Billionaire Stepbrother - Secret Lives

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Billionaire Stepbrother - Secret Lives Page 7

by Du Bois, Madeline

  “It is, but sometimes I wonder if I still belong there. I don’t feel like I belong anywhere else, though, either.” It was the first time he had admitted such a thing to himself much less to anyone else. Cynthia seemed to put him in the mood to spill his guts, among other things. “To be honest, my main motivation these days is keeping the club together, mostly because I just don't have anyone else.” He didn’t say it out loud, but he knew immediately that he wanted Cynthia to be that someone else.

  He took another step forward, and while she seemed uncomfortable, she also didn’t back away. “What are you doing?” she asked him, and he could almost taste her breath.

  “This,” he answered, placing his hands on either side of her face and pulling her in for a kiss; the most meaningful kiss he’d ever given. He let it linger, delighting in the fact that she didn't recoil immediately, but unsure whether it was because she shared his desire or was paralyzed in fear. As he pulled away, he felt his own fear swell with in him. Fear of rejection as he waited for her reaction.

  Would she run, or would she stay?

  Chapter 12

  It was as if the office melted away before Cynthia’s eyes and all she could see was Dante. She stood there for a moment looking at his stunned face, smelling the alcohol on him. She wanted him to kiss her again, to just keep going. But she waited for him to move first to make sure he hadn’t done it by mistake.

  After a moment, Dante closed the distance between them again, latching onto the back of her neck with his hand and pressing his lips firmly against hers. His tongue slid into her mouth and began exploring it. She felt it massage her own before running against her teeth and the sides of her mouth. His hand moved up to tangle in her hair as he held her to him at the back of her head. A chill went down her spine in response to his touch.

  She bumped into a wall and realized he’d back her into it, still kissing her passionately. No longer feeling frozen, she reached behind him and grabbed his ass, pulling his body into her. She heard a groan emit from his throat and he held her lips between his teeth. She let her hands explore the skin under his shirt and felt the flexing of his back muscles against her palms. Her nails grazed his warm skin, and he bit down harder on her lip.

  Cynthia’s breathing was coming out in quick gasps as his lips moved away from hers and made a trail down her neck to her shoulder. She shivered and closed her eyes letting the feeling of his hands and lips wash over her. He grabbed a wad of hair in the hand he still had against her head and pulled just enough to send a pinch of pain through her. She responded by calling out and digging her nails deeper into his back before tugging his shirt off.

  Holding him at arm's length, she studied his body under the soft glow of the desk lamp. Dante was ripped, with defining lines making up his abs and pecs and tattoos creating a maze of designs that covered his entire upper body before dipping down beneath the hem of his pants. It was better than she had imagined.

  She could see the lust shining in her stepbrother's eyes as he knocked her arm out of the way to lift her body up and carry her over to his desk, knocking over the lamp in the process. It didn’t break, but it did come unplugged, plunging them into total darkness.

  As her eyes adjusted to the blackness of the office, she felt her jeans being tugged off to expose her bare legs. The cool air hit her, giving her goose bumps as her shoes fell to the ground as well. Her panties quickly followed, and she heard the sound of a chair scraping across the thin carpet in the office. She could finally see Dante’s silhouette as he sat down in a chair in front of her, placing one leg on each side of his neck.

  Cynthia gasped as she felt his lips leaving little wet scars along her inner thigh all the way up to the sweet spot that was beginning to ache for him in the best way. Her center was watering like a dog salivating at the thought of food as his tongue flicked out of his mouth and gave her soft skin a small lick. Just that soft, wet touch was driving her mad.

  His tongue grazed her skin again, licking a line down from the top to the wet center that was awaiting any gift he was willing to give. Suddenly, his tongue plunged deep inside of her, the stiffness making her imagine another piece of him she would like to follow it up. She could feel herself getting even wetter as he kissed and licked before making his tongue vibrate rapidly inside of her. She began to moan and shake under his grasp, his tongue flirting with bringing her to a powerful climax.

  Then he stopped, leaving her aching and panting, clinging to the edges of a orgasm that she was desperate to have him pull her over. She watched as he looked her right into her eyes and kicked the chair away. His gaze stayed connected with hers as he unzipped his pants and let them drop to the ground and then followed suit with his boxers. His glorious body was now bared before her, his hard cock standing at attention.

  He stepped forward and pressed himself up against her bare skin.

  She wanted to reach down and touch his manhood, grab it with her hands and push it hungrily toward her aching core, but he slowly pulled at her shirt to remove it, which kept her hands from reaching for him.

  Once it was removed, her attention was diverted again as he bent forward to immediately begin kissing and licking up and down her breasts. Her nipples were getting hard and sensitive as his tongue repeated the tricks it did inside her pussy.

  Cynthia ran her hand through his hair, tugging at pieces along the way and practically growling at him. She didn’t know how much longer she could wait as she felt his hardness slip around her body and press hard against her clit. In the back of her mind she remembered how wrong this was - how he was a motorcycle club member, her boss, and even her stepbrother. But none of it mattered in the moment. She pushed those thoughts into a dark corner, leaving them to be forgotten. At least for now.

