Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2

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Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2 Page 7

by Leto Spirit Blackman


  Hold in stasis for further study. Possible Progenitor genetic integration or weaponization.

  Next to me Kala inhales sharply, she looks pale. "What's wrong?"

  "My ability to consume Cores, do you think it came from the study of this monster?" She says, visibly shaken. "Am I a monster? Are we going to find a version of me floating in a tank?"

  Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her close. "Kala, you are nothing like these things. You are a beautiful, caring woman." My words do not seem to console her. She looks away from me, and then walks over to study a table of stuff.

  We spend a few minutes going over everything in the room but find nothing of use. There are a few strange items that I place in my bag. We head back to the middle console room with a somber mood.

  "Well, let’s see where the right door leads." I step up to the door and focus on the red light above it.



  I share the information with Doc and Kala and then we step through the doorway. This room is much larger than the one with the glass holding tanks. The entirety of both walls is made of glass, or some kind of clear barrier. There are many segmented rooms behind the barrier, each one is a different kind of environment. After a few minutes of studying the room, there does not appear to be any immediate danger.

  In front of each enclosed environment is a console. I approach the closest one on my right. There is a huge amount of space in the enclosure. It looks like a frozen tundra with two-foot high purple mushrooms growing everywhere. There is a simulated sky, nearly indistinguishable from reality, clouds move slowly across the sky. I do not see anything living in the space. Waving my hand over the console provides me with some information.

  Species: Southern Blue-tailed Qua'as

  Xoria Potential: 67% Max

  Evolutionary Potential: Class 2

  Current Population: Unknown

  Habitat Study Population: 0

  Notes: Possession of higher than normal intelligence, coupled with its high Xoria potential, makes this species of high interest to the Royal Family. Relocation of 5,000 Qua'as to Royal Observation Facility. Possible candidate for Upliftment.

  Option 1: Regeneration of last known iteration - ERROR, insufficient power.

  Option 2: Simulated Live Visual Study - WARNING, low power detected, only 30 seconds available.

  I choose option two. Suddenly there is a three-foot tall creature crouched next to a mushroom nibbling on it. It is covered in blue fluffy fur. Large inquisitive eyes dart around observing everything. Its tale flickers around like a third arm. Two large ears move around detecting any noise.

  "Aww, it's so cute." Kala exclaims.

  At the sound of Kala's voice the creature perks up and looks directly at us.

  "Wow, it must be controlled by a powerful A.I." I say.

  It stands upright and cocks its head to the side looking at us. Then it kind of hops and skips over to the window. It places a four-fingered hand to the window and looks at us. Then it flickers and disappears.

  "Doc, do you know how to restore this place to full power? I could spend the rest of my life studying the technology down here." I say with excitement, like a kid in a candy store.

  "All the Progenitor facilities are interconnected and draw power from Facility Zero. I believe it takes a number of Mythic Class Cores to run at full power. The only reason why individual facilities would be losing power is if they were cut off from Facility Zero." He tells us.

  We spend the next hour looking at different species native to Crucible. The common factor they all share is a high Xoria potential and intelligence. We finally come to the end of the room where two environments remain. They seem to be different, the one on the right has a console that looks to be made of gold. The one on left has a console with a round half-globe indentation in its center. I approach the console on the left first. The environment on the left is a white space with a silver grid marking the walls, floor and ceiling. I wave my hand over the console.



  "What do you guys think? Should I place a Core in it?" I ask them.

  "These environments are extremely secure. You may proceed." Doc says.

  Kala just shrugs at me, but then she steps close to me and puts her arm around me. She must still be shaken from the Mind Furies. I choose a Common Core from my pack and place it in the console. The Core begins to strobe.


  I select yes. The silver grid begins to glow as the Core in the console dims. The enclosed environment flashes and a Gibling is standing in the white space. It looks confused, it runs and slams into the wall. The Gibling falls to the floor and sits there stunned. Then it tries to use its large claws to dig into the floor, but it can't damage the tough material. The silver grid begins to glow again and the Gibling falls to the floor screaming. The room flashes and it is gone. The Core is glowing brightly again.


  "This is amazing. I wonder what the relationship was like between the Progenitors and the Administrator." I'm already digging in my pack to try another Core.

  "Let’s see what the gold console does." Kala says.

  I sigh, wanting to play with the Core analysis console some more.

  We step over to the gold console. The environment enclosure for this one is a huge tree, its trunk is probably around eight feet across. The bark on the tree is pure white and there seems to be light coming through the cracks. Its leaves are delicate silver, swaying in a breeze. I wave my hand over the golden console. Suddenly a tendril of gold extends from the console and pulls my hand down, my hand is now trapped inside the console.




  The console releases my hand. I quickly draw it to my chest, holding it there with my other hand. The hand that was trapped is ice cold and numb.

