Defiant: A Future Dystopian Survival Series Adventure (Book 11) (The Forever Winter Chronicles)

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Defiant: A Future Dystopian Survival Series Adventure (Book 11) (The Forever Winter Chronicles) Page 7

by KM Fortune

  "There are other ways, safer ways, to mine the material we need," he said. "I explained it to you years ago, but you said it was too slow. Too expensive to your bottom line. That you could find plenty of useless fodder to do the work." There were more murmurs from everyone looking on. It seemed the trial had unofficially begun, yet The Duke's demeanor did not crack and he waved off Maximillian's statement with is bound hands.

  "Good luck with that," he scoffed and glanced over to Blaze. "Well, Red, what's the plan? Going to hang me from the nearest tree?" Blaze shrugged.

  "Might," he said. "After you stand here and let the people decide." The Duke raised his eyebrows in mock surprise.

  "Well, aren't you all calm and collected. Just yesterday you were a half second from putting a bullet between my eyes," he said. "Seems Max here is rubbing off on you." Gabriel saw a hint of red flush Blaze's cheeks but was happy to see the young man kept his temper in check. Realizing he was not going to get a reaction, The Duke shook his head amused and then turned to the crowd.

  "Okay folks, what do you have to say?" he called out. "Remember now, I kept most of you warm and fed for years. I never sent anyone to the pit who not did earn it with poor decisions of their own choice. A bet's a bet, am I right?" Gabriel saw some heads nod.

  “A bet’s a bet,” an unsettlingly large number of people echoed back. His charisma is incredible, Gabriel thought and knew Blaze and Maximillian needed to get the show on the road or they might lose the crowd. Willow appeared to feel the same as she stepped up to the edge of the cage.

  “Get this done, Blaze,” she advised. Gabriel saw Blaze give a quick nod to acknowledge he heard her and turned to Maximillian.

  “How do you want to do this?” he asked the leader, but before Maximillian could answer, The Duke spoke up again, still addressing the crowd.

  “You know,” he said. “I think there is only one way to handle this.” He paused. “Don’t you all agree?” A few in the crowd cheered and it quickly spread. What is happening? Gabriel thought. What is The Duke referring to? He quickly got his answer.

  "Deathmatch," a few onlookers whispered. "Deathmatch." The word quickly spread and it became a low chant. The Duke tilted back his head and let out a whoop of excitement.

  "You got it! Let me fight for my freedom!" he yelled. "I win, I get to walk out the front gate a free man. If not..." The Duke shrugged. Gabriel looked at Willow and she looked as confused but as apprehensive as he felt.

  "Uh oh," Toby said next to him.

  "Not this again," Brody added. Gabriel wanted to ask them for clarification, but The Duke still held everyone's attention. He walked around the edge of the cage like a trapped lion and shook his fists.

  "Deathmatch," he said. "I've earned a chance." Now the entire crowd, slaves included, was taking up the chant. There was no way to turn back and Gabriel knew it. Apparently, so did Blaze because he handed his rifle to Maximillian, then unbuckled his belt to pass over his knife and handgun. Finally, he stepped to the edge of the cage.

  "Bring it on," he said and the crowd went crazy with excitement.

  BLAZE APPRAISED HIS opponent as they slowly circled each other. They were both shirtless now and had removed their boots, and Blaze could see numerous scars which stood out against The Duke's pale skin. There were even deep grooves like The Duke had once upon a time been flogged and Blaze wondered for the briefest of moments what exactly was The Duke's story. Then the fight was on. The Duke rushed in and with the quickness of a snake, landed a punch on Blaze's right cheek. The blow was tremendous and Blaze had never been hit so hard by anything in his life. Lights popped in his vision and he felt himself falling. The mat came rushing up and it was all Blaze could do to scramble to his feet and duck as a kick followed the punch. Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, Blaze saw The Duke laughing from across the ring. "You got a hard head," he said. Blaze did not bother to reply and instead raised his fists and the two started to circle again.

  This time, when The Duke attacked with another bull rush, Blaze was able to move out of the way of at least some of the flurry of punches. The ones which did land on his face and chest hurt, but he kept his feet. Backpedaling to get out of the mix, before the man could grab him for a takedown, Blaze was able to finally throw his own punch. It connected with The Duke's mouth and Blaze felt satisfaction when he saw blood on the other man's lips. "Nice," The Duke jeered. "You got me. Proud of yourself?" Blaze knew The Duke was trying to taunt him into losing his temper, so he just smiled instead. He could see it did not sit well with the cowboy and watched as the man lowered his head and waded in for more.

  This time Blaze stood his ground and quickly learned it was a mistake to try and go toe-to-toe. Another burst of punches and kicks sent Blaze reeling. Hitting the mat again, Blaze heard a ringing in his ears now, but he immediately bounced up before The Duke could tackle him. This guy is fast. And he hits like a mule, Blaze thought as he watched and waited for the next attack. He did not have to wait long. The Duke rushed him again, this time pinning him to the fence and landed blow after blow into Blaze's ribs. The pain was incredible, but Blaze covered up as best he could and used every ounce of his strength to twist away. He thought he was clear when The Duke kicked again. Blaze jerked his head back just enough to avoid taking it straight on, but it was still sufficient to send him sprawling on the mat again. Once more, Blaze bounced up to keep fighting.

