Viking Treasure

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Viking Treasure Page 23

by Griff Hosker

  "You did well. We were just unlucky to be so close to them. We cannot move now." I raised my voice slightly, "Two of you watch but do not make it obvious. If there is danger then whistle. We will try to move closer to the hall when it becomes darker."

  I rolled my cloak to make a pillow and this time I used my leather helmet protector to hide my face. My helmet I laid next to me with my sword and shield. I was not aware of actually sleeping but I think I must have for I suddenly heard voices close by.

  "If it had not been for the sword, shield and helmet I would have sworn this was the Dragonheart!"

  "You are a fool. The Dragonheart is an old man with a white beard and hair. This is some warrior who wishes to be taken for the Dragonheart."

  "More fool him then!"

  "You awake! I wish to speak with you!"

  I was going to open my eyes when I realised that they were kicking Cnut to waken him. "What is going on? Is this how you treat someone who wishes to serve your prince?"

  "You were all sleeping so soundly that we could hear your snoring from the hall. The Prince would see you but it will be after dark. He is busy at the moment! He will decide if you are to join us or not. He only wants the best warriors. To be honest you look as though the Saxon fyrd could walk over you."

  "I have killed men for less!"

  "We shall see. Come after the sun has set. You may bring two warriors only. No shields and keep your hands from your weapons."

  "He fears three men?"

  "He is careful. There are assassins who will slit a throat for the price of a sword. You look desperate enough to risk that. If you do not wish to serve then leave before dark. We have a close watch after the sun has set."

  "Very well!"

  When their voices had receded I sat up. Cnut said, "They were Frisians. Big bruisers too. They had many warrior rings. How do we do this, ja...Einar?"

  "You me and Olvir will go to speak with him. Einar Hammer Arm can command the rest. Haaken and the Ulfheonar will take care of the sentries. You need to congregate in small groups close to the ale and the women. When we go inside see if you can cause trouble and a disturbance. Sven, Alf and Bjorn you watch the sentries. When they move then try to enter."

  "There are many ifs there."

  I nodded, "And I chose all of you because you are young and can think. We come here to slay a snake and escape." I nodded to the ale hut and the women. "Already men are drunk. They have idle hands and coins. We are ready for war and they are not. They outnumber us that is all. We will try to capture a drekar if we can. I do not relish a foot race back to our ship. Let us move closer to the hall and away from Black Teeth."

  In ones and twos we stood and wandered closer to the hall and further from Black Teeth's camp. It was closer to the sand flies but we would live with that. Our new position meant we could see the guards at the hall from the side. We were almost hidden behind the hall itself.

  The afternoon seemed to drag. We were further away from Black Teeth but we could still see his camp. Harald Black Teeth and Hermund the Bent returned with another warrior. They sat amidst their men and their heads were close together. They did not notice that we had moved. From the conversation I had overheard I guessed they were plotting. I would have to send a message to Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson when we returned home. As the afternoon wore on so the crowd at the ale hut grew and the women spent more time inside pleasuring the men than serving beer. It caused some trouble. We had been told that fights were punishable by death. That meant fights with weapons. Fists and feet did not count as weapons. There were frequent bouts of ill temper which were settled in a sudden flurry of blows, kicks and bites. Crowds formed a circle when they occurred and afterwards they surged back to the beer. We were the only clan which appeared not to want to participate.

  "Einar Hammer Arm. It is time you began to make your way to the ale hut. Buy beer. It would look wrong if you did not."

  "Aye." He stood and began to walk over. Three warriors went with him. Beorn Eriksson went in a different direction with other warriors and Sven Svensson wandered, seemingly aimlessly around. It allowed Alf Jansson and Karl to head over the sand dunes down to the beach. When it was dark they would secure a drekar for our flight. I followed Cnut and Olvir to the hall. We had sharpened our weapons in the afternoon. The sun was slowly sinking into the sea to the west. The sun would take some time to set. I had no doubt that they would wait until it was fully dark to allow us in.

  As we waited we watched ten Frisians leave the hall to go on sentry duty. Five disappeared behind the hall while the other five walked to where we had been interrogated by the Danes.

