Explorers of the Nile: The Triumph and Tragedy of a Great Victorian Adventure

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Explorers of the Nile: The Triumph and Tragedy of a Great Victorian Adventure Page 50

by Tim Jeal

  12. Benjamin Speke to Mrs Mackenzie 20 Aug 1866 17931 NLS.

  13. Hall, Lovers 168.

  14. Rigby to Grant 12 Feb 1866 17910 NLS.

  15. Godsall 256.

  EIGHTEEN: Almost in Sight of the End

  1. DL to Agnes L 5 Feb 1871 Ad ms 50184 BL.

  2. Jeal, Livingstone 296 and associated notes.

  3. LLJ 1 13-14.

  4. Ibid 70.

  5. Ibid 56, 62-3.

  6. Jeal, Livingstone 307.

  7. LLJ 1 115.

  8. Ibid 173-6.

  9. Jeal, Livingstone 312.

  10. DL to Kirk 8 Jul 1868; PRGS Vol. XIV November 1869, 8.

  11. LLJ 1 287.

  12. DL to RM 18 Dec 1867 NAZ.

  13. DL to Lord Clarendon 8 Jul 1868 PRGS Vol. XIV November 1869, 8-9.

  14. LLJ 11 99.

  15. Unyanyembe Diary 14 May, 4 Jul, 11 Mar, 11 Feb 1871 DLC.

  16. LLJ 11 141.

  17. Ibid 151.

  18. Ibid 152-3.

  19. Ibid 155; Jeal, Livingstone 334-5; DL to T. Maclear & Mr Mann PRGS Vol. XV11 17 Nov 1871, 172-3, 67-73.

  20. Stanley, Auto 261-2.

  NINETEEN: Never to Give Up the Search Until 1 Find Livingstone

  1. ‘Stanley: The Mystery of the Three Fathers’ Emyr Wynn Jones 127-51 National Library of Wales Journal 1993 Vol. 28 127-51; ‘Stanley’s Father, 1 Presume’ Bob Owen Hel Achau (1985) No. 15 23-7; Jeal, Stanley 492 n 36.

  2. South Wales Daily News 14 May 1904, interview with Richard Price.

  3. Stanley, Auto 12.

  4. Ibid 29.

  5. Stanley’s Despatches to the New York Herald 1871-1872, 1874-1877 ed. Norman R. Bennett [Bennett] 51.

  6. Reports Relating to the Education of Pauper Children (1856) vol. XLV11I 631; XLV 207. PRO NM 12/16140.

  7. Jeal, Stanley 23.

  8. Ibid 34-41.

  9. Stanley, Auto 124.

  10. William Henry Stanley’s Compiled Service Record card 46045291 26 July 1861, National Archives, USA; Jeal, Stanley 40, 496 n 36 and n 20.

  11. Stanley to Dorothy Stanley 18 Nov 1893 RMCA; Stanley to Katie Gough Roberts [KGR] 22 Mar 1869 RMCA.

  12. Jeal, Stanley 52-63.

  13. Jeal, Stanley 63-4; Stanley to Noe 25 Dec 1866 RMCA.

  14. South Wales Daily News 12 May 1904 obituary article by Owen ‘Morien’ Morgan; Morgan’s notes of an interview with Elizabeth Parry 1886 Cardiff Public Library; Bennett 415: Lewis Noe to ed. New York Sun 16 Aug 1872; Jeal, Stanley 64-6 and associated notes.

  15. Viz. Times 17 Dec 1866; Jeal, Livingstone 338 for DL’s movements.

  16. Finley Anderson to Stanley 3 Jan 1867 RMCA; Stanley: An Adventurer Explored Richard Hall [Hall, Stanley] 148.

  17. Stanley to KGR 27 Jun 1869 Private Collection, Bath.

  18. Information from Miss M. H. Stewart, Bath, about her grandmother KGR.

  19. HIFL 68; Stanley to Gordon Bennett 17 Jan 1871 RMCA; Stanley’s Diary [SD] 21, 25 Feb 1871 RMCA; Jeal, Stanley 91, 93-4 and 502 n 7.

  20. SD 20 Jun, 18 May 1871.

  21. Bennett 45-7; HIFL 282 ff; SD 23, 24 Aug 1871.

  22. HIFL 411.

  23. Stanley to Gordon Bennett 17 Jan 1871; SD 28 May 1871.

  24. Jeal, Stanley 502-6 n 10; also LLJ 11 15 and especially HIFL 476: ‘about a week or so after my entrance into Ujiji’ is the date Stanley gives for the start of his voyage on Lake Tanganyika with DL. They started on 16 November.

