The Last Chance

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The Last Chance Page 20

by Darrien Lee

Keilah tried to swallow the lump in her throat. “But we haven’t known each other very long. How can you be so sure about me?”

  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he replied as he nibbled on her ear, causing her to suck in a breath. He smiled with pleasure and trailed kisses from her lips down to her navel, lingering there. He glanced up at her and winked when he heard a soft moan escape her lips. “Now that’s what I’m talking about. I can’t wait for you to have my babies, Keilah.”

  “How many do you want, Michael?” she asked curiously.

  “If I have my way, you’ll be barefoot and pregnant every nine months,” he teased.

  They both laughed, and then Michael kissed her greedily. Keilah could feel her lower region throbbing as Michael anxiously prepared himself to slide into her hot, moist body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto him as he moved deeper and deeper into her body. Keilah’s moans were starting to get louder and louder, and the last person she wanted to wake up was Malachi. Michael didn’t care because he loved it when Keilah writhed and moaned beneath him. Seconds later he rolled onto his back, pulling Keilah on top of his body. He pushed her hair away from her face so he could look her in the eyes. “Are you going to be OK out here?”

  “I’m only going to be here another day or so. I want to see you off to Iraq, and I’m ready to get back to work. Ramsey’s been holding things down for me long enough.”

  Michael ran his hands over the length of her voluptuous body, resting them on her hips. “Ramsey’s a big boy. You know he has no problem running the company while you’re away, and vice versa. I’m sure you just miss being at work and at home.”

  Just then, they heard a knock on the bedroom door.

  “Michael, Malachi’s at the door,” she whispered.

  He raised his head and cursed. “I’ll get it.”

  “No, let me because I know he’s not going to be happy that we woke him up,” she offered as she quickly slid into her bathrobe and made her way over to the door. She opened the door and came face to face with Malachi, who wore an obvious frown on his face.

  “Good morning, big brother. What’s up?” Keilah asked in a teasing tone as she stepped out into the hallway.

  He folded his arms and leaned against the wall. “You know what’s up. Could you guys do me a favor and hold it down in there? I’m trying to sleep.”

  Keilah smiled mischievously as she tried to smooth down her tousled hair. “I’m sorry, Malachi. We didn’t realize what time it was or that we were making a lot of noise. I’ll tell Michael not to groan so loudly when we make love.”

  Malachi’s frown progressed even further. “I don’t need to know that, Keilah, just keep it down in there.”

  As he turned to walk away, Keilah called out to him. “Malachi?”

  He turned to face her with a disgusted expression on his face. “Yes?”

  “Michael has to fly to Washington today. They’re sending him back over to Iraq.”

  He lowered his head. “I’m sorry to hear that, sis, but I’m sure Michael is used to being shipped off at a moment’s notice.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Keilah replied. “He asked me to marry him.”

  Malachi’s eyes widen. “Are you serious?”

  She blushed. “Yes, but I haven’t given him an answer yet because we haven’t known each other very long.”

  “That’s the main reason you need to really think about this, sis. You shouldn’t jump into anything as serious as marriage,” Malachi responded.

  “I know,” she replied as she fumbled with the belt on her robe.

  “Personally, I think you should wait and give this more thought. Michael might be cool and all, but I don’t think he’s the one for you.”

  Keilah giggled. “Is anyone the one for me in your eyes, Malachi?”

  Now it was his time to blush. “Not really.”

  Keilah hugged Malachi and gave him a loving kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Now if you don’t mind I would like to get back to sleep,” he announced.

  Keilah opened the door to her bedroom and smiled. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours and we’ll try to be a little quieter.”

  “Whatever,” Malachi said with a smirk on his face. He disappeared inside his room and hoped his sister and Michael would allow him to get a few more hours of sleep.

  Keilah walked back over to the bed and dropped her robe on the floor. She climbed under the comforter and snuggled close to Michael.

  “Are we in trouble?” he joked.

