The Beast and the Homecoming Queen

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The Beast and the Homecoming Queen Page 16

by Khelsey Jackson

  “Crap,” she mumbles, and Breanna laughs.

  “Yeah, have fun telling Justin,” Breanna says, and walks towards Mark.

  Quinn walks towards Justin. “We need to talk.” Justin says, and she sighs. Quinn glances at Kaden, and he looks worried.

  She nods, but wants to be alone with him. She doesn’t want to tell him in front of everyone. “Yeah can we go outside?” He arches one dark eyebrow, and nods. Justin slowly gets up and they walk out of the lunch room together without touching.

  Justin and Quinn walk outside, and sit on a bench. “Want to tell me why you are avoiding me?” She doesn’t say anything, she just looks at her hands that are folded in her lap. “Is this about last night, about what we did?”

  Quinn looks up at him, and he looks hurt and scared. She takes his hand, and shakes her head. “No last night was better than I imagine. I do need to tell you something.” Quinn takes a deep breath and Justin raises his eyebrows. “When I found Kaden, he kissed me.”

  Justin rips his hand away from hers, and stands up. When he turns around his eyes are bright yellow.

  “You promised me!” Justin closes his eyes.

  “Justin, it didn’t mean anything.” Quinn says and stands up. She touches his face and he jerks away.

  “I can't have you touch me, not right now.” He opens his eyes, and they are almost back to normal. “I trusted you and you kiss the one person I begged you to stay away from. I gave you my heart and you crushed it in your hand.”

  Quinn can feel her own heart breaking with his words. “I love you, not him. Please believe me, please.” Tears run down her face, she can't lose Justin.

  “But you love him too. I know you do, I can see it. Do you know what it does to me to see you two together?” Quinn can feel her tears forming in her eyes. “Quinn I need to think, we'll talk later.” He turns around and walks away.

  With every step he takes her heart breaks more and more.


  Justin walks back into the lunchroom, he sees his jerk brother. There are so many things he wants to do to Kaden, but he settles on talking. Quinn wouldn’t be happy with him if he hurt Kaden. He walks over to Kaden and glares down at him “We need to talk,” Justin says.

  Kaden smiles as he stands up. “Yeah, I figured we would.”

  Justin turns around, and he knows Kaden is following him. He walks to where he knows him and Kaden can be alone. Justin turns around and wants to beat Kaden to death.

  “You kissed Quinn,” Justin says, and he watches the smile on Kaden's face spread.

  Kaden nods. “I did, and she loved every second of it.” Justin clutches his fist at his sides. “You knew I would know what was going on with you and Quinn last night.” Justin doesn’t say anything he just narrows his eyes. “Why would you do it? She is my freaking mate!” Kaden yells as he steps closer.

  “She isn’t your mate, she can't be your bloody mate. In werewolf history there has never been an alpha and omega mating.”

  Kaden grins, and stops in front of Justin. “I know my history, alpha. It doesn’t mean she can't be the first to be mated with an omega. Quinn is special, and she is going to make an amazing leader.”

  Justin feels his blood boiling, he pushes Kaden. “You don’t think I don’t know how amazing she is? She gave her heart and body to me, not you.” Justin glares at Kaden, and he isn’t smiling anymore.

  “You think just because you love her, and yes I know she loves you too, that she will leave me and run into your arms? You are so very wrong, she would never do that.”

  It's Kaden's turn to glare. “What if she doesn’t want to be with you, are you going to stop her?”

  Justin closes his eyes, he would die if Quinn didn’t want to be with him, but he would never force her to be with him. “If she didn’t want to be with me, I would let her go.” Justin can feel himself calming down, and he slowly opens his eyes. “When you love someone you want them happy, no matter if it kills you.” Justin smiles as he thinks of Quinn. Her love for him is pure and innocent.

  “I want her to be happy with me, not you,” Kaden says.

  Justin nods, he understands. “Kaden, I know you do, but Quinn wants me. I’m sorry you love her, and you are getting hurt.” When Justin found out about Kaden he was so mad, he always wanted a brother, but his dad claimed it would be too much competition.

  Kaden laughs. “You don’t care about me, you love that she wants you and not me.”

