A Valentine's Loves (The Valentine's Trilogy Book 3)

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A Valentine's Loves (The Valentine's Trilogy Book 3) Page 12

by Sam E. Kraemer

  Of course, Rashad didn't see it as a problem. "Our mom's white. I don't know nothin' about my dad, but I kinda remember Dee's. He tried to come around and see us, but Mom always had company so she ran him off from the apartment.

  "I'd take Dee to the playground across from the place where we stayed, and his daddy would come find us sometimes. He was a young guy…maybe sixteen or so. He was just a kid who made a mistake."

  Suddenly, Dee threw his fork down and crossed his arms over his chest. "I ain't no mistake, Shady. You heard that business from Momma. If you feel that way, then I'll just make my own way," he snapped as he hopped off the phone books and started for the stairs.

  I grabbed his arm as he started to leave. "Hold it! You're not a mistake, Little Man. Ray just said it wrong, okay?" I picked him up and put him on my lap. Gray passed his plate down, and I held him while I coaxed him to finish his food.

  I knew the kid was mad, but it was just a misunderstanding. I knew in my heart Rashad loved him and did everything he could to take care of Dee. Neither of them was a little boy. They were wise beyond their years, and they had to learn how to let the adults in their lives take on the burdens. That would be their biggest hurdle to overcome.

  Mom cleared her throat and turned to Perry. "So? Can you help us? Gray and Derek have gone out on an unstable limb to help these lovely young men, and the last thing any of us want is trouble. You need to make sure there will be no charges against my sons, and then make sure nobody, and I mean right down to that woman who gave them life, takes my grandsons away from us. Can you do that? We'll pay your regular rate," Addy Valentine explained with force.

  Her voice wavered a bit, and I could see my mom was on the verge of breaking down, but everything she said…yeah, it made perfect sense. I had no idea how we'd get guardianship of them, but I'd go to hell and back to get it. They belonged with us.


  After the boys cleared the table with my mom smiling brightly, she and Dad sent Gray, Perry, and me to the office while Dad and Keith helped load the dishwasher. Mom had released the boys to go to the den to watch television. They seemed very content when I looked in on them.

  Perry grabbed a pad from Dad's desk and looked at us. "Okay, I need details. I'm bound by attorney/client privilege, so tell me everything because if I'm going to keep the two of you out of jail, I need to know it all and I'll need contacts to confirm the facts. I have no idea how two mild-mannered men like the two of you got so deep into a situation like this, but we'll figure it out. Now, talk," the lawyer insisted.

  Gray held out his hand, and I took it, giving him a wink. I explained about the last case I worked without a lot of details except those necessary to keep the boys safe, and then Gray explained how the boys came to be in his custody. It was so fucked up, it was all I could do to keep from punching someone, but I held my temper. It was no time to make an ass of myself. We needed the man's help.

  Perry took notes and nodded in understanding as we went through all of the events that led up to us having the boys. Gray gave him Darryl Proctor's information and Inez Barnes' as well. I hoped they'd support us.

  After he continued making notes, Perry looked up and took a deep breath. "You guys didn't make this easy. The first thing we need to do is go to the local authorities and explain why you're in town. You need to notify local law enforcement you're in the area, Derek, and you, Gray, need to contact the local DCFS office. They'll come out and interview you, and likely take the boys into custody here. It's above board, and it doesn't look like you're trying to kidnap them. They're far enough from Austin they won't hit the radar, and they'll be safe," Perry informed.

  I glanced at Gray, seeing he wasn't any happier with Perry Carmichael than me. "Okay, we're not going to do any of that. What else you got?" I asked.

  Perry laughed. "I didn't think you would, but I wouldn't be doing my duty as your attorney if I didn't lay out the best possible fix for this situation. I didn't say I was gung-ho about it, only that it was the avenue you should likely pursue to stay out of jail. Now, all that being said, let's look at other scenarios," he offered.

