The Last Chance

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The Last Chance Page 23

by Darrien Lee

  She turned to Michael and as quick as lightning aimed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. The loud gunshot echoed throughout the house causing Ramsey to sprint up the stairs in sheer panic.

  Michael fell to the floor in misery. “Dammit, Keilah. I can’t believe you shot me.”

  By the time Ramsey made it to the room, blood was trickling from Michael’s wound. He looked at Keilah and yelled, “Have you lost your damn mind? Get a towel.”

  Michael continued to moan as Keilah slowly walked into the bathroom to retrieve a towel. When she re-entered the room, she threw it to Ramsey and calmly sat back down in the chair.

  Ramsey quickly wrapped the towel around Michael’s foot to try and stop the bleeding. “Be still, Michael, and let me put pressure on it. We need to get you to the hospital.”

  Keilah leaned down toward Michael, who had broken out in a sweat. “Michael, I want you to know that I shot you because I loved you. I don’t want you to ever think you got one over on me. You asked me where we go from here? I guess to the hospital. I’ll get the car.”

  When Keilah got downstairs, Kevin was gone. She put Ramsey’s gun in the back waistband of her jeans and went outside to start the car.

  Upstairs in the bedroom, Ramsey said, “This is your fault, Michael.”

  Michael was now crying, not only from the pain, but from guilt as well. “I’m so sorry. Oh, God. This shit hurts.”

  Ramsey helped Michael off the floor. “You know she could’ve killed you if she really wanted to?”

  “Please just get me somewhere so I can get this bullet out of my foot,” he begged.

  Before leaving the room, Ramsey looked at Michael. “I’m so angry at you right now that I could kill you myself. You’re an idiot for putting her life in danger like you did. I should let you lie here and bleed to death.”

  “Please, Ramsey, help me,” Michael begged.

  “I’ll help you only if you don’t press any charges against Keilah, because when we get to the hospital, they’re going to ask you what happened. By law they have to report all gunshot wounds.”

  The pain caused Michael to grit his teeth. “No, I’m not pressing charges. I love Keilah. I’ll just tell the doctor I picked up the gun and it went off.”

  “Good, now let’s get you to the hospital.”

  Michael put his arm around Ramsey’s neck and hopped on one foot out the door and down the stairs to the awaiting car.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Slim and Romeo sat in the parking lot of the gas station and waited for Luke to leave his gated community. As soon as they saw his Infiniti pass, they fell in behind him to begin to tail him. Luke was a routine guy, even though he tried not to be. When Slim pulled up to a traffic light two cars behind him, he noticed Luke had his ten-year-old daughter in the car. Romeo noticed it too and said, “Slim, that’s not good.”

  “Just hold on, I’m sure he’s just taking her to school.”

  “I thought we were going to be able to make our move on that stretch of highway close to his house,” Romeo responded.

  “The school is only a few blocks away. He has to come back out on the same road to get to his gym. He goes every morning, so stop bitching, because you’re making me nervous. You just be ready.”

  Romeo pulled a device out his pocket and said, “Don’t worry about me, I’m ready.”

  After Luke dropped his daughter off at school, he continued on to a local gym, just like they said he would. Romeo and Slim pulled into the parking lot a few spaces down from him and were able to approach Luke unnoticed as he opened his trunk and removed his gym bag. In the blink of an eye, Romeo zapped Luke with a stun gun, paralyzing him. They threw him into the trunk of his car, and Slim got behind the wheel and sped off with Romeo following close behind.

  Capturing Luke was the easy part. Luring the others would be the challenge, but if they played their cards right and Luke cooperated, everything would go as Xavier planned.

  Slim and Romeo were met at the warehouse by Xavier and Baby Dee. When they opened the trunk, Luke had come to, so they stunned him once more to paralyze him again. Baby Dee and Romeo pulled Luke out of the trunk of the car, carried him up the elevator to the second floor, and placed him on the floor of an old cage, which was formerly used to store supplies. Xavier smiled and said, “Well done. He’ll be out for a while. Call me when he wakes up and we’ll invite Roman, Malachi, and Genesis to join him.”

