A Consultant Beyond Compare

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A Consultant Beyond Compare Page 15

by Joanna Neil

  ‘You got the job?’ Her eyes grew large. ‘Oh, Alex, I’m so pleased for you…and after all that trouble. Haven’t you told management that you won’t suspend me, or do they think it’s all working out for the best?’

  ‘I told them I wasn’t going to suspend you because I didn’t see that you had done anything wrong, and I would prove it to them. I said we had to alter the way we view hospital practice with regard to inexperienced staff, and if I was going to be in charge things would be run the way I wanted them to be run.’ He laughed. ‘To be honest, I think they were too flummoxed to say very much at the time…but later they said the vote was unanimous. I was offered the job. I have to give them my answer tomorrow.’

  She smiled up at him. ‘Tell them you’ll take it.’ She nestled her cheek against the crook of his shoulder. ‘Actually, my parents are planning on moving here. They want to try their hand at property developing, and they have their eye on a sweet little property not too far from here as their first project. I’ve been to have a look at it, and it should work out quite well for them.’

  ‘That’s brilliant news. Of course, their next project could always be this cottage, couldn’t it? I mean, it won’t be big enough for us, will it? And if you don’t like my place, then we’ll have a look around and see what we can find. So that would possibly make project number three. Do you think they’ll go for it?’

  ‘Like a shot.’ She lifted a hand to his face. ‘Tell me again how much you love me.’

  ‘I will…with pleasure.’ He wrapped her in his arms and brushed his lips over hers. ‘I love you this much…and this much…and…’ And after that they didn’t speak at all for a very long time.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5617-3


  © Joanna Neil 2008

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  All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention.

  First published in Great Britain 2008

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