Taking Control: A Billionaire Boss Romance (Playboys of New York Book 4)

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Taking Control: A Billionaire Boss Romance (Playboys of New York Book 4) Page 4

by JA Low

  What on earth has been happening?

  “Ready?” Dan asks as we pull up to the stairs. I nod my head and wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me out of the wheelchair and into his arms. Dan jiggles me a little bit until I’m in the right position and then strides up the stairs as if I weigh nothing. He catches my leg on the side of the door, which makes me howl out in agony.

  “Shit! Sorry, babe.”

  “It’s okay,” I say through gritted teeth, the pain shooting up through my body. He then catches my foot again as he turns to place me on one of the large leather seats.

  “Watch what you’re doing,” EJ growls from the seat in front of me. Then he looks over at me. “Need some pain meds after that?”

  I nod my head because I’m not going to be strong at this moment as my leg is hurting like a mother trucker, and I’m just not that brave.

  “I’m so sorry, babe.” Dan takes a seat beside me as he looks me over. “It was hard to navigate around everything.”

  “It’s fine.” Waving his concern away through gritted teeth, moments later, EJ comes back with a bottle of water and some pain pills. I take them and throw the tablets back with a large gulp of water. They must be fast-working because my leg pain is dissipating, and my eyelids are becoming heavy.

  “Stell,” EJ calls through my fog. “Stell, let me move you back to where the bed is so you can lie down.” There are a couple of moments of grumbling, and the next thing I know, EJ is lifting me out of my seat and moving me before placing me down again.

  “It’s only a single bed. There’s no room for you,” EJ says to someone. Then I feel him wrap a blanket around me before leaning over me. “I promised I would look after you,” he whispers in my ear, and with that, I fade into the darkness.

  I’m out for so long that I’m not on the plane when I open my eyes again. It takes a couple of moments for me to gain my bearings.

  There is a warm glow in the room. The walls are a champagne color, non-descript, not giving too much away as to its location. There is a large window to my left that looks out over the New York City skyline. The bright lights of the city are twinkling against the backdrop of the night sky. Oh, wow! I must be EJ’s place. Did I sleep through the flight, then the car ride here, and then moving into this bed? What on earth was in those painkillers? They were potent. Then I remember I need to get my leg recast, so I throw off the bed covers and stare down at my freshly cast leg. How on earth?

  “You were dead to the world.” EJ’s voice startles me, and I squeal, which makes him laugh.

  “Did I seriously sleep through everything?” I try and sit up. EJ rushes toward me and fluffs my pillows so I can sit up properly. “Thanks.”

  “Yeah, you did. I’ve never seen anything like it.” EJ grins as he steps away from me. This is the first time seeing him since our almost kiss, which I haven’t been thinking about at all. Okay, maybe a little, only because I was wondering why he would want to kiss me. Was it just in that moment? Or has he always wanted to kiss me? Or is he simply feeling sorry for me? Doesn’t matter. You have Dan now. He’s the one, and the only one you should be thinking about kissing.

  “Did you give me elephant tranquilizers or something?” Chuckling to myself, he smiles.

  “No. But it’s good to know when you have the pills, they will knock you right out.” Concern laces his face, and I know he is worried about me.

  “Lucky I’m not going anywhere, then.” Pointing down at my leg, this gets me a grin.

  “I’ve made you a salad in case you were hungry after your sleep. If you don’t like it, then I can make you something else,” he adds.

  “No. Salad sounds great. Thank you.”

  If EJ is cooking for me during this entire stay, at least I know the food isn’t going to suck being the amazing chef he is known for. He turns and exits my room. Suddenly, my bladder reminds me I need to use it. Oh crap. I look at the bathroom that is so, so close, yet so, so far away. I stare at my leg and try and work out how the hell I will get from the bed to the bathroom.

  Hopping. That’s what I can do.

  Gingerly, I slide my leg out of bed, trying to keep it as straight as I can. Then I push up off the edge of the bed to standing. Instantly, I regret that decision because I put too much pressure on my leg and end up falling back against the bed and scream out in pain.