  "Jax! What just happened? Are you okay?" Kala asks.

  I shake my hand in the air, regaining feeling. "This console has some type of security feature. It scanned my Core and then gave me access."

  "Well? What is this environment? What makes it so special?" Kala asks.

  I scowl at her, "Hold on. I just about lost a hand."

  With some hesitation I wave my hand over the console again.

  Species: Tree of the Ceanla*

  Xoria Potential: 100% Max

  Evolutionary Potential: Unknown

  Current Natural Population: Unknown

  Habitat Study Population: 1


  This is a Legendary Tree of the Ceanla. These trees are required to give birth to the Class 1 species Ceanla. The Ceanla may rival even the Progenitors in intelligence and power. Much is still unknown about this powerful race. The Ceanla have proven extremely difficult to control, and diplomatic missions have proven futile. The Royal Family has deemed Ceanla genetic integration as a high priority.

  *Knowledge of this tree is extremely restricted and is under Protocol Alpha Protection. Breach of Protocol Alpha may result in full memory purge and permanent death.

  I share the info with Kala and Doc.

  "Ceanla? Isn't that the seed pod thing you found in the woods?" Kala asks me.

  "Yeah, I had forgotten about that." I say as I pull it out of my Flux Inventory.

  As I pull it out the building rumbles and the tree's leaves glow brightly. Then a branch extends from the tree and passes straight through the room barrier, like it’s not even there. Before I can even react the branch snatches the Ceanla pod from my hand. The branch twists and place
s the seed pod inside of its trunk.





  The enclosure holding the Tree of the Ceanla flashes a blinding light and we all turn away. After the light fades the room is empty.

  "What the hell just happened?" Kala asks.

  "Uh, I have no idea. That tree came alive and then stole my seed pod. Doc? Do you know what that was about?" I ask him.

  "No." Is all he says. I stare at him for a moment, waiting to see if he has more to say. I sigh, he is so hard to read.

  I notice that I have a new notification, I pull it up.

  Quest Update:

  Return of the Ceanla

  You have brought a Ceanla pod together with a Tree of the Ceanla. The pod and tree are both vulnerable during the chrysalis stage. Find out where the tree was sent and protect it until the Ceanla is born.

  Quest Type: World Event

  Difficulty: Cruel

  Rewards: 15,000 Experience, Disposition increase with Ceanla to Ally, Legendary Weapon or Armor Item.

  Requirements: Health of the tree must not reach zero. Fourth stage development requires Ancient Class Core to feed the tree.

  Tree of the Ceanla Health: 90,000/90,000

  Current Stage: 1/4

  Ancient Class Core: 0/1

  "Doc, is there a way to find out where the tree was sent? The console said it connected to the nearest secure facility." I ask him.

  "Try asking the console." He tells me.

  I wave my hand over the golden console.


  "Where has the tree been moved to?" I ask it.

  "He said ask the console, Jax." Kala says to me.

  I glare at her, "I know, I was asking it." She shrugs at me.

  "Put your hand directly on the console." Doc says to me.

  Not really wanting to touch the thing again, my hand lingers over it for a moment. Then I place my hand on it.



  With my hand still resting on the cold golden metal I ask it a question. "Where was the Tree of the Ceanla sent?"


  "Doc, do you know where Security Outpost 58 is?" I ask the metal man.

  "Yes, its location is in my database. It is halfway between us and Facility Zero, about 1,200 miles away."

  "Damn, that is really far. Where are we going to find an Ancient Class Core? And where..." Kala stops talking and is looking at something.

  "What's wrong?" I ask her.

  She puts her finger to her lips, letting me know to be quiet. She leans in close to me and whispers. "Something moved back near the entrance to this room."

  I look around, but see nothing. I look to Kala, but she has closed her eyes, then she opens them and her eyes are silver and glowing.

  "There." She says quietly and points to the left.

  I stare at the space where she is pointing, but I don't see anything. Then I see a shimmer, something is in Stealth.

  "We see you. Come out." I yell.

  Kala and Doc both look at me incredulously. I'm tired and my patience is wearing thin.

  A humanoid-like creature appears. It is around five-feet tall, thin elegant features, with a lavender color skin. I can't tell what gender it is, it is both feminine and masculine, it is wearing a loin cloth. It has long white hair and...I take a double take. It has a third eye in the center of its forehead. Its ears are long and pointed, kind of like an elf. I quickly Analyze it.

  Name: Vua'unda

  Title: Forsaken

  Level: 4

  Synthesis: 79%

  Health: 41/136

  Mental: 260

  Stamina: 22/155

  Focus: N/A

  Race: Ancient Alvinius

  Disposition: Fear

  Skills: Stealth, Song of the Fallen, Song of Olia'su

  Loot: Relic

  "Hello? We are friendly. We will not hurt you." Kala says to it.