  For an hour, we went back and forth regarding what to do. We ran the gambit from my suggestion of just getting the fuck out of Dodge and going to some small town in Florida with the boys in tow to actually leaving the country and going to Canada. We could explain them away as our adopted sons, and if we could get the fake paperwork, we could pull it off.

  "How are you going to get them into school, Derek? It's not like they look like either of us," Gray complained as Perry nodded like a fucking bobblehead.

  I threw my hands up in the air as I stood from the couch. "Fine. What else you got?" I snapped, tired of the fight.

  Gray and Perry both took deep breaths. "Let's take some time to think about it. Nobody knows where we are right now, so we have a little time," Gray started.

  "That's right, and I can put out some feelers regarding options. Family law isn't my strong suit, but I can do the research and get back to you. Just lay low until you hear from me. I have to go to Dallas for a meeting next week, but I'll be in touch," Perry promised. We exchanged information, and then we rejoined the rest of the family.

  "So, you have it figured out?" Mom asked as we joined them for cake and coffee.

  "I wish it was that simple, Mom, but it's not. This isn't easily solved. Perry's going to look into it for us, but we have no guarantees. Gray and I could end up in jail for quite a while over this," I replied.

  There was no need to lie to her. It was a possibility we could end up incarcerated due to our actions, and the sooner she acclimated, the better it would be. The road to hell was paved with good intentions, after all. It was a saying for a reason.

  After we had the boys settled in Cara's old bedroom, Gray and I went to the bathroom across the hall. We both wanted a shower, and it was quicker…and more gratifying…to shower to together.

  "Derek, what are we going to do? Turning them over to DCFS here seems even worse than Austin. I just don't know," Gray lamented.

  I sighed as I turned him around with his back to my chest. I filled my hand with shampoo and began massaging his scalp. "Baby, I know. If there was a way to get Nathan in touch with…if there was a way to get Nathan in touch with Hector regarding the missing weed, we could take them back to Austin and they'd be safe. We could…Fuck! That's exactly right," I began as I washed my husband's hair, plotting out the best-case scenario. I needed to make one phone call and I was pretty sure I could set things right. The man owed me, after all.



  I drove out to a strip mall not far from Waco, using the Explorer because I felt more protected in it than I did in my Camaro. I didn't think the SUV was a known vehicle in my possession because it was registered in Gray's name. It was really a crap shoot whether I would return to my family that afternoon or not.

  I hopped out of the SUV, unarmed, and walked into a place specializing in Puerto Rican food. The mofongo was supposed to be great. I liked plantains, so I was willing to give it a try.

  Gray and the boys were going to the Rangers' Museum with my dad. I hoped they understood the connection and loyalty I had to my job before I left it because, at the end of the day, I wouldn't give up my family…Gray, Rashad, and Dewayne. Those Vaughn boys had become our family, and if we lost them, I was pretty sure Gray would be devastated. I couldn't even begin to think about how I'd feel about someone taking them away from us. I had other things to think about at the moment, so I had to clear my mind because I needed to be ready for anything.

  I walked into the restaurant and looked around, seeing Raul Morales waiting for me. I was actually surprised he’d come in person because I’d been certain the man would have sent one of his captains in his place. I hated to make a deal with the devil, but at the end of the day, I was planning to resign from my commission with the Rangers because I needed a favor from a criminal…a criminal I'd given a favor in the past. I couldn’t uphold the law
if I continued to break it, after all.

  I slowly approached the table where Morales sat alone. His guards approached me immediately, so I held up my t-shirt as I glanced around the place seeing nobody gave a shit about me except for the men with Morales. I walked up to the huge motherfucker who was with him and hugged him so he could frisk me. He felt me up, alright. He pushed me away and kissed my forehead which surprised me.

  "Take a seat, Johnny," Raul ordered.

  I took a calming breath and sat down across from Raul Morales, a huge player in the Mexican drug trade. The thoughts of not walking out alive or getting arrested and going to prison crossed my mind, but I had something more important to worry about. My boys.


  Señor Morales, thank you for agreeing to meet me here. I know you went out of your way, and I appreciate it. If you don't mind, can I throw out a few names to see if you recognize them?"

