Her Chocolate Fantasy

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Her Chocolate Fantasy Page 2

by Bergman, Jamallah

  After my body had finally calmed down, I pulled the stopper with my toes and allowed the water, along with my sweat, dirt and juices, to go slowly down the drain. I climbed from the tub, dried myself off, and made my way into my bedroom. I grabbed one of my oversized t-shirts and put it on, then slipped in underneath the covers on my bed. Fumbling around, I tried to find the remote, knowing I’d left it there that morning. When I finally found the device, half hidden beneath a pillow, I clicked on the television and foundsomething to watch. The Mentalist, with Simon Baker, was playing…one of my favorite shows. I always thought he had some swoon-causing ability, especially when he smiled. So I began to watch my show until I couldn’t keep my eyes open to save my life.

  Even in my dreams, Max always seemed to occupy my thoughts. He was always and forever there, and in a way, thinking of him made my nights more manageable, for it was my sexual thoughts of Max that would help me sleep. I reached over and opened the top drawer of my nightstand and pulled out another toy I kept there for nights such as those. Yeah, some might say I was a “toy collector,” of sorts. I had one in the bathroom but two in my nightstand. I pulled out the thick, white, veiny phallus and began to rub on it, admiring how wonderful it felt in my hands. I often thought about Max when I played like that, imagining how warm he would feel in my hands while I stroked on his cock. Slipping the dildo into my mouth to lube it up, I greedily sucked, imagining Max standing over me to give his body to me. I took as much of him in my mouth as I could, while thinking about how he would moan while our gazes locked.

  Slowly, I took the phallus out of my mouth and then inserted it into my aching pussy. I was tight, since I hadn’t been with a man sexually in a long time.The feeling that came over me while I pushed it in deeper made me close my eyes and smile. Pumping his cock deep inside my already aching pussy, I moved my hips in rhythm, imagining my Max on top of me, holding my thigh up a bit to get in deeper. His primal growls rang in my ear, while he moved his hips in a circular motion, driving me into a frenzy of lust and hunger. I opened my legs a bit wider to accommodate more of him inside of me, listening to the bed springs squeak while I continued to bounce. Grabbing hold of my breast, I pulled my nipple with my fingers again, and every nerve in my body started tingling.

  “Oh, Max, baby, don’t stop fucking me.” I whispered to myself while my juices flowed thickly along my hand and between my cheeks. Soon, I found myself writhing and my pussy pulsating from my orgasm, but I kept right on going. I loved how it made me feel, even though my body was telling me to stop.But I couldn’t…wouldn’t. I knew deep down that if I got with this man he wouldn’t stop, and in my fantasies, he fucked me until I’d had so many orgasms, I could no longer scream out his name. I found my hips rising up while I pumped him deeper and faster, and my eyes started to roll back in my head and my breathing grew ragged. My body shook along with the headboard against the wall of my room. As quick as my hips lifted off the bed, the quicker they fell back down in one big plop, as I forced out the air in my lungs, ending my efforts with a small whine.

  Licking my lips for a moment, while swallowing to make my now dry throat wet, I opened my legs a bit to pull out the dildo. I tried to catch my breath, my hand on my head and a goofy grin on my face as I thought about what had just happened.

  “God, I’ve so got to get laid!” I said with a chuckle.

  Chapter Two

  I don’t do mornings.

  I honestly hate dealing with the chore of getting my butt up out of bed. Here is why I don’t do mornings… Ready? Here we go.

  You’ve slept the night away in dreamland, and you’ve gotten yourself in that one comfortable spot in your bed. Snug as a bug in a rug, you are underneath the warmth of your comforter or the coolness of your sheets. Then that annoying-as-hell alarm clock of yours suddenly wakes you up from a well-deserved slumber, and instead of getting up, you hit the snooze button, seeking five more minutes of uninterrupted sleep.

