happened. I don’t remember hearing anything about them doing a female.”

  “Pinky, do you think you would recognize the guy if you saw him again?”

  “Hell yeah. I told you I’ve seen him around. I just don’t know who he is.”

  Keytone motioned for one of his boys to give Pinky another fifty-dollar bill. “Pinky, if you hear anything else about the Chance family or their casinos, I want you to call me. Do you understand?”

  Pinky gladly took the money and smiled. “No doubt, Keytone. Thanks.”

  Keytone told his driver to pull over and let Pinky out. They pulled over at the next intersection. Before pulling off, Keytone rolled down the window and said, “Go get something to eat with your skinny ass instead of smoking and drinking up all your money.”

  “I’m going to do that, Keytone. Thanks, man.”

  Keytone felt good that he was able to get some information from Pinky. There were a few more people he needed to see before coming to a conclusion. Li’l Mike pulled away from the curb into traffic.

  Just as Keilah climbed out of the pool and wrapped the towel around her body, her cell phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Hey, girl. What are you doing?”

  Keilah smiled when she heard Keytone’s voice. “Not much, just finished taking a swim. What about you? Did you find out anything?”

  “I might’ve, but I’m not sure yet. I’m still working on some angles.”

  Keilah made her way over to the chaise lounge and sat down. “Well, aren’t you going to share your information with me?”

  “Not until I do a little more checking. You just watch your back at that hotel.”

  She laid back and sighed. “My brothers thought it was best that we check out of the hotel, so we’re staying at Malachi’s house.”

  “That was a smart move. Look, I’ll holler at you later. I have some things to do.”


  “Yes, Keilah,” he answered with admiration in his heart.

  “Thanks for everything, and I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to tell my brothers about you while I’m here.”

  “Do you think now is the time, considering what happened to you? They might think this thang had something to do with me.”

  She thought for a moment before answering. “No, I think now is a better time than any. Besides, they know you would never put me in harm’s way or hurt me. It’s time they know the truth.”

  Keytone held the telephone in silence for a moment. “If you say so. Look, just let me know when you decide to do it so I can be prepared for them, because I know they’re going to be in my face.”

  “They’re not going to do anything to you. Besides, I want you there with me when I tell them.”

  Shaking his head, he laughed. “Four against one is never a good position to be in.”

  She smiled and said, “Four against two, Keytone. Don’t worry, you know I have your back.”

  “Just as I have yours, Keilah,” he replied. “Take care of yourself, and I’ll be in touch.”

  “Same here. Be safe out there.”

  “Oh, you know this. Later, Keilah.”

  “Good-bye, Keytone.”

  Keilah hung up the telephone and thought for a moment. She knew in her heart that her brothers needed to know the truth about Keytone, and putting it off any longer would only make matters worse. She just hoped they would see him as she did and not be angry with her for keeping the secret for so long. Going up against her brothers was never easy, and this time was going to be the ultimate battle.

  Keilah rose from her chair and headed into the house for a quick shower. She wanted to go over to her casino and hopefully get her brothers together so she could break the news, but Luke had made her promise not the leave the house alone. On the way to her room, she detoured into Malachi’s room, opened the trapdoor in his closet, and pulled out a 9 mm handgun. She smiled, checked the clip, and said to herself, “Perfect. I’d like to see somebody come at me now.” She also pulled a small .22-caliber handgun out of the small space and tucked it into her pocket as well. Once she had everything she needed, she headed to her room to shower and get dressed.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When Keilah stepped off the elevator on the office floor, Roman was the only person she recognized. She smiled as she walked toward him.

  Roman frowned and asked, “What are you doing here? I thought you were told not to leave Malachi’s house by yourself.”

  Keilah kissed her brother’s cheek. “I was, but I got bored, so I came down here to get my gamble on. Besides, I’m strapped.”

  He took her by the arm and hustled her into his office. “What do you mean you’re strapped?”

  Keilah sighed and raised her pants leg, revealing the small .22-caliber handgun strapped to her ankle. She also removed her jacket to show him the 9 mm in her back waistband.

  Roman frowned. “It doesn’t matter. You were told to do something and you didn’t do it. Do you have to be hardheaded all the time, Keilah? How did you get here?”

  She sat down in the chair opposite his desk and said, “Lay off me, Roman. Damn! I drove Malachi’s car over here, and correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m twenty-seven years old and I think I can take care of myself. I do it every hour of every day in D.C. without any of your help.”

  Roman poured himself a glass of V-8 juice and said, “You were assaulted this morning. What makes you think it won’t happen again?”

  Keilah pulled out her compact, checked her makeup, and said, “I don’t know, but if they do, I’m ready for them now. You guys would be surprised at the things I’ve been through in D.C., and I came out unscathed.”

  With a smirk on his face, Roman sat down and leaned back in his chair and asked, “Like what?”

  Without looking at him, she pl
ayed with a crystal statue on his desk and whispered, “I had to kill a guy.”

  Roman spat out his juice and sat up in his chair. Keilah shook her head and got up to retrieve a napkin out of the closet. She handed it to him and softly said, “I told you.”

  “You killed someone? Who? Why? What happened?” Roman asked as he cleaned the sprayed liquid off his desk.

  “I really don’t want to talk about it, Roman, but I will say it was in self-defense.”

  He threw the used paper towels in the garbage and said, “Damn. I didn’t know. Do any of the guys know about it?”

  “No, I didn’t tell them, and I didn’t plan on telling you either. I only did so you would know that I can take care of myself.”

  Roman came around from behind his desk and gave her a hug. “I guess you can, sis. Still, it had to have been a horrible thing to experience.”

  She looked up into his eyes and said, “It was, but it was either him or me, and I did what I had to do.”

  He hugged her again and said, “I understand.”

  Keilah stepped out of his embrace and sat back down in the chair. She pulled a tube of lipstick out of her purse and reapplied it. “Roman, I know you guys are only looking out for me. I’ll try to chill out. OK?”

  He leaned against his desk, smiled and folded his arms. “Thank you.”

  “Look, Roman, I need to talk to you guys. Can you come by Malachi’s when you finish?”

  “Sure. Is anything wrong?” he asked.

  “Why does something always have to be wrong, Roman?”

  He looked over at her curiously. “I don’t know, Keilah. It was just a thought.”

  She dropped the tube of lipstick into her purse and smiled. “You guys worry too much. I’m surprised you don’t have ulcers.”

  He let out a loud laugh and grabbed his stomach. “You know, I have been having these stomach pains.”

  Concerned, Keilah asked, “For real? Have you seen a doctor?”

  “I’m just kidding, Keilah, I’m fine. I’ll call Malachi to come get his car. You can ride back over to his house with me if you want to.”

  She interlocked her arm with his. “Sounds good, and on the way, can we grab some lunch or something? I’m starving.”


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