  He simply nodded.

  "Nathan Jones from Austin?"

  He glanced at one of the men in his crew, who leaned over and whispered in Morales' ear. After a minute, he nodded again.

  "Hector Dominguez? From what I've learned, he's a pimp in Austin," I offered.

  His man leaned down again and then Morales waved him off. "I don't know either man personally, but we've had dealings with them from time to time. Why are they important to you?" Morales asked as two beers were delivered to our table.

  " Señor Morales, under ordinary circumstances I wouldn't give a fuck about them. Unfortunately, Hector is the pimp who stole a satchel full of Purple Cush from Nathan Jones. Seems my foster son, who's twelve, was a runner for Nathan and it turns out his mother was one of Hector's whores as well as Nathan's customer. Hector got greedy with some product Nathan was waiting for, and my kid got tagged with it. He didn't steal it, sir. He was trying to make a delivery, and Hector…well, as I said, he got greedy."

  Morales looked at me with a stern eye. "How'd you let your boy get involved, Ranger?" His voice was bitter, and I knew why. A protective parent would never allow their child to get into that shit.

  I sighed. "He's only come into my life recently. He has a little brother, and we're looking out for them until this situation is under control. Jones is looking for my Rashad. If he finds him, it's going to be a problem because I'll fucking kill him. If he's one of yours, you might want to warn him. I will kill him if he tries to hurt my son," I vowed.

  Morales watched me closely as I took a drink of the beer set in front of me. It was opened and I could have caused a stink about it, but I had to show him I trusted him. If I trusted him, I hoped he'd trust me.

  "Where's your son?" he asked.

  "Safe. He was a messenger, Señor. The boy didn't sell, and he isn't one to skim off the top. He took the job from Nathan so he could put food in his seven-year-old brother's mouth. Their mother? I don't know where she is or where Hector is, but you want your product? That's where you need to look," I explained. It was a hunch, but I was pretty sure I was right. I hoped the man gave me the benefit of the doubt.

  Our food was delivered, even though I didn't remember ordering anything. I took a bite of the sandwich and groaned because it was damn good. Of course, I had more important matters to discuss, namely the safety of my family.

  "Mr. Morales, I have done you a favor in that past, and I ask you for one in return. I don't want my boys harmed. They've been treated so horribly already, and all I ask is you clean up your backyard and leave my family out of it."

  He wiped his mouth after he took a bite of his beef dish. "Your boys? Are they your children, Johnny?"

  "Not by God's grace, but they're mine now and I will defend them until the day I die. My husband and I mean no disrespect to your family, Sir. We just want to live our lives in peace. Is there any way we can do that?" I asked.

  "¡Lárgate de aquí! Dame privacidad!" he shouted to his men. ("Get the fuck out of here! Give me privacy!”)

  After all of his soldiers vacated the restaurant, I glanced around to see a few people still eating. Morales continued to devour his meal and watched me as I pushed my food around. Until my family was settled, I wasn't.

  He stopped eating and wiped his mouth with the paper napkin, tossing it on the plate. "The food is good, no?"

  I nodded. "It is, but when I'm contemplating the death of my sons because they got caught in the middle of their mother’s sins, I lose my appetite," I explained.

  "Their father?" he asked.

  "Those men aren't in either of their lives," I replied.

  He took a sip from his beer and looked at me with a steady eye. "So, Ranger, what do you want from me?"

  I gulped down my beer and placed the bottle on the table, looking him square in the eyes. "I want you to vow to me none of your people will come looking for my sons. You have the name of the man who has your product. Leave my boys out of it," I demanded.

  He sighed and tapped his fingers on the table as he watched me. Two beers were quickly delivered as his empty plate and my full one were whisked away. I didn't know what more to say, and I was prepared to get on my knees and give up my life to keep those boys safe.

  "I'll give my life…"

  "Stop, Johnny. Don't misconstrue the silence. Also, don't make promises you can't keep. You know, don't you, with a few phone calls, I can make all your problems go away. You can get custody of those boys permanently, and I'll set you up in a nice little neighborhood with a park nearby where your kids can play baseball or soccer, far away from the bad part of Austin. All you have to do is tell me when I can expect company…" he began.