  25. LLJ 11 156.

  26. SD 3 Nov 1871; Stanley Auto 264.

  TWENTY: The Doctor’s Obedient and Devoted Servitor

  1. Stanley’s original despatch describing the meeting for the NYH has not survived. His famous greeting first made its appearance in NYH 2 Jul 1872 and the first version (still existing) of the greeting in Stanley’s hand was written a year after the meeting. Jeal, Stanley 118-19 and associated notes.

  2. Jeal, Stanley 117.

  3. HIFL 412.

  4. Ibid 416.

  5. SD 11 Nov 1871; HIFL 424.

  6. Bennett 95.

  7. HIFL 429.

  8. Jeal, Livingstone 79, 84-5, 104-5.

  9. Ibid 93.

  10. SD 14 Nov 1871.

  11. DL to Kirk 30 May 1869 in Foskett 138-9.

  12. HIFL 427.

  13. LLJ 11 157.

  14. HIFL 476, 479; LLJ 11 157.

  15. Ibid 478-81.

  16. LLJ 11 157-8; SD 22 Nov 1871.

  17. Jeal, Livingstone 323-6.

  18. SD 16, 27 Nov 1871.

  19. DL to Agnes L 23 Aug 1872 BL.

  20. SD 8 Jan 1872.

  21. SD 5 Mar 1872.

  22. SD 7 Mar 1872, 14 Nov 1871, 24 Feb 1872.

  23. SD 3 Mar; 6, 9 Jan 1872.

  24. SD 16 Nov 1871.

  25. SD 21 Feb 1872.

  26. HIFL 432; SD 16 Nov 1871.

  27. SD 5 Jan 1870.

  28. SD 13 Mar 1872, 13 Nov 1871.

  TWENTY-ONE: Threshing Out the Beaten Straw

  1. SD 11 Aug 1872.

  2. SD 1 Aug 1872; Stanley to Dorothy Stanley 18 Nov 1893 RMCA; The Finding of Dr Livingstone by H. M. Stanley Cadwalader Rowlands [pseud. for John C. Hotten] (1872) 156-70.

  3. I Presume Ian Anstruther 146.

  4. SD 1 Aug 1872.

  5. DL to H. Waller 2-3 Nov 1871 Rhodes House; DL to RM 13 Mar 1872 PRGS Vol. XVI (1871-2) 434.

  6. Rawlinson to Stanley 6 Aug 1872 RMCA; PRGS Vol. XVI 13 May 1872, 241.

  7. SD 16 Aug 1872.

  8. Sir Henry M. Stanley: The Enigma Emir W. Jones 25, 116.

  9. DL to John L Dec 1872 QK/BL; DL to B. Braithwaite 8 Jan 1872 LMS/ SOAS; DL to Dr Wilson 14 Jan. 1872 NLS.

  10. SD 11 Aug 1872.

  11. Stanley to Times 12 Nov 1872.

  12. SD 11 Aug 1872.

  13. Bennett 40; Stanley’s Congo Diaries [CD] 1 Jan 1881 RMCA.

  14. HIFL 677.

  15. LLJ 11 182.

  16. Stanley to Markham 5 Oct 1872 RGS; Cameron to Stanley 25 Oct 1872 RMCA.

  17. Quoted Hall, Stanley 225.

  18. Louis J. Jennings ed. New York Times to Stanley 9 Jan 1873 RMCA.

  TWENTY-TWO: Nothing Earthly Will Make Me Give Up My Work

  1. Stanley to DL 27 May 1872 NLS.

  2. LLJ 11 229.

  3. DL to H. Waller 2 Sept 1872 Rhodes House.

  4. LLJ 11 174.

  5. Debenham 297-317.

  6. LLJ 11 269.

  7. Ibid 277.

  8. Ibid 242.

  9. Debenham 272.

  10. LLJ 11 282.

  11. Ibid 294.

  12. Ibid 296.

  13. Ibid 297.

  14. Livingstone’s Private Journals 1851-53 ed. I. Schapera [LPJ] see 4 Feb 1853.

  15. LLJ 11 298-99, facsimile of DL’s last entry in his journal.

  16. Jeal, Livingstone 365.

  17. LLJ 11 299-308; Helly 111 quoting Waller’s notes of his conversations with Chuma and Susi; Jeal, Livingstone 366.

  18. Ibid 367.

  19. Helly 113 ff; Dark Companions Donald Simpson 189-93; LLJ 11 313.

  20. Helly 112; LLJ 11 315 ff.

  21. Jacob Wainwright to Oswell Livingstone October 1873 LMS/SOAS.

  22. Jeal, Livingstone 369.

  TWENTY-THREE: Where Will You Be? Dead or Still Seeking the Nile?