  “Stella,” EJ hollers out to me as he rushes into the bedroom with my plate of salad and a bottle of water. He throws it down on the side table and runs toward me. “What the hell do you think you are doing?” he scolds me as he pushes me back up onto the bed.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.” The embarrassment I feel runs all over my body, my face reddening.

  “Shit. Of course,” he curses. “Come on, let’s do this.”

  “What, no.” Shaking my head, I can’t think of anything more awkward.

  “Stella.” He glares at me. “Wrap your arms around my neck, and I’ll lift you up and over to the bathroom.” I contemplate this for five seconds because what’s more embarrassing than wetting the bed or getting help in the bathroom.

  “Fine,” I grumble. Reaching out, I wrap my arms around EJ’s neck as he hoists me up into his arms, carries me effortlessly across the room to the bathroom, and then deposits me on the toilet, fully clothed.

  He takes a step back then frowns. “Um… Stell, do you need me to take your underwear down for you?”

  Thankfully, I’m wearing a dress.

  “What, no!” I scream at him. “I’ve got it from here.” Waving him out of the room, EJ just bursts out laughing as he walks out and closes the door behind him. I hang my head in shame and sigh.

  After trying hard, I eventually maneuver myself and manage to get my underwear down and back up again. I am able to flush, but that’s about it. Urgh, I hate this stupid leg. Frustration is beginning to bore into me, and I have weeks of this to endure. I simply don’t know if I can.

  “You okay?” EJ calls out through the door.

  “Yes. I need to wash my hands, though,” I call back.

  EJ opens the bathroom door and strides over to me. He helps me up and over to the basin so I can wash my hands. Once they’re clean, he picks me up again, walks me back through to the bedroom, and places me ever so gently down onto the bed. My salad and bottle of water are on the bedside table waiting as is my laptop and my phone. I’ve just noticed the television is on with the news chattering away on the screen.

  EJ makes sure I’m all settled in and comfortable. “Did you need anything else?” he asks.

  I look around the room and shake my head. “No, thank you. I think you’ve covered everything. Thanks.”

  “It’s all good. I’ll just be out here. Call or text me if you need anything, okay?” he explains.

  I give him the thumbs-up, and he exits the room. I open the water bottle and take a drink as I’m a little dehydrated, then dig into my roasted pumpkin and goat’s cheese salad. Yum. I absently watch the news as I savor my first real meal in days. Once I’ve finished, I pick up my phone and call Dan. I didn’t get to say goodbye to him as I was passed out. The phone rings, and it takes a couple of times before he picks up, but it’s tough to hear him.

  “Dan,” I call out.

  “Oh, hey, babe. You’re awake.”

  “Yes. Sorry, I passed out like that.”

  “You needed it. All good.”

  “Where are you?” Is he having a party or something?

  “At the bar with friends,” he tells me.

  Oh. Okay. Of course, just because my life has stopped doesn’t mean he does.

  “Well, I just wanted to say thanks and good night,” I add awkwardly.

  “All good, babes. Sleep tight.”

  “Will I see you tomorrow?” I ask. Goddamn, I hate feeling this needy. That isn’t me. I’m not that kind of girl.

  “Yeah, of course,” he replies, which fills me with relief. “I’ve got to go. See ya soon.” And with that, he’s gone.

ing a little deflated, I drop my phone on my bed and begin to switch between channels, nothing catching my attention for long.

  “Knock, knock.” EJ sticks his head around the corner. “Want me to take your plate?” I nod in agreement, and he comes in. “Was it good?” he asks.

  “Of course, it was. You know that.” Chefs and their fragile egos.

  “Good! Always have to make sure. I can’t be complacent now.” He grins. “I’m just going to start your bath for you.”

  Wait! What? Now?


  “Yeah. The nurse recommended a bath, and she gave me a special bag for your leg,” he adds as if it’s no big deal.

  “Thanks, about the bag, but um… what about the rest?” Waving my hand in front of me, there’s no way he is seeing me naked. If he had to help me on the toilet, he’ll have to help me get in and out of the bath naked.



