The Devil's Sinkhole

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The Devil's Sinkhole Page 17

by Bill Wittliff

  THE MORE WE WENT, Papa said, the more Perky Sister got to where you could just bout see the Years a’falling off her she was so Happy bout ever thing. Calley seen it too and said, I never seen a Horse liked being with some body so much as that Little Bay Mare likes being with you and o’Fritz there. Yes Sir I know it, Papa said, It’s like we always been Friends our Whole Life ain’t it. And when I said that, he said, Why Sister throwed her Head back and give me a Smiley Look. I think shes a’listening to ever Word I say, Papa said. I don’t doubt it for a minute, Calley said. Course me and o’Firefoot here been Friends so long he can tell what I’m a’thinking don’t even have to use no Words. I bet me and Sister gonna get like that too here fore long, Papa said. I don’t know Why Not, Calley said. I don’t neither, o’Wasskum said from back yonder where he was trying to get o’Edward to catch up. Don’t get Lost back there Mister, Calley said, We might have to run off and leave you. No I ain’t letting yall out my sight, he said, I don’t want that Boy with the Devil’s Hand on him a’Shooting me. That Man said he’s gone on South down the Country now, Calley said. But I say we stay on the Look Out any how. Wonder what he was a’doing up here, Mister Yancy said, last we heared a’him he was down yonder below San Antoneya somewheres shooting Mexkins wadn’t he. Oh, Papa said, of a sudden I knowed xactly what he was doing up here. He was a’looking for me cause they was a Time when he wanted me to be his Friend and I wouldn’t do it cause he stole Money didn’t belong to him in Kendalia and Murdered a Man name a’Marvin on top a’that. I reckon he’s up here in this Country just a’looking for a Friend he didn’t never have in his Life I said, Papa said. You a’talking bout you self ain’t you, Calley said. Yes Sir I am, Papa said. Oh and then o’Calley pulled Firefoot up to a stop and said I want you to stay close to me you hear. You and Little Missey both. That Loonie already gone from shooting People for a Reason to shooting em just for the Hell of it and I don’t want yall at Risk if he comes round here a’doing it again. You scaring me with Talk like that, o’Wasskum said when he finally come a’bouncing up on o’Edward. Yes you oughta be scared Mister Yancy, Calley said, If that Boy’d shoot a Mexkin for just being a Mexkin, Why I don’t know what’d he’d do to you for being a Artist.

  SO ME AND O’WASSKUM CLUSTERED UP close as we could to Calley and Little Missey, Papa said, so didn’t no Harm come to us from Arlon or No Body else all the Way to Buckner Store just a few Miles from where we was a’going to the Choats in Pleasant Valley. Might be Nice to get a Treat for the Choats and Ever Body else while we here, Calley said. So, Papa said, we went on in Buckner Store and got us a sack a’Hard Candy and some Mustang Grape Juice in a Pickle Jar but fore we could get out again Why o’Wasskum reached in the Sack and got him a hand full a’Candy and a piece for Little Missey. You better show her how to suck on it or she’s gonna break out what few Teeth she got left biting on it, Calley said. So, Papa said, Mister Yancy went to making a Big Show a’sucking on his Candy and Little Missey got to laughing so much at what he looked like a’doing it Why she give him her piece a’Candy to suck on too, he said, I reckon cause she didn’t never want the Show to end. Here we been a’talking bout that Loonie Boy, Calley said, and all this time we already had us our own Loonie Boy right here.