  1. Stanley to Agnes L 18 Mar 1874 QK/BL; Stanley to Agnes L 28 Jan 1878 RP 4900 BL.

  2. Graphic 24 Apr 1874.

  3. SD 5 Jan 1870; Stanley, Auto Intro xv11.

  4. SD 16, 17 May 1874.

  5. Through the Dark Continent Henry M. Stanley 2 vols [TDC] 1 47.

  6. Jeal, Stanley 163, 165, 196, 217; in SD 12 Nov 1874 a figure of 224 porters, guides, guards and dependents is given – 228 when Stanley and his three European assistants are added. In a muster list, in the Luwel Collection RMCA, 227 is given as the number who left Zanzibar. There is no evidence that any additional porters were recruited at Bagamoyo – see TDC 1 72-8; also Stanley to NYH 13 Dec 1874 Bennett 189; for description of recruit
ing on Zanzibar, Bennett 159; for Stanley’s detestation of Bagamoyo, Bennett 11; for Stanley’s preference for recruiting porters from the Bertram Agency on Zanzibar, SD 11 Jan 1871, Bennett 157, 159, HIFL 22-7.

  7. TDC 1 83.

  8. Ibid 108.

  9. Ibid 112.

  10. Alice Pike to Stanley 13 Oct & 2 Dec 1874 RMCA.

  11. Stanley to J. R. Robinson 11 Nov 1874 RP 1100 BL.

  12. Bennett 212.

  13. S&N 63.

  14. Bennett 217; S&N 69; TDC 1 180.

  15. Bennett 217; S&N 69.

  16. Bennett 225.

  17. Preface to ‘Uganda Diary’ 1875-6 RMCA.

  18. S&N 70-2; Bennett 46-7, 220, 225ff Stanley to NYH 14 Apr 1875; Drafts of NYH letter 1 Jun 1876 RMCA.

  19. Stanley to NYH 14 Apr 1875.

  20. Gordon to Stanley 20 Apr 1875 RMCA.

  21. Yeoman 108; The Scramble for Africa Thomas Pakenham [Pakenham] 73; Jeal, Stanley 174, 184.

  22. Central Africa C. Chaillé-Long 310; Moorehead 140; TDC 1 202-3; TDC 11 166; Bennett 226-7.

  23. SD 28 Apr 1875; TDC 1 230-1; small Australian notebook 1891-2 RMCA; Bennett 246 n 3.

  24. TDC 1 285.

  25. S&N 92-3.

  26. CD 15 Oct 1880 RMCA.

  27. Gordon to Burton 19 Oct 1877, quoted in Frank McLynn Stanley: Sorcerer’s Apprentice (1991) 14.

  28. Bennett 274.

  29. Stanley to E. Levy-Lawson 13 Aug 1876 Bennett 463 ff.

  30. Stanley to Alice Pike 14 Aug 1876.

  TWENTY-FOUR: The Unknown Half of Africa Lies Before Me

  1. Rigby to Grant 26 Oct 1876 17910 NLS.

  2. PRGS Vol. XIX 29 Nov 1875, 49-50.

  3. S&N 130.

  4. Ibid 132-3; Bennett 324-7; Private History of the RGS Markham 401-2 RGS; TDC 11 96-7; Bennett 324-7.

  5. Stanley to E. King 31 Oct 1876 Bennett 459 ff.

  6. Ibid 332.

  7. TDC 11 145 and footnote; S&N 138-9.

  8. See Bennett 377, 385-6 for large exaggerations – all Stanley’s self-proclaimed 32 battles on the Congo (except one bloodless brush on 9 Mar) took place between 24 Nov 1876 and 14 Feb 1877 S&N 140-64. The ‘fight of fights’ and penultimate ‘battle’ (no. 31) was on 14 Feb and Stanley massively exaggerated the number of contestants in TDC and in S&N 164 – for actual numbers see Jeal, Stanley 201-2 and 514 n 10 and 515 n 37 quoting Frank Pocock’s figures. There is no evidence in Stanley’s diaries that he ever destroyed ‘28 large towns’ as he foolishly claimed. (For his psychology see Jeal, Stanley 94, 163, 178, 202.) He burned a few huts in three villages after being attacked. S&N gives many examples of his efforts to make peace: 18 Dec 1876, 1-2 Jan, 7 Feb, 1-2 Mar 1877. See too S&N 141.

  9. S&N 137, 143; TDC 11 170.

  10. S&N 148 1 Jan 1877.

  11. As per note 5 above; also Bennett 384.

  12. Ibid 460.

  13. Ibid 304.

  14. Yeoman 173; Journal 175, 215 .

  15. Yeoman 162-6; The Nile Collins 27.

  16. Searching for the Source of the Nile Wataru Ogawa trans. Brian Small 1 Jul 2009 www.newsjanjan.jp. In 2005, a year before Neil McGrigor, two South Africans, Peter Meredith and Hendri Coetzee, navigated the Kagera to the Nyungwe Forest www.newencyclopedia.org/entry+nile+Rukarara.