  For me, however, this was not the case. I never hit the snooze button. I would eventually end up throwing the alarm clock across the room in frustration, because nine times out of ten, I would be dreaming about Max. I refused to be interrupted before Max and I were finished, and I am happy to report that my record as of now stands at four.

  Thankfully, this clock would live to see another day.

  Once I’m awake, getting up from the bed was still a chore for me, but of course, I had to get up to go to work. Someone had to pay the bills around there, and I knew it wasn’t going to be the dust bunnies underneath my bed. So, I went about my daily ritual of showering, getting my clothes on, doing my hair, and applying a little makeup. I grabbed a banana to hold me over until lunch, for even though breakfast was supposed to be the most important meal of the day, I always skipped it or grabbed some fruit, instead. When I got to my car and climbed inside, yours truly was not expecting what was about to unfold that morning.

  The son of a bitch wouldn’t start.

  “Oh, hell no. Hell to the no. You are going to start for me right now!” I shouted while I tried to turn over the engine again.

  No good. The car was going to be stubborn today.

  All I could do was rest my head against the steering wheel, fuming over my stupid luck. After a moment, I looked at my watch. I had about forty-five minutes before I had to be at the office. I dug in my purse for my phone to call Darla, to see where she might be.

  “Hey, girl, where are you?” she asked the minute she answered.

  “I’m stuck at home and my car won’t turn over at all. Please tell me you’re on your way into work.”

  “Actually I’m already there. I had to come in early this morning for Mr. Wooddale.”

  Shit and damn, I thought. I would have to get a taxi.

  “That’s right, I forgot. I’ll just call for a cab or grab the bus.” I thought over my choices for a moment, “I think I’ll just take the bus, so I won’t have to pay an arm and a leg for the taxi. Check you when I get in.”

  Getting out of the car with my purse on my shoulder, I gave my car one last dirty look. I would definitely give Henry, my mechanic, a serious tongue-lashing over the phone later. He was supposed to have fixed my car.

  Luckily, I only had to walk three blocks to reach the bus stop. When I got there, I found a long line of people were waiting for the bus, as well.

  “Excuse me, ma’am, do you know when the bus will be here?” I asked while looking at the clock on my phone.

  The little old white lady didn’t say a word, but I blamed her lack of a response on being hard of hearing or something. I waited right along with everybody else, while eating my banana. All but ten minutes later, I saw the bus coming from up the street. Lord knows I was happy,because my feet were already getting tired from standing in my heels. We all marched on into the bus, one by one, and then suddenly, a guy came running out of nowhere and cut in front of me.

  “What the…? Excuse me, but you cut in front of me, man.”

  He didn’t even look at me, so to make sure he heard me, I said, “I know you can hear me talking, you lazy, good for nothing...”

  Still no response. He put his money into the fee box and walked toward the back without a word. I put my money in, as well, then looked around for a seat. There were a few open spaces, but most of them were beside people I honestly have to say you wouldn’t want to sit next to. Thankfully, I found a vacant seat next to the window and quickly sat down. Once the bus went on its way, the ride took a strange turn.

  I don’t know if you remember that show called “In Living Color” from back in the day, where one of the Wayans brothers would play that bum named Anton. He was constantly drunk and wore clothes that would make Chanel roll over in her grave. Well, it seemed that this particular bus had its own Anton onboard, and as soon as it started rolling, “Anton” made his presence known to everybody.

  “Does anybody have any spare change this morning for some coffee?” Holding out his hat, the man tried his best to steady himself w
hile he walked up the small, crowded aisle.

  Some people didn’t even look his way, but I couldn’t help but stare, for I kind of felt sorry for him. He reminded me of my cousin George, who was always drunk and walked up and down the streets asking folks for money. When he came over to me after not getting anything except a couple of coins from some of the other passengers, I dug inside my pocket and pulled out a dollar bill.

  “Here you go.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. Have a blessed day now.

