The Beast and the Homecoming Queen

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The Beast and the Homecoming Queen Page 2

by Khelsey Jackson

  Breanna smiles, and nods. “I keep you around for your ego bust.” Quinn opens her mouth to say something but the teacher walks in.

  Chapter Two

  Chocolate Cupcake

  Quinn wants to slap the next person to tell her congratulations on being nominated for homecoming queen. She and Breanna walk into the lunch room. Her hazel-blue eyes automatically search for dark blue eyes. As soon as she finds him, her body heats up. He is staring at her, and he slowly stands up.

  “Quinny you know I love you, but you need to stop looking at him like that. Oh my gosh, Justin is coming towards us.” Justin has been their crush for the last four years. He has short spiky black and his gray eyes have yellow rings around them. He smiles at them, and Breanna giggles.

  “Hey.” His voice is low and he smiles coolly at them. “Umm…can I talk to Quinn alone?” He looks into Breanna eyes, and winks. She just nods and smiles at Quinn. “Will you please sit with me?” he asks Quinn, and she looks pass him to where Kaden is sitting; he is glaring at Justin’s back.

  She turns her attention back to her long time crush, and nods. When she walks past Kaden's table he is still glaring at Justin. Kaden's eyes seem to be darker that what she remembers. He looks at Quinn and he looks disappointed. They walk over to a table that has a few people sitting at it, Justin stares at them and they all get up.

  He raises black eyebrows at her, and she sits. “Thank you,” he says and smiles. He sits next to her, and takes her left hand into his. “I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I would have come to check on you, but I was in France.” He rubs his thumb over her knuckles, and she looks down at their hands. “Quinn will you go to the homecoming dace with me?”

  Quinn looks up at him and doesn’t hide how shocked she is. “What about Jenna?” They have been off and on since he got here. The last time she heard they were back on again.

  “She is too much of a bitch. I want someone sweeter, someone with a heart.” He pauses and brings his hands to frame her face. “I want someone like you.”

  Quinn closes her eyes, and she doesn’t see Justin with his gray eyes. She sees dark blue ones staring back at her. Slowly she opens her eyes, and looks across the lunch room at Kaden. Jenna is sitting with him, and she is whispering something in his ear. He grins at whatever she is saying.

  She looks back at Justin, and he looks worried. “Yes, I will go with you.” He smiles, and she adds a smile for show. She wishes it was Kaden asking her, and his hands on her face.

  “Good we'll have fun.” He reaches down for her hand and brings it to his lips. She always imagined when he kissed her she would feel the butterflies and see fireworks explode around her just like everyone says; Quinn doesn’t feel anything besides a lump in her throat.

  She glances at Kaden again, and he is staring at her. Jenna is talking but he is staring at Quinn.

  “Yeah, we will.” Quinn puts on her show smile again; she has gotten good at it since her father died.

  He smiles, and she sees Breanna walking towards them with a huge smile on her face. Quinn stands up and takes her hands back.

  “Quinny!” Breanna says, and winks at her. “Sorry Justin, but I need my best friend.”

  Justin stands up and kisses Quinn's cheek. “No problem, I’ll see you later,” he says, and walks away.

  Breanna smiles as she watches him walk away. “So I was watching you two! Did he ask you about homecoming?”

  Quinn sits back down, and nods. “Yeah I am going with him.”

  Breanna frowns. “You sound like someone ate your chocolate cupcake.” Quinn smiles, that at their saying. Whenever something isn’t going the way they want, they would say someone ate my chocolate cupcake. Quinn looks back at Kaden and he is still watching her. Breanna notices her look somewhere else, and turns around. “Please tell me it's not because of him.” Quinn looks at her best friend, and lets her answer show on her face. “Quinny he just asked Jenna to go with him. I was there, and she said yes.”

  Quinn's heart sinks, and she has no reason to be upset. She just said yes to Justin, even if she was thinking about Kaden the whole time. She tells herself not to look over there again, and she is surprise when she doesn’t.

  “Let’s get to class,” Quinn says, and stands up. She looks at her uneaten lunch and frowns.

  Breanna must have notices, and she grabs Quinn's arm. “Quinny please tell me you are eating at home.” The first week after her dad died, she stopped doing everything. Eating was the biggest, and Breanna was the one to force her to eat again, and to take a shower.

