The Beast and the Homecoming Queen

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The Beast and the Homecoming Queen Page 11

by Khelsey Jackson

  Quinn looks back at her boyfriend, and shakes her head. “I have the room at my house, plus I like having you there; you cook me food, and keep me warm at night.”

  “You like me, or my brother being there?” Justin asks.

  Quinn looks up at Justin. “Please don’t do this, I have a connection with him. But it doesn’t mean I want to be with him.” Quinn reaches up and grabs his face. “I am with you.”

  “You are just promise me one thing. That you won't cheat on me with my brother.” Justin closes his eyes. “If you think things will go that far, please break up with me.”

  Quinn doesn’t want to hurt him, she likes him a lot and always has. She knows she has hurt him with Kaden and hates herself for that. “I promise,” she whispers, and he opens his eyes.

  He takes her hand off of his face and holds them. “You know I would never make you be with me, right?” She nods. “Good, and you know you aren’t just a duty to me, that I really do love you.” Quinn nods again, but looks down. Love is a very strong word and doesn’t know if that is what she is feeling yet. “Let’s get home.”

  Kaden walks up and smiles weakly at her. Thank god she has a four bedroom house. “Okay,” she says and follows Kaden to the truck.

  Kaden opens the door for Quinn, and she smiles at him. She moves to the center and knows that it’s going to get weird between the three of them. They will have to fix this soon, because they are all going to live together. Justin gets behind the steering wheel, and starts his truck. Kaden’s leg brushes against hers, and the same heat she has felt from the first time is still there. She wonders if it’s because of her wolf or if there is something else.

  Quinn’s whole body is sore, and she leans her head back; she closes her eyes and sleep takes her over.

  “Sweetheart we’re home.” Kaden’s voice wakes her up, and she groans. Slowly she lifts her head, and sees her large two story white house. When she was little she asked her dad to paint the front door red, because she saw it in a movie and wanted to be the girl with the red door; he painted her bedroom door the same red.

  Quinn gets out of the truck with Justin’s help, and she turns away from him she walks up the granite walkway and puts her keys into the red door. “There is a guest room, and Lizzy's room; there are also a few bedrooms in the basement. You two gets to decide who gets what.” They nod and walk pass her up the stairs.

  Quinn walks in the kitchen and opens the refrigerator; a large steak catches her eyes. Her stomach growls in response. When she turns around she nearly drops the steak, Kaden is standing a foot from her.

  “You just scared the death out of me,” Quinn says, and Kaden smiles.

  “Sorry,” he says with his sexy grin that tells her he really isn’t sorry. “Let me cook for you.” Kaden nods down to the steak, and she hands it to him. She really hates cooking. “Go sit, you had a long night and you like you might pass out.”

  Quinn walks over to the table and sits down. She watches Kaden cook in her kitchen, he moves very graceful. She realizes she doesn’t know that much about the two men that will be living with her.

  “Kaden will you tell me about your mom?” She wonders if this subject is a no go, Kaden turns around and looks at her pain is written on his face. Quinn feels bad for asking, and is about to tell him he doesn’t need to ask her, but he shakes his head.

  “She was a waitress at a rundown restaurant, and barely made enough for my sister and I. She worked every day to have food in the house. She never asked for handouts, and if anyone offered she would turn them down. My mom never told me who my father was, and after a few years of asking I stopped. It wasn’t easy for me and I had a temper that I couldn’t control. About a year ago I got in some big trouble and was arrested. She told me she had enough with me, and I was a piece of shit that will never amount up to anything. She left me in jail and when I was told I was bailed out and the charges were drop I thought I would see her but I saw Chris. He told me he was my father, and we had to talk; he told me what I was and why I had a temper.”

  Quinn stares at him, and wants to know more. She can’t believe his own mother would leave him like that, if she has a child she would never do that no matter what they did. The one thing that she really wants to know is what he did to get arrested. “What did you do?”

  Kaden looks away. “Do you really want to know?” She doesn’t answer, and he looks back at her. “Of course you do. I got in a fight at school, the jocks were picking on me and I beat the crap out of one of them.”