  Laughing, Xavier and Romeo walked over to the elevator. “We’ll be back once we finish our coffee.”

  Baby Dee pulled out a deck of cards and said, “Bring me back a cinnamon roll. Come on Slim, and let me kick your ass in some poker.”

  As Luke laid on the floor, he could hear them laughing. He didn’t understand what was going on, but he was sure X would let him know in due time.

  Xavier and Romeo returned about thirty minutes later to find Luke screaming at Baby Dee and Slim to let him out of the cage. The moment Luke saw X step out of the elevator he cursed him repeatedly. Xavier laughed and said, “Calm down, Luke. This is only a temporary arrangement. If you do what I ask you to do you’ll be home with that fine wife of yours before the sun sets. If not, then we have a problem.”

  “Go to hell, Xavier. You’re never going to get away with this,” Luke spouted.

  X walked over to Luke and arrogantly responded, “I already have, but how this story ends is totally up to you.”

  “Like I said, Luke, your wife is fine, and if you can’t find it in your heart to cooperate with me, then I have no choice but to send Baby Dee over to that restaurant she works at to escort her home. He would love to tuck her in bed for you tonight.”

  Xavier’s comment infuriated Luke. Just the thought of X or any of these thugs anywhere near his family made his blood pressure rise.

  Xavier clapped his hands together and said, “If no one has any questions, let’s get this party started.”

  Baby Dee pulled out a forty-ounce bottle of beer and took a long sip. He burped loudly and said, “I’m hoping Luke don’t cooperate. I’m looking forward to spending the night with his old lady.”

  They laughed again. Luke gritted his teeth and asked, “What do you want from me?”

  Xavier smiled and said, “You know what I want. I tried to do this the easy way, but you wouldn’t listen. Now you’ve forced my hand. My daddy’s family deserves to have just as much share in the Lucky Chance as you and your family, and I’m determined to get it, with or without you.”

  “That’s some bullshit, and you know it,” Luke yelled back. “Your daddy was a drunk and never did anything to help my father build the casino.”

  Xavier jumped in Luke’s face and said, “While we’re talking about daddies, why don’t we talk about how your daddy treated you and your family like trash. He never worked an honest day in his life. He was a ladies’ man and it was all about the hustle.”

  Luke yanked on the cage violently and said, “Well, your daddy was his best friend so I guess you can say they were two of a kind.”

  “Romeo, give me the goddamn phone. Baby Dee, get him out of there. Slim, tie him up.”

  Romeo handed Xavier the telephone. He dialed a series of numbers and while he waited for the person to pick up he watched Slim tie Luke up. The person on the other end of the telephone picked up and Xavier said, “Yo, man. I got him. Do your thang.”

  Xavier hung up the telephone and said, “Let the games begin.”

  Back at the Lucky Chance, Malachi and Genesis started their day by conducting a brief meeting with the morning staff. Once everyone was dismissed, they headed downstairs to the restaurant to get breakfast.

  Just as they were about to get on the elevator, Roman and their family attorney, P.K. Sloan, stepped out into the reception area. Roman smiled and said, “Look who I ran into.”

  Malachi and Genesis shook P.K.’s hand and said, “We were on our way to grab breakfast. Do you have time to join us?”

  P.K. looked at his watch and said, “I c
an’t join you guys for breakfast, but I’d be honored if you guys would let me take you to lunch around noon.”

  “Sounds good, P.K. It’s about time you spent some money on us for a change,” Malachi teased. “Where’s Luke?” Genesis said, “He should be over at the Special K right about now.”

  “Well, hopefully he’ll be able to join us. I have a meeting to get to, but I’ll pick you guys up around noon.” P.K. and Roman stepped back inside the elevator.

  Roman said, “I’m headed over to the Special K. I’ll see you guys at lunch.”

  P.K. smiled and said, “Don’t eat too much breakfast and make sure you save room for lunch. I’m taking you guys to a joint you’ll never forget. Call Luke and make sure he’s able to join us.”

  “Will do,” Genesis replied.

