The Beast and the Homecoming Queen

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The Beast and the Homecoming Queen Page 4

by Khelsey Jackson

  Quinn looks back at her best friend. “I just don’t want to get hurt, and it doesn’t have to do with Kaden.” Quinn feels bad, she hasn’t lied to her best friend and she just did.

  “Good.” Breanna says and smiles. She links her arms with Quinn's and they start walking. “So I was asked to homecoming.” Quinn stops and arches her eyebrow and smiles at Breanna. “Mark asked me last night.”

  “That is awesome.” Quinn hugs Breanna.

  Breanna pulls away smiling. “Are you still going with Justin?” Quinn was planning on tell Justin she didn’t want to go, but she couldn’t tell him. After seeing him she didn’t want to crush him. Plus she kind of has to be there.

  Quinn looks over her shoulder to Kaden and he is laughing at something Jenna said. “Yes.” She looks back at Breanna, and remembers that Justin wanted her to go to his practice. “Do you have plans tonight?”

  “Well Mark asked me to watch the open practice, so I was going to do that.” Breanna blushes and Quinn laughs. She can feel her eyes watering from her laughter, something she really hasn’t done is so long. “Quinny are you high or something. If you are that is cool, but you should share.”

  Quinn shakes her head, and wipes her eyes. “No dork, I’m not high. I was going to ask you to go the Justin's open practice. Plus I haven’t seen you blush over a guy before. It's kind of cute!”

  Breanna hits Quinn's shoulder, and that makes her laugh again. “Shut up! I don’t blush.” Breanna glares at Quinn, and she reaches in her back pocket for her phone.

  Quinn puts it up and takes a picture, and grins when she sees the picture. “See you are blushing!”

  She turns the screen around so Breanna can see, and she rolls her eyes.

  “You suck,” she says but smiles. “You know you are lucky I love you, or I would have tossed your phone into the drinking fountain.” Breanna winks her blue eye at Quinn. “Now let’s get to class, we both have a sexy date for lunch!”

  Quinn shakes her head, and walks to class with her best friend. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Kaden, and he is alone. He is staring at her, and his eyes are a mixture of sad and happy. Quinn decides to not pay attention to him, Kaden had his chance and he told her they couldn’t be together.

  The first haft of the day goes by pretty fast, and before Quinn knows it she is walking into the lunchroom. She looks up and sees Justin smiling and walking towards her.

  “That is my queue to leave,” Breanna whispers, and Quinn looks at her. “I see Mark anyways.” Quinn looks at where Breanna is looking and the only one she notices is Kaden.

  Quinn looks back at Justin; he is almost to her now. “Have fun.”

  Breanna laughs. “Oh I will, just do me one thing. Give Justin a chance, he seems nice and he is really cute.”

  Quinn smiles, because Justin is nice and cute. She just wants to feel something with him like what she feels with Kaden. Breanna winks and walks away right before Justin stops in front of her. He is holds a bag from Taco Bell.

  “Hey,” Justin says, and grins at her. Quinn can't help herself, she grins back, and when he offers his hand to her she takes it. His hand is warm, and fits her perfectly. “So I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I got mostly everything.”

  Quinn smiles, and looks down as they walk. She looks up when Justin sets down the food, he is handsome, and she wants to feel something. He turns his head and catches her staring. Justin winks and offers her a seat.

  When Quinn sits down, Justin hands her a taco. “So are you going to come tonight?” Quinn takes a bite and smiles.

  She looks up and nods. “Yeah Breanna is going to watch Mark, so I was planning on going.”

  Justin's smile lights up his face. “Maybe the four of us can go to dinner afterward.” Quinn nods, she knows Breanna will say yes. “I have to ask you something.” She looks up at him, and notices that he hasn’t eaten anything.

  Quinn wonders if he knows about Kaden staying with her last night. “Sure what?”

  She watches him take a deep breath. “Is there something going on with you and Kaden?” His gray-yellow search hers for an answer, and she doesn’t want to lie to him. She can feel her heart beating faster.

  “No.” She knows he doesn’t believe her. “But I like him, there is something I can't explain about him.”

