Knitting 06 - Fleece Navidad

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Knitting 06 - Fleece Navidad Page 10

by Maggie Sefton

  “I sure hope so, Kelly, but with no eyewitness, police have no idea what kind of car was involved, let alone the license number. Without that, they won’t know who was driving. They are interviewing some students, though. There was one of those huge mob scene parties that night only three blocks from Juliet’s street. Apparently there was a hit-and-run over there, too. An elderly man stepped out from between two parked cars, and a carful of students ran right into him, breaking his leg.” Burt shook his head. “Crazed students racing to the next party.”

  “Maybe that’s what happened to poor Juliet,” Mimi suggested. “It’s gotten really bad in those older sections. I know several friends who’ve had to sell their homes to escape the wild parties and the noise. And drunken students pounding on their doors at night.”

  “Unfortunately, that’s all too common for a college town,” Burt said as he shifted into the corner chair and pulled out his spinning wheel. “Mimi, could you give me that bag of fleece behind you, please?”

  Mimi handed Burt the large plastic bag, which spilled over with fluffy white fleece. “I’m going to get some more tea—does anyone else need something?”

  “I’m good, Mimi, thanks,” Kelly said as the others demurred.

  Burt took a hunk of fleece and started pulling the fibers apart, creating roving or batten, as spinners call it. “The department also put a notice in the newspaper asking anyone who was driving or walking in that vicinity of town to call the police. Someone may have seen something and not paid attention at the time. One clue can be all they need to track down the driver.”

  “How could anyone be so heartless as to hit a woman and leave her lying in a pool of her own blood—”

  “Hilda, please!” Lizzie protested, obviously upset by the gruesome image.

  Undaunted, Hilda continued, “Lying alone on the pavement, dying—”

  “Merciful heavens, stop!”

  Kelly chimed in, hoping to squelch Hilda’s morbid depiction. “Hilda, you should stop now. You’re upsetting Lizzie.”

  “Only a coward would do such a thing,” Hilda mumbled, staring at her knitting.

  “Is there anything else the police can do, Burt?” Kelly said, steering the conversation in another direction.

  “Yes, the department always checks auto repair and body shops to see if someone has come in with suspicious-looking damage to their car. You’d be surprised how many people are caught that way.”

  “How is Jeremy taking it, I wonder.” Kelly concentrated on her stitches. Only ten inches or so to go, and she could bind off. Then Steve’s Christmas scarf would be done. Of course, it had started out as an autumn scarf, then a Thanksgiving scarf, changing with the calendar. Kelly was simply glad that the weather was cooperating. Thanks to the warmer spell, Steve was still going to his building sites with denim shirts and jacket. No wintry winds so far and none in sight, according to the weatherman.

  “I have no idea,” Hilda volunteered. “I imagine he’s in a state of shock.”

  “Well, I for one don’t care—” Lizzie began.

  “I don’t believe it!” Hilda exclaimed, staring into the central yarn room. “How can that woman have the gall to show up here today? After Juliet’s death.”

  Kelly turned to see the object of Hilda’s consternation. There was Claudia, in one of her two well-worn designer suits, talking with Mimi beside the yarn bins.

  “Good for her, I’m glad to see Claudia’s come out of hiding,” Burt said, glancing up.

  “Goodness, yes. I’m so glad she took my advice,” Lizzie said, giving a little wave. “I told her she could not hide from the world in her motel. She had to get out and see friends again. It will make her feel so much better.”

  “Hummph! What friends?” Hilda fumed.

  “Hush, Hilda!” Lizzie shushed.

  “I have a feeling Claudia doesn’t even know about Juliet’s death,” Burt said from the corner, fingers working the roving as it fed onto the wheel. “She probably never knew Jeremy was seeing someone else.”

  “Self-absorbed, of course.”

  Lizzie simply rolled her eyes and didn’t respond.

  But Kelly did. “Keep it to yourself, Hilda. They’re coming this way, and Mimi will not be pleased at your barbed comments,” she warned.

  “Amen,” Burt said over the hum of the wheel.

  Hilda darted a look at Claudia and Mimi as they approached. “Archangel Michael, give me strength.”