  She laid her head on his chest. “No, he’s cool. I told him I would try to get you to be a little quieter.”

  Michael wrapped his arms securely around her waist. “I knew you would blame it on me, but that’s cool because I’ll take the blame for being in love with you any day.”

  They lay there in silence for a few seconds until Keilah spoke first.

  “Michael, I can’t give you an answer on marriage right now, but I will seriously think about it while you’re in Iraq,” she said as she looked into his eyes.

  “Don’t stress over it, Keilah. The last thing I want to do is make you feel pressured,” he said as he kissed her neck. “You’re the only woman who’s ever made me feel the way I do, so take all the time you need.”

  “Thank you, Michael. That means a lot to me. No one’s ever proposed to me before.”

  He cupped her face and kissed her slowly on the lips. “All I want is you, Keilah. Nothing else matters to me. You’re perfect for everything I want and need in a woman.”

  Keilah didn’t know what to think. Michael was doing a good job convincing her to marry him, but something just didn’t seem right. He was saying and doing all the right things, making her decision even more difficult. He seemed to be so sincere and genuine with his expression of love.

  A few hours later, Malachi drove Keilah and Michael to the airport. She stood outside the car and tried her best not to cry, but she was not successful. Michael, all decked out in his military uniform, took her left hand and seductively kissed her ring finger before pulling her into his arms.

  “Miss Chance, take care of this finger, because the next time I see you, I’ll have something very special to put on it. I have big plans for you.”

  Malachi interrupted the couple. “Keilah, come on. You’re going to make Michael miss his plane, and I have to move this car.”

  Michael looked at Malachi and shook his head. “I have plenty of time, Malachi. Just let me hold my baby a little longer.”

  Malachi shook his head and then closed the trunk of the car. “You guys need to hurry up, because I don’t need any more parking tickets.”

  Irritated, Michael yelled, “Give me a second, Malachi. Please!”

  Malachi stormed around to the driver’s-side door and opened it. “OK, I’ll be in the car, but if the police come over here it’s on you.”

  Keilah and Michael ignored Malachi completely as he cupped her face and covered her lips with his.

  Malachi had had enough, so he blew the horn. “Michael, Keilah, come on, man. I have to move my car.”

  Michael kissed Keilah a couple of more times before reaching over to open the car door for her. “Stop stressing, Malachi. It’s hard for me to leave your sister right now.”

  Malachi started the engine on the car. “Yeah, man, I feel you, but I have to go.”

  Michael reached inside his pocket and pulled out a key. He placed it in the palm of her hand and said, “When I get back from Iraq, I would love to have you in my bed waiting on me.”

  Keilah’s throat was dry. She couldn’t believe Michael was giving her a key to his house. No man would do that so soon in a relationship. “Are you sure about this, Michael?”

  He kissed her on the lips and said, “Yes, I’m sure. Besides, I was going to ask you to check on my house while I was in Iraq anyway. Would you?”

  She slid inside the car allowing him the close her door for her. “Of course I will. Hav
e a safe flight, Michael, and call me when you land.”

  Michael leaned inside the window of the car and gave Keilah one more kiss before walking away. “No doubt, sweetheart. Enjoy the rest of your stay here with your family and I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.”

  “I will,” she said as Malachi pulled away from the curb.

  After they drove off, Malachi looked over at his sister. “Are you okay, sis?”

  Without looking back at him, she whispered, “I don’t know what to do, Malachi.”

  “You don’t know what to do about what? Michael?”

  She sighed and said, “Yes. He just gave me a key to his house.”

  “Don’t rush into this, Keilah. If you have doubt, that’s a sign to take it slow and really look at this,” Malachi replied. “Michael seems to be moving a little fast to me.”

  She looked over at Malachi and lowered her head. “Can I tell you something without you running your mouth?”

  He smiled. “Sure, what’s up?”

  “I think I’m in love with Ramsey,” she admitted.

