The Beast and the Homecoming Queen

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The Beast and the Homecoming Queen Page 13

by Khelsey Jackson

Quinn glances at the paper in her stepmother's hands. “Why?” She thinks is simple question.

  “Because I never wanted kids, and I knew your father would have left me if I didn’t. So I had Lizzy.” Justin walks up with three large suite cases, and nods towards Quinn. “Look I’m not cut out to be a mother, and I thought you would want her here not foster care.”

  She can’t believe what she is hearing. What kind of mother would put their own child into foster care? “I do, give me the papers.” Quinn reaches out to grab the page and Rose pulls them out of her reach.

  Quinn narrows her eyes on the other woman. “What else do you want Rose?”

  A slow evil smile forms on Rose's face. “I want one hundred-thousand now.” Quinn's mouth drops open, she wants money. It has always been about money.

  Quinn thinks about how much money she has inside the house and knows she has five times that in the safe. “Fine come in, and I will get it for you.” Quinn turns around and walks back into her house.

  “Justin, I need you in here please,” she says up the stairs.

  Justin comes down and smiles at her. “Yes, my love.”

  “Watch her,” she whispers, and he looks pass her then nods.

  Quinn walks into her dad's office, only he knew the combination until he died. Now she knows it, and she will be the only one to ever know it. Along with the combination, there is now a thumb print scan that she had just put in. Quinn grabs one hundred thousand and walks to her dad's desk to grab something to put it in. She doesn’t want Lizzy to know her mother sold her.

  Quinn walks back out to the living room to find her stepmother sitting on top of Justin, and that isn’t the worst part. Justin hands are on Rose's butt and his lips on hers. “What the hell!” she yells, and Justin rips his lips away from her stepmother. Quinn can feel her heart breaking in a million little pieces. This is why she never fell in love, why she kept her heart to herself. She was scared that someone would rip her heart out and spit on it.

  “Quinn.” Justin pushes Rose off of him, and she shakes her head.

  “No I don’t want to hear it. Rose, give me the papers.” Rose stands up and smiles, she hands Quinn the papers, and she signs them. “Here is your money I never want to see you again. Now leave.” Rose takes the money and walks away, she stops at the doorway.

  “Justin, if you want to see me again, I put my number in your pocket.” She walks out of Quinn's house and she looks back at the man that just broke her heart.

  “How could you do that with her?” Justin shakes his head, and closes his eyes.

  “Quinn I don’t know what happened. The last thing I remember was you walking out of the room, and then you walking back in.” He opens his eyes and there are tears in them. “I don’t know what happened, and I know I sound like I’m lying. But I’m not.” He gets on his knees in front of her, and looks down at the floor.

  Kaden's laughter fills the room, and she looks at him. His smile falls as soon as he sees Justin on his knees. “Hey Lizzy, we have a lot more junk food in the kitchen. I had to hide it so Quinn wouldn’t eat it all. Go find it.” Lizzy giggles and heads back into the kitchen. Justin still has his head down, and hasn’t moved. “You have alpha submitting to you.” Usually Justin would say something smart to Kaden, but he doesn’t move. He keeps his head down, and doesn’t move at all.

  Quinn is still heartbroken about what he did to her, but seeing him like this hurts her too. “Justin, I don’t want you to submit to me. You can get up.” He doesn’t do anything.

  “Yeah that isn’t going to work. What happened?” Kaden says and walks over to her.”

  Quinn looks back down at Justin's head, and closes her eyes. “He was making out with my stepmother.”

  Kaden's cough-laughs, and Quinn opens her eyes. “Sorry, but what?” He shakes his head, and looks down at his brother. “Well, if Justin feels that you are his mate, losing you would make him submit to you. But there is something about your stepmother, she didn’t smell right.”

  Quinn looks at Kaden. “What do you mean, she didn’t smell right?”

  “You are probably used to it, but she didn’t smell one hundred percent human. I would say witch.”

  Quinn looks back down at Justin. Rose is a witch? “Could she seduce Justin, without him knowing?”

  Kaden laughs, and she glares at him. “Sorry, and yes. I have a feeling that is what she did. No matter how much I hate to admit this, he loves you and he would cut out his own heart before he hurt you.”