  Bout then, Papa said, Mister Buckner come out from behind the Counter and said They was a Boy a’looking for you in here the other Day said yall was Good Friends in the Past and he was just a’passing through this part a’the Country and wanted to give you a Hidy and shake your Hand for Old Time Sake if he could. He look like this here, Mister Yancy said, and showed him that Piece a’Paper had the Pitchur a’me and o’Arlon on it. That’s him right there, Mister Buckner said and pointed at me in the Pitchur. No Sir that’s me, Papa said. Oh then this is him right here Mister Buckner said and pointed at Arlon in the Pitchur. Your o’Daddy was a Bad Man, he said, I don’t reckon it’s much Surprise to me you turned out to be One too. He didn’t, Calley said, that paper ain’t talking bout him being Bad it’s talking bout this other Boy here a’being Bad. I’m gonna come back in here and have a talk with you bout it if I ever hear you been going round telling other People what you just said to me. I ain’t, Mister Buckner said. No Sir I know you ain’t, Calley said, that’s what I was just saying wadn’t it. Yes Sir, Mister Buckner said, that’s xactly what I heared you to say. Well then, Calley said, we gonna just be on our way now and No Bad Feeling. No Sir No Bad Feeling Mister Buckner said and then, Papa said, they shaked they Hands on it and we went on out and didn’t never hear no more bout it.

  OH TO RIDE THROUGH MY OWN COUNTRY AGAIN, Papa said, Why it was like I never even been gone a Day and Oh I was so Happy bout it, he said, I went to saying Hidy and some Private Things to all the Trees and Rocks and Birds and whatnot I knowed long the way but not to where No Body else could hear me but I think maybe Sister could cause she went to dancing side to side down the Road like she was in a Parade and I had to grab a’holt a’the Saddle Horn one time to keep my Seat and when I did Ever Body went to laughing at me. You ain’t careful you gonna be a’walking Home on your own two Feet, Calley said. No I said, Papa said, Sister’s just Happy as I am bout going Home today is all. You ain’t gonna be Happy if you a’setting upside down out there in the middle a’the Road, Calley said. She wouldn’t leave me there, Papa said, then reached down and give Sister a pet and then o’Fritz one too. Tell me when she’s behaving her self, Calley said, and we’ll let Little Missey have a Turn up there on her with you. I don’t know why not right now, Papa said, You just been hogging her for you self all this time any how ain’t you. Well she’s better company’n you are that’s why, Calley said. And bettern you too Mister Yancy, he said. You keep a’talking bout me like that, o’Wasskum said, I’m gonna take you outta my Will. And Oh, Papa said, we went to laughing bout that too like we been a’laughing bout ever thing else then of a sudden we come round this Turn and up yonder was Fischer Hall where Miss Gusa died that night when Bird was borned in the Wheel Barra but didn’t no body know it at first cause they was all Dancing the Poka inside. And then bout a year later, he said, It was here in Fischer Hall they had the Bird Dance and ever body dressed up like the Bird they thought they was and come here to Dance round bout it but just when ever body was starting to have Fun here come my mean o’Daddy to hurt Little Bird there in his Nest if he could. And Oh he would a’done it too, Papa said, but of a sudden here come my Momma’s Horse Precious in the Back Door and she walked right through ever thing and ever body and chomped down on my Daddy’s Head like it was a Punkin and run out the Front Door with him a’flapping in her mouth and Oh it was so Sad to remember it, he said, I had to put my Fingers to my Eyes to keep from crying. You remembering the Same Thing I’m remembering ain’t you, Calley said. Yes Sir I said, Papa said, I am. I just don’t know how to leave go of it. Well it’s a Sad Sad Story but don’t try to go hiding from it, Calley said, or that Sad Story just gonna stand there a’knocking on your Door you Whole Life a’wanting to come in. No Sir, he said, just tell it to come on in then Shake Hands with it when it does and after a’while it’ll see they ain’t much it can do to Hurt you no moren it already has and it’ll just start a’getting Smaller and Smaller and Smaller til it ain’t hardly even there no more at all then one morning just after Breakfast it’ll go to sneaking out the Back Door and walk on off down the Road somewheres and you won’t never hear from it again in your whole Life but maybe just a little Whisper ever now and again from somewheres way off down there to where you can’t barely even hear it. You Promise me that Mister Pearsall I said, Papa said. Well No Sir, Calley said. No Sir I’m fraid I can’t Promise you that.

