One More Moment (The McCormicks Book 3)

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One More Moment (The McCormicks Book 3) Page 17

by Elena Aitken

  Had he really always been so disgusting? What had she been thinking?

  “What do you want, Michael?” She was growing weary of his presence.

  “I came to see you.”

  “I got that.”

  “I was kind of hoping…” He took another step forward until he was right in front of her. She shivered involuntarily from his presence. “I was hoping you’d give me another chance, Milena.”

  What? Of all the things he could have said, that was probably the last thing she’d expected.

  “It’s been a long time,” he continued before she could say anything. “And I want you to know that I’ve changed. I’m not the same man I was and I know you’re not the same woman and maybe, well…maybe we could give this another chance.”

  She shook her head. “Why?”

  “We were so good together, Milena.”

  “No, we weren’t.”

  He reached for her then so quickly she didn’t have time to react. Before Milena knew it, he was clutching her arm and pulling her close. He smelled like beer and disappointment. “We can make this work, Milena. I know we can.”

  “No.” She wiggled a little, trying to break free. “We can’t make this work, Michael, because there isn’t anything to make work. There is no us. We’re done. We’re over and we have been for a long time. Let me go.”


  She tried not to get worked up or let her growing panic take over. She had to stay calm and get through to him. “Michael.” She tried for a calmer tone. “Getting back together isn’t a good idea.”

  “It’s a great idea. You’re hot now. Before you were just fat and—”

  “Enough.” Forget calm. She pulled against him. “You can’t talk to me like that anymore.” She managed to get one arm free, but his grip was strong. “We’re not together anymore. And you shouldn’t have talked to me like that then. I shouldn’t have let you.”

  “Baby.” He relaxed a little, just enough for her to slip free. “I never said anything that wasn’t true. You know me, I’m all about honesty and—”

  “None of what you said to me was true.”

  “Milena.” He grinned his handsome smile that he knew damn well was disarming. It had once worked for her. Not anymore. She stiffened, now repulsed by him. “Some of it was true.” He cocked his head in that condescending way that she used to acquiesce to. Not anymore.

  Milena straightened and put her hands on her hips. “You should go.”

  “Don’t be like that.” He changed his tone quickly, no doubt in an effort to placate her.

  God. Why had it taken her so long to realize what a narcissistic douche bag he was?

  “You know as well as I do that you used to carry a little around here.” He reached for her again but she managed to step back. “And now you’re finally taking care of yourself,” he continued, unfazed. “And I told you that I don’t care what that article says. You may still be a little chubby, but I’ll love you just the way you are.”

  “To hell you will.”

  “Milena.” Michael’s face morphed. He was losing patience with her. He’d never been physically violent with her, but it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t be. Not that she was scared of him. She wasn’t. If she could survive years of his hurtful words and come out on the other side, there was no way she’d let him intimidate her. “I think it’s time to stop the foolishness.”

  “What’s foolish?”

  “You know what I mean.” He took another step closer until he was almost on top of her. “I know the tabloids aren’t to be believed, so I know you can’t possibly be dating that TV star, but maybe you slept with him a few times.” She opened her mouth but shut it again. She would not dignify that statement with a response. “But enough is enough now. You know you’re not cut out to be with someone like that. Not really.”


  “Come on, Milena. You know what I mean.”

  She might, in fact, know exactly what he was getting at, but she needed him to say it. “No, tell me.”

  “Fine.” He sighed and rolled his eyes as if he was the one growing weary with the conversation. “He’s out of your league. He’s a TV star, for God’s sake. He used to date that Australian Beach Bodies chick. He has no business being with someone like you.”

  “Someone like me?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  She tilted her head. “Do I?”

  Michael sighed again. “Someone ordinary, Milena. You’re too ordinary to be with that McCormick guy.”

  That was the final straw. Michael had told her a lot of things over the years. He’d almost made a game out of telling her how fat, lazy, and worthless she was, and she’d even believed it for a time. But that was before. She no longer believed his hurtful words. She knew her worth. She wasn’t fat, lazy, and worthless, and she was anything but ordinary.

  Milena straightened up to her full height and despite the fact that he still had almost half a foot on her, she stepped forward, forcing him to back up. “Go away.” She took another step, and caught off guard, he stumbled backward. “Get away from me.”

  “Calm down.” He held his hands up in surrender. “I’m not trying to—”

  “You are nothing but a narcissistic asshole, Michael Malone, and I’m not sure why I ever thought you were worthy of my attention or my affection. I let you keep me down for too long but in case I didn’t make myself clear the first time I kicked you out, I never want to see you again. I am none of the things you tried to tell me I was, and I’ll never again let anyone make me doubt myself or who I am.” While she spoke, she kept stepping toward him, forcing him down the stairs onto the path.

  “Milena, I—

  “You heard her.”

  Michael turned at the sound of the other voice, just in time to receive a left hook to the jaw. He reeled backward but managed somehow to keep from falling over.

