Before The Dawn: Prequel to Back to You - Synclair and Reece! See Where It All Began! (A Hudson Family Series- PREQUEL to BACK TO YOU! Book 0)

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Before The Dawn: Prequel to Back to You - Synclair and Reece! See Where It All Began! (A Hudson Family Series- PREQUEL to BACK TO YOU! Book 0) Page 11

by Chontelle Brison

  Almost crying, I threw my arms around my uncle. “I love you too UJ. Screw school, I didn’t fit in anyways, I couldn’t go back if I wanted too. You’re one of only a few people to give a damn about me, and I would be damn proud to help you run this bar,” I told him tightening my hug. It was the best feeling in the world when his shaking arms wrapped around me. I finally found where I belonged; I was never going to think of Reece Hudson again.

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  Keep Reading for Previews of:

  Baby Mine- A Hudson Family Series- Book 2

  Lucas and Sara (Available Now)

  Lucky Charms- A Hudson Family Series- Book 3

  Dalton and Cami (Pre-Order Available Now! Launches 6/30)

  No Refunds, No Exchanges- A Hudson Family Series- Book 4

  Matt and Ali (Launches September 23th)

  Baby Mine- A Hudson Family Series- Book 2

  Lucas and Sara

  Sara looked up from the paperwork she was doing to see who was bothering her this late. Knowing she had locked the front door of the diner two hours ago, she didn’t need to look to see who was storming her office. Still, she was surprised when she looked up and was met with a handsome scowl from Lucas Hudson. Scowling at her? Really? He had just invaded her office, in her locked diner and had the gall to look angry…with her?

  “Why the scowl Lucas? Unable to find any kittens to kick today?” she remarked. She saw his dark, green eyes flash with irritation and then narrow on her. Yeah, she was a little mouthier since Synclair Patrick had shown up and become her partner.

  “I can see Synclair’s rubbing off on you,” he retorted.

  She hoped so. Synclair had been the long lost love of Lucas’s brother, Reece Hudson. After a wild pursuit, Reece finally won Synclair over. Sara was happy for Synclair; they had become fast friends when Synclair had defended her in the diner months back. Sara didn’t hesitate to offer to partner up with Synclair when she learned she was a successful bar owner in Vegas. The only downside was that it now put her in the direct path of Lucas Hudson, ex-boyfriend, and total asshole.

  He regarded her with an odd look as he leaned on the frame of the open doorway. She had to sigh, no matter what; the man was easy on the eyes. Dark green eyes, full lips, dark chocolate colored hair, almost black, with just a hint of red coming through, not to mention the farmer’s tan and the way he filled out a pair of Levis jeans. The worst part was she knew exactly how well formed he was under that red flannel and blue jeans. She knew how ranching had given him thick muscular arms, sturdy thighs and an ass so tight it would make twenty-year-old underwear models weep. However, she knew none of that mattered to Lucas.

  He had taken over for his parents when they had died and had taken his responsibilities seriously. He was the model brother, a successful rancher, a great father figure for his younger siblings and always had the answer for a problem. Except her. That was why she figured he was here; standing in her doorway looking like, he didn’t know what to say. Looking like he was pissed that he was actually here, as some inner, noble version of himself forced him to come see her against his will.

  It hadn’t always been that way. They had been in love years back. They were going to get married, but they had a fight and she had gotten drunk and was raped by Travis Donaldson, cousin of Amber and Mike Donaldson. Amber had told Lucas that Sara had cheated on him and showed him pictures of Sara naked with Travis. Pictures that Travis, had used as proof of his innocence when Sara cried rape. Travis’s attorney claimed it was all about regret and not about an actual crime. The only thing Sara was thankful for was that she had no memory of Travis raping her. She knew he had drugged her. If not for the humiliating pictures, she could almost pretend it never happened. Nevertheless, it had actually happened, and it had taken Sara years to get over it. The child that came from that rape was more precious to her than anything was. At first, Lucas had believed Amber and broke everything off with Sara, but when Travis was arrested two counties over for drugging and raping another woman, Lucas came calling, hat in hand.

