by Tim Jeal
massacre, 32-4, 255, 282
Nyanza, renamed Victoria Nyanza by Speke, 126; see Victoria, Lake
Nyasa (Malawi), Lake, 28, 83, 128, 209, 211, 248, 362
and L. Tanganyika, 200
Nyasaland (Malawi), 4, 331
Nyoro people, 228, 410; see also Bunyoro
Obbo people, 41, 222, 398
Obote, Milton, 410-11, 411
Ogaden caravan, 50, 53
Ogowé, River, 198, 353
Okello, General Tito, 415
Oliphant, Laurence, 62, 114, 115, 198, 201-2, 208
Omdurman, Battle of, 389-91, 390, 394
Osman Digna, 388, 389
‘Our Great African Travellers’ (Stanley), 91
Outram, Brigadier James, 43, 45-6
Oxford, Univ. of, 37, 348, 398
Owen, T. R. H., 405
pack animals, 13, 73, 75, 81, 181, 216, 248, 335
Paez, Pedro, 2
Palmerston, Lord, 128, 190, 385, 426
Park, Mungo, death, 8, 72, 312, 423
Parke, Dr Thomas, 318, 369
Parry, Elizabeth (mother of Stanley), 257, 260, 261
Pasley, Capt. T. M. S., 360-2
Patterson, J. H., 420
People of the Small Arrow (J. H Driberg), 400
Pera (steamship), 190
Peters, Dr Karl, 6, 347, 359, 363, 366, 370, 374
treaty with Mwanga, 376
Petherick, John, 123-4, 153-5, 163, 166, 170, 172-5, 183
accusation of slave trading, 184, 194
arrives late at Gondokoro, 184
failure to succour Speke & Grant, 185, 195
shoots Dinka, 185, 216
Speke’s row with, 183-8, 194-5
Petherick, Katherine, 186-7, 194
Pike, Alice (fiancée of Stanley), 2956, 296, 323, 324
Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah (R. F. Burton), 56
Pitt, William, 59
Playfair, Colonel R. L., 49, 189
Pocock, Edward, 296, 298
death, 423
Pocock, Frank, 296, 298, 318
death, 321, 423
Portal, Sir Gerald, 382 porters: cameraderie, 96
deaths, 18, 22, 40, 79, 105, 134, 173, 298, 319, 320, 349, 369, 422
desertions, 3, 7, 9, 18, 22, 73, 129, 131, 138, 173, 236, 246, 249, 250-1, 265-6, 295, 311, 336, 369
illnesses, 133, 235, 265, 286
indispensable to explorers, 7-8, 297, 300, 319-20, 422-3
Johanna, 249
Manyema, 372
Nasik, 248, 249
Nyamwezi, 73, 129, 131, 374
Nyoro, 233
and payment, 110, 117, 119-20, 121, 216
Swahili, 419
thefts, 7, 73, 129, 249, 250, 282
Wangwana, 128, 130, 132, 136, 137, 166, 189, 266, 319, 348, 372, 422; see also individual porters
Porto, Silva, 428
Portugal, 15, 319, 321, 324, 429, 434; see also slave trade
Prempeh, exiled, 431
Price, Roger, 331
Prideaux, Capt. W. F., 293
Prinz Adalbert, SMS (cruiser), 362
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 273
Ptolemy, 26, 39, 100
Punjab War, 126
‘Queen Mother’ (namasole of Buganda), 154-5, 156, 157
Quelimane, 246
quinine, 8, 155, 172, 224, 236, 243
Raajok people, 398
Rahan (porter), 128, 132
Ramji, Rush, 71, 81, 120, 121
Rawlinson, General Sir Henry, 280
Rebmann, Johann (missionary), 39, 65
rhinoceros, 50, 130, 142, 153
Rhodesia, 410
Rigby, Capt. Christopher P., 119, 120, 125, 128, 189, 310
Rimbaud, Arthur, 4
Rionga (brother of Kamrasi), 173-4, 225, 226-7, 229, 236-8, 339, 342
Ripon Falls, 51, 168, 200, 210, 301, 303, 319
Roberts, Katie Gough, 263, 295
Roscher, Albrecht (explorer), 128
death 423
Rosebery, Lord, 382, 383
Rosetta, 389