  Not happening!

  “I’ll close my eyes. I promise.” He holds up his hand, giving me his Boy Scout honor salute.


  “I’m going to have to help you for the next six weeks, Stell. We might as well get the awkwardness out of the way now.”

  “Nothing about this is awkward for you.”

  EJ’s green eyes turn dark as he stares at me. “Oh, it’s going to be awkward because if I accidentally see what’s hidden underneath all that…” he waves his hands around, “… I’m not going to be able to get that image from my mind.”

  “Exactly. You’re used to seeing supermodels in the flesh, not us mere mortals.”

  “That’s not what I mean, Stella.” EJ sighs in frustration. “Doesn’t matter.” He shakes his head. “I promise you, Stella. I. Won’t. Look. I mean it.” I can see the sincerity in his eyes that he’s serious.

  “Fine. I could use one,” I give in.

  “Great. I’ll be back to wrap up your leg.” And with that, he is out the door again.

  Suck it up, Stella.

  Your boss is about to see you naked for the first time and not in a fun way. At all.



  After wrapping her leg up according to the medical instructions, I helped Stella into the bathroom. I filled up the large tub to the perfect temperature and added loads of bubbles so she will feel covered while bathing.

  Now is the moment.

  She changed into a silk robe that surrounds her. I pick her up, and the material is slippery beneath my fingers. All I can do is pray that I do not drop her. Stella doesn’t need her other leg broken too. She decides to get into the bath with her robe on and then take it off, so she isn’t naked before me, and I understand. It’s for the best.

  I lean over the bathtub and slowly start to lower her into the water. Further and further until she is sitting securely against the bottom.

  Phew! I did it. I didn’t drop her.

  “Okay, well, I’ll leave you to it. Holler when you’re finished.” Stella smiles and lays back against the bathtub disappearing beneath all the bubbles. I close the door behind me and begin to tidy her room. I walk out into the hallway and back to the kitchen area with her glass, taking a seat in my living room and play on my phone while waiting for Stella to freshen up.

  While I am waiting, a text message comes in.

  Monique: I heard you’re back in town. Fancy catching up?

  Seeing Monique’s text come through annoys me. Has she not seen the news about the car accident? It was all over the gossip pages, mainly because of Elise and Emma’s injuries. Does she think after what has happened to my friends, that I will be in the mood to hook up?

  Me: No, thanks. I’m not in the mood after the car accident. I have a lot going on.

  Monique: Oh, I’m sorry, baby. Need me to help soothe your aches and pains?

  Me: No.

  It’s rude, I know.

  That’s not usually me.

  But Monique’s text annoys me. Urgh. Maybe I do need something to help me relax—a massage, perhaps. I can feel the tension twisting along my muscles and up into my back.

  Monique: Did I do something wrong?

  Fuck, now she thinks she’s done something when it’s me being a bastard.

  Me: No. But my friends were involved in a severe car accident where they could have died. I’ve been stuck at the hospital for three days, worried out of my mind for them. I’ve just gotten back, and things are complicated.

  Monique: Shit. I’m sorry, EJ. I didn’t realize it was that serious. If you need anything and not just sex, then let me know. Okay?

  Me: Okay. Thanks. I’ve got to go.

  And with that, I throw my phone down onto the couch and hang my head. Exhaustion hits me like a freight train. The adrenaline from Vegas must be fading, and it’s all beginning to smash into me full force.

  “EJ,” Stella calls from the bathroom. “I’m finished.”

  Jumping up from the couch, I stride back down the hall and into her room. Opening the bathroom door, I grab a towel from the towel rail and place it beside the bathtub. Her face is flushed pink from the hot water. The sky-high bubbles have slowly dissipated, but thankfully she’s still covered.

  “Could you pass me a new robe, please?” Stella points to the second silk robe hanging on the door. Shit. I forgot to move that closer to her. Grabbing the pink silk, I walk back to the bathtub and hand it to her, then turn my back so she can dress, but what I wasn’t expecting was that the shaving mirror on the vanity has the perfect view of her tub.