  17. Johnston 232-3.

  18. F. Pocock to parents 18 Apr 1876 Bennett 475, 265.

  19. The Diaries of A. J. Mounteney Jephson ed. Dorothy Middleton [Jephson] 352; Yeoman 174; Jeal, Stanley 470; Bennett 306.

  20. Jeal, Stanley 200 n 35, 202 n 37.

  21. Stanley to E. King 2 Oct 1877 RMCA; TDC 11 336; SD 3 April 1877; S&N 174.

  22. S&N 180; TDC 11 361.

  23. S&N 192.

  24. SD after 10 May 1877.

  25. Yeoman 138.

  26. Maitland 223.

  27. Marina Warner on Burton as translator London Review of Books 18 Dec 2008.

  28. Kennedy 133.

  29. Burton to William Hepworth Dixon 19 Jun 1866 QK/BL.

  30. Undated Private & Confidential Memorandum, lists of people written to by Isabel 1885-6 QK/BL.

  31. Marston to Stanley 25 Sep, 11 Oct 1877 RMCA.

  32. Saturday Review 16 Feb 1877; Pall Mall Gazette 11 Feb 1877.

  33. Bennett 371-2.

  34. SD 1877 notebook, end pages 26 Jun 1878 RMCA.

  35. King Leopold 11 to Baron Solvyns 17 Nov 1877 Archives du Palais Royal, Fonds Congo 100/i.

  TWENTY-FIVE: Shepherds of the World?

  1. LLJ 1 62-3; DL to Lord Clarendon 20 Aug 1866 FO 84/1265.

  2. Graphic 24 Apr 1874.

  3. Quoted HIFL Intro. lxxv11i 2nd ed.

  4. The Zambesi Journal of James Stewart 1862-1863 ed. J. P. R. Wallis (1952) 190.

  5. Times 20 Jan 1874.

  6. Scientist of Empire: Sir Roderick Murchison, Scientific Exploration and Victorian Imperialism Robert Stafford 183.

  7. The Nile in Darkness: A Flawed Unity 1863-1899 John O. Udal [Udal 11] 11i.

  8. AN 22.

  9. Ismailia: A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade Samuel Baker 2 vols [Ismailia] 1 5; Udal 11 112-13.

  10. Liverpool Mercury 17 Sept 1870.

  11. Udal 11 115-18.

  12. Hall, Lovers 178.

  TWENTY-SIX: Creating Equatoria

  1. A History of the Southern Sudan 1839-1889 Richard Gray [Gray] 90-92.

  2. Morning Star: Florence Baker’s Diary 1870-1873 Anne Baker [Morning Star] 44.

  3. Africa and its Explorers ed. Robert I. Rotberg, Robert O. Collins chapter on S. W. Baker [Collins chapter] 166; Gray 95; Ismailia 1 108-10.

  4. Florence Baker’s unpublished diary 27 Dec 1870, 16, 26 Feb, 14 Apr 1871 Anne Baker Collection.

  5. Ismailia 1 220-83; Gray 96-8; Udal 11 129, 132; Collins chapter 166-7.

  6. Collins chapter 168; The Acholi of Uganda F. K. Girling [Girling] 152.

  7. Ismailia 11 184, 187, 189; Collins chapter 168.

  8. Ismailia 11 242, 257-8.

  9. Julian Baker’s diary quoted in Baker of the Nile Dorothy Middleton 192; Morning Star 146; Ismailia 11 269.

  10. Ibid 287.

  11. Ibid 293-304.

  12. Hall, Lovers 198-201.

  13. Ismailia 11 282.

  14. Gray 101-3; Baker to Gordon 27 Oct 1874 BL; Hall, Lovers 202.

  15. Udal 11 141-2.

  16. Baker to John Baker 20 May 1873 quoted Gray 103.

  17. Florence Baker to E. Baker 29 Jun 1873, Gray 103.

  18. Udal 11 141.

  19. Times 15 Aug 1873.

  20. Udal 11 141.

  21. Baker to Lord Wharncliffe 22 Oct 1869 Anne Baker Collection.

  TWENTY-SEVEN: An Unheard of Deed of Blood

  1. Drafts of NYH letters 1 Jun 1876 RMCA.

  2. Bishop Alfred Robert Tucker and the Establishment of the Anglican Church Christopher Bryaruhanga [Tucker] 55.

  3. Ibid 67-8.

  4. The Story of the Life of Mackay of Uganda J. W. Harrison [Mackay] 164-5.

  5. Ibid 147.

  6. Ibid 187.

  7. A Political History of Uganda S. R. Karugire [Karugire] 64-5.

  8. Mackay 263, 285, 178.


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