  “How bad?” she bites her bottom lip, and he turns his dark blue eyes back to her.

  Kaden raises an eyebrow. “You sure asked a lot of question, sweetheart. He almost died. If I weren’t pulled off of him I would have killed him. It's easy for our kind to kill.” Quinn's mind flashes to Jenna, she killed Jenna and it was easy. Her heart races and she starts shaking. “Shhh sweetheart, I know it will get better.” Strong arms wrap around her, and she smells sandalwood. He turns her around so her face is on his chest, and he gently runs his hand up and down her back; he whispers sweet things in her ear in a another language she doesn’t understand.

  “You know walking in on this doesn’t make me happy.” Justin says, and she pushes away from Kaden. Justin looks at her, and he looks hurt.

  “Dude, she was upset and I did what anyone would do.” Kaden says, and walks back to the stove.

  Quinn looks back at Justin and he sits down next to her. “Justin--” He cuts her off by shaking his head.

  “No I don’t like to see you two getting cozy. Quinn werewolves are jealous by nature, I don’t want to see anyone touching you. I’m pretty sure you would freak out if I was the one holding a beautiful girl.”

  Quinn remembers back where Justin was dating Jenna, and she was jealous. She always wanted to be the girl with him. “I would be.” She takes a deep breath, and prepares herself. Before she killed Jenna she said something about her mother, and she wanted to know. Quinn has a good feeling the two men in her kitchen knows something. “Jenna said something about my mom, I want to know.”

  Kaden turns around and mumbles something. “She is alive sweetheart, she was the one that brought me to the pack.” There are some plates left out on the drying rack, and he grabs one. “She is freaking strong, and took me by surprised.” He grabs her steak and sets it in front of her. “Here you go sweetheart.” He winks at her, and she smiles. “I'm going to take a shower. Enjoy.” He leaves, and she is left with Justin and the steak.

  As Quinn eats Justin just stares at her, not saying anything. “Pleeease talk to me.” She begs when she finishes her steak.

  “Quinn you know how I feel about Kaden, and it seems like you don’t care. I freaking love you, do you know what that does to a wolf? To love someone this much and not get it back in return. I know you don’t love me, but I hope in time it will be me, not Kaden.”

  Quinn gets up and drops to her knees in front of him. She has never been in love, but Justin makes her feel something. She puts her hands on his legs, and looks up at him. After all of these years she wonders if she could love him. Quinn tries to picture her without out him, and she can't it makes her chest hurts. She tries to think of him with someone else, and him looking at another as if she was his whole world; like how he looks at her. She tries to imagine life without his sweet kisses, and her stomach feels sick. She tries to think about waking up without him and can’t, it is his face that she wants to wake up to every day.

  “You don’t have to worry about that.” He looks confused, and she smiles up at up at him. “I love you, I always have but just didn’t know. When something would happen to me good or bad I would find myself looking for you.” Quinn smiles up at him.

  A slow sweet smile appears on his face, and it makes him look beautiful. “You love me?” Quinn nods, and he puts his hands under her arm pits and lifts her. She is sitting on his lap. “I have wanted to hear those words for your pretty lips since you fell on your butt.”

  Quinn laughs
and shakes her head. “You are never going to let me live that down are you?”

  Justin laughs and shakes his head. “Nope, it was when I found the other half of my missing heart.” He kisses her nose, and groans. “You smell like blood.” Her steak was extra bloody, and she loved it. “I am really happy, but if you don’t get off of me I won't be able to stop myself. The blood makes me really…excited.” Quinn can feel how excited he is; she giggles and gets off of his lap.

  Quinn stares at Kaden in the doorway. His long black hair still wet from the shower, and he looks broken. “Justin, we should get our stuff later today.”

  “Sure.” Justin smiles at Kaden, as he walks out of the kitchen. “Quinn don’t worry about him he will be fine.” Justin says to her. Quinn holds onto the heart locket, and nods. She hopes so. “This is our home sweet home.”