  We walked to the hall. Cnut spoke to the taller of the two Frisians. He was broad and his nose had been smashed in a fight. He had a long knife scar running down one cheek. It had been badly stitched. He was not a pretty sight. "The Prince said he wished to see us."

  "He said he wanted to see you after the sun had set. Do you see that glowing orb in the sky, that is the sun! Now go away!"

  Cnut was being deliberately baited. The second one had his hand on his sword. Cnut shrugged, "You are a funny man. I suppose it makes up for the fact that you are the ugliest bastard I have ever seen. It must be the only way you get women; you make them laugh." He looked down at the man's groin. "We don't mind waiting. It is pleasant enough here. I am up wind of you."

  The ugly Frisian's hand went to his sword. His companion said, "If they do not satisfy the Prince you can have him as a play thing, Guthrum. Be patient. The cocky ones always cry out!"

  As the sun dipped down below the horizon Cnut went to enter, "Wait until you are sent for."

  Cnut turned, "Perhaps I will take my men and find a better leader."

  The one called Guthrum laughed, "If you try to leave at night you will be slain! You wait!"

  We waited. The noise from the ale hut was even louder. Another fight broke out and the two sentries looked over as one of the Danes we had met earlier smashed his fist into the face of a Norse Viking. His nose erupted like a ripe plum and he tumbled towards us, unconscious.

  The bruiser who had spoken to Cnut came out of the hall. He frowned as he saw the huge Dane kick the unconscious Norse between the legs. He said to the sentry, "Guthrum, go and tell Magnus Oakshield that the prince would like his warriors to be able to row. If he carries on like that he will be punished."


  "You three follow me and keep your hands where I can see them."

  He pushed open the door. The air was foul. It smelled of ale and vomit. I saw three women lying on a pile of furs. The Frisians had obviously been pleasuring themselves with them. I recognised Ragnar Ruriksson. He looked young but I saw his father's cruel eyes in his head. He had a fine and well made sword across his lap. It was not in a scabbard. Two bodyguards stood behind him. He sat on what I assumed was King Egbert's chair. It was on a raised dais. I could see that he had delusions of grandeur. He wanted to be King. This elaborate show was to make it seem as though we were in the presence of greatness. It did not work.

  I made sure that I stood behind the other two. The light was poor and my disguise had been effective so far but I did not wish to gamble.

  Ragnar spoke, "You wish to join my venture, Cnut the Fearless?" He laughed, "You do not seem particularly fearless to me."

  "Why, do I look afraid? I do not feel afraid. Should I be?"

  Cnut was doing exactly what I wanted him to. He was buying time for my men outside to distract the guards and for my Ulfheonar to slip into the hall. We were a ruse, a human smokescreen.

  I could see that he had annoyed this would be Prince. "I could have you slain for such insolence."

  Cnut spread his hands wide and said, "What insolence? I asked if I looked afraid. I can assure you I am not. I think we have made a mistake in coming here. We have waited all day for this audience and now we are being questioned. Perhaps we shall leave. Do you want swords or not?"

  Ragnar's voice rose as he shouted, "No one leaves at night! I
will have you put to death."

  Cnut laughed, "Then we will leave in the morning but so far I have not seen any that I fear." He looked at the two bodyguards, "And that includes these two."

  Just then there was a loud shout from outside. Ragnar shouted, "Go and see what that is! A man cannot think in here." He turned back to Cnut, "You are cocky. These two don't say much do they? You, the one hiding at the back, come closer. Are you afraid of me?"

  I stepped forward and the light shone on my face. In the half glow from the fire and the darkness my red beard was not obvious; the light made it seem grey. He shouted, "Dragonheart! Treachery!"

  Chapter 17

  A number of things all happened at once. The three of us drew our swords and seaxes as the two bodyguards stepped forward. Those who were not drunk and not copulating, all four of them, went for their weapons. Ragnar tried to get out of the way and then Olaf Leather Neck burst into the hall swinging his might axe and roaring, "Ulfheonar!"