  Justin shakes his head and walks to his brother. “I do care about you, Kaden you are my brother.”

  “That never mattered before.” Kaden glares at Justin.

  Justin shrugs. “It has always mattered. I was mad at our dad not you, he was the one that cheated and lied.” Kaden doesn’t say anything he just stares at Justin. “Look we need to work on us being nice to each other, or Quinn is going to get hurt. She loves both of us, and if one of us walks out, it will kill her.”

  Justin would never be the one to walk away. He would have to be dead to leave Quinn. He did see the hurt in her eyes when she found out Kaden was gone this morning.

  “Let's make a deal to act like brothers when we are around Quinn, and if we need to fight we won't do it in front of her.” Justin puts his hand out to shake, and Kaden nods.

  “Fine, I am only agreeing to this for Quinn,” Kaden says as he shakes Justin's hand.

  “Fine with me,” Justin says, and smiles.

  Chapter Seventeen

  New friendship

  “You look like you could use a friend,” a male's voice says, Quinn turns around and sees Jax.

  “How much did you hear?” she asks, and sits back down. Quinn doesn’t think her legs would have held her much longer.

  Jax smiles, and sits next to her. “I heard enough.” Quinn leans forward and puts her elbows on her knees. She rests her head in the palm of her hands. “I take it Justin is your mate.”

  Quinn sighs. She doesn’t know what to think. “He says that I am, but I don’t know. I love him, but I just don’t know what to think and feel.”

  “Have you thought about having two mates?” Jax asks, and Quinn lifts her head to look at him. She looks into his pale green eyes, and he grins.”

  “Does that happen a lot?”

  Jax smiles. “I have never heard of it, but you can always be the first.”

  Quinn laughs. “Great just what I need.” Jax laughs, and Quinn looks at him. She smiles at him, it's really nice to be around someone that doesn’t want anything from her, or does he. “What are you doing here, Jax?”

  A small smile forms on Jax face, and he runs his hand through his sandy blond hair. “I was just checking on you. I am your solider.”

  Quinn arches one eyebrow. “You are just checking on me, that's all?”

  Jax laughs, and shrugs. “Quinn I think you are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen, but I also think you have too much on your plate. You have an alpha that is marking his territory, then you have the omega who thinks you are his one and only. I don’t want to be in the middle of that war.” He stands up, and turns to face her. Quinn laughs, she really doesn’t like being in the middle of them either.

  “Thank you for following me.” She smiles up at him.

  “Want to go hang out, and get away from high school drama?” He gives her a killer grin, and Quinn is pretty sure that no women have turned it down. She knows that Justin would be really mad if she left with Jax, and she doesn’t want him any madder at her.

  “Jax I don’t think that is a good idea. Justin would freak out.” Quinn stands up and smiles.

  “I will say he is an idiot, you are too beautiful to be left out here crying.” Jax touches her cheek. “I am just a phone call away, and I will bring the silver bullets.” Quinn laughs, and he puts his hand out.

  Quinn stares at it, and raises one blond eyebrow at him. Jax chuckles. “Let me see your phone.”

  Quinn reaches in her back pocket and hand her phone to him. He turns it on and smiles.
“Here, now my number is in your phone. I wasn’t joking. Call me and I will be there. With or without the silver.” Jax winks at her.

  “Quinn!” Her eyes widen when she hears Justin's voice. Crap.

  “What the hell!” And there is Kaden. Double crap.

  Jax laughs and takes her hand. “I do have sliver in the car, we can make a run for it.” Quinn takes her hand back and shakes her head.

  “Thanks, but I should handle them.” She smiles.

  “I want to see you tame the beast,” Jax says then looks pass her, she turns around to face two pissed off werewolves.

  Quinn glares at Justin and Kaden. “Be nice.” She warns them.

  Justin walks up to her side, and Kaden is on her other side. “What are you doing here hunter?”

  Quinn mouths sorry to Jax and he just smiles. “I wanted to talk to Quinn, and I heard what you said to her.”

  She looks at her boyfriend's face, and he looks down. “You just happen to be around, right?” Kaden asks, and Quinn can feel her heart speed up. She has no reason to feel guilty, she hasn’t done anything wrong.