  Quinn smiles because her house is a home again, and she hopes that it will be sweet. “It is, and I will feel better having people in the house. I will feel safer.”

  Justin gets up and walks towards her. “I know it might get weird having Kaden and I here. But all that matters is us. I don’t want to let anything or anyone come between us.” He puts his forehead on hers, and grins. “I will get Lizzy back for you if that's what you want.”

  Quinn's eyes widen. Having her sister with her will would make her life better; she needs her around to make her completely whole again. “Really how?”

  “Quinn I have been watching Rose for months now, and I know she isn’t taking care of Lizzy. She has a different guy in her house every night. She drinks so much that you can make a glass house out of the bottles. Plus Lizzy is a wolf I can smell it, and I have a good feeling that Rose won’t want to handle that.”

  Quinn's mind goes to Lizzy she is too young to deal with all of that. “Go get your stuff, and be back soon,” she says not waiting to be without him, but she knows he needs to take care of things.

  Justin nods, and gives her a quick kiss. “Yes, my love.” He winks and walks away.


  As Justin and Kaden pull out of the driveway, Justin glances at his brother. They were born months apart, and Justin just found out about him three months ago. He feels likes crap for his mom, she didn’t know either, but it's common for pure males to cheat on their wives. It's a way for them to keep making more wolves without the bite.

  “I don’t want to see you touching Quinn. She is my girlfriend not yours,” Justin says, and Kaden starts laughing.

  “I can't help it, when I am around her she makes me feel whole. She knows about my past and doesn’t judge me.” Justin glances at Kaden and glares at him.

  “You can help it, and you will. I don’t want you to touch her, and I’m not joking. I will hurt you.” Justin stops at the stop sign.

  Kaden smiles and looks at him. “You know Quinn won't like you hurting me, plus I would so win between a fight with us.”

  Justin knows that is true, Quinn would be really mad. “Please just stop.” Justin turns down the street where his old large house is.

  “You know she loves me too, right?” Kaden says quietly, Justin knows she does. Even if she doesn’t want to admit it, he can see it in her eyes when she looks at Kaden. Her heart speeds up for him and for his brother.

  “I know,” he says as he pulls his truck into the driveway.

  When they get out of the car their father walks out light wood three story house, and he doesn’t look too happy. Things haven’t been normal between Justin and his dad since the affair came out. Justin heard her crying at night.

  “What are you two doing here?” Chris asks as he is glaring at his sons.

  Justin sighs and steps in front of Kaden. Since he is Quinn protector he is Kaden's now too. “We came to get our stuff, we are staying with Quinn.”

  “Good,” Chris says, and tosses two large duffle bags at them. “I already packed what you need.”

  Their father walks pass them, and walks towards the shed.

  “Well that is crap! I know that jerk didn’t pack my pictures,” Kaden says, and pushes pass Justin. “And what the hell, why would you stand in front me? I have never had anyone to protect me, and it's not going to start with you.” Kaden walks towards the front door.

  “Well now you have me, since Quinn put her protection on you and I put my on her. You by law are mine to protect,” Justin says and starts to follow Kaden into the house.

  Kaden turns around and looks mad. “I don’t need you to do anything for me.”

  Justin nods. He knows that Kaden is strong. When he first moved in their father and Kaden fought, their father said he wanted to see if Kaden was tough enough. Kaden got the crap beaten out of him the first few times, he started to keep up with their father, and even beat him one time.

  “I know, but I also know Quinn would be heartbroken if anything happened to you,” Justin says, and Kaden smiles.

  “That is true, now let’s get what we want and go home to our Quinn,” Kaden says and walks into the house leaving Justin alone.

  To our Quinn. He doesn’t like the sound of that. Quinn is his, but she does love Kaden. He walks inside and to his old bedroom. Soon he will be home sweet home with Quinn in his arms.

  Chapter Twelve

  Blood Shed

  Quinn glances at the clock Justin and Kaden have been gone for just over an hour. Justin told her that they would stop at the store and get more food. Since she shifted last night she wants meat, and she wasn’t ever a meat eater.