  Giving him a small smile and a nod, I hoped he would move on, but that wasn’t the case with Anton. He decided to serenade me with his rendition of Bob Marley’s “Don’t Worry about a Thing” and proceeded to dance, as well. I tried my best not to look at him, much less at the others who were snickering at him.

  “Will you sit your ass down now!” shouted the bus driver, who was now turning onto another street.

  But Anton wasn’t listening. Oh, no, he was already getting his groove on, thanks to my contribution.

  After dealing with the longest bus drive along with the most annoying drunk on the planet, I got to the office far beyond the realm of pissed off. I honestly wasn’t ready for work, but I had to suck it up while biting my tongue to make it through the day.

  “So, I guess the bus wasn’t the best thing to do, huh?” Darla asked me.

  I didn’t say a word, certain the look I projected her way was a good enough answer. She quickly turned away and picked up her ringing phone. I went into my drawer and grabbed my trusty coffee cup, then made my way toward the break room. On my way, I passed by Max’s office and glanced inside. He was bent over his desk, looking over something, but as I passed by, he looked up. Our eyes met for that split second, and I swear every part of me wanted to just stop and stare back at him.

  Have you ever stared at a pair of eyes that sent shivers throughout your body and made you feel like jelly? Well, his gaze made me feel like Jell-O. I know that sounds silly, but it’s so true. The look he gave me was not one of surprise, but one of wonderment, and I swore a smile was coming up over those luscious lips of his. But I had made it to my destination before I could find out. Lord knows, I didn’t need to be having wet daydreams about the man while at work.

  What the hell was I talking about? I already had those…At least one a day.

  The rest of the day went off without a hitch, as the flow of my workday was good, until I was on my cell phone during my lunch break. I had been talking with Frank about my car troubles.

  “So, when can you come over to my place to get my car?” I had made my way toward the elevator, since Darla had to do more work for Mr. Wooddale and I would have to go for lunch by myself.

  “I can come by after you get off work. Just call me when you get home, and I’ll bring the truck on over.” Frank assured me.

  “Just make sure you don’t screw up my car again, Frank, because I swear to God, if you screw me over, I plan on telling Brenda about what happened between you and a certain waitress at the family reunion.”

  Did I mention that Frank and I are related? Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot to mention that Frank is my second cousin on my mother’s side of the family. The side of the family I always like to call the cuckoos.

  But of course, please don’t tell my mom I said that; she would kill me.

  “You wouldn’t dare, Sarah.”

  “Oh wouldn’t I? Just don’t mess up my car again.” I pressed the button on the wall once more while waiting. Taking a deep breath, all I had wanted to do was grab something to eat, find a nice place to sit, and clear my mind. All the cups of coffee I consumed weren’t helping my empty stomach. When the door opened, I got in and pressed the down button.As the doors slowly closed, I heard someone shout, “Hey wait!”

  I quickly pressed the open-door button, it slowly slid open, and an exhausted Max ran toward me and stepped onto the elevator.

  “Thank you so much,” he said.

  “You’re welcome.” I tried my best not to look over at him and didn’t say a word. But my stomach apparently had others plans, and it started to growl so badly my cheeks grew hot. Lord knows I didn’t want him to hear the rumblings, but I guess he did, because he looked over at me in a quizzical manner.

  “You must be as hungry as I am, huh?”

  I didn’t want to laugh, but a chuckle escaped my lips. “Yeah, I didn’t get the chance to have breakfast this morning and grabbed a banana, instead. Plus, all the coffee I had really didn’t help much with my hunger. Usually, I have some chocolate in my desk, but I guess I have to get some more.”

  “Oh, you like chocolate, huh?”

  I looked over at that amazing smile of his, framed by those gorgeous dimples. Up close, he was even hotter than I remembered.

  “Yup, I love it. Don’t you?”

  “Who doesn’t love chocolate? Say, would you like to have lunch with me? I’m going by myself, and I hate to eat alone.”