  “I should have done that years ago,” her father said. “Get off my property and away from my daughter. And if I ever see you around again, I’ll call the cops and let Officer Rhys Anderson take care of you.”

  Michael clutched his face and for a moment Milena thought he might try to fight back. But she should have known better. He was a spineless worm. He looked between the two of them, muttered something under his breath and left.

  They waited for his truck to drive away, before Milena ran the short distance to her dad. “I can’t believe you—you’re hurt.”

  He shook his head. “No. Just bruised a little. But it was worth it.”

  “You shouldn’t have done that, Dad.” She scolded him. “I had it under control.”

  “Kiddo, I know you did.” He chuckled. “I heard you and you were fierce. I have no doubt that you could have handled that all by yourself. But I couldn’t let him leave without doing that.” He took her hand with his good one. “I’m sorry I didn’t do that earlier. I never should have stood by and watched him treat you that way for so long.”

  “Dad, you didn’t know.”

  “I knew you weren’t happy,” he said. “And that’s all I ever wanted for you. I never liked him, but at first I thought he made you happy. And then I saw…well, it doesn’t matter. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you earlier.”

  Milena pulled her father into a tight hug. “You’ve always been there for me, Dad. Thank you.”

  “Like I said, kiddo, I just want you to be happy. I still haven’t met the guy yet, but I can’t think of a reason why you think you’re not strong enough to be with Cal McCormick. I just saw the way you tongue-lashed that moron right out of here and standing up to him after all he put you through…well, if that isn’t strength, I don’t know what is.”

  “It’s different, Dad.”

  Was it?

  She never would have thought she could have stood up to Michael that way. Even after everything she’d been through with him, she’d never imagined telling him off.

  But she had.

  And it felt good.

  Maybe she was stronger than she thought she was.

  But telling off an asshole and dealing with the paparazzi and their lies were completely different things.

  Weren’t they?

  Milena nodded and took a step back, thinking it over. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “No maybes about it,” he said. “I know I’m right. I’ve never seen you the way I’ve seen you these last few weeks, kiddo. There’s something to be said for that smile I’ve been seeing on your face and the man who’s put it there. Don’t dismiss it all too—”

  “Excuse me.” They turned at the sound of the female voice. “I’m sorry to interrupt,” Evie Rose said somewhat shyly. “I know it’s been a hard day, Milena. But I have something for you.”

  Great. Did everyone in town know what kind of day she’d had? Probably. Secrets were hard to keep in Cedar Springs. Especially when they were put online for the world to see.

  Milena nodded, because there was nothing she could say to that.

  Evie handed her the envelope and waited while Milena opened it.

  Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.

  Please join me on the journey.

  She looked up at Evie, confused. “What is this?”

  Evie shrugged with a sly smile. “I’m just the messenger. Are you ready to go?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cal had never been so nervous. After the idea had taken shape in his head, he wasn’t about to wait one more day. He needed to fix things with Milena. And he needed to do it right away.

  Fortunately, he had an amazing family and the support of what felt like the whole town to make things happen with Milena. And he was going to make things happen. Because there was no way he was going to let such a magnificent woman slip away.

  Everything had come together so quickly, but as far as Cal was concerned, it still wasn’t quick enough. He hated waiting. Especially when there was so much on the line.

  But that’s exactly what he had to do now. Evie had gone to Milena with the invitation, and from there she’d promised to stop by her shop and let Milena pick out a perfect dress. She was going to text Declan when they were done.

  Cal had no idea how long that would take, but it had already felt like weeks had passed since she’d left. His brothers were trying to keep him distracted by hanging out on the boat docks of the Dockside.

  Ian handed him a bottle of water as he joined the rest of the brothers. “This is starting to become a bit of a family tradition, don’t you think?”

  “What is?” Cal asked.

  “Saving our relationships with the women we love with grand, over-the-top gestures.”

  Cal laughed. “I guess so.”

  Ian had spontaneously proposed marriage to Gwen in the middle of the summer equinox festival and Mitch had recently taken it a step further by not only proposing marriage after a misunderstanding had pulled him and Jade apart, but actually planning a spur-of-the-moment wedding.

  “Except I’m not going to get quite as carried away as the two of you,” Cal said. “I don’t need her to agree to marry me. Not yet,” he added quickly. “I just need her to agree to be with me. I need her to see what I see.”

  “Oh, I have a feeling she will,” Declan said.

  “Do you think so?” Cal asked honestly. “Do you think she’ll come? What if she doesn’t come? What if she says no and closes the door on Evie? What if she—”

  “What if she comes?” Mitch stopped him. “You can make yourself crazy with what-if’s, Cal. But the one you should be focused on is the one you want. What if she comes? Do you know what you’re going to say?”

  He was about to tell Mitch that of course he knew what he was going to say, but the truth was, he had no idea. His only plan was to speak from the heart and let his feelings guide him. He’d already told her he loved her and she’d still turned her back on him. He had to believe she wouldn’t do it again. He had to believe that if she showed up, she’d be ready to hear what he had to say. And he’d be ready to say it.