  Quinn takes her arm gently away from her best friend. “I am eating mainly fast food but it counts.”

  Breanna looks sad, and Quinn can smell amber and sandalwood. “I'm worried about you, why don’t you come and stay with me? I know my parents would love to have you.” Quinn is now surrounded by his scent. She stayed at Breanna’s house for a week, and she wanted to be alone. She remember the first time she walked into her house after her dad died, there was police tape on the door and still blood was still everywhere. She tried to clean up the blood, but she made more of a mess. She had the carpet replaced.

  “I've told you before, I am fine on my own.” Breanna looks behind Quinn, and looks back to her.

  She shakes her head. “You aren’t fine, and I know that. But I love you and I know when to stop pushing you but know that I am always here for you.”

  Quinn wraps her arms around Breanna. “I know, and I love you. Thank you for being here for me.”

  “I’m always here for you, Quinny,” she whispers. “Now do you want me to get rid of him?” She hears Kaden clear his throat. She shakes her head and looks up to meet dark blue eyes. Breanna nods, and turns around, Kaden eyes never leave Quinn's. “I don’t know why but I don’t like you. Quinn has already been through so much, and you smell like trouble.”

  Kaden takes his eyes off of Quinn, and looks down to a pissed off Breanna. She narrows her eyes and continues. “You think just because you are gorgeous you can have whoever you want, and have some extras on the side. I won't let that happen. Not with her, she deserves the best.” Quinn's heart swells with every word her best friend says.

  It’s nice knowing that after all the lost in her life, she has someone amazing that cares about her.

  With that said, she walks away leaving Quinn and Kaden alone. He looks back at Quinn, and he takes her breath away. She always had a thing for a guy with long hair, but there is something different about Kaden. Quinn feels safe when he is around her, like nothing can hurt her. She also feels a strong pull to him, and the longer he is around her, the stronger it gets.

  She shakes her head to break his spell he has on her. “What do you want Kaden?”

  He closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath through his nose. Like he is taking in her scent. “I wanted to explain about Jenna.” He slowly opens his dark blue eyes. “I know Breanna told you.”

  Quinn shakes her head; she doesn’t want to hear about him and Jenna. “No it's fine, it's not like I am your girlfriend. I’m going with Justin anyways.” Quinn watches his eyes change to a weird color. She swears his eyes change to a purple color, he closes his eyes again.

  “I know, I don’t like it.” Quinn watches him calm his breathing down, and when he opens his eyes they are his dark blue. “Just promise me something. When you are alone with him keep your guard up.”

  She stares at him, she doesn’t know what to say to that. “Okay.”

  “I'm serious about this. I've heard stories about Justin Keto, and they weren’t good ones.”

  She smiles at him, and notices Justin coming towards them. “Fine I promise, now I have to go,” she says, and walks to Justin before he could get to Kaden.

  Justin stops and frowns at her, then he looks behind her. Quinn can feel Kaden's eyes on her. “Quinn can I walk you to your next class?” Justin asks and smiles down at her. She puts on her smile, even though she feels like she is leaving a piece of herself with Kaden.

  Justin puts his hand out for her to hold, and she looks at it. Quinn has thought about being with him forever, now she can't stop thinking about stupid blue eyes. She brings her hand up to take his, and prays she feels something. Maybe a flutter, or even a tingle. As she touches his hand, she feels nothing.

  Quinn glances over her shoulder, and finds Kaden's eyes a purple shade.


  After Justin walked Quinn to her class he decides he needs to talk to Kaden. He knew that having that him here would he trouble. Justin sees Kaden walking towards the bathroom, and he follows him

  “What the hell do you think you are doing Kaden? You know that Quinn is mine,” Justin says and can feel his body heat up, it's too close to the full moon.

  Kaden's eyes meet his in the mirror. “I think she should know everything before you claim her. Quinn has the right to know and I think you are a chicken for keeping it from her,” Kaden says and smiles. “Maybe you're afraid she will think you are a monster, and maybe she won't change.”

  Justin knows this; he knows that some pures don’t change. If Quinn does she will be the first female in thirty years. “It has been decided, she will find out after homecoming.” He doesn’t agree with it, he agrees with Kaden. Quinn deserves to know what she is and what has been promised.