  “Why don’t you take a seat over there next to Burt?” Mimi suggested as she led Claudia into the room. “I’ll have the café bring us some tea and chocolate.”

  Claudia darted a quick glance around the table. “Good morning,” she said in an uncharacteristically hesitant voice. Clearly, Claudia’s confidence had taken a beating during the last few days.

  “Good morning, Claudia,” Kelly said, sending her a bright smile. “It’s so good to have you back. We’ve missed you.”

  “And all the saints!” Hilda declared.

  Claudia gave a little start, then glanced at Hilda before scurrying around the table to a chair beside Burt. Refuge.

  “I’m so glad you came, Claudia. The shop isn’t the same without you.” Lizzie beamed, her rosy cheeks dimpling.

  Hilda gave a snort, but said nothing.

  Mimi gave Claudia a dazzling smile. “I think we all need some hot chocolate. To celebrate the holidays, right? After all, it’s the season of good cheer.” She clamped her hand firmly on Hilda’s shoulder, causing the elderly knitter to glance up. “I’ll be sure to make yours extra sweet, Hilda. It sounds like you need it.” With that, Mimi spun around and stalked out of the room.

  Burt bent his head, ostensibly to focus on his spinning, but Kelly spotted the unmistakable signs of laughter.

  “I’d like some hot chocolate. How about you, Claudia?” Kelly gave her a smile.

  Claudia sent a small smile in return and withdrew the nearly finished magenta shawl. “That would be nice.” Then she glanced up, and what color had come to Claudia’s face drained away in an instant. She stared toward the central yarn room, blue eyes huge.

  Kelly turned to see what on earth had caused such a change and saw two Fort Connor police officers walking through the yarn room, heading their way.

  “Burt, I think we have visitors,” she said in a quiet voice.

  Burt glanced up, spotted the approaching officers, and rose from his place at the wheel. “Can we help you, Officers?” he offered as he walked around the table.

  Kelly darted a look at Claudia. She was staring openmouthed at the officers, who now stood in the archway between the two rooms. With their broad shoulders, police paraphernalia, and weapons on their hips, they seemed to fill the opening. The officers looked completely out of place amid the soft, warm, and fuzzies of Lambspun.

  “Are you the owner of this shop?” the blond officer asked Burt when he drew nearer.

  “No, Officer. The owner and manager is in another room right now, but I can get her for you,” Burt replied. “Is there a problem?”

  “Not with the shop, no, sir,” the dark-haired officer said. “We just want to ask some questions, that’s all. We’re looking for a woman who is reported to be a regular customer here.”

  Burt paused. “Do you have a name?”

  The blond officer consulted a notepad. “Yes, sir, we do. We’re looking for Claudia Miller. Are you acquainted with anyone by that name?”

  A gasp escaped from Lizzie, and she clamped her hand over her mouth. Kelly let her knitting drop to her lap, and glanced over at Claudia again. Claudia was shaking like an aspen leaf in fall.

  Burt addressed Claudia in a gentle voice. “Claudia, these officers want to ask you some questions. Would you like for us to leave the room or would you like us to stay here with you?”

  Claudia opened her mouth, but nothing came out at first. She licked her pale lips and tried again. “Stay . . . please,” she said in a tiny voice.

  Burt turned to the officers again. “I’m
sure you officers don’t mind if Mrs. Miller has her friends around her while you’re asking questions.” More a statement than a question.

  Both the young officers looked at each other. The darker-haired one replied. “Actually, we’ll need to take Mrs. Miller down to the department, sir. You see, we’re following up on a stolen automobile report from the Sarasota, Florida, police department.” He glanced at his notepad again. “Mrs. Miller is charged with stealing a 1999 Ford Taurus, green in color, license number 233234, on or about the date of October tenth of this year. Charges were filed yesterday by the family of the vehicle’s owner, one Mary Ann Howard, who is now deceased.”

  A strangled cry came from Claudia, and she clapped both hands to her mouth, her whole body shaking. Burt stepped beside her and placed his hand on Claudia’s shoulder.

  “Do you have a warrant for Mrs. Miller’s arrest, Officers?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes, sir, we do.” The blond officer pulled a paper from his shirt. “We’ve also located the vehicle in question, parked at the Happy Traveler Inn on East Mulberry Street, near the interstate. It has been impounded and is being taken to the police garage at this time.”