  Sara may have been able to work past it with Lucas, although, she was still traumatized by the rape and by how quick Lucas was to believe the worst in her. No, it was when she turned up pregnant and Lucas could not accept the baby that had Sara turning her back on him. Still, Lucas was like a magnet. In the three years since she had her son, Logan, they had tried to avoid one another. Okay, her more than him. They were polite when their paths would cross and when Synclair blew into town they had been thrown into such proximity, that for a moment she got lost in that sexy, Hudson Alpha male charm.

  Waking up in his arms the night after the confrontation with Amber in the diner was a mistake that Sara wished she could take back. She had slipped out and had avoided him since. Even when Matt Hudson had caught her trying to get a car to Synclair, who was at the hospital, and had carried Sara kicking and screaming into the waiting room, dumping her right in front of Lucas, she had bolted the second everyone’s attention was turned.

  Now about four months later, just when she thought things would go back to the comfortable distance they had been keeping, here he was in all his Hudson glory and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to climb his lean body like a Spider Monkey or kick him in the balls. Damn, Synclair really was rubbing off on her.

  “So why are you here? More to the point… How are you here? Since I know, I locked those front doors hours ago?” She stood up from the desk, placed her hands on her hips and stared him down.

  Lucas tried not to laugh. Sara was a firecracker when she was angry. Sure, everyone thought she was quiet and somewhat mousy, but they didn’t know Sara the way he did. They hadn’t tasted how passionate she could be or how stubborn. Right now, she was definitely stubborn. After the night that they had made love, he was fit to be tied when he woke up alone. She had ignored his calls, his texts and every attempt to talk to her. Therefore, he gave her time. Time to work through her feelings, time to come to the same conclusion he had, that they were destined for the same second chance that his brother Reece and Synclair had gotten.

  He knew he had messed up, his male ego and pride couldn’t see anything past the fact that another man had his hands on her. When he found out she was pregnant, he had been afraid that he wouldn’t be able to look at her baby, and not see Travis’s smug face when he bragged about having sex with Sara.

  His poor Sara, when he thought about how that bastard had forced himself on her, he wanted to gut him like a downed deer. Hell, if the man wasn’t already behind bars serving time for raping another woman, he would have dragged him behind his truck through town. Now, he was done giving her time. Besides, she only seemed to avoid him more and he was done with it. She was going to forgive him for being an imbecile, a Hudson trait, Synclair had told him, and then they were going to be a family. That included her son, Logan. The more he saw the boy, the more he saw Sara in him; he had been foolish to think that sweet boy would be anything like Travis. The kid was bright, mannered and the light in Sara’s world. Lucas wanted them both, he wanted to love them, protect them and soon, Logan would come to accept Lucas like a father. He had already wasted so much time. Lucas was done waiting.

  “No you’re right, the door was locked. I just commandeered Synclair’s keys when she went to bed.” He laughed holding up the set of keys she had given Synclair a few weeks ago when they had agreed to be partners.

  “Am I supposed to be impressed with your ability to steal the keys from an exhausted pregnant woman, Lucas?” Sara gritted.

  Lucas could not help but grin as he pocketed the keys. Moving fully into her small office, he saw Sara stumble back a step. He liked that she was nervous around him; at least, he wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

  “You’re avoiding me.” Lucas drawled taking a step closer.

  “You’re ridiculous,” Sara retorted taking another step back.

  “Accurate,” he grinned, as
he took another step towards her retreating frame.

  “Delusional,” she spat trying to sound stronger than she felt. Just being this close to the man made her dizzy. She knew the second he realized the effect he had on her because his grin went from cocky to predatory. Crap, don’t fall for it, Sara, her inner voiced screamed.

  “Hungry,” he purred as he closed the distance between them.

  Sara retreated until her back hit the wall, she put up a hand to ward off Lucas but he knocked it aside and swept her up in his arms. Inches from her face, his warm, minty breath mixed with hers.