  Quinn watches his face turn sad. “I see.” He looks down at his food, and she feels so bad for hurting him.

  “Justin?” He doesn’t look up just arches an eyebrow. Now it's her turn to take a deep breath, she is going to do something that she has wanted to do since the first time she saw him and prays for a spark or anything between them.

  “Kiss me,” she says and bites her bottom lip.

  Justin's head pops up, and he looks confused. “What?”

  Quinn smiles, and moves closer to him. “I want to know if I feel something when you kiss me.”

  He furrows his eyebrows together. “But I tried yesterday, and you turned away.”

  Quinn shrugs, and puts her hand on top of his. “I know, but I want you to kiss me now.” A sexy smile appears on his heart shape face, and his gray-yellow eyes narrow on her lips. He moves his lips closer to hers, and keeps his eyes on hers. Quinn's heart is racing and when his lips touch her, she feels the spark she has been waiting for.

  Their kiss is short, but she wraps her arms around his neck and he frames her face with his hands. She has always thought about what his lips would feel like on hers, and now she wants everything he is offering her.

  Quinn is breathless when Justin pulls away, and he smiles down at her. “Even better than I imagined,” he says.

  Quinn touches her fingers to her lips, and she nods. She looks pass Justin and sees Kaden. He is frowning at her and Justin.

  “Quinn, I need to tell you something.” She looks back at Justin, and he is still smiling. “Not here, not now. But I don’t want to keep it from you much longer.” He takes her hand, and squeezes it. “After the homecoming game.” Justin brings her hand to his sweet lips, and gently kisses it.

  “Okay.” Quinn says, two more days until she will know, and her life will never be the same.


  Justin walks into his class; he can still feel Quinn sweet lips on his. She fits him perfectly; there is just one problem, Kaden. When Quinn got to school today she had Kaden's scent all over her.

  “You know it’s gross that you kissed Quinn. I think you should bleach your mouth.” Jenna says as she sits next to him. There was a time he would have done almost anything for her.

  Slowly he turns his head to look at his ex-girlfriend. “You don’t have to be so mean. You knew from the start that Quinn and I would be together.” Justin says, he was always open about that.

  Jenna rolls her eyes. “Whatever, you are way too good for her. She is a nobody, and you are the future leader. You should have someone by your side that can rule, and that is me. Everyone knows it; your dad even likes me better.” A slow smile pulls at her lips. “Justin we had fun together, a lot of fun together. We can again.”

  Justin broke up with Jenna before he left for the summer. “Jenna you need to stop, you are an omega and I am an alpha. Quinn is an alpha.”

  A low growl comes from Jenna's throat. “She is nothing, she hasn’t even changed. I love you Justin, and I know somewhere inside you, you love me too.”

  Justin shakes his head, he never loved Jenna. They have been off and on since he moved here four years ago. She does have something right, when they weren’t fighting they had fun, but he never loved her. “I don’t love you.”

  Jenna narrows her almost orange eyes. “I won't settle for an omega, I want you and I will have you.”

  She flips her hair and walks away. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Kaden watching. Justin glares at him; he still can't believe his father's betrayal.

  Chapter Five


  Quinn walks into her last class and smiles at Mrs. Schmidt. She waves Quinn over to her.

“I have some papers for you to grade, if you want.” Quinn smiles.


  They walk over to the desk and Mrs. Schmidt hands her the papers, and a red pen. “Here are the answers.” She winks and walks to the front of the class.

  Quinn smiles when she looks up and sees Justin walk in, he sits as close to Mrs. Schmidt's desk as he can. She watches Kaden come into the classroom, and sit behind Justin. He doesn’t even look at her, and she feels her heart breaking. Quinn shakes her head and looks back to grade the papers.

  After she finishes the last paper, she looks up at the time. That is when she catches Kaden looking at her.

  “Quinn can you hand out those papers on my desk to the class?” She glances down at the stack of papers that say, ancient history on them.

  Quinn stands up and starts handing them out. When she gets to Justin he winks at her and touches her hand. Quinn smiles and welcomes his new spark, she moves to Kaden; he doesn’t smile, but he does touch her. Kaden puts a note into her hand, and she quickly puts it in her back pocket.