  “Yep, Quinn remember what I said. It is a standing order.” Jax winks and walks away.

  “I think you lost your mind. Have you forgotten he is a hunter, and he was sent to kill you?” Justin asks and she turns to look at him.

  “Excuse me? Didn’t you walk away from me and leave me alone so said hunter could get to me?” Quinn says and narrows her eyes at Justin.

  “Didn't you kiss my brother?” Justin asks, and returns her glare.

  “Actually I kissed her,” Kaden says, and waves his hand.

  “What did the hunter want?” Justin asks, and ignores Kaden.

  “You know he has a name, you don’t have to call him ‘the hunter’. He wanted to make sure I was okay. He saw our fight,” Quinn says.

  Justin closes his eyes, and shakes his head. “We all need to talk.”

  Kaden laughs. “I don’t think we need to, I already told Quinn and you everything.”

  Justin starts to growl, and that makes Kaden growl back. Quinn moves so she is between them. She looks into Kaden's red eyes; she turns her head to look at Justin's bright yellow eyes.

  “Enough! Gosh you guys are driving me crazy.” Quinn looks into Kaden's red eyes. “I told you that I love Justin, and if you can't deal with it then I am sorry.” Quinn turns around to face bright yellow eyes. “You stupid, stupid boy. I love you and want to be with you. Will you please get it thought that freaking brain of yours?” Slowly Justin moves his eyes down to her, and they are almost back to his gray-yellow eyes.

  Justin's eyes soften and he nods. “I know it's hard knowing how he feels, and now how the hunter feels.” Justin's eyes look behind her, she turns her head to see Jax standing there smiling.

  Quinn rolls her eyes and looks back at Justin. “But I can see why you have all of these guys liking you.” Justin smiles at her, which makes her smile.

  Quinn turns to face Kaden and she realizes that she does love him. But not like she loves Justin.

  “You need to calm down with how much you love me. I know you do, but you don’t need to rub it in Justin's face.”

  Kaden nods, and smiles. “Fine I will calm it down, but I want you two to not be so lovey around me.”

  Quinn nods. “Fine we will cool it down.” Kaden winks and nods at Justin.

  Justin waits until Kaden leaves before he grabs her hand. “I'm sorry I freaked out, and said you crushed my heart.”

  Quinn squeezes his hand. “I'm sorry I crushed your heart. I never want to hurt you.”

  Justin pulls her into his arms. “I was mad and didn’t mean it, I love you.”

  Quinn looks up and smiles. “To the moon?”

  Justin laughs. “Yes, to the moon and back.” They walk back to school and Quinn smiles. She wonders how Justin will do with her being friends with Jax. “See you later my love.” Justin kisses her quickly and Quinn smiles.

  “Neptune and back,” she says, and he laughs.

  Quinn walks into her art class, and pulls out her phone. She sees the new number and smiles. Jax isn’t as bad as everyone thinks. Yes he did try to kill her, but she doesn’t blame him for hating werewolves. He was turned against his will, and that is something she plans on changing.

  Thank you for talking to me.

  She sends him the text message, and grins. Her heart speed up when she feels her phone vibrate.

  I meant it, anytime you need me I am there. I have boxes of silver bullets.

  Quinn laughs, and looks around. No one notices so she texts him back.

  No silver anything, get rid of it all.

  She knows he won't, but she doesn’t want him to hurt Justin or Kaden.

  That's not going to happen. But is a nice thought.

  Quinn smiles, it looks like they will be great friends.

  Can’t say I didn’t try, but please be nice to Justin and Kaden. They care for me and want what's best for me.

  She waits for his reply, and it doesn’t take long.

  That isn’t what I saw, you deserve to be worshipped and adored. But I will do what you ask me and be nice. Talk to you later, Quinn.

  Quinn smiles as she puts her phone away, he thinks she should be worship and adored. Justin does do that to her, and loves her unconditionally. She knows that Justin isn’t going to be happy that she is talking to Jax, but she doesn’t care. She is allowed to have some friends, and he doesn’t have to approve of all of them.