  Quinn sighs, and looks back at her boyfriend. She gets on her knees so she is face to face with her boyfriend. His face is down, and what she can see of his eyes, they are blank. “How do I fix this?”

  Quinn brings her eyes up to Kaden's dark blues. “There is always one thing that will cure almost everything, true love’s kiss. If you are really Justin's mate you will be able to lift the curse.” Quinn doesn’t miss the hurt on his perfect face.

  She frames his face with her hands. Quinn wonders if she is his mate and if this will work. She forces his head up and brings her lips to his, she feels his arms wrap around her, and she smiles against him lips. Quinn pulls back and Justin is crying, she wipes away his tears. “Justin, what's wrong?”

  He lays his head on her shoulder, and she wraps her arms around him. “You are my mate.” He whispers, and Quinn looks up at Kaden, he looks away looks away from her.

  Kaden clears his throat and smiles. “I will check on Lizzy.”

  Quinn nods and smiles. “Thank you, Kaden.”

  Before he walks into the kitchen she hears, “don't thank me sweetheart.”

  Quinn grabs Justin’s face and forces him to look at her, his eyes are shimmering with his tears, and his normal grey-yellow look like silver coins. “What does it mean, that I’m your mate?”

  Justin beautiful smile appears on his face. “We are meant to be with each other. Wolves mate for life, and I will never love anyone else. I will never want to be with anyone but you.”

  “But your dad cheated on your mom,” Quinn says, and regrets it.

  “Yes but she isn’t his mate. You are my mate and you are the queen to my beast.” Justin grabs her hand and kisses it. “I love you Quinn, and you will be the only girl I will ever love.”

  Quinn smiles, and looks down. She has wanted to hear those words for Justin Keto for three years, and now that she has she thinks of Kaden. “I love you too, you know that.”

  “But?” Justin's smile falls, and she knows he realizes that Kaden is on her mind.

  “Quinn?” She looks at her sister and smiles. Quinn knows that her and Justin need to talk, and they will later. Right now she needs to deal with her sister. “My mom gave up on me, didn’t she?” Lizzy's lip quivers, and Quinn stands up to walks to her.

  “Oh Liz, come here.” She wraps her little sister in her arms. “I have missed you so much.”

  Quinn can feel the front of her shirt getting wet. “I miss you too, and I miss Dad.”

  Quinn has to close her eyes, she doesn’t like to talk about her dad. But this is her sister, and she is all the family she has left. “I miss him too.” She smiles down at Lizzy.

  “At least you have two hotties with you,” Lizzy whispers, and Quinn laughs.

  Kaden walked over to Justin, and she smiles at her boys. “They help, and they live here too. Is that okay?” Lizzy turns around and Quinn puts her arm around Lizzy's shoulders.

  “Yeah pretty sure I don’t mind,” Lizzy whispers, and Quinn smiles.

  After dinner Quinn and Lizzy are doing the dishes. She told Justin since he and Kaden cooked she and Liz would clean up. Lizzy wasn’t too happy about that plan, but Quinn smile and told her she gets to dry, and she gets to wash.

  “So Justin is your boyfriend, and Kaden is his brother?” Lizzy asks, as Quinn hands her another plate.

  “Yes.” Quinn doesn’t really know what to consider Kaden is to her. He says he loves her, but she doesn’t love him. She is his protector, and is supposed to fig
ht his battles. Like Justin is hers, and would die for her. He is also her mate, and she is his. Quinn feels too young to be tied down to Justin, but she does love him, and won't give him up.

  Quinn looks at her sister, and she looks like her. She has a short A line hairstyle, and bright blue eyes. Lizzy got that from her mother. She also has freckles that cover her cute face. There is something that Quinn isn’t too happy about; her little sister is growing up. Her body is developing, and she is only thirteen.

  “You are lucky! Gosh Kaden is so hot, and I like him. He seems really nice. I haven’t got to really talked to Justin, but he is just as hot as Kaden in a good boy way,” Lizzy says, Quinn smiles. She hands her little sister the last dish to dry.

  “Liz, I have missed you so much. Tomorrow I will take you to school, and I will also get you a phone.” Lizzy squeals and closes her eyes. “But I will limit your use on it, it will be so I can reach you. I will make sure you have my number as well as Justin's and Kaden's.” Lizzy hugs Quinn, and she smiles.