  After Quinn sits down she takes out Kaden's note.

  We need to talk, after Justin goes to practice meet me? I will wait for you under the bleachers.


  Quinn looks up at the boy that gave her the note. He isn't looking at her, and her eyes go to Justin.

  He has been so sweet to her, can she meet Kaden behind his back.

  Ten minutes later school is over and she is walking towards Justin, and he smiles at her. She knows what she has to do.

  “Hey.” Justin's gray-yellow eyes are smiling at her. “Want to put your bag in your car?” He nods to her backpack that she has on one shoulder.

  “Sure.” Quinn returns his smile, and he takes her bag. “You know I can carry my bag.”

  Justin's chuckle makes her smile. “Oh I know, but I like to do it for you.”

  At her car she takes his hand. “I have to tell you something.”

  Justin looks at her, and he looks worried. “Quinn you can tell me anything. What is it?”

  She takes a deep breath, and looks down. “Kaden wants to talk to me.”

  When Justin doesn’t say anything Quinn looks up, and he is just staring at her. “Why?” he asks, and she knows she needs to tell him more.

  “I didn’t tell you everything about Kaden and me. He came over last night, and--” She can see the anger in his face, and she can't blame him. Quinn basically lied to him this morning.

  “And?” Justin asks, wanting her to finish.

  Quinn bites her bottom lip; she doesn’t want to have him mad at her. This morning she didn’t care, but since their kiss she does. “He stayed the night.” Justin's narrows his eyes, as if he is asking her something. “No! We didn’t do anything, I needed him there. Look it's been really hard for me to be in the same freaking house my father was murdered in. It doesn’t help that they don’t know anything. But I have nightmares, and for one night I wanted to sleep. I thought Kaden could help, and he did.” Quinn pauses and lets her eyes soften. “I didn’t know how I really felt about you, and we aren’t dating. So you can't be too mad at me.” She smiles, he doesn’t return her smile but he does take her hand.

  “How do you feel about me now?” Justin asks, and rubs his thumb along her knuckles.

  Quinn knew he would ask this question. “Truthfully?” Justin nods. “I like you, and I want to see if we can work.” His smile brightens his face. “But I don’t want to deal with you if you are a jealous ass.”

  Justin winks at her. “Oh Quinn that is part of who I am. I don’t think I can take away my jealous ass. But I can't help if my brother likes you.”

  Quinn gasps. “Brother?”

  “Crap, yeah Kaden is my half-brother. My father cheated on my mother, and baby Kaden came.”

  Quinn likes brothers? Just what she needs.

  “His mom couldn’t handle him anymore so she sent him to us.” He frames her face with his hands. “Quinn I won't tell you not to meet him, but I don’t like it. But I want you to be my girlfriend.”

  Justin smiles down at her, and she smiles back. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” she asks and wraps her arms around his neck. His laughter has her placing her lips on his for a quick kiss.

  “God I am lucky, I am taking that as a yes by the way.” Quinn laughs and winks playfully at him.

  She walks away from him, but hears him say, “I am so freaking lucky.” Quinn laughs and walks towards the football field.


  Justin is still smiling when he walks into the locker room. He walks over to his locker and Mark turns to look at him.

  “You know it could be dangerous walking into a guy's locker room smiling,” Mark says, and Justin laughs.

  “It could be,” Justin says and takes off his shirt.

  “Why are you so happy?” Mark asks.

  Justin still is smiling as he grabs his pads out of his locker. “I can't believe how Quinn makes me feel. I have known I was supposed to be with her from day one, and I thought it was old fashion. Now I can't believe how lucky I am to have her.” Justin puts on his practice jersey.

  “I know what you mean, Breanna and I are meant to be. It’s crazy I used to think she was stuck up, now I see it's a way she puts up her guard,” Mark says, and Justin looks at him.

  Justin knows that Breanna is Quinn's best friend. “You better not bite her.”

  Mark narrows his eyes. “I can if I want to, but I wouldn’t without her knowing. I really like her.”