  Thank God for rails, because lord knows I needed some support. I reached back and grabbed hold of the handrail. “Sure…why not.”

  “Great. I know this really nice café that serves the best chocolate desserts ever.”

  We both walked out toward the revolving glass doors and stepped outside into a gust of wind.

  “We can walk down this way; it’s right around the corner.”

  Today had been a particularly windy day, and the breeze seemed to play with my hair as it kept lifting my long tresses and sending them flying in my face and eyes.

  “Damn it!” I shouted, while turning downwind.

  A particularly strong gust hit us, pushing us along side of the building. We stood there while I ran my fingers through the strands of hair that had collected on my face. At least I was able to see what was in front of me.

  “This is what happens when you have so many building together like this. The wind coming from them is always high,” Max told me.

  “Thank God I didn’t wear my long skirt today like I had planned.” I don’t know why I told him that.

  “Too bad you didn’t,” he said, and his words shocked me more than my own.

  I didn’t say a thing after that, and a moment later, we rounded the corner to see the Clarks’ café. Once inside, we grabbed a table, while the hostess gave us our menus. Silence reigned for the longest time after we had ordered our food, but I quickly decided that if I was going to be sitting there, at least I would grab the opportunity to get to know the man.

  “So, you are going white water rafting this weekend?”

  He looked puzzled for a moment but then quickly smiled. “Well, I was going, but two of the guys copped out, so I guess I’m spending another weekend at home, instead.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Well, there is always next time, you know.”

  “So true, but with these guys, it’s like trying to heard cats. With all our varying schedules, there is plenty of conflict, and it took us about six months to plan this one.”

  He took a slow sip of his water, and I couldn’t help but watch those lips innocently touch the glass. My God, was I so desperate I had to watch a grown man sipping on some water?

  No, not really. I was just itching to throw this hunk of a man on the table, straddle him in front of everybody, and fuck him senseless, the entire time not giving a rat’s ass who was watching.

  Damn, he has nice, full lips too, I thought, watching him licking them softly. Getting just that small glimpse of tongue caused my clit to tingle.

  “So, what do you like to do for fun?” he asked.

  “Oh, nothing much, really…read a good book, watch old movies, chill with my friends during the weekend. But nothing as crazy as white water rafting because I like the simpler activities.”

  I smiled, which made him smile, as well.

  “I like simple things too, but every now and then, I do like to have a little fun on the side, you know.”

  “Like what?” I wondered where this conversation was going, because I was totally interested
in his answer.

  He looked like he was thinking with his eyes, they moved so rapidly. But after a moment, our food came, so I figured questions would be for later on. The food was good, even though the conversation was scarce. We barely talked throughout our lunch, which was awkward. When the waitress came over to take our plates away, she asked, “Would you like dessert?”

  “Yes, please. We’ll have the number twelve,” he told her, and then, as if we’d never been interrupted, he said to me, “As far as what else I like to do for fun, it’s kind of complex. I’m more of an outdoors type—hiking, running, bike riding and such.”

  I nodded for I could tell he enjoyed the great outdoors because his body showed every bit of what he did when he wore those suits every day. I could only imagine how he would look underneath them, dressed only in a pair of boxer briefs.

  “There is one dessert I get here all the time that I know a true chocoholic like you would enjoy. I get pretty bad sometimes with my chocolate, though; I have to pace myself.”

  “Well, I can relate to that. I was pretty bad there for a while. My friends called me the candy chick.”

  He laughed at my comment, and I sat there covering my face from embarrassment at what I just said, but it was true, and I wasn’t about to lie. “I remember when I first tasted chocolate. I was five, and my mom gave me a Hershey’s Kiss. I remember opening up that silver wrapper and putting the chocolate in my mouth. I kept that Kiss in my mouth, letting it melt around my tongueand ooze into the inside of my cheeks. It was probably the single most wonderful moment of my childhood.”


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