  “Can I have a green case for my phone?” Quinn grins, green is Lizzy's favorite color. She shared that with their dad.

  “We'll see, now go get ready for bed,” Quinn says, and Lizzy kisses her cheek.

  Lizzy nods, and jumps in place. “I love you big sis.”

  “I love you lil' sis.” Quinn laughs, that is their thing. She watches Lizzy leave and Kaden walk in.

  “Where's Justin?” she asks, and Kaden looks away from her.

  “Laying in your bed.” Kaden says, and puts some ice in a cup. “You know just because you are his mate, I’m not going to stop loving you,” he says with his back to her, and she already knows that.

  “Kaden, I am so confused right now. I do love Justin, but there is something with you. I can't explain what I feel you because I don’t know. I haven’t known you long enough to say I love you.”

  Kaden turns around, with ice water.

  “Don't you believe in love at first sight?” Kaden asks and takes a drink.

  Quinn shakes his head. “I don’t believe in love at first sight. Lust yes, but not love.” Kaden grins and walks to the table.

  He puts his ice water on the table. “With male wolves it's like love at first smell. Before we even see the woman we can smell her, and we can fall in love. I know women can fall in love with men that way too.” Kaden smiles which makes his dark blue eyes smaller. “Tell me do Justin and I smell different to you? Is there one smell you are more drawn to?” His grin on his face tells her he knows, and she crosses her arms against her chest and narrows her hazel-blue eyes.

  Quinn thinks the best thing to do to him is lie, but wonders if he will see through it. “I have no clue what you are talking about.” Kaden laughs, and shakes his head. “I'm going to bed, I have to leave extra early tomorrow. I have to take Lizzy to school and then I will be late coming home. I’m going to get three sets of keys made. Good night Kaden.” She smiles, and he winks.

  “Good night sweetheart.” She hears him say as she walks out.

  Quinn quietly shuts her bedroom, she doesn’t know if Justin is sleeping. She takes off her sweatshirt; she likes to sleep in tank-tops. She takes her pants off and slips on her shorts, then climbs into bed.

  Quinn lies on her back, and stares up at the ceiling. Justin's warm hand takes hers, and she turns her head to look at him.

  He smiles, and he takes her breath away. “I love you, and I am sorry.” Quinn turns on her side to face her boyfriend.

  “Honey, it wasn’t you. I love you too. Good night my sexy wolf boyfriend.” He arches an eyebrow at her.

  “Sexy hun? How sexy am I?” His voice is deeper, and very sexy.

  Quinn giggles, and his smile widens. “I think you know how sexy--,” she yawns, “you are.”

  Justin chuckles, and sits up to give her a quick sweet kiss. “Go to sleep my love. Good night and sweet dreams.”

  “Good night honey.” Quinn turns around, and Justin wraps his arm around her waist. She falls asleep to his chuckles.


  Kaden sits on the couch and turns on the TV. He knows that Quinn love him, he can see it, and she doesn’t want to admit it. He thinks of her little sister and how Quinn lights up more with her around.

  Kaden loves seeing that.

  “Kaden can I watch some TV with you?” Lizzy asks in the doorway. Kaden turns to look at her, and smiles she is wearing black pajamas with green bows all over them.

  “Your sister would kill me if she knew I let you stay up late,” Kaden says, and he watches Lizzy shoulders drop. “Fine don’t tell Quinn. Come sit next to me.” Kaden feels bad for her; he knows what it feels like when you know your mother doesn’t want you.

  “I won't say anything,” she says. Lizzy stares at the TV and Kaden can see the pain written all over her face.

  “Lizzy you know if you need to talk I am here for you.” Kaden looks at her and she nods but keeps her eyes on the screen. “My mom told me she hated me and wished I was never born.”

  Slowly Lizzy turns her head and when her bright blue eyes meet his, a piece of his heart breaks.

  Her big eyes fill with tears. “That is so horrible.” A few tears break free, and run down her cheeks.

  “Yeah and she left me in the juvenile detention center. Then I met the man that was my father, he hated me more than she did. Lizzy you will be happy here with us, Quinn is so happy that you are here.” Kaden smiles, and a smile appears on her face.