  “I-if your h-hungry you should go home and eat something,” she managed to squeak.

  The look in Lucas’s eyes was liquid heat and Sara knew if she didn’t put some distance between them, she was in trouble.

  “Where ever you and Logan are is my home and what I want, sweet Sara is not on any menu, it’s between your legs.”

  Lucas’s mouth absorbed Sara’s startled gasp as he branded her with a scorching kiss that she felt all the way down to her toes.

  Yep, she was in trouble!

  Lucky Charms- Dalton and Cami!

  Excerpt from Lucky Charm- Book 3- Dalton and Cami

  A Hudson Family Series


  “Ma! You can’t be invitin’ me ex to Synclair and Sara’s weddin’, ya just can’t” I shouted earning me a hard glare from me mother.

  “Camille Gwendolyn Patrick- McDougall, do not take that tone with me, missy.” Me Ma ordered.

  I sagged down on the chair at our dining room table and set me face in me palms. Nothing I said seemed to penetrate that stubborn, thick skull of her’s.

  “Sean Walsh has been a friend of this family since you both were in your nappies together as babes, he made one mistake, and you’ve never even let him give you a proper apology.” Ma scolded.

  Now that was going too far. “A proper apology, how does one atone for shagging me best friend and her mother?” I asked cringing at my own remarks.

  It was true Sean Walsh had lived down the lane from me since we were just toddlers. His parents and mine had always been close. I had been in love with him since I was about seven years old when he found me a real four leaf clover and left it for me on the steps of me house.

  Everyone had always assumed we would end up together, meself included. When Sean wanted to pursue acting instead of attending the University here in Dublin, I was the only one that supported him. We’d spend hours rehearsing his lines and struggling to learn to talk with less of an Irish pronunciation so that he could get some international jobs.

  Sean definitely had the look for it. He had dreamy silver eyes and reddish brown hair that he styled in a manner that made him look both roguish and sexy. He was a fit lad without an ounce of fat on him, and he worked excessively hard in the gym every day, and the results showed on his taut body.

  Often times he would encourage me to go along with him, teasing me that I needed to make my soft flesh, toned. At the time, I shrugged it off to harmless razzing about me body, but now I know it was him criticizing me.

  I had never thought of myself as ugly or not ugly, only me. I had long brown hair that I kept back in a headband, or it was ever in me face. I think my body is okay, I’m about five foot four in American measures, and while I don’t have the biggest set of breasts, they seem to fill out my bras nicely. Like most Irish girls I had a fine collection of freckles that peppered my face that no measure of makeup in the world seemed to hide, and my fair skinned burned instead of tanned in the summertime. All in all, I had been told I was a fine thing by a few of me high school mates growing up, but I absolutely wasn’t heart-stopping.

  That particular award goes to me cousin Synclair. She’s the one who’s wedding I’m organizing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a wedding planner, I was just seeking a way to move us closer together.

  Without draggin’ it out too much, me Da and mom split up before I was born and she married me stepdad Walter Mc Dougall. However, me biological Da, Jack Patrick, wouldn’t let me stepfather push him out of me life, even from all the way in America.

  Yeah, I had caught a lot of injustice for having an American father, some kids used to tease me that I couldn’t call meself Irish. Those same little bastards got me fist in their faces as well.

  Anyways, me real da lived in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was about an eighteen-hour airplane ride from Dublin, but as soon as I was old enough to travel alone, I made the trip as often as I could. America was a fascinating place, it wasn’t nearly as green as Dublin, but it also didn’t rain ten months out of the year either. When I would visit, I would stay with me Da in his residence above the bar that he owned there. My cousin Synclair lived in an adjoining apartment and ran the bar with me da.

  I didn’t like Synclair at first, in fact when I was about seventeen I told her she was worthless and that I despised her. Luckily she left me with all me teeth and advised me that ultimately I might change my mind. That night my da told me the story of his sister, Synclair’s mother, how Synclair’s ma was a drug addict and prostitute and Synclair had never had an actual home, she had grown up in motels and shanty houses.