  I lunged at the nearest Frisian. My sword plunged into his throat. Cnut slew the second while Olvir used his seax and sword to fend off two drunks who staggered towards him. Ragnar Ruriksson pushed the chair over as he ran. I knew that he would have another exit from this hall. He was too cunning to be trapped by a single door. I was ready as he ran towards the women and warriors who lay on the animal furs. Cnut and Olvir had killed their opponents and they followed me. Flanking me they hacked and chopped at the Frisians who tried to help their master. As I had expected there was a hidden door at the back. I suspect King Egbert had had it placed there so that he could leave without being seen. From the outside it would have been invisible for there was no handle to mark it.

  Ragnar burst out into the dark. I was three paces behind him. I shouted to my men, "Go right and left!"

  I could hear the clamour from the camp as my men made a nuisance of themselves. It would mask the sound of the Ulfheonar in the hall as they slew the oathsworn of Ragnar Ruriksson. I saw the foot prints in the dunes. He was heading for the beach. Alf and Karl waited there. I stepped over the body of a Frisian sentry. An arrow stuck out of his neck. That would have been Snorri. As I crested the dunes I saw my prey. He was running towards the nearest drekar. It was one with a long boat attached by a rope to the stern.

  I heard him shout, "Guards! Assassins! Help me!"

  I wondered, as I pounded across the harder sand after him how men could have followed such a pathetic excuse of a warrior and then I realised, he had surrounded himself with tough warriors. He did the thinking and they did the fighting. I was catching him but he would reach the drekar before I did. He was thirty paces from it when Alf and Karl stepped from the shadows of the drekar. The bodies of the watch lay in the surf. I heard Alf shout, "Do we kill him for you, Jarl?"

  "No. Alf, I shall have vengeance myself."

  Ragnar turned to face me. I was not fighting with my sword, touched by the gods, but I would not need it. The Frisian fell to his knees, "Mercy. I will give you gold. Do not kill me!"

  "Stand and be a man. You are a murderous assassin and you have done me and mine wrong. Fight me or I will kill you where you stand."

  He dropped his head and then, like a snake, darted his blade towards me. I had thought he might try something like that and I spun around bringing my sword across his buttocks. It bit deeply and I tore it as I spun around. He screamed in agony. As I turned I saw Haaken and my Ulfheonar. I shouted, "Fetch the men, we leave in this drekar." Haaken waved and ran off.

  "You have drawn blood. You have won."

  "You are not your father's son. He had cunning and was without honour but at least he knew how to fight."

  He swung his sword at me wildly. He tried to stab me in the knee. I stepped back and he fell in the sand. He picked a handful up and, as he stood, threw it at me. Had I had my own helmet then it would have done no harm. The open face of the one I wore meant it went into my eyes blinding me. He seized his chance and tried to end it there and then. When you have fought for as many years as I have then you use instincts and senses you do not know you possess. I could not see the blade but I knew where it was. My sword and seax came together to make a cross. His sword clanged into them. His face was so close to me that I could smell the drink he had consumed. I brought my knee up between his legs. Every ounce of strength I had was in that strike and he fell backwards into the surf for the tide had turned. The drekar was now floating.

  I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and cleared them. I walked slowly over to him. He was moaning and groaning. I brought my sword over and hacked off his right hand. He screamed. I kicked his sword away. "My son did not go to Valhalla because your assassins slew him without a sword. You have no sword nor do you have a hand."

  Behind me I heard Haaken shout, "Jarl! Finish it! They come!"

  Ragnar Ruriksson tried to take out his seax with his left hand. I let him do it and then I hacked it off too. The blood was pouring from his two stumps. He was dying. I stepped over him and looked into his eyes. "You have no honour and you will wander the Otherworld for all eternity. I will never see you again nor do I want to for you are a nithing."

  My men began to pour across the sand and clamber aboard the drekar. For me time seemed to have stood still. I watched as he tried to speak. He could not. Swords clashed behind me. I was aware of arrows flying towards the enemy but I stared at this man who had taken so much from me and this did not seem enough. I waited until the light went from his eyes and the sea washed over his body. Then I turned and raised my sword. The men who were hurtling towards us stopped. I bellowed, "Thus all enemies of the Dragonheart die! Fear me!"