  Lizzy wipes her noes, and her eyes. “My mom hasn’t been the same since my daddy died. She has been really mean to me, and I have been begging her to bring me home to Quinn.” A couple of tears fall and Kaden wipes them away with his fingers.

  “I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but now you have Justin, me and your sister on your side. I will always be here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on.” Kaden takes one of her hands in his.

  Lizzy smiles. “Thank you Kaden.” She turns her attention back to the TV. “I know my sister is with Justin, but I can see that she loves you. It's in her eyes, my daddy used to look at my mom like that.” She looks back at Kaden. “And I see it in your eyes too, you are totally in love with my sister.”

  Kaden laughs, and takes his hand away. “You are too wise for your age.”

  “I get my smarts from my dad. You know Quinn is stubborn and will never admit how she feels for you. We also get that from our dad.” She smiles, and Kaden thinks she looks like the kids she is.

  “I know.” he says, and turns on a funny movie for them to watch.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Moon & Neptune

  Quinn wakes up when her alarm goes off, and Justin moans. She reaches over and turns it off, when she turns back around Justin is propped on his hand smiling at her. Quinn arches an eyebrow at him.

  “What?” she asks, and wondering if her hair is going in all different directions.

  “I can't get over how beautiful you are, even in the morning.” Justin grins and pulls her on top of him. “I can't get over that you are my mate.” He kisses her nose, and she giggles. Justin frames her face with his hands, and smiles. “I can't get over how much I love you, and by some miracle you love me back.”

  Quinn lays her forehead against Justin, and stares into his eyes. “You are a sweet talker. Do you want to know a secret?” She smiles, he nods. “I love every second of it.” Quinn kisses him. It starts out sweet and loving, until he flips her onto her back. He deepens the kiss, and presses his hard body into her soft and delicate body. She moans thinking about how perfect their bodies fit together. Quinn rips her lips from his, and is breathing heavy. “Justin.” She whispers.

  She brings her eyes to his and he is breathing just as heavy as she is. “God, you drive me completely crazy. But I suppose you need to get ready and bring Liz to school.” Quinn nods, and grins. “Fine but I want you to promise that we will pick where we are leaving off later.” Justin's eyes target her lips, and she laughs. “Ah your light is coming back. Is th
at a yes to the promise, my love?”

  “Maybe if you play your cards right.” She winks and he groans.

  Justin rolls off of her, and Quinn smiles. “You are really trying to killing me.” She laughs and gets out of bed. She grabs some clothes, and turns to look at Justin. He is lying on the bed with is eyes close, and smiling.

  “Thank you for loving me for me.” Justin opens his eyes, and sets up. His chest catches her eyes, and she can feel her heart speed up.

  “Quinn when you love someone you love everything about then. The good and the bad, I haven’t seen anything bad about you, and when I do I will still love you. You love me even though I am a jealous controlling ass face.” She burst out laughing, and he grins.

  “You are my jealous controlling ass face,” Quinn says, as she laughs, then walks out of the door.

  After Quinn takes a shower she heads downstairs, she needs to move into her dad's room. She knew that she would have to, but not this soon. But having four people share her bathroom isn’t fair, and she doesn’t like getting up this early. The master bedroom is twice the size of hers, about one and half the size bigger than the other one. Plus she has a feeling Justin is going to be sleeping next to her, and her bed isn’t big enough for that.

  Kaden is already awake and cooking. Quinn smiles, and then sees her sister at the table staring at Kaden, well Kaden's butt.

  “Good morning,” Quinn says as she chuckles. Kaden looks over his shoulder at her, and nods. Her sister looks quickly from Kaden's perfect butt.

  “Hey Quinn!” Lizzy says and jumps up from the table looking guilty, Quinn smiles and shakes her head.

  “Go get what you need for school, we are leaving in five minutes,” Quinn says, and Lizzy nods then looks back at Kaden.

  “Thank you for breakfast, Kade.” She says and bats her eyes. Where in the world did her little sister learn to flirt?

  “Anytime sweetie.” Kaden turns around and hugs Lizzy.

  Kaden pulls away from Lizzy, and she giggles. The look on her face is priceless. “Liz hurry please,” Quinn says, with a smile on her face.


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