  Quinn smiles at Justin when she walks into Mrs. Schmidt's room, she still needs to tell him about being friends with Jax. When she walks by, he winks at her, and she smiles.

  “Quinn I have some papers for you to grade,” Mrs. Schmidt says, and Quinn smiles at her.

  After she gets done grading all the papers Quinn's phone vibrates. She knows that Mrs. Schmidt doesn’t allow phones in her class, so she grabs the bathroom pass and shows Mrs. Schmidt she nods.

  Quinn walks out of the classroom and towards the girls' bathroom.

  Quinn pulls out her phone and sees Breanna's name.

  I want to hang out with you after school.

  Quinn laughs, Breanna is sitting in class texting her.

  Well I am a busy person nowadays, so....

  Quinn grins when she sends the text. Breanna is the reason she is still breathing today, she was her only shoulder when Quinn needed it. She would do anything for Breanna.

  You better say yes I miss you, plus we need to talk.

  Quinn laughs, they need to talk. There are so much she needs to tell her best friend, but wants some alone time with Breanna.

  Of course I want to hang out. If we go to my place then we will have to deal with Kaden and Lizzy.

  Quinn needs to tell her about her amazing night with Justin, and about Jax. She wonders if her best friend will think she is crazy if she tells her that she is a werewolf. Quinn's phone vibrates in her hand.

  Fine we can go to the park. I want to know EVERYTHING, so prepare.

  Quinn laughs, she will prepare. She walks back into Mrs. Schmidt, and notices the room is quiet.

  Everyone is reading to themselves. Quinn looks at the clock and smiles. One minute left then she and Breanna get to have some girl time.

  Quinn walks over to the desk where Mrs. Schmidt is sitting. “How's Breanna?”

  Quinn's eyes widen at her question. “What?” she asks then bites her bottom lip.

  Mrs. Schmidt smiles up at her. “You took eight minutes in the bathroom, and normally you would be texting her.”

  “Um…she is good. Sorry it won't happen again,” Quinn says and smiles at her favorite teacher.

  “It doesn’t bother me, you are my TA,” Mrs. Schmidt stands up and leans into Quinn. “And my true Queen.” She moves away from Quinn and winks.

  Quinn doesn’t know if she can handle being Queen, then she looks at Justin. He will make a fantastic king, and make her look good.

  “He will a great king, but you my make
everything better for us.” Quinn looks back at her teacher, it's weird to think of her as a werewolf.

  “Are you a pure blood?” Mrs. Schmidt smiles at Quinn and shakes her head,

  “No, I was bitten.” Quinn doesn’t need to ask if she wanted to be bitten, it is written all over her face.

  That is the first thing Quinn will change when she and Justin are in charge. “Hello Justin.”

  Quinn looks up at Justin, her heart races and she smiles. “Hello Mrs. Schmidt. Do you mind if I steal my girlfriend?”

  Mrs. Schmidt laughs. “Of course not Justin. Take care of our Queen.” Quinn can feel her blush spreading.

  “I would never let anything happen to her again.” Justin's arm comes around her waist and pulls her into his side.

  “And if he does I am there to take care of her,” Kaden says and grins at Mrs. Schmidt.

  Mrs. Schmidt looks at Quinn and smiles. “It looks like you are in great hands.” Quinn nods, she knows they would never let anything happen to her. “Have a great night.”

  Quinn waves and they walk out of the classroom as the bell rings. She remembers Lizzy and how she can't pick her up.

  “Kaden, want to do something for me?” Kaden turns around and smiles at Quinn.

  “Sweetheart I would do anything for you.” Quinn rolls her eyes.

  “Can you pick up Lizzy for me? I made plans with Breanna.”

  Kaden nods. “Sure I like Lizzy she has grown on me. Are you going to be home for dinner?”

  Quinn sighs, she doubts it. Breanna and she haven’t had any time together in almost a week. She shakes her head. “Probably not, Breanna and I need time together.” Quinn watches Kaden's eyes shift to Justin. “What?” She asks.

  “I will let Justin tell you, I need to get Lizzy.” Kaden says and winks. She turns to Justin as Kaden walks away.

  “Are you planning on telling her about what you are?” Justin asks, and that is something she has decided on.


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