  WADN’T NO SURPRISE, Papa said, that Bird was a’pointing his Finger at me when we come a’riding up to the House and Ever Body else was all standing out there in the yard just a’waiting. When’d Bird let you know we was coming Home I said, Papa said, and Miz Choat said He started pointing his finger right after we had our Bisquits and Honey this morning and he ain’t quit yet so yall get on
down off them Horses and come on so he can take a Rest. Oh and then, Papa said, I touched Sister and me and o’Fritz trotted right on over there and you never seen such Hugging and Crying in all you Life from Miz Choat and Bird and even Mister Choat and Marcellus too. We was fraid maybe we lost you to some Circumstance, she said. Well we come close to losing him I said, Papa said, and pointed to o’Calley when he was a’stepping down off o’Firefoot and a’reaching back to help Little Missey off. Why look a’here Marcellus, Miz Choat said, we got Company we didn’t even know was coming did we. This is our Friend Little Missey, Papa said, She been a’living in a Cave most her Life with her o’Blind Panther but he’s Dead now and she took up with us. And I bet you Glad of it too ain’t you she said then went right over to Little Missey and give her a Hug like she was one a’the Family and then so did Marcellus and after that in a big Suprise Why Bird Foot Walked right over to Little Missey and took a’holt her Hand and put his Face down on it. He likes you, Marcellus said, you won’t never get shed a’him now. She don’t talk much that we know of, Papa said. Then Miz Choat went over to Calley and shaked his Hand. Mister Pearsall you took this Dear Boy off from us but now you brung him back and we Thank you for that But, she said, don’t never take him off from us again or we gonna come after you next time with a Switch. And Oh, Papa said, Ever Body got a good laugh out a’that then Calley said But here’s some thing you ain’t gonna Thank me for and then stepped back when Mister Yancy finally come a’bumping up on o’Edward and said Wasskum Yancy at your Service Ma’am. He’s a Artist, Papa said. A Artist, Miz Choat said, A Artist. Then she put her Hand over her mouth to where you couldn’t tell was she Happy bout it or Not, Papa said. Oh Yes Ma’am a Artist, Calley said. Why we wouldn’t go no wheres at all less we had us a Artist to paint Pitchurs so we’d know what we just seen long the way. Well Mister Yancy, Miz Choat said, I reckon if we can let some o’Smarty Pants like Mister Pearsall in the House Why then it ain’t a step too Far to let a Artist in too. Oh and then Wasskum took him a big Bow like he was trying to get elected to some thing and said, Why it’d be my Pleasure Ma’am. Yes we’ll see that it is won’t we Marcellus she said then took Little Missey by the Hand Bird wadn’t already a’hanging on to and started a’leading her to the House, Papa said, and next thing she give her a little Squeeze and said Where ever did you get that Travelling Bag Hon Why I never seen nothing so pretty in all my Life as all them Pitchurs you got painted on there but Little Missey hugged it close so Miz Choat couldn’t touch it and give her a Smile in sted. And then, Papa said, o’Possum stopped cause he didn’t think he was gonna be allowed in the House and Miz Choat said I swear that is the Ugliest o’Flop Eared Dog I ever seen in my Life but I bet he got him a good Nature to make up for it don’t he then whistled him on in long with ever body else.