  Justin nods. “Good I can't let you hurt Quinn's best friend,” he says and walks to where the coach is waiting to talk.


  Quinn leans against the cool shiny silver metal under the bleachers, and leans her head back. Justin trusts her with his brother. She wonders if that is why Kaden doesn’t like Justin.

  “Sweetheart, I’m glad you are here,” Kaden says, and she raises her head to look at him.

  Kaden's hair straight black hair touches his shoulders. It reminds her of silk, and a huge part of her wants to run her fingers through it. “You wanted to talk.” Quinn says and crosses her arms against her chest.

  Kaden loses his smile, and stands across from her. “Yes I want to talk. You need to know some things about Justin and me.”

  Quinn shakes her head and puts her hand up. “I already know.”

  Kaden narrows his dark blue eyes. “You know?” Quinn nods, and he laughs. “What do you know, frumos lup?” Kaden says in a different accent.

  Quinn scrunches her eyebrows together. “What did you say?”

  Kaden smiles, and she tingles. “Romanian, and for the meaning you'll have to wait and see. But what is it that you know?”

  She stares at him for a minute, and then looks away. “That you and Justin are brothers.”

  Kaden kicks a rock away from his foot. “We may have some of the same blood, but I don’t think of him as my brother. Hell I didn’t even know about him and my father until last year.”

  “Is that why you don’t want me to be with him?” Kaden brings his dark blue eyes back to hers.

  He shakes his head. “No there are things I think you should know, and no one agrees with me.”

  “Like what?” she asks.

  Kaden shakes his head. “No I can't tell you, you will find out soon. Are you still going to the dace with Justin?”

  Quinn nods, and has to look away from him. She saw the hurt on his face. “I don’t think he is all that bad, you just have bad history with him. I have known him for that pass three years.”

  “Did he ever talk you to, until now?” Kaden asks calmly, and Quinn looks back at him.

  Justin and she never ever talked. He would sometimes smile at her, but he never talked to her. “That doesn’t mean he is a bad guy.”

  Kaden shrugs. “Your right, it's why he never talked to you, until now.” Quinn opens her mouth but Kaden shakes his head. “Look if I tell you I will be in a lot of trouble, but just be careful.
I won't be able to defend then all off, but I will die trying.” He takes her hand.

  Quinn takes her hand back from him. “Is this what you wanted to talk about?”

  Kaden shakes his head. “No, I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for how I was acting today. But I don’t have a choice, you aren’t my.” He tucks his hair behind his ears, and she sees two diamond studs.

  “When I saw you and him kissing I wanted to rip off his lips and hands.”

  Quinn takes him by his shoulders and shakes him. “You. Are. So. Freaking. Confusing!” Each word she shakes him harder. She gives him one final shove, and turns her back to leave.

  “Quinn I wish things were different.” She doesn’t stop, but she wishes things were different too.

  Quinn smiles when she sees number twelve run on the field. The school colors are light blue and black, so the jerseys are black with light blue writing. The helmets are black, with the mascot of a wolf in light blue.

  “So are you going to tell me who you were just talking to?” Breanna asks.

  “I needed to talk to Kaden,” Quinn says, and keeps looking at the field. Breanna turns to look at Quinn.

  “What would you need to talk to him?” Breanna asks, and Quinn smiles she looks at her best friend.

  “Look I like him, but I told him that I am Justin's girlfriend,” Quinn says, and Breanna smiles.

  “Really?” Quinn nods and looks back at the field.

  Quinn loves her best friend but right now she wants to yell at her. Breanna is with Kaden's best friend and he is good enough for Breanna, but Kaden isn’t good enough for her.

  “Want to go dress shopping tomorrow?” Breanna asks.

  “Sure.” Quinn watches the football team get a goal, and a bunch of them slap each other on the butts.

  Jenna comes and sits next to Quinn. “Hello, Quinny,” she says, as she is pulling her long blond hair into a ponytail. Quinn only lets one person call her that, and it isn't Jenna Smith.

  Quinn closes her eyes, to calm herself down. “What do you want Jenna?” Quinn opens her eyes to find Jenna smiling.


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