  Upon hearing Keilah’s confession, Malachi swerved into another lane of traffic. Keilah and Ramsey had never given him or his brothers any indication that they were romantically involved or even interested in each other. “What do you mean you think? Where is this coming from?”

  Keilah looked out the passenger-side window and said, “We’ve been messing around for several months. It was all my idea, and it was supposed to be strictly recreational at my request, but something happened.”

  Malachi smiled. “First of all, you shouldn’t be having casual sex like that. Secondly, you shouldn’t have multiple partners, and lastly you shouldn’t have sex with your business partner.”

  “Don’t worry, Malachi. I stopped sleeping with Ramsey once I met Michael. My little liaison with him was only supposed to be a temporary arrangement.”

  “I don’t know what to say, sis. I mean, you know we all like Ramsey and think he’s cool. If it’s causing you to have some anxiety about your relationship with Michael, you need to find out how Ramsey feels so you’ll know where you stand.”

  She nodded in agreement. “It’s hard though. Michael tells me he loves me so much, and even though I don’t feel the same way, I have no doubt that I could grow to love him.”

  Malachi frowned. “Did we grow up in the same house?”

  Keilah softly replied, “Yes.”

  Malachi was angry now. “Then you know as a Chance, we don’t settle. Damn, Keilah! You’re making this harder than it really is. Does Ramsey have any idea of know how you feel?”

  “No, he doesn’t know. I mean we tell each other we care about each other and have special places in our hearts for the other in that sisterly-brotherly way, but Ramsey makes it very clear when we talk about relationships that he’s not looking for love or to be tied down with marriage. Right now he’s dating three different women.”

  “What you have to understand about men, sis, is that we say stupid stuff like that to keep our options open and to keep women from knowing our true intentions. What most of us are really doing is discreetly looking for Mrs. Right. Not many men are confirmed bachelors for life. We have this instinct to want children to carry on our name and legacy. A bachelor can’t do that. Every player eventually wants to settle down, I don’t care who they are. Even Ramsey.”

  “I hear you, but I wish I knew for sure that’s what Ramsey’s doing,” she whispered.

  “And you won’t know if you don’t talk to him,” Malachi reminded her.

  Keilah fumbled with the buttons on Malachi’s CD player and laughed. “You don’t know Ramsey like I know him. I had this whole thing planned out, and it backfired just like he said it would.”

  “What did Ramsey think would happen?”

  Keilah slid a CD in and as the music started playing she said, “He predicted it would mess up either our friendship or our business relationship.”

  “Well, has it?” Malachi asked as he turned the music up slightly.

  “No, but I’m afraid it might make things awkward between us.”

  “Suit yourself, but the way I see it, what do you have to lose? If you love Ramsey, why would you even consider hooking up with Michael?” Malachi asked. “So what if you’ve had some bad luck with your past relationships? You just don’t jump at the first guy that comes along with a smile. Michael might be a cool brother, but the fact remains that you haven’t known him very long and you’re in love with another man.”

  She glanced over at him and dapped her eyes with a tissue. “Thanks, Malachi.”

  “You’re welcome, sis.”

  “Hey, don’t say anything about this to the others. OK?” she pleaded.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t say anything,” he assured Keilah.

  For the next twenty minutes they rode in the car in silence. That was until her cell phone rang.


  “Hey Keilah, are you free for lunch today?” Keytone asked.

  She glanced over at Malachi. “Yes, Keytone, I’m free. Where do you have in mind?

  Keilah noticed the scowl on Malachi’s face as she continued to talk to Keytone. His facial expression was typical even on a good day. After she hung up her cell phone Malachi asked, “Why are you doing this?”

  “And just what am I doing, Malachi? Keytone’s our brother so you’re going to have to get used to it.”

  He pulled into the parking lot of the Lucky Chance Casino and put the car in park. “Dammit, Keilah,” he yelled as he jumped out of the car and stormed into the private entrance to the building. When Malachi stepped off the elevator, he bumped into Genesis, nearly knocking him down.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Genesis yelled.