  FIRST THING AFTER we told em bout o’Pelo Blanco and Pela Rosa and finding the Wild Woman a’the Navidad in that Cave and getting our John B Stetson Hats in the Joske Store in San Antoneya and setting in front a’the Alamo, Papa said, Miz Choat wanted to know what Little Missey seen flying out a’Bird’s little birthmark Bird there on his chest over his Heart. She ain’t gonna be able to tell you which Bird even if she does see one, Calley said. Well you seen one when you looked didn’t you Mister Pearsall, Miz Choat said, that proves don’t no body have to be particularly Smart to do it. Oh Calley laughed out loud bout that, Papa said, and said I ain’t been here but six and a half minutes and you already a’whupping me with that sharp Tongue a’yours ain’t you Miz Choat. Yes Sir, Miz Choat said, I do believe I’d rather tease you’n sleep at night Mister Pearsall. Well you practice enough, Calley said and when he said that Why Miz Choat reached over there with her hand and give him a little pet on his Cheek to let him know ever thing she ever said to him like that was all just in Fun. Look she’s looking, Mister Choat said, and we all looked over there and Sure enough Little Missey was down on her knees a’looking straight in Bird’s little Birthmark Bird. What you see there Miss Missey, Miz Choat said, you see a Bird or some thing. Then, Papa said, Why Little Missey come up with a Smile on her Face and flapped her arms like a Bird. She sees a Bird don’t she, Marcellus said. Course she sees a Bird Marcellus, Miz Choat said, you didn’t think she was gonna see a Possum did you. It ain’t no Bird, Mister Yancy said, No Ma’am it ain’t no Bird. Oh and then we all looked over at Wasskum and he was squatting down there beside Little Missey a’looking at Bird’s little Birthmark Bird too and his Eyes was just a’going back and forth like he was follering some thing moving round this way and that there on Bird’s chest. Well, Miz Choat said, I reckon Artists sees things can’t no body else in the World see huh. Ain’t no Bird, o’Wasskum said again, No Ma’am ain’t no Bird. You done said that bout a hunderd and four times, Calley said, So what is it if it ain’t no Bird Mister Artist. Why it’s a little Angel, o’Wasskum said, that’s what it is And not only that, he said, but they’s a lot moren one a’buzzing round like Honey Bees on the Hive. And then, Papa said, Little Missey reached out her Hand I reckon so one could set on it but Bird took a’holt a’her Hand and wouldn’t let her do it his Eyes just a’going ever which way back behind them skinny Blue Lids. What else you see Mister Yancy, Mister Choat said. Is they any Bird there at all. I’m a’looking, Mister Yancy said, but all I see is Little Angels a’flying round Little Missey and they don’t look too Happy bout it neither.

  . . . you never seen such Hugging and Crying in all you Life from Miz Choat and Bird . . .

  MIZ CHOAT KEP A’HOLT A’LITTLE MISSEY, Papa said, while the rest a’us took the Horses down to the Barn for some thing to eat and a good Scratch here and there. How’d o’Edward behave on your Trip, Mister Choat said. He wadn’t a Lick a’Trouble was he o’Calley said and I said No Sir, Papa said, not one Lick a’Trouble that I ever seen. He ain’t xactly a Cow Horse but he’s a Good Horse ain’t he Marcellus, Mister Choat said. Yes Sir he is to me, Marcellus said. I like him. Well then, Mister Choat said, if you like him so much Why then we’ll just make him Your Horse. My Horse, Marcellus said, My Horse. That don’t mean he ain’t gonna have to work some to earn his Keep round here you know it, Mister Choat said. O’Edward’ll work all day long and then some, Marcellus said, You don’t never have to worry bout him Mister Choat. Or you neither Marcellus, Mister Choat said, that’s why I’m a’giving him to you. Well this is a Big Day all round ain’t it, Calley said, I bet you wish some body’d give you some thing don’t you Mister Yancy. Oh it’s Gift enough just being here with you Mister Pearsall, o’Wasskum said. I don’t know what more I could want in the World. Yes Sir I know it, Calley said. I just didn’t know if you knowed it or not. Bout that time, Papa said, Mister Choat said We still got Time to set out there on the Front Porch a’while fore Suppers and smoke our Pipe if we want to.