  I held up my hand. "Please, sir, stop. I'm not looking to step across that line. I'm standing on it regarding the Senator and you, but I'm not going to cross it. I've compromised my ability to do my job, but I'm not looking to become a career criminal and put my family in more danger. If I've asked too much, I'm sorry," I told him as I reached for my wallet.

  I heard a hell of a lot of guns being cocked, so I held up my hands. "Sorry. I was just going to pay for my lunch," I responded.

  "¡Ya basta! Él ha desarmado, idiotas!" he hissed. ("Knock it off! He's unarmed, you idiots!")

  Morales looked around, and when he was sure everyone had abided by his words, he looked at me. "How's your ass?" He smiled, and I wanted to sucker punch the fucker. He'd obviously ordered I'd be shot in the ass. I wanted to shoot him in the ass.

  "I've got a nice scar back there. It could be a lot worse, I'd suppose. So, where do we stand?" I asked, tempting fate.

  He took a swig of his beer and eyed me carefully. "You're good at your job, Ranger. You're very good at finding out information, and you're very good at staying in the background. That's a deadly threat in my world. It's a shame I can't lure you to work for me, but I understand.

  "I, myself, haven't married because I have no desire to leave a widow, so I have no children. Someone in your position wouldn't be able to have children without great difficulty, so if you've been able to make a family, I respect and envy it.

  "I'll handle this situation. If you'll give me a month, I can make sure no one knows of any connection between my organization and your sons, just as you made sure there was no connection between the Senator and me. I'll get word to you when it's okay to come out of hiding.

  "In the meantime, you take care of your family. A family is the most important thing in the world. I have brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews. One day, maybe, I find my way out of this business, but until then, I'm on my own.

  "Go home, Johnny. Enjoy your family and enjoy your time off. I can promise no one will know about this discussion, and I'm sure you can still work for the Texas Rangers. I've covertly provided them a little information regarding some of the Senator's habits, and I'm sure everything will work out well for both of us.

  "Take care of your family. I hope we never see each other again, Derek." With that, he rose from his chair and walked out with all of his people, leaving me with the check. I laughed. I'd gladly pay for his meal if he cou
ld pull off what he'd promised. It was almost like a new lease on life…if we could get passed DCFS.


  I pulled into the driveway of my parents' home to see the Tucker clan running around like they had good sense. The kids were all wearing bathing suits while they played with water guns…everyone from Nita and Tina to QJ and Quinn. I saw Rashad and Cody hiding behind the shed, and Michael had Dewayne with him behind a tree. They all had Super Soakers, and they were playing some sort of hide and seek.

  I watched them for a few minutes, and I smiled. Rashad and Dewayne seemed so happy…just like they should be. It was what kids should be doing. It was what little boys should be doing. It was what I wanted for them…to be happy and carefree. It was what they deserved. If I had any say, it was what they'd get.



  "How on earth are you going to keep from going to jail?" Marisol asked. She'd made up a batch of sangria, and it was going down like fruit juice. We were having a cookout at Rick and Addy's. The kids had all wanted to go swimming that afternoon at the quarry, so I'd gone with Rashad and Dee. Mari came along with Quinn and their whole family, and we had a good time.

  While we were swimming, I got a text from Addy that she and Miri were planning to have a cookout for the whole bunch of us, and we were to bring home ice and rock salt to make ice cream. The boys and I stopped at the store and picked up a few things, and when we got to the house, Rick pulled out an arsenal of water guns. The kids were playing while we put together food, and everyone was having a lot of fun…except me. I couldn’t stop worrying about my husband and his mysterious errand.

  Derek wouldn't tell me what he was doing, but I had a good idea it was something that walked the line of being legal. I was sure whatever it was, it probably wasn't safe or likely smart. Until I heard from him, I would continue to be on edge. That was when Mari made the sangria. I was still worried, but it wasn't as troublesome as it had been an hour prior.


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