  “Your sister,” he mumbled as he walked down the hallway to their office.

  Genesis followed behind him, questioning him. “Where is she?”

  Malachi sat down at his desk and put his head in his hands. “She’s outside in the car.”

  “You left her by herself in the car? What the hell is wrong with you?” Genesis yelled back as he hurried out the door. When he reached the elevator he frantically pushed the button. “Come on.”

  When the elevator doors opened, Keilah stepped out and gave him a warm hug. Relieved she was safe, he hugged her and let out a breath. “I was just coming down to get you.”

  She kissed his cheek. “That’s so sweet of you, but I’m fine. I made a few phone calls on my way up.”

  “You could’ve made your calls once you got inside. What’s going on with you and Malachi?”

  “Nothing, really. He’s just a little upset because I was on the telephone with Keytone.”

  Genesis escorted her down the hallway and into the office. He closed the door behind them and found Malachi busy typing on the computer. “Can’t you guys try to get along for once in your lives?”

  Keilah pointed at Malachi. “He started it. We were having a great morning and as soon as Keytone called he freaked out. I don’t know why he has to be so radical all of the time.”

  Malachi looked up at her from the computer. “You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not here, Keilah.”

  “Malachi, chill,” Genesis demanded.

  He looked up at them with a smirk on his face. “She owes me an apology.”

  Keilah folded her arms. “OK, Malachi. I’m going to be the bigger person here. I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

  He leaned back in his chair and smiled. “Apology accepted.”

  Genesis frowned. “Is that all you have to say to Keilah?”

  Malachi tugged on his earlobe and laughed. “OK. I’m sorry, sis.”

  She squinted her eyes at him.

  “Now we’re one big happy family again,” Genesis teased.

  “Not really. She’s getting ready to have lunch with Keytone,” Malachi revealed.

  Genesis turned to her and asked, “Is that true?”

  She pulled out her cell phone and punc
hed in a text message. “Yes, it’s true. I want to see him and all of my family members before I leave tonight.”

  “You’re leaving tonight? Where did this come from?”

  Malachi continued to type on the computer. “She’s leaving because Michael had to fly back to D.C. this morning because he has to go to Iraq.”

  She frowned at Malachi. “Malachi, may I please answer Genesis’ questions?”

  “Whatever,” he mumbled.

  Keilah dropped her cell phone into her purse and turned back to Genesis. “You guys knew I was only going to be here for a couple of days.”

  Genesis pulled out a chair for her to sit down. “But do you have to leave so soon?”

  “Yes, because Ramsey’s been running the company by himself. Besides, I want to see Michael off to Iraq.”

  Malachi made eye contact with Keilah and smiled when she mentioned Ramsey. Keilah discreetly shook her head at Malachi. She didn’t want him to reveal anything to Genesis regarding what she told him about Ramsey.

  Genesis sat down next to Keilah and said, “I was hoping you would stay a couple of extra days.”

  “I wish I could, but I really have to get back.” She looked at her watch and stood. “And if you don’t mind, I have a lunch date.”

  Genesis also stood and said, “Wait a second, Keilah. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be running around town with Keytone.”

  She hugged Genesis. “I can take care of myself.”

  Malachi laughed. “Yeah, just like you did at the hotel, huh?”

  Keilah slowly turned around and faced Malachi. “That was cold, Malachi, even for you.”

  “Keilah’s right,” Genesis agreed. “That was totally uncalled for.”

  “No. She wants everyone to know how tough she is, let her go on,” Malachi suggested.

  She walked toward the door. “I’m out of here.”

  After she slammed the door shut, Genesis turned to Malachi. “Are you ever going to change?”

  Malachi leaned back in the chair and said, “No. Keilah needs some tough love sometimes. Y’all baby her too much.”

  Genesis stormed out of the room and hoped he would be able to catch Keilah before she left the building. Downstairs he found her in the casino playing blackjack.


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