  “You like that don’t you?” Kaden turns around and smiles. “You like that you can have her and lie to her.”

  Justin glares Kaden. “I don’t like it, and I’m not lying to her.”

  Kaden laughs. “Whatever, golden boy.”

  Justin shakes his head. Kaden is convince that Justin's life have been perfect or golden. It has been far from that, he hasn’t had a choice in anything in his life. “You know nothing about me or my life. Just stay away from Quinn or you will pay.”

  Justin walks out of the bathroom leaving Kaden and thinks about Quinn. He hopes with the truth comes out she forgives him for keeping her secret.


  Quinn just walks into her last, Mrs. Schmidt ancient history. Since she has already taken this class she is her TA. Mrs. Schmidt looks at Quinn, she motions her over. Quinn smiles, Mrs. Schmidt has had the same look all four years. She has median brown curly hair that touches her shoulders, and she is short like Quinn.

  “I am so happy to have you as my TA.” She pauses and glances around. “I'm here if you need to talk,” she whispers, and Quinn nods.

  “Thanks, and I’m happy to be your TA.” Quinn smiles at her favorite teacher.

  Mrs. Schmidt's eyes look behind Quinn. “You have someone that wants to talk to you.”

  Quinn doesn’t need to turn around she knows who it is. She can feel her body humming to life.

  Slowly she turns around, and meets dark blue eyes. She hasn’t seen him since lunch, and was hoping to avoid him for the rest of the day.

  Kaden looks pass her to Mrs. Schmidt. “I was moved to this class, I was supposed to ask you if that's okay.” His eyes never looking at her.

  “Yes that's fine, I have a few more openings for this class. Just sit where ever.” She can feel Kaden's body heat, and she wants to lean into him. “Quinn come with me, and I will set you up.”

  Quinn nods, and forces herself to walk away from him. “Since today is the first you will be siting here.” She looks over at her desk, and Quinn smiles.

  Quinn sits down and looks at the class. Most of the students are seniors, but she looks at Kaden. He is paying attention to Mrs. Schmidt, so Quinn can look at him without him knowing. He is truly beautiful, his skin has a tan tint to it, and his eyes stand out against his dark black eyelashes. His black eyebrows have a little lift to them, and his cheeks have deep dimples when he smiles.

  She mentally slaps herself; she needs to get a grip on herself. She looks down at the desk, and when she looks back up, she notices Kaden looking at her. He smiles his perfect white smile at her, and she feels her cheeks burn. That is when she sees Justin, he is sitting behind Kaden, and he doesn’t look happy. It's not like they are a couple, he just asked her to the dance.

  Quinn smiles in Kaden and Justin direction. Kaden winks at her, and Justin nods. Great now she has Justin mad at her. She looks away from them, and listens to Mrs. Schmidt.

  An hour and half later, Quinn is walking out of Mrs. Schmidt's classroom. She waited to leave until everyone was gone. Now the hallway is filled with students.

  When she opens her locker she sees a note falls out. Quinn quickly grabs it, and opens it.

  When your big beautiful hazel blue eyes look at me, I feel like my heart has stopped. I’m not good at talking and I know that. There is so much I want to tell you, but I can't. I never knew what it meant when someone say someone else was breath taking beautiful, until I saw you. Please don’t go to the dance with that jerk, you deserve someone better than him and me.


  Quinn feels her heart speed up, Kaden thinks she is beautiful. But he also doesn’t thing he deserves her. She brings the note to her face to see if it smells him, and smiles when she does smell him. She puts the note into her red and black backpack, and pulls her keys out. She turns around and runs in to a hard body.

  Quinn looks up and has gray-yellow eyes staring down at her.

  “I was wondering if I would see you before I had to get to football practice.” Justin smiles warmly at her. He takes her backpack from her, and puts it on his shoulder. “We have open practice tomorrow and it would mean so much to me if you would be there.”

  Justin wraps his arm around her shoulders, and walks with her. Once again she hopes for a special feeling, but nothing happens. When they are outside she sees a blue and black motorcycle parked next to her red bug. Kaden is leaning against it with Jenna standing next to him.