  Quinn walks up to her bedroom, and her homecoming crown catches her eye. She wondered what happened to it, she thought she lost it. She runs her fingers against the sparkling jewels, and smiles. She still can't believe she is the homecoming queen. Quinn's mind takes her back to Jenna, and how it felt to snap her neck.

  “What are you thinking about my love?” Justin's voice fills her bedroom, and she turns to look at him with tears in her eyes. He walks to her, and takes her into his arms. “It will be okay.”

  Quinn shakes her head, at is against his chest. “I don’t know about that. I killed someone. I am a murder.” She cries harder, and he tightens his arms around her.

  “Shh it will get better, and it did it to save your life along with Kaden's. This is why I wanted to kill her for you.” Quinn wonders if that would have been better for her, but she thinks it would have been worst. Knowing that her sweet Justin could kill would break her heart.

  She wonders what people will think of her, and what will be said about Jenna's death. Quinn thinks that a change of subject is in order. “What did you guys get at the store?”

  Justin knows she is changing the subject, but doesn’t push her anymore. “A lot of red meat, and veggies.”

  “Good lets go and eat.” She smiles.

  Justin laughs. “Okay, but Quinn if you ever want to talk--” She pulls away from him and shakes her head.

  “I know Justin, you will be here for me. Thank you, but right now I just can't talk about it.” He looks down at her.

  “Fine lets go eat,” Justin says and they walk downstairs.

  Kaden is cooking, and Quinn smiles. She can get used to this, being taking care of. “Can I bite people and make them a werewolf?” Quinn asks.

  Kaden laughs and turns around to face her. “It can happen but it’s really rare, normally you have to be born. Either you can mate with a pure blood and get another pure blood, or you can mate with a human and get a mutt like me.”

  Quinn slams her hand on the table. “I don’t want to hear you call yourself that. You are a half breed, mutt sounds dirty.”

  Kaden winks, and nods. “Yes, my Princess.” He bows to her, and she rolls her eyes.

  “Quinn since you are the last pure blood female you do have a role in the pack. You out rule my father, and the means the pack is yours.” Justin says, and takes one of her hands.

  Quinn shakes her head, she doesn’t want to rule the pack. “I don’t want to be the pack leader.”

  “Sweetheart, if you were to
take over you would be the one to say what laws were in effect. You could allow pure and haft breed to be together. You could be the one that controls the punishments, and says if you want someone to die.” Kaden says, and Justin tightens his hand around hers.

  “I don’t want anyone to die.” Quinn looks down.

  “Then you must rule, take your place as the Princess.” Kaden says, and Quinn looks up at him.

  She looks at Justin and he smiles. “What's your role in this?”

  Justin's smile fills his face. “I am your prince, and your protector.”

  “I don’t need someone to protect me. I've been doing fine on my own.” Quinn says and takes her hand away from Justin.

  Justin aches his eyebrow at her. “Eating TV dinners every night is taking care of yourself? Being locked up in here is what's best for you?” Quinn glares at Justin. “Quinn I know you are heartbroken over your dad, but you have to live. You are still alive, and I love you.” Justin says and grins at her.

  “I am here for you too Quinn, and no matter how much Justin wishes I didn’t, I love you. You give me a reason to breath, and I would go on a killing rampage if you weren’t here,” Kaden says, and Quinn's heart opens for him, a little.

  Justin stands up and walks towards Kaden. “I told you, you can't say things like that. She is mine.”

  He growls, and steps closer.

  Quinn stands up and pushes between the boys. “Enough!” She puts a hand on each of their chests, and is an inch from each of their faces. “Damn it, I won't deal with this. Justin I am your girlfriend, but I won't be treated like your freaking property. I already know how Kaden feels, and I still love you.”

  Quinn looks at Kaden, and his sorrow is shown on his beautiful face. “Kaden we have a connection, I can't explain it. But I am Justin's girlfriend, and you have to respect that.” Quinn pushes a little hard and they move farther apart. “Another thing, there will be no blood shed in my house. Unless I am the doing the blood shedding. Got it?”


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