  “I believe you’re presently residing at that motel, Mrs. Miller, is that correct?” the other officer asked.

  Claudia didn’t answer. She just nodded her head, her hands still at her mouth. She was white as a sheet.

  Burt pulled out the chair beside Claudia and took both her hands. He held them between his as he spoke in a gentle tone. “Claudia, these gentlemen need to take you downtown to the police department. I’ll be glad to come with you if you’d like.”

  Claudia turned a terrified gaze to his. “Y-y-yes, please, please . . . don’t leave me alone,” she begged.

  Burt patted her hands and rose. “Don’t worry, Claudia. I’ll be right there beside you. Do you have a jacket?”

  Claudia stared blankly. “Uh, no . . . no.”

  Burt reached over and helped Claudia to stand. It took a second try. The first time, her legs seemed to give way beneath her. “Officers, would you be so good as to contact my old partner, Detective Dan Patterson, and tell him I’ll be accompanying Mrs. Miller?”

  Kelly had held her tongue throughout the entire shocking episode but could no longer. “Burt, do you want me to call Marty? Claudia will need a lawyer.”

  “You’re right, Kelly. Give Marty my cell number,” Burt said as he half-escorted, half-pulled Claudia around the table toward the officers of the law waiting for her.

  “Here we go, everyone, hot chocolate,” Mimi cheerfully announced as she rounded the corner, carafe in hand. She came to an abrupt stop and—like Claudia—went white as a sheet. “Burt . . . what’s the matter? Is Claudia sick?”

  “No, I’m just accompanying her to the police department. These officers have a few questions. I’ll call you as soon as I can,” Burt said as he and Claudia reached the archway. The two officers had already retreated into the central yarn room, heading for the front door.

  The café waitress following behind Mimi nearly crashed into her with the tray she was holding. Her eyes popped wide at the sight of Claudia and Burt leaving with the police.

  “What . . . what was that all about?” Mimi surveyed the shocked faces around the table. Tears already trickled down Lizzie’s pale cheeks. Even Hilda looked shocked, either that or appalled.

  “The Florida police filed an arrest warrant. They’ve charged Claudia with auto theft, just like Burt said they would,” Kelly explained. “Now the Fort Connor police are taking her in. Burt’s going with her because she’s scared senseless, as you can see.”

  “Oh, no . . .” Mimi breathed, quickly setting the carafe upon the table.

  Kelly shoved the alpaca scarf back into the knitting bag and dug out her cell phone as she rose from the table. “I’m calling Marty. Claudia needs a good lawyer, and she needs one right now.”

  Checking the directory for Marty’s number, Kelly punched it in as she headed into the central yarn room. She was startled into a stop when she saw someone in the corner.

  Sheila. Standing in the corner out of sight, clearly watching and listening to the entire incident.

  She glanced at Kelly briefly before turning her back and walking toward the front of the shop. It was a quick look, but it was long enough for Kelly to glimpse Sheila’s expression. The light of triumph shone in her eyes.


  Kelly pushed away her half-finished breakfast. She didn’t have her usual appetite this morning. Even Eduardo’s huevos rancheros couldn’t tempt her today. Leaning both arms on the café table, she looked across at her friends. “Thanks, Marty, for coming to Claudia’s rescue yesterday. Talk about short notice. I’m glad I caught you in your office.”

  Marty draped his arm across the back of Megan’s chair. All decked out in lawyerly dark gray suit and burgundy silk tie, there was no hint of the impish court jester who lurked within the conservative exterior.

  “I’m glad I was able to help, Kelly. If ever there was someone who needs legal counsel, it’s Claudia Miller. That’s quite a list of charges waiting for her in Florida. Auto theft, theft of an electronic device, and credit card fraud.” He shook his head, his usual smile missing. “She nearly fainted listening to the judge read the list of charges at her hearing. Burt had to hold her up.”

  Megan toyed with a teaspoon, stirring her cup of tea. “Poor Claudia. I feel so sorry for her.”

  Marty sipped his coffee. “At least Burt was able to arrange her bond so she didn’t have to go to jail.”

  “That was sweet of him to do that,” Megan said, leaning back in her chair. “But then, Burt’s a sweetheart.”