  Unable to take his teasing any longer she bucked into him, whimpering to show him what she wanted, but he responded with a soft, throaty chuckle. He kissed up her neck to her ear, clearly not yet ready to satiate her urges, although she was beginning to think she would finish on her own regardless, without feeling him inside of her, such was the effect he was having on her body.

  His hot breath in her ear as he blew softly into it between licks and nibbles were driving her wild. Somehow he was making that small movement feel like the best sex she’d ever had. What was it going to feel like once he was actually inside of her? Would he ever show her?

  “Do you want me?” he whispered into her ear. For a moment it sounded like a real question, like he was unsure.

  “Yes,” she breathed, wondering if he could hear the desperation in that single word.

  “Tell me, Cynthia. Tell me what you want me to do,” he commanded, making her melt right there. He really was the alpha she’d been looking for.

  “I want you to plunge your hard cock deep inside me and fuck me hard right now,” she begged, barely able to keep her composure. But she wanted him in control. That’s how she liked it best. Let him hear how much she truly wanted this.

  Dante jerked his body up against her, slamming his hardness against her pubic bone. She gritted her teeth to keep from yelping in pain, but even still she couldn’t help but notice how thick he felt. “Then that’s what you’ll get,” he growled into her ear before doing exactly what she told him she wanted.

  Cynthia screamed at the top of her lungs and latched onto him with her legs and nails as she felt his girth practically ripping her open. He pushed himself deeper and deeper inside her, long as a snake, until she thought he was going to hit her stomach. He began to pull back and then thrust like launching a rocket; hard and fast. Her moans started involuntarily, despite her worry that security was likely to hear and come running. It probably sounded like Dante was killing her instead of fucking her with his giant shaft.

  As if to shut her up, he shoved his finger into her mouth for her to suck on. She began playing with it, licking it up and down with her tongue and nibbling gently. She closed her eyes as the pain subsided into nothing but pure pleasure with his shaft filling her
up. She could feel her heart banging around inside of her chest as he thrust fast without slowing down or letting up. Her soft flesh seemed to contour to his cock perfectly.

  Soon they were both lost in a symphony of shared moans and pants, and then she felt it. Her body began to sweat and shake uncontrollably, the quaking reached her insides and making her wet pussy squeeze around his shaft, choking it inside of her. She heard a primal sound rip from his throat and then a wet warmth release inside of her. They had both come to climax, and she looked up to see his head bent back in ecstasy.

  * * *

  Cynthia sat straight up in bed panting from some nightmare she suddenly could not recall. Her clock read eight in the morning, and it was Saturday which meant no work. It was a good thing since she wasn’t quite sure what to make of her steamy encounter with Dante yet. Their goodbye that night banged around in her head like an echo. It had been awkward to say the least.

  She cringed at the memory before sliding back under the covers to go back to sleep. There was no need to hurry up and get out of bed. It was the weekend, and she lived alone. She could do chores and run errands at any time.

  She smiled to herself, and closed her eyes, laying the right side of her head against the pillow. Just as she felt herself slipping into sleep again, her phone began to ring. She rolled over with a groan and looked at the caller ID. She half expected it to be Dante with another “emergency”, but she saw it was a blocked number. “Hello?” she said, wondering who would call her so early on a Saturday morning.

  “Well, well, well, what are you still doing in bed on a morning like this?” Her eyes narrowed as she recognized the voice.

  “It’s none of your business,” she said flatly, ready to hang up on him. She wasn’t quite sure what was keeping her from doing so.

  “Oh, don’t play hard to get, Cynthia. I know you’re still having trouble finding a job. Let’s just end this whole thing and you come back to work. I miss you, the clients miss you.”

  “Really, because that’s not what you told all the people I interviewed with.”

  “Don’t be bitter, Cynthia. I was just doing what I had to do to win you back. All is fair in love and war, right?”

  “No, and there isn’t love involved anyway. And for your information I did find a job despite you sabotaging my efforts.”

  She heard silence on the other side of the line for a moment and felt a wave of satisfaction come over her. “Well, I suppose congratulations are in order, Cynthia.” With that she hung up on him and collapsed back onto the bed. She heard the defeat in his voice and had the hope that it was the last contact she’d ever have with the man that she spent four years working for and hopelessly in love with while blind to the fact that the only one he loved was himself.

  Then her mind shifted to thoughts of Dante and how the promises she’d made to herself had gone right out the window. He was both a bad boy and her boss, but she had slept with him without a second thought. Worst of all, he was her stepbrother. Wasn't fucking him against the law or something? She wasn't even sure.

  It was only now after the fact that she was beginning to wonder about the consequences, but she didn’t think anything would have stopped it from happening eventually. He was just so sexy and commanding. The consequences had been in her head and still hadn't given her the strength to say no. The question is, should she continue, or just leave it as a onetime mistake. A wonderful, hot, sexy mistake. What reason did she really have to think that Dante would be any different than the others? Then Winslow? How could she really know?