  I had never felt lower in me life. I was furious at this woman because she got more of me da then I did. I was a shitty, selfish article all together because, despite the awkwardness of trying to get to know my father, I had a good life in Dublin.

  Sean and I were the best of friends, me step Da spoiled me rotten and I had a best friend that was like my soul sister. Ya, I was merely seventeen, how was I supposed to know that soon it would all go to shit?

  After that, I made an intensified attempt to get to know my cousin. It was no simple feat. Each time I would hug her she would stiffen, there were occasions where she would get verra pale and hyperventilate. My Da called them panic attacks on account of her trauma growing up. It took a long time but after a while she let me hug her without getting all stiff, she also let me help her bake. Oh yeah, my cousin is a fierce baker in the kitchen, she was trained by some famous chef, and the woman can sincerely make you cry, her food is so good.

  That’s why I offered to organize her wedding for her. She was finally getting married to the love of her life, and she was having a child to boot. I wanted her to know how much I care about her, so I have been spending months planning a Halloween wedding. Yep, I did say a wedding on all hallows eve. It definitely was the worst time of year for an outdoor wedding.

  Me Da, who has insisted on paying fer the entire shindig, told me to buy every tent in Dublin if I had to, it was still going to be a challenge since the probability of rain was most likely 99.9%.

  Still, I was happy to be doing something for her, even after she called me a few months back and added another bride and groom to the ticket. Apparently her fiancé’s brother, Lucas, had proposed to Sara and Synclair thought it would be grand if they were married all at the same time. A thoughtful and romantic notion if there ever was one. So although it would mean more work for me, I couldn’t turn the exasperatin’ woman down, not when she was pregnant with me cousin.

  That was the other happy thing, both Synclair and Sara were pregnant, with Synclair being due shortly after the wedding, she had agreed to stay in Dublin to have the baby. I was so excited I could pee me trousers. I was going to be the best cousin this babe had ever had, I couldn’t wait to spoil me little cousin rotten.

  Wait, I’m getting off track. Back to me rotten, snarky, piece of shite, ex-boyfriend.

  A few years after I started at the college, Sean had become the equivalent of a Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise here in Europe. I stupidly thought he would keep his promise to not let the fame get him big-headed. I actually believed him when he told me that it was us against the world. I was a bloody eejit.

  It was our official three year anniversary since actually becoming a couple and our one-year anniversary since becoming engaged, I had planned to make that night our first night together. I know it wasn’t very modern of me, but I had wanted
to save my virginity for someone special, so why we had done all sorts of other stuff, we hadn’t actually had “intercourse.”

  That night I was going to change all that, give meself to Sean both body and soul. That was until I showed up at his apartment, that I paid the rent on, and found him shaggin’ me best mate on his kitchen table, a table I purchased I might add. If that wasn’t shocking enough, two days later me mate’s mum turned up pregnant and called out Sean as the baby’s father.

  Sean had tried to explain, but I stopped listening after he started blaming the whole situation on me, using words like closed off, frigid, and my favorite phrase, “a man has needs.”

  Pissed beyond reason I had stomped out of there and threatened to turn him from a fella to chick if he ever came near me again. Now five years later, he was an even bigger international star, but he was reelin’ from a massive scandal. Aggie Sims, my ex-best mate, had dumped him for another celebrity and the baby that Aggie’s mom had claimed was Sean’s, after five years it was discovered to be another man’s. My mom tried to tell me all the gossip that would come down the grapevine from her friends or from shows on the telly, but I didn’t want to hear it. Every time I thought about how Sean and me mate had betrayed me and the cruel things he had told me when I had found out, made me chest hurt and my Irish temper flare.

  Which brings me back to the irritating notion of my mother inviting the wanker to Synclair’s wedding. I know my ma had always hoped that Sean and I would work things out, but she had a better chance of Jesus himself showing up at the wedding.

  “Now, you’ve put this situation on the long finger long enough, Camille.” My mother pointed her finger at me for emphasis.


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