  P.K. pushed the button on the elevator, causing the doors to close leaving him and Roman alone. “How’s Keilah enjoying her visit home?”

  “She’s already back in D.C. You know we could never keep her here too long.”

  P.K. frowned and said, “I thought she was going to stay for a few extra days.”

  They stepped off the elevator and walked toward the lobby doors. “We thought she was going stay a little longer too, but she said she had to get back to her company.”

  Roman walked P.K. outside. P.K. opened his car door and said, “I’m sure she’s a busy woman. I hope you guys didn’t give her a hard time. Wait a minute. I forgot who I was talking to. I bet all of y’all gave her a hard time didn’t you?”

  Roman laughed.

  P.K. started up his car and said, “Say no more. I’ll see you at noon.”

  “Good-bye, P.K.”

  Roman pulled his keys out of his pockets, walked over to his car and headed to the Special K. When he pulled out of the parking lot he dialed Luke’s cell phone. After a series of rings, his voice mail came on. “Yo, Luke, I’m on my way in to the office. Clear your calendar for lunch because P.K. is taking us out to eat. I’ll see you shortly.”

  As Michael was being treated in the emergency room, doctors quizzed him about his injury. Keilah sat quietly in the waiting room while Ramsey made a few calls on his cell phone. When he hung up, he turned to Keilah. “You do know shooting Michael was stupid, right?”

  “I let him off easy. I should’ve killed him.”

  Ramsey tucked his cell phone in his pocket. “And where would that have gotten you, huh? You have to think about yourself. That kind of ignorance is not worth messing up your life over. Besides, the last time I checked, we had a business together, and you could’ve put that in jeopardy, too.”

  With a blank look on her face, she softly apologized, “I’m sorry, Ramsey.”

  He moved a strand of hair out of her eyes. “Keilah, I’m not saying I don’t understand your pain. I’m saying you’re going to have to keep your head clear of bullshit like this when it comes to dating.”

  She interlocked her arm with his, and then laid her head on his shoulder. “I know, but this was the ultimate betrayal.”

  Ramsey sat there for a moment, and then asked her a question he seriously needed answering. “Keilah?”


  “Have you ever had unprotected sex with Michael?”

  She sat up and looked him in the eyes. “No, and I’m so thankful. He claims he never had unprotected sex with any man, but I don’t believe anything he says anymore.”

  Ramsey stared at her and let out a relieved breath. Tears formed in Keilah’s eyes when she realized what thoughts were going through his head. It’s not like it hadn’t crossed her mind, too. “Ramsey, you’re the only man in my life I’ve ever had unprotected sex with and you and I both know it was stupid of us to do that, but I ...”

  A doctor walked up and interrupted them. “Are you two here with Michael Monroe?”

  Ramsey stood and said, “Yes, how is he?”

  “He’s coming along fine. The bullet has been removed, and he’s being stitched up as we speak. You’ll be able to see him shortly. I just wanted to come out and give you an update.”

  Ramsey shook the doctor’s hand and said, “Thank you.”

  He sat back down and said, “What were you saying before we were interrupted?”

  She sighed and said, “Listen Ramsey, I know this is all too little too late, but while we’re on the subject, what about you? Have you had unprotected sex with any of the million women you’ve dated?”

  Ramsey put his arm around her shoulders and smiled. “No way, never in my life.”

  Keilah cleared her throat and then asked, “Then why did you do it with me?”

  He shifted in his seat. This wasn’t the place he wanted to tell Keilah that he was madly in love with her and that he wanted to make her his wife, so he said the first thing that came to his mind. “I know it was wrong, Keilah but you’re special to me in ways you would probably be surprised about.”

  “That’s not an answer, Stone.”

  “I know, but it’s the best I can do under the circumstances. Sitting in the emergency room waiting room is not the place to talk about this,” he replied.

  Keilah leaned over and whispered into his ear. “Would you be offended if I asked you to go get tested with me? I know it would make us both feel so much better.”