Rovuma, River, 211, 248, 362
Rowlands, John, see Stanley, Henry Morton
Royal Geographical Society, 13, 39, 57
Royal Navy, 362, 392
Ruete, Emily; see Salme, Princess
Ruete, Heinrich, 360, 361
Ruete, Rudolph, 359, 361-2
Rukarara, River, 317 (see Kagera, River)
Rumanika, king of Karagwe, 132, 135, 141-2, 144, 316
Rusizi, River, 90, 199, 200, 210, 211, 247, 251, 273, 275
Livingstone & Stanley discover direction of flow, 274
Russell, Lord John, 190
Ruvubu, River, 316 (see Kagera, River)
Ruwenzori Mountains, 318, 377
Rwanda, 144, 316, 429
genocide in, 434
Saat, 215, 217, 222, 236
Sabaluqua, 388
Sais, Egypt, 25
Salim, Muhammad (slave trader), 251
Salim, Sheikh Said bin (expedition captain), 72, 86, 91, 92, 95, 103, 128, 129, 132
Salisbury, Lord, 350, 351, 359, 376-7, 378, 381, 382, 384, 387, 392, 420, 421
Salme, Princess (later Emily Ruete), 359-60, 361-2
Sarmini, 320
Sass, Barbara Maria von (Florence Baker), 179-80, 182-3, 214, 217, 221, 242, 243, 338, 340
ill-health, 228, 230-2, 423; see also Baker’s military expedition to Nile Basin; Luta N’zige Expedition
Saulez, Capt. Seymour, 355
Schweinfurth, Dr Georg, 208, 300
‘Scramble for Africa’, 4, 9, 343, 351-4, 357-8, 362-3, 374-5, 377, 382-5, 424, 425, 431, 434
Sekeletu (Kololo chief), 246
Selim (interpreter), 267, 268, 282
Selim Bey, 396
Selim Bimbashi, 40-1
Semliki, River, as alternative White Nile source, 318
Seneca, 24
Sesheke, 246
Seychelles, 407
Shaguzi, 210, 228, 229, 231
Shaka, 415
Shaw, John, 266, 297
death, 266, 423
Shaw, Dr Norton, 39, 57, 106, 109, 112, 114, 118, 119, 124, 125. 193
Shekka (Bumbireh chief), 305
Shepheard’s Hotel, 36, 39, 189
Shiloh, Battle of, 260
Shiré, River, 200
Shire Highlands, 28, 280, 331, 332, 429
Shooa, 225
Sikh Wars, 46
Simon (porter), 28
Simpson, George, 110, 199
Simpson, John, 412
Skeet, C. H . L., 402
slave trade, 6, 15, 51, 246, 324, 342, 394, 428-30
abolition, 282-3
Arab-Swahili traders, 7, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 57, 69, 127, 212-13, 250, 253, 254, 267, 311, 331, 369, 386, 408, 427, 428-9
Baqqara traders, 394
cannibalism, 22, 313
Egyptian traders, 428
European traders, 41
maltreatment by slavers, 21, 218, 248
Mambari traders, 425
Nyamwezi traders, 85, 428
Nyangwe massacre, 32-4, 255, 282
Portuguese traders, 28, 425, 428
Sudanese traders, 428, 430
traders urge killing of missionaries, 348
Zanzibar slave market, 15, 67, 283
Smythe, Edmund, 125
Snow, Thomas, 203
Sokoto, 72
Somali people, 39, 46
Somaliland Expedition (Burton & Speke), 39, 42, 55, 56, 61
attacked, 51-3
Burton accuses Speke of cowardice, 52, 57
preparation, 42, 43-4, 50
Speke’s journey to Wadi Nogal, 47-9
Somerset, 59, 124, 198
Southampton, 114, 190, 294, 330
Speke, Ben (brother of John), 119, 244
Speke, Edward (brother of John), 114
death, 125
Speke, Georgina (mother of John), 59, 60
eke, John Hanning (Jack), 7, 8, 13, 24, 363, 386, 413, 435
aggravates Livingstone, 200
appearance, 45, 180
arrives in Aden, 44
attacked by Somalis, 51-3
attacks Bombay, 146
awarded Medaille d’Or, 168