  Kaden's eyes meet her, and then he looks at Justin. “About tomorrow?” Justin asks, and Quinn turns her attention to him.

  She feels bad that she doesn't like him, not like that. “Maybe, I need to see what Breanna is doing.”

  Justin narrows his eyes, and nods. “Yeah, but you can come without her.” She moves away from him, and looks at him. “Sorry, I just wanted to spend time with you...alone.”

  Quinn smiles, she wants to be nice to him. “I know, and we will. But Breanna is my best friend, and I want her with me if I’m going to be sitting watching you all practice I need her there.”

  He nods, and hands her backpack. “I get it.” Justin looks down, and smiles. “Quinn I like you, and I hope you like me.”

  Out of the corner of her eye she can see Kaden. She isn’t a lair, and doesn’t want to be with him.

  “But Quinn, I don’t share. And I won't waste my time if you are thinking about someone else.” She looks back at him, and he glances over his shoulder at Kaden. “Most girls would love my attention.” He says and brings his gray-yellow eyes back to hers.

  Her mouth drops open, she can't believe he just said that. “I liked you, now I just have to figure out if I still do.” She turns to her car, and Kaden isn’t standing against his motorcycle he is walking towards her and Justin.

  Quinn feels a hand grab her arm, and Kaden takes a step forward. She shakes her head, and he stops. “I'm sorry. Quinn, I just want to be with you.” Kaden glares at Justin,

  Quinn feels a hand grab her arm, and Kaden takes a step forward. She shakes her head, and he stops. “I'm sorry. Quinn, I just want to be with you.” Kaden glares at Justin, and she Justin growl. “I know I’m a jerk it's just part of what I am. Please don’t give up on me.” She turns around and he lets go of her.

  “I don’t like a jealous guy telling me what to do.” He gives her a sweet smile.

  “I'm sorry.” He leans in to kiss her, but she turns her lips away at the last second, and he kisses her cheek. Justin opens his eyes and smiles, but it isn’t his real charming smile. He looks hurt. “Good bye Quinn.” He says and walks away.

  Quinn drops her head, a week ago she would have killed to kiss Justin Keto. So why does she feel so gross? She slowly turns around, and find
s Kaden on his motorcycle. He hasn’t put on his helmet yet, so she can see him. Jenna is nowhere to be found, and Quinn wonders if he sent her away. She walks up to her car and opens her backseat to put her bag in.

  When she gets to her driver's door, she looks over her shoulder at Kaden. He looks sad, like he is being torn apart. Quinn wants to say something, but doesn’t know what to say. She sighs, and gets into her car. She hears the motorcycle start up and she jumps. It was louder than she thought it would be. She turns around to watch him leave.

  Quinn gets home an hour and half later; she went to the grocery store, she was out of most food. The whole town knows how her father was killed it was in the local paper for weeks after his death. Quinn doesn’t miss the stares from the people, and she definitely doesn’t miss them whispering. Her father’s death was brutal, and some pictures leaked into the newspaper of the bloody crime scene.

  She grabs her three bags and walks to the door. When her dad died he left everything to her since she was eighteen. Her family home that she grew up in is now hers. Her wicked stepmother didn’t think Quinn could handle the house, and when she found out her dad left everything to Quinn, she left with the only family she had left her little sister.

  Quinn doesn’t really care, she never like the woman. She always wanted to be Quinn's mom, and when she figured out Quinn wasn’t going for that she started treating her like crap. The only thing Quinn cares about is her ten year old sister Lizzy, Rose took her and Quinn hasn’t seen her in over three months.

  Rose wasn’t ever a good mother to Lizzy, and Quinn prays she has stepped it up. Her evil stepmother has changed her phone number and Quinn has no way to get a hold of her sister. She has thought about hiring a PI to find Lizzy and Rose.

  Quinn puts all three bags in one hand, and puts her keys in the door. As soon as she gets in, she notices a white paper on the floor not far from the front door. She frowns down at it, but sees her name. She walks into the kitchen to set the bags down.

  Quinn walks back to grab the note, and she can smell him. She glances at the door and knows that there is no way he could have slid this under it, he must have been in her house. Her heart races, maybe he is still here. She quickly opens the letter, and smiles.


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