  He hugged her tighter and said, “Of course I’ll go. You and I both know that sex is not the only way to get HIV, and we’ve both come in contact with some shady people and had our share of scrapes, cuts, and bruises. Getting tested is the right thing to do. I’m glad you brought it up. Look, after we get Michael situated, why don’t you come home with me and let me fix you something to eat? You have to be exhausted.”

  She stood up and so did Ramsey. “I am exhausted, but I’m not hungry. I’ll pass, but thanks for the offer. I’m going to catch a cab home so I can decompress.”

  “OK. I’ll check on you later,” he said as he walked her to the door.

  She hugged him. “Thank you.”

  Seconds later she disappeared around the corner and out of sight.

  Michael was finally moved to a room and was still slightly sedated when Ramsey walked into the room. Michael opened his eyes and noticed Ramsey was alone.

  “Where’s Keilah?” Michael asked.

  Ramsey stared down at the bandages on Michael’s foot. “She went home.”

  “She hates me, doesn’t she?”

  Ramsey ran his hand over his head. “What do you expect, Michael? You lied to Keilah in every way possible. It’s one thing to cheat on her with a woman, but you did it with a man. That’s not something that happens overnight. You’re lucky she didn’t kill you.”

  Tears ran down Michael’s face. “Will you please tell her I’m sorry?”

  Ramsey walked over to the window, looked out for a moment and then turned to face Michael. “No, what you need to do is to forget about Keilah and make sure your boyfriend doesn’t report the incident. If this ever comes to light it won’t only mess up Keilah’s life, but yours too, and I’m sure you don’t want the Randolphs or your military buddies to know about your alternative lifestyle. But I will promise you this, if Keilah gets into trouble over this then I’m coming after you. You owe Keilah and you know it.”

  Michael softly whispered, “I love Keilah. I’ll take care of her so she doesn’t have to worry about getting into trouble over this.”

  Ramsey walked toward the door and said, “Good, and I trust that you’re being truthful with me.”

  “I am, Ramsey. Thanks for helping me.”

  Ramsey opened the door and said, “Good-bye, Michael.”

  Michael closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  Keilah felt refreshed after a long, hot soak in her tub. The events of the morning and taken a toll on her, and all she could think of at the moment was some much-needed sleep. As she pulled back the comforter on her bed, her doorbell rang. She cussed before she hurried downstairs and found Ramsey on her doorstep. She opened the door, allowing him to come in.

��You look like you’re ready for bed,” he noted as he entered the house. Dressed in some very revealing boy shorts and a T-shirt, Keilah replied, “Something like that.”

  Shivers ran over Ramsey’s body as he took note of her attire. He followed her into the family room and said, “Well, I won’t keep you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Michael’s going to be fine, but they’re keeping him overnight for observation. It seems like his pain is more emotional than physical though.”

  Keilah sat down on the sofa and pulled a pillow into her lap. “Is he going to have me arrested?”

  “No. He made that clear before we left his house.”

  Keilah leaned her head back on the sofa and said, “What about Michael’s boyfriend? He could report me.” Ramsey looked over at Keilah and said, “Michael assured me he would take care of everything.”

  “I can’t remember the last time I was that angry, Ramsey. The moment I saw that man in his bed, I knew I was going to shoot him. I just didn’t know how many times.”

  “I would’ve been pissed too, Keilah, but you jeopardized your whole life over him. Michael wasn’t worth it and you know it.”

  “I know but I lost it, Ramsey. I mean it wasn’t like I was in love with him or anything, but the fact that I’d been intimate with him and then found him in bed with a man sent me over the edge. I guess you could say I saw my life flash before my eyes.”

  Ramsey sat quietly for a second and asked, “Are you going to tell your brothers?”

  She curled up on the sofa next to him. “If I do, then Michael will be a dead man. They didn’t seem to like him very much. The age difference had a lot to do with it. This whole thing feels like a nightmare.”

  Ramsey sighed. “All Michael had to do was be honest with you in the beginning.”

  “Michael told me he was planning on marrying me just so I could give him a child. After that his plan was to divorce me and raise our child with Kevin. You know I would never let him get away with that.”


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