  So we went out there on the Front Porch, Papa said, and they was lighting up they Pipe when here come Miz Choat a’carrying Bird in her arm and a’holding Hands with Little Missey and o’Fritz and Possum behind em a’looking for a Place to set. You the first Artist in the World to ever set on this Porch you know it Mister Yancy, she said. No Ma’am I didn’t know it, Wasskum said. Well you are, Miz Choat said, So tell us bout Art. Well what you wanna know bout Art Miz Choat, Wasskum said. Well First Thing is Where you reckon it comes from, she said. No Ma’am I don’t reckon it comes from no where at all, o’Wasskum said. I reckon it’s just always been here the Whole Time and it’s up to us to Look for it til we Find it. How we gonna Find it if we don’t even know what it is we a’looking for, Miz Choat said. Well the Way I see it, Mister Yancy said, is we already got Art in us when we First Borned but don’t know it til some Artist comes long and paints a Pitchur we like and then we jump up and say YES YES YES when we see it Not cause that Pitchur is a’Telling us any thing we didn’t already know but cause it’s just Reminding us a’some thing we always Did Know way down deep but just forgot we did til that Pitchur come long and reminded us of it. I never thought bout Art that way in my Life, Miz Choat said. No Ma
’am and not me neither, o’Wasskum said, not til just now when I first said it my self. It was Little Missey here taught me to just let things come out on they own, he said, cause they already in there any how and you don’t never wanna Bottle em up.

  EVER BODY HELPED PUT THE SUPPERS on the table, Papa said, and then we all set down and Mister Choat said a Blessing but he said it so Low couldn’t no body hardly hear a Word of it. I can’t hear you Mister Choat, Wasskum said, I can’t hear you Sir. He ain’t talking to you Mister Yancy that’s why Miz Choat said then looked round and said We a’missing Little Missey ain’t we but right then, Papa said, here come Little Missey a’wearing that Pretty Dress we got her in San Antoneya that come all the way down pass her Feet and was a’dragging on the Floor. And Oh, he said, Miz Choat was so took by it she clapped her Hands Hooray and then so did ever body else but Tears was running down our Face too cause it looked like to us Little Missey gone on and rejoined the World just now after all them years in that Dark o’Cave. I never seen no body look no prettier, Calley said, If I was bout ninety-two years older Why I’d ask her to Marry me and be my Wife. I doubt she’d have you, Miz Choat said, She may be Old but she ain’t Stupid is she. Hear Hear, o’Wasskum said and had him a Laugh bout it then Hushed soons Miz Choat give him a Look. Bout that time, Papa said, Bird climbed down off my Lap and climbed up on Little Missey’s Bundle there in her Lap then grabbed a’holt a’her Finger and helt on tight. They like each other don’t they, Marcellus said. Why Ever Body likes Ever Body else round here, Miz Choat said, I reckon we just Blessed that way ain’t we. You like ever body round here don’t you Mister Pearsall, she said. Well I try to Miz Choat, Calley said, But it ain’t always easy. You know what I like bout this Family, Miz Choat said, It’s just a’growing all the Time. Seems like they’s some body new a’coming in through the Door ever time you open it, she said then reached over and put a Dumplin on Little Missey’s plate for her to eat and give her a pet on the Hand. How you xplain that Mister Artist, Miz Choat said. I ain’t sure, Wasskum said. I reckon ain’t nothing ever happens but for a Reason but you don’t always know what it is til later when you least xspect it. I didn’t catch a’Lick a’that Mister Yancy, Calley said. Me neither, Papa said. No Sir, Marcellus said. Pass that Corn Bread here please, Mister Choat said, and the Butter long with it. It’s just that ever thing connected to ever thing else in the World, Wasskum said, Ain’t nothing just goes long by itself. Yes Sir ever thing connected to ever thing else in the World ain’t it, Mister Choat said then slabbed some Butter on his Corn Bread and licked his knife clean. For xample, he said, I heared it said ever time they’s a new Baby borned over there in Blanco Why they’s some Man got to leave the Country in a Hurry ain’t that what you mean Mister Yancy. And then, Papa said, Mister Choat went to laughing so hard at what he just said he bout spit up his Corn Bread and Miz Choat said Don’t talk naughty Mister Choat or we gonna have to ask you to leave the Table for it.


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