beetle in ear incident, 87-8, 89, 201
believes Nyanza as Nile source, 99-100, 101-2, 112
‘betrayal’ of Burton, 3, 106-9, 111, 115-16
character, 46, 58, 59-61, 104, 121, 123, 187
death, 107, 111, 202-3
discovers L. Victoria, 98-9
doubts over Nile source discovery, 102, 104, 206
early life and education, 59
final letter, 204
and flow direction of the Rusizi, 200
funeral, 205-6
hunting and shooting skills, 46, 74, 130, 205
illnesses, 74, 77-8, 79, 80, 84, 85, 103-4, 105, 136, 137, 423
invited to ‘great Nile debate’, 199, 201
invited to RGS, 112-13
letter to Murchison, 190
in love with Meri, 158-62
mapping error, 118-19
meets Napoleon III, 198
memorial in Kensington Gardens, 206, 244
motivation to explore, 4, 5, 6, 59, 61, 126
and Petherick, 124, 184-8, 194
plans for an Anglo-French expedition, 197-8
publication of journals, 117-18, 123
relationship with Burton, 54, 57, 62, 93, 104, 125
RGS expedition proposal, 115
‘Scheme for Opening Africa’, 196
serves in Crimean War, 57
sexuality, 60, 61, 158-62
surveying skills, 47, 58, 78-9, 116
views on Africans, 76, 93
views on colonialism and trade, 100-1, 127-8, 196-7, 386, 426-7
views on slavery, 67, 68, 88, 127-8, 427
writing style, 62, 93, 122-3, 193-4;
see also Great Lakes Expedition (Burton & Speke);
Nile Source Expedition (Speke & Grant);
Somali-land Expedition (Burton & Speke)
Speke, William (brother of John), 203
Speke, William (father of John), 59
Stairs, Lt William, 368, 369
Stanford, Henry Shelton, 325
Stanley, Henry Hope, 259
Stanley, Henry Morton: adopts new name, 259-60, 261-2
and Alice Pike, 296, 323
appeal for missionaries, 302, 394, 419
approached by Leopold’s diplomats, 325
awarded RGS Gold Medal, 282
brutality, accusations of, 307, 324
character, 9, 258-9, 263, 265, 267, 276-7
convinces Bennett to fund, 263
denies Welsh origins, 281
early life, 257-9
emigrates to America, 259
engagement, 263
exaggerates size of expeditions, 264, 297
expedition to find Livingstone, 264-8
fights in US Civil War, 260
idea to find and interview Livingstone, 262
illnesses, 266, 268, 276
as journalist, 263, 264, 283
and Kirk, 264, 279-80, 324
mapping errors, 300
maps Semliki River, 318
meets Livingstone, 268-71
and mother, 257, 260, 261
motives to explore, 5, 258-9, 260-1, 262, 277-8, 282, 294-5
offers to return to Africa refused, 283-4, 324
relationship with Livingstone, 276-8, 283, 285
sends support to Livingstone, 285
sets up trading stations on Congo, 352-3
vindicates Speke, 315-17
in Tabora, 267-8
in Turkey, 261
in Union Navy, 260
views on colonialism, 294, 324, 352, 354, 427
views on slave and ivory trade, 312, 322, 394, 427, 428
in Zanzibar, 264, 323; see also Emin Pasha Relief Expedition; Nile Source Expedition (Livingstone & Stanley); Stanley’s Trans-Africa Expedition
Stanley’s Trans-Africa Expedition (1874-7): attacked by Wanyaturu warriors, 298-9
circumnavigation of L. Victoria, 299-306
circumnavigation of L. Tanganyika, 308-9
descends Congo rapids, 9, 320-1
driven back from L. Albert, 307