  “I’ll know what to say when I see her,” he answered honestly.

  Ian nodded. “She’ll come.”

  “She absolutely will,” Declan agreed. “Evie will make sure of it.”

  Cal nodded and looked down at the clear water. He watched a fish dart around the reeds beneath the surface.

  “You and Evie are pretty close, aren’t you?” Mitch asked the question. “I mean, you seem to be spending some time together lately.”

  “I think what Mitch is trying to ask is, what’s the deal?” Ian interrupted. “Are you guys dating? Are you going to be next with all this love stuff?”

  Declan laughed. “I don’t know about that.”

  “You like her, though.” Cal said. “She seems like a really nice woman.”

  “She is,” Declan agreed. “And yes. I like her.”

  “So what’s the holdup?” Mitch wasn’t about to let it go. “You should ask her out.”

  “Like you did?” Declan fired back.

  Mitch had attempted to date Evie very briefly before he’d settled down with Jade. It had never been a match and they both knew it.

  “No,” Mitch said. “Like you should. I see the way she looks at you. She’s attracted to you, too.”

  Declan’s face lit up like a teenage boy who’d just been told the girl he had a crush on would go to the dance with him. “Do you think so?”

  “You’re ridiculous.” Mitch shook his head. “Ask her out.”

  “She has a kid.”

  “I know and Jonah is a great kid. Do you have a problem with kids?”

  “No.” Declan jumped up and paced to the edge of the dock. “Not at all. I just know it’s not easy for a single mom to date, is all, and I need to be respectful of that and of what I can offer before I offer anything at all.”

  “That sounds pretty cryptic.”

  “It’s just a date,” Ian said.

  “No.” Dec shook his head. “I don’t think it could be just a date.”

  “Well, I think you’re being—”

  “That’s her now.” Declan pulled his phone out of his pocket and stared at the screen.

  Cal waited, not taking a breath. What if she said no? What if Evie was texting to let Declan know that all their planning had been for nothing? What if she was just going to walk away and out—

  “They’re on their way.”

  Cal’s head popped up. “What?”

  Declan’s smile told him everything he needed to know. “Let’s get you in position, brother. It’s time to get romantic.”

  Milena had no idea what she was agreeing to, but her instincts told her to say yes. And when Evie more or less told her that she was not going to take no for an answer and dragged her out to her car, Milena decided to just go with it.

  Besides, she was too wrung out to contemplate fighting the woman off.

  And despite the fact that Evie had been completely tight-lipped about it, Milena was positive the message had come from Cal.

  It had to.

  The idea that Cal had sent her a romantic invitation made her heart flip in her chest. Sure, she had her reservations and concerns. Who wouldn’t? But she also had her feelings. She knew what her heart wanted. And how devastated she’d been all day thinking she would never have that again.

  She had to take the chance.

  She had to see what the invitation was for and where it would lead. At the very least, she owed it to herself to have a resolution. Whatever it might be. And her dad was right. She was strong enough. The fact that she had ever doubted herself and her inner power was crazy. She was not the weak pushover that Michael Malone remembered. She was strong. She was driven. She knew what she wanted and dammit, she was willing to go after it. Even if it meant taking a risk like getting in Evie’s car and letting her lead her to the unknown.

  Evie whispered something to her father before hopping into the driver’s seat and whisking her away.

  “Will you tell me where we’
re going?”

  Evie shook her head.

  “Will you tell me if this is from Cal?”

  Evie shook her head again, but this time she smiled, giving away what Milena already suspected.

  Milena sat back in the seat and looked at the invitation again. It was incredibly romantic. And truthful, too. Maybe they could work things out and have their very own Hollywood moment. Maybe he would take one look at her and—

  “Oh no!”

  Her outburst caused Evie to swerve the car a little but she quickly righted it. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t go.”

  “Yes you can.”

  “No.” Milena started to panic. “Not like this.” She gestured down to her wrinkled work clothes and her messy hair. She’d been crying and doing yoga and there was no doubt her face was puffy and blotchy and if she was going to see Cal, there was no way she could go without freshening up first. She told Evie as much and her friend just smiled.

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ve already got you covered.” A moment later, they pulled up in front of Live, Love, Lake, Evie’s boutique, and she turned off the ignition. “Let’s go get you ready.”

  Evie moved with surprising speed and before she knew it, Milena was wearing a beautiful bright-blue lace overlay dress that hit just above her knees. The color made her eyes sparkle, and Evie had worked some magic with her makeup and piled her hair on top of her head in a cute, messy, but elegant bun. She turned in the mirror and almost started crying again at what she saw.

  But there was no time for tears. Although Evie had been tight-lipped about pretty much everything else that was going on, she’d made sure Milena knew there was no time for fixing makeup if she started crying again.

  “You look beautiful.” Evie squeezed Milena’s shoulders. “Are you ready?”

  Milena nodded and turned to her new friend. “If only I knew what I was ready for.”

  “Sweetie.” Evie’s smile was kind. “I think you know exactly what you’re ready for.”

  Chapter Fifteen


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