  Chapter 13

  Dante ran his hands up and down Cynthia’s thin frame until finally resting them on her ass and giving it a squeeze. The cheeks were full where the rest of her was slender, giving him just enough flesh to grab onto. He tasted her skin by licking her neck up and down and weaving his hand into her wavy dark hair. He had never felt such desperation to have one person, to feel every inch of them forever.

  Then her face with its bright green eyes glowing like a snake faded before him as his room materialized. A cold sweat covered his body, and he felt a hungry ache down below that called for a cold shower as soon as possible. He had been dreaming of Cynthia all night, and he was beginning to wonder if the actual encounter with her had been a dream as well. But he knew he could never have imagined the way he had felt inside of her.

  He wasn’t sure how to handle himself at work now that he’d slept with her. She knew both sides of him, but which one did she want him to be? He could easily ignore anything had ever happened, forcing her to say something first or forget about it, or he could pick up the phone and tell her how much he enjoyed himself and that he wanted to see her again. Something told him neither option was feasible. He had never been that great with words and emotions with women, but he knew now how badly he wanted her. He wasn’t about to let her go.

  He would have to just go with the flow and see what happened on Monday. For the moment, he had bigger issues to deal with. He was supposed to be meeting with his stock broker, or rather the stock broker for the motorcycle club. He was trying to keep some investments going to keep the money flowing for Devil’s Pirates MC. He was also trying to set up a security contract with a private client. The problem was that he was still having problems with members of the MC, and it still was not clear who was on his side and who he could trust. It was getting out of hand.

  Dante rolled out of bed and hopped straight into the shower, letting the cold water hit him where it hurt until he no longer felt the painful ache for Cynthia’s body. He left his hair alone, leaving it looking like he’d been rolling around in his bed. He wanted to be sure his persona was intact for his meeting with the club today.

  He pulled on his boxers and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked pretty menacing with his muscular arms and tattoos that covered most of his upper body. He slipped on a white tee shirt before pulling on his signature jacket which was beginning to fall apart at the seams. It only served to make him look more rugged.

  Last, he finished it off with a pair of torn work jeans that he often used when working on bikes. It was the best he could think up before walking out the door and heading to meet Bryant, who he was growing more suspicious of every day. How could a leader of a motorcycle gang survive in a world where he didn’t even trust his right hand man? He was determined to find out; and fast.

  By the time he arrived at The Blue Pig it was a little before noon. He thought he could get in a quick lunch before everyone arrived, but as he parked his bike he saw that there were several others already there. In fact, it seemed that most of the club had beat him to the bar. It made him wonder what the hell was going on.

  He walked in to blaring music. The bartender was nowhere to be seen, and the stench of alcohol permeated the room. In fact, he almost slipped stepping in it. Some members of the club were breaking glasses, dancing on tables, and screaming. It was like a riot had taken place. Then he caught sight of Bryant and walked over to him. Dante found him behind the bar, wiping down the counter and trying to push a couple off of it. He seemed to be the only voice of reason there, though he didn’t seem to mind all that much that they were practically destroying the place.

  “What the fuck is going on, Bryant?” he called over the noise. He was beyond annoyed at the display before him. They were wrecking the hangout, the meeting place, and their long time friend’s bar. That was taking the lifestyle way too far.

  Bryant’s eyes grew wide at seeing Dante before answering. “I’m sorry, man. I got here just a little while ago to meet with you about the business and stuff and found this going on. I’m trying to do what I can to clean up.” Bryant shrugged and continued to wipe at the soaked counter with broken glass all over it, but Dante had seen enough. He jumped over the counter and made his way to the back where he found the speaker system and unplugged it. He also found Missy crouched over in the stockroom, probably trying to get away from the mess that had become of her bar.

  He lifted her up by t
he arm and stomped back out into the bar, standing up on the driest part of it he could find. He nodded to Bryant who gave an ear-splitting whistle that made most of the crowd look their way.

  “I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into all of you, but this shit stops now. This is our bar, the one our club has called home for at least a decade, and you’re trashing the shit out of it. If any of you expect to stay a part of the MC you are going to march up to Missy and offer her a sincere apology before cleaning up the damn mess you’ve made. Any permanent damage will be paid for directly from the MC funds, which means less pay for all of you. If you don't like this idea, you know where the door is. But don’t ever expect to be welcomed back. Now get to fucking work so we can have our meeting. I have business to attend to later.”

  He jumped down, feeling the glares on his back as he patted Missy on the shoulder. “Thanks, Diesel. I really think you’re shaping up to be a good leader,” Missy complimented before handing him a bottle of Jack from behind the bar. He took a swig and then set it down, wanting to set an example. No one needed to get drunk in the middle of the day, even on a Saturday. Especially not when they had important things to do.


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