escape from Bumbireh, 304-6
exploration of Kagera, 308
follows the Lualuba, 311-13, 315
pioneers direct route to L. Victoria, 297-9
pre-emptive strike on Bumbireh, 306-7
preparations, 295, 296-7
proves Lualuba to be Upper Congo, 315
at Ripon Falls, 301
shot at on Congo, 319
Stanley Pool, 319, 353, 365, 366
Steamer Point, Aden, 44
Steevens, George W., 391
Steinhaeuser, Dr John, 106
Stewart, James, 331
Stocks, Dr John E., 39, 44
‘The Stones’, 167, 168; see also Ripon Falls
Stroyan, Lt William, 44, 51, 53
Sudan, 24, 198, 303, 307, 348, 376, 384, 387, 395
‘Bog barons’, 400
civil war, 402-3
British responsibility for fate of southern Sudan, 398-403, 405
independence (1956), 405
independence of South Sudan, 405
southern Sudan and Uganda, 401-2
Sudan Political Service, 398-9,
Sudanese Arabs, 336
Sudd (section of Nile), 1, 24, 40, 335
Sudi, 371, 372
Suez, 107, 114, 213
Canal, 264, 357, 387, 405
Sulayyan, Hamid bin, 86, 88
Sumunter (guide), 48, 49
Susi, Abdullah (Livingstone follower), 8, 18, 27, 254, 268, 285, 290, 291, 292, 293, 423
Suwarora (Usui chief), 132, 133, 135, 136, 139
Swinburne, Anthony Bannister, saves Congo for Leopold, 355-7
Tabora: Livingstone’s supplies arrive, 285
Stanley in, 266-8; see also Kazeh (earlier name for)
Tagamoio (slave trader), 33
Tanga, 363
Tanganyika, Lake, 8, 17, 70, 83, 206, 210, 246, 247, 362
altitude, 85
Burton & Speke arrive at, 84-5
Burton & Speke’s discovery, 90-1
and L. Albert, 247, 273
and L. Nyasa, 200
Livingstone & Stanley’s voyage to head, 274-5
and Nile, 295
Speke crosses, 86-8
Stanley’s circumnavigation, 308-9
Stanley suspects as part of Congo’s system, 309
Tanzania, 316, 363
Taufika, 335
Tawfiqia (gunboat), 391
Tel-el-Kebir, Battle of, 357
Thomson, Joseph, 348, 363
Timbuktu, 72
Times, 123, 191, 192, 213, 281, 321, 342-3, 351, 387
Speke’s obituary, 206
Tinné, Alexine, 24
Tinné, John, 204
Tippu Tip (Hamid bin Muhammad el-Murebi, slave trader), 251, 308, 311-12, 312, 313, 368, 429, 430
Togoland, 358
Toro, 407, 417
Tsavo man-eaters (lions), 420
tsetse fly, 3, 13, 81, 222, 235, 248, 265, 286
Tuareg people, 24
Tuckey, James, 72
Tufnell, Capt. H. M., 397
Tunguro (L. Albert), 373
al-Turabi, Hassan, 403
Turkey, 56, 261
Tutsi people, 132
Ubangi-Shari, 387
Uganda, 345, 347, 348, 351, 359, 363, 364, 373, 382, 383, 401
Acholi dominated army, 409
as British Protectorate, 384, 406, 410, 419
economy, 410
British division of Equatoria, consequences for Uganda, 408-9, 414, 416-18 Emigration Amendment Act, 420
extended by British, 406, 407-8
few European settlers, 411
independence, 410
br /> Lord’s Resistance Army, 416-17
Museveni rule, 415-18
northern Ugandan tribes, 408-9, 416-18
Obote rule, 410-12, 414, 415
and southern Sudan, 401-2
Uganda People’s Congress, 410
Uganda Railway, 419-21
Ugogo, 74, 80, 129
Ujiji: Burton & Speke in, 84-6, 91-2
Livingstone in, 252, 255-6
Stanley meets Livingstone, 268-9, 269, 270-1
Ukara, 145
Ukerewe Island, L. Victoria, 98, 99, 101
Ukerewe, sea of, see Victoria, Lake
Ukuni, 134, 136