  “Yeah, he is,” Kelly added. “And make sure you send me your bill, Marty, okay? I don’t want you to—”

  Marty interrupted her with a wave of his hand. “No charge, Kelly. I was glad to do it. I haven’t felt so needed in years. Ever since I had to stop taking pro bono clients.”

  Megan grinned at her boyfriend. “Well, you could always tell those corporate clients that you’d rather work with the poor. If you really want to feel needed, that is.”

  “Maybe in a few years. The corporate cases pay really well, so it becomes addictive. But you’ve got a point. I have thought about it,” he said, suddenly earnest.

  “Marty, I was only teasing you.” Megan placed her hand on his arm.

  “Yeah, I know,” he said, good-natured grin returning. “But it’s something I miss. So it’s always been in the back of my mind.”

  “What will happen to Claudia once she’s turned over to the Florida police? Were you able to find someone to represent her down there?” Kelly asked.

  “Yeah, I was able to contact my buddy in Florida, and his firm has an office in Sarasota. He said they’ve got some younger associates on staff that do pro bono work, so one of them will represent Claudia when she returns.”

  “Where will she stay?” Megan asked, clearly concerned. “I mean, she gave up her apartment in the retirement home. And Sheila certainly won’t let her stay in her former house.”

  Kelly gave a wry laugh. “Hardly. I saw Sheila lurking around the corner yesterday when the officers were here. She was obviously eavesdropping.” She scowled at the memory. “I swear, that is one bitter woman. She had this triumphant look on her face.”

  “Well, I hope she’s satisfied now that Claudia’s been dragged away by the police.” Megan’s pretty face frowned. “I bet she was the one who told the police where to find Claudia.”

  “Oh, for sure,” Kelly agreed. “Sheila admitted she was calling the Sarasota cops every day to check on the progress of the stolen vehicle charges. She was waiting to see if a report had been filed in the national database yet.”

  Marty nearly choked on his coffee. “You’re kidding!”

  “Nope. You can ask Burt.” Kelly leaned back in her chair, realizing her shoulders were tensed. “She even admitted that she tracked Claudia to Fort Connor with credit card receipts.”

  “No way,” Marty countered.

  “Yeah, way,” both Kelly and Megan chimed together.

  “We were there in the shop when she marched in and confronted Claudia.” Megan shook her head. “So, Sheila should be satisfied. She’s won. And Claudia will be dragged to jail in defeat.”

  “Wow, she’s one heck of an investigator,” Marty said.

  “I have to admit, as a part-time sleuth myself, Sheila’s pretty impressive,” Kelly said.

  Megan arched a brow. “Part-time sleuth? Are you thinking about sniffing around for clues again, Sherlock?”

  “Naaaah. This case is already solved, right, Marty? I mean, Claudia’s caught red-handed with the stolen car and credit card in her possession and no proof she didn’t steal it. I have to agree. It doesn’t look good.”

  “You know, you never answered my question, Marty,” Megan continued. “Where will Claudia stay once she gets to Florida?”

  Marty drained his cup of coffee. “Actually, Claudia will be a guest of the state of Florida while she’s there.”

  Megan brightened. “Oh, really? Why, that’s wonderful. Will they put her up in a hotel, you think?”

  Marty gave her a big grin. “I love you.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  Megan looked surprised at Marty’s response, but Kelly immediately picked up on Marty’s train of thought. “I think Marty means Claudia will be in jail.”

  “Oh, no!” Megan said, shocked.

  “I’m afraid so,” Marty said as he rose from the table. “Gotta get to the office. See you tonight, hon.” Pointing to Kelly he added, “Aren’t we meeting you guys on the court tonight?”

  Kelly had almost forgotten. “Oh, yeah. You’re right. Maybe we’ll beat you. One game at least.”

  “You’re getting too close for comfort,” Marty said with a wave as he headed for the café door.

  Megan met Kelly’s gaze. “Good Lord. I cannot imagine Claudia in jail.”

  “Neither can I,” Kelly commiserated. “When Burt and I talked to Claudia the other day, he mentioned she’d be taken to the jail for booking, and Claudia flipped out. She was nearly hysterical just thinking about it.”


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