  I know it’s wrong.

  So very wrong and creepy as fuck.

  But my eyes just can’t or won’t pull away from that mirror. Not as I watch her move past the line of bubbles exposing her top half or at any time thereafter. I bite my lip as my eyes take in her tits. A nice handful. Plump. Creamy. With dusty pink nipples, which are perfect for nibbling. My dick stirs inside its restraint.

  Now is not the time.

  Be a fucking gentleman, Elliot.

  Stella would be mortified if she knew you could see her like this. Here she is at her most vulnerable, and you’re taking advantage of it.

  “EJ,” Stella squeals.

  I turn around quickly and rush toward her, looking her over, wondering where she hurts.

  “What? Are you okay? What happened?” I can’t seem to see a problem.

  “You peeked.” She points to the shaving mirror.

  Oh, shit! Busted.

  Guilt falls across my face while mortification falls across Stella’s.

  “Only for a moment, I didn’t see much.”

  Stella folds her arms across her chest, but that just draws my attention to the wet silk currently clinging to her magnificent tits.

  “Oh my God, EJ,” she squeals again while following the direction of my eyes.

  Shit! Busted again.

  “You have great tits, Stella. Okay, so sue me for staring.” Throwing my hands up in the air, I huff.

  “You shouldn’t be looking,” she chastises.

  “I know,” I tell her honestly, and she frowns at me. “I know I shouldn’t have looked, and I’m sorry, but—”

  Stella cuts me off. “Please don’t say anything more because whatever it is, is going to fuck up that apology and make things worse.” Yeah, she’s probably right. “Come help me out of this bath, so I can go and hide under my covers from embarrassment.”

  Damn! Now I’ve gone and made things awkward.

  “I’m sorry, Stell.” As I stand before her, looking down at her in the bath, she gives me a little frown and a shake of the head, then holds out her arms for me. I lean over, and she wraps them around my body. Unfortunately, some water has sloshed over the edge of the bath and outside of the mat as my body beds over, and I try and use my feet for stability.

  Everything comes undone.

  Gravity pulls me forward as my feet come out from underneath me. We both scream as water goes everywhere, and I land on top of her in the bath.

  I try and jump right
back out of the tub as if my ass is on fire, but I stumble and slip again, this time coming down hard against the bathtub’s edge and split my eyebrow wide open. Now there’s blood everywhere.

  “EJ. You’re bleeding,” Stella screams. She looks on in horror as I’m unable to stop the bleeding.

  “I’m fine. Just a little cut.”

  Stella looks on with concern as I stumble over to the first-aid kit underneath the sink. I grab a towel and wipe my face to get as much blood as I can away from the cut to take a look. Then I pull out a Band-Aid and shove it on my face. By the time I’ve turned around, Stella’s crawled out of the bath and is on the bathroom floor.

  “Stell.” I rush over to her. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

  “I don’t know, EJ. There’s a lot of blood, and I am worried, and thought I could help.” She looks up at me helplessly, so I smile at her.

  “I’m fine. Really. Now come on, let’s get you back into bed. I think we both have had enough excitement for tonight.” She opens her arms for me, and I wrap her soaked body against mine and carry her back into her bedroom. I place her on the chair in the corner, so she doesn’t soak her bed, and rush back into the bathroom to grab a towel. Then I open her drawers, where the girls brought over some of Stella’s things and pull out a sleep shirt. I rummage through her underwear drawer, trying to find her a pair of comfortable underwear—no such luck, they are all sexy, lace numbers.

  “Why do you only have sexy underwear in your drawers?” Turning around, I hold out a pair of black lace panties for her. She snatches the article from my fingers and holds it to her chest.

  “None of your business.” She glares at me. “Why are you looking through my underwear, anyway?”

  “Um… I was trying to help you get dressed, and I thought a cute pair of cotton panties would be what you wanted to wear to bed.”

  Her face softens a fraction. “These are very comfortable.” She’s still clutching them to her chest tightly.

  “Okay. If you say so.” I hold up my hands.


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