  "Dreaming a lifetime, walking alone, seeking..." It says, or to be accurate, it sings to us. Its voice is beautiful, like the melody of a harp. It is soft, warm, like your mother tucking you in for bed.

  I look to Kala, but she shrugs at me. "Doc, did you understand that?"

  "It is an Ancient Alvinius. Their form of communication was a type of song verse. Its speech was correctly translated, but it can still be difficult to derive meaning that we would understand. They have a very different culture than what you are used to." Doc tells us.

  "Where did it come from? I thought we checked all the enclosures in this room. Is this the Native Species 33M-01 from the quest?" I ask.

  "There seems to be an open hatch on the floor." Doc points to a small hole.

  "Did you come from under the floor?" Kala asks the Alvinius.

  It looks at Kala and then at the floor, "From darkness, pain, from pain, light, from light the babe cries its song of life." It sings to us.

  "Its health and stamina are both kind of low. Should be try and help it?" I ask.

  Just then it slumps down to the floor. We all exchange looks and then run over to it.

  "Give it some water." Kala says.

  I get some water out and hold its head up, its three eyes look back at me. It takes hold of the water and drinks deeply. I help it to sit up. It bows its head to me, in what I assume is thanks. Now that I am up close I notice how entrancing its eyes are. Especially its third eye, it twinkles like a million stars in the night sky. I can feel it read me. It gasps and backs away.

  "Progenitor?" It somehow still makes that one word into a song.

  "I...well, yes. But, I am not like them. I do not wish to hold you against your will. We can help you leave this place and you will be free." I tell him/her, they?

  I get an extra pair of pants and a shirt from my pack and hand them to the scared elf-like creature. It looks at me curiously and then hesitantly takes the clothes. "What do we call you? Vua... Vua..." I try and say its whole name a few times, but I can't get it out right.

  "Vua." It says, and then nods.

  "I am Jax, and this is Kala and Doc."

  Vua looks at Kala and touches her hair. "The fire dances, yet life thrives. The Gods create, you to control, yet the fire swims, becomes more."

  Kala pales, "How did you know?"

  Vua smiles at Kala and continues to get dressed.

  "What's wrong?" I ask Kala.

  "Nothing.'s nothing." She says.

  Chapter Six: Best Laid Plans


  None of us are quite sure what to make of our new, friend? Doc just stands to the side, not saying much, looking like the Silver Surfer. He has gotten more serious since he absorbed part of the Watcher. I kind of miss the old Doc, that was learning about himself and the world. He had even made a few jokes. Now, he hardly talks. Part of me wonders if he can still be trusted, but I push that thought away.

  Kala is sitting with Vua, trying to make sense of the singsong language it speaks. I really want to ask if they are a man or a woman. But, I'd rather not offend them. I walk over to the hatch on the floor. There is a ladder leading to a space. There is a red light right below the surface of the floor in the hatch. I focus on it.

  Species: Alvinius

  Xoria Potential: 93% Max

  Evolutionary Potential: Class 1

  Current Population: Unknown

  Habitat Study Population: 1

  Notes: The Alvinius are
a Class 1 species with a very high Xoria Potential. They are an extremely long-lived race, with one case study showing a lifespan of 4,021 years. Even with our powerful translation interface their language confounds us. They speak in song-like verse with a heavy emphasis on metaphor. Their songs can have powerful effects that we have not been able to reproduce. We do not understand how they are able to control the forces that they do. The Alvinius are hermaphrodites, yet their reproduction is not understood. The Alvinius enclosure has been placed a floor lower than the rest for security concerns.



  I select yes. Suddenly the floor of the room we are standing on becomes transparent. I hear Kala yell out in fear as I get a wicked case of vertigo. About 200 feet below us is another environment. It is tall grassland, with many huge flowers. It is hard to tell from this angle, but the flowers look to be around ten-feet tall. They are all the colors of the rainbow. It is an amazing site. In the center is a pale green egg-shaped structure, about the size of a small house.

  "The would-be gods, building façades, trapped in dreams of unreality." Vua says, looking sad and angry, staring down at the environment. "Salnvi la Nevnu" Vua says in a dismissive like song.

  I look at Vua and then Doc. "Why did that not translate?" I ask the metal man.

  "There are some phrases and words that have no known translation into English." He tells me.

  Kala walks up to me and whispers, "I think we should add her to our party. I like her, she is very interesting. I don't think she would try to hurt us."

  "Her? You read that description, they are both female and male." I say.

  Kala shrugs, "Whatever, her sex is not really important. What do you think?"

  I look over at Vua, "This facility has been really tough. I guess more help would not be a bad thing." I shake my head and chuckle, "Man, I can't wait to see Livia's face when I tell her about everything that has been right under her village this whole time."


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