  My men began to chant, "Dragonheart" over and over. Haaken and Snorri hurried me back to the sea and hands pulled me aboard. The wounded had been brought back and Alf was organising the rowers. The other drekar which bobbed about on the water had just deck watches aboard. They would not hinder our passage. Cnut Cnutson had survived and he went to the steering board. He had served as a ships' boy when he had been little. Haaken and Olaf chivvied and chased men to their oars. They were still full of the joy of battle. We did not bother with the sail. We had to row around to our bay and it was not far.

  I looked down the drekar. We had lost men. I would discover who had gone to Valhalla later. Haaken looked up from his oar and said, "That was not a good death. He got what he deserved. I cannot understand why men would follow him."

  Snorri cocked his head to one side, "There are still Frisians on the other drekar in the estuary. It would not surprise me to find that the real leader is there."

  "Are you a galdramenn, Snorri? Can you see men's thoughts?"

  "No Haaken One Eye but I had ears. When we crept around their sentries slitting throats and loosing arrows I heard men talk. The word 'prince' was used mockingly. I learned that was this Ragnar but they also spoke of the 'jarl on the drekar' and 'Jarl of the skulls'. We wondered why so few were in the camp and it was mainly those fortune hunters who came to seek glory. Alf said there are Frisian ships with their crews aboard in the Sabrina. Why do they wait there?"

  It suddenly became clear to me that Ragnar Ruriksson had not been clever enough nor cunning enough to have been the man who made the plot to lure me away from my home. I remembered Harald Black Teeth's words. He had also spoken of a Jarl on the ships and a disagreement. I saw that this was not so. I looked aft, towards the distant Sabrina. "He knew I would come and these drekar were bait. This mysterious Jarl has been waiting for me to make my move."

  "Are you certain, Dragonheart? It seems overly complicated."

  "Then tell me, Haaken, why are there drekar with crews aboard? Why are they waiting? They had enough men to come to Cyninges-tūn and attack in force. No, there is cunning at work here. They choose a place to gather where I can attack easily. Why did they not gather close to Portesmūða? It is a larger harbour and close to the King. This is isolated and easy for us to approach. I wonder if Raibeart was recognised and they used him to trick me."

ey could have taken him."

  "Aye Olaf but why take a minnow if you wish to catch a shark."

  Cnut shouted, "I see 'Red Snake'."

  I looked ahead and saw my drekar around the headland we had just passed.

  Snorri asked, "So what do we do?"

  I lifted my head and turned so that I could gauge the wind. It was from the south and the east. "We use this wind that Njoror has sent." I saw the sun rising in the east. "We let them wonder where we will be during the day."

  Snorri pointed to the land. "They will see for I doubt not they will have men scouring the land for us."

  "And we make them think that we are hurt and tempt them to come for us. Let us see if we can be as cunning as they are. First we get the wounded aboard our drekar and their hurts tended to. Then we eat. When I had spoken with Erik Short Toe I will have a better idea of what I intend."

  I was not being secretive. That was not my way but the idea which had formed was vague. I could sail but I was no sailor. I needed Erik's skills. We left the new Ulfheonar on the captured drekar. We discovered that her name was ' Njoror'. The dragon prow had a man's face. Perhaps that was why the god had favoured us. He did not like his name being misused this way.

  We rode at anchor and watched the morning arrive. We saw no sun and the wind brought damp clouds and squally showers. I sat on my chest with Erik. I now had Ragnar's Spirit strapped to my waist and that made me feel better. With my own armour and helmet I would face anyone! "How many ships does he have in the river, Jarl?"

  "Alf said six. Five Frisians and one Dane."

  "Then that is good. Frisian ships are not as lithe as Norse or Dane. They are wider but they carry more men however they turn like a pregnant cow; slowly and awkwardly."

  "Will they come here?" We had the ships' boys at the top of the masts of the two ships watching for them.

  "With this wind the way it is? No. If they wish to catch us then they will make a line. We would have speed when we approached them but they would be able to cut us off. The only other way home for us is the long way along the coast of Wessex, up the east coast and round the islands at the top of the world. This time of year brings sudden storms. This Frisian Jarl sounds too wise to waste time sailing south."


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