  Now the crowd was really into it and he could hear over the ringing in his ears the start of a chant for The Duke. Things were not going well and he knew he had to do something. But what? he thought. Every time he got close, The Duke’s quick hands and feet pummeled him. He tasted blood in his mouth and one eye was starting to close. How many times has he hit me? Fifty? A hundred? Blaze shook his head. There was no way he was going to let the other man win. I’m not dying here today.

  Raising his fists, Blaze waited. The Duke paced back and forth for a moment and then rushed forward again. More punches. More kicks. Blaze did his best to avoid them and noticed the force behind each one was less. Now, when a blow landed, he was able to keep his feet and dance back to avoid the others. Blinking to clear his eyes, Blaze was confused as he stared at the cowboy. Then he saw it. The older man, after years of living in the lap of luxury as opposed to Blaze's rough life on the high desert, was growing tired. He was heaving deep breaths and had lowered his hands to waist level. He’s running out of gas, Blaze thought and knew what he needed to do.

  WILLOW HAD KNOWN IT was a bad idea from the start and now Blaze was getting beaten to death. And if anyone thinks I’m going to just stand here and watch him get killed over all of this, then they don’t know me very well, she thought and pulled her handgun from its holster. She tapped Gabriel on the arm and gestured for him to do the same. When he saw what she wanted, he held up a hand to stay her. “Just wait another minute,” he said. “I think this will work out.” Willow frowned and turned back to look in the cage. Blaze was moving forward, actually walking toward The Duke as if inviting him to punch him. The Duke complied and sent a one-two combination at Blaze’s head. One caught Blaze in the side of the jaw and the young man staggered back a step, but then recovered and moved forward again. What in the world is he doing? As she watched, she saw The Duke shake his head, clearly frustrated. As Blaze came near, the cowboy shot out a kick, but this time, it seemed slower and did not carry the power of his earlier attacks. Then she saw Blaze grin. His teeth were bloody, and his face was swollen and bruised, but there was no confusing his confidence.

  Blaze pressed forward, this time with his hands up, and met The Duke’s weak punches with some of his own. Blaze threw big, looping bombs, which for once drove the cowboy back. A shift ran through the crowd. The chants for The Duke trickled off as their hero stumbled under Blaze’s relentless attack. Over and over they traded blows, but now it was Blaze doing most of the damage because The Duke was barely able to lift his hands to block anything. To try and recover, she watched The Duke maneuver to the middle
of the ring, but Blaze countered with a sweeping low kick, which knocked The Duke’s legs out from under him. When he fell to his knees, Blaze rushed in, kicking The Duke repeatedly in the ribs until even Willow could hear them cracking.

  Finally, the man fell flat on his back and Willow knew it was over. Blaze stood over the exhausted, beaten man, and the crowd hushed. No one said a word as they waited to see what the young man would do. Even The Duke, with his arms splayed out in a posture of submission, looked on expectantly. When Blaze hesitated, The Duke choked out a laugh. “You don’t have it in you, do you, Red?” he snarled. “Can’t beat a helpless man to death?” Willow watched as Blaze stood looking down at the cowboy. After a pause, Blaze turned his head and spat a mouthful of blood onto the mat and then walked over to the door of the cage where Maximillian stood still holding Blaze’s weapons. Reaching out, Blaze took his handgun out of its holster and walked back to stand over The Duke. Seeing this, The Duke held up a hand to shield his face. “Okay, now wait a minute,” he started. Blaze shook his head.

  “It’s not that I can’t, but I won’t. I’m not like you. You didn't deserve the easy way out earlier and you don’t now either,” Blaze said as he pointed the pistol at The Duke’s head. “Get out of my city. And if you ever show your face here or anywhere near here again, you’ll be shot on sight. Am I clear?”

  “Crystal,” The Duke replied through gritted teeth. Nodding, Blaze turned his back, dismissing The Duke as if he was trash, and walked to the cage door.

  “Get him out of here,” Blaze said to a group of his men. His men, Willow thought with a smile. At last, Blaze had come into his own.


  Samuel crouched shivering in the darkness. He had no weapon but a small utility knife.

  Bringing a rifle when he fled the colony did not even occur to him as normally he was with a group of other men and had an escort from the Patrols whenever he was part of an expedition. Now he was alone and he was afraid. He knew the wolves he heard throughout the day were hunting him and he only hoped he was sheltered enough by the trees and downed logs to remain hidden through the night. In the morning, he would go back to Eden and throw himself at the mercy of The Creator. Surely, he will understand when I explain the purpose in my heart and that all my actions were for the good of the colony, he thought. Samuel knew he would lose status and probably be required to serve some sentence of punishment for his sins, but anything was better than where he was at the moment. At least I haven’t heard anything for a while now.

  As if knowing his thoughts, a wolf howled nearby. Very nearby, Samuel thought. A shiver of abject terror gripped him and as he slowly turned to look, a pair of yellow eyes glared at him from the darkness. “No,” he whispered. “This can’t be happening.” He clutched the utility knife in his shaking hand and raised it in the direction of the eyes. “Go away,” he yelled. “I warn you, I have a knife.” The yellow eyes receded and Samuel let out a breath which sounded more like a whimper. How long until daylight? he wondered. How long will this torture go on?

  Suddenly, the yellow eyes appeared again, only this time they were not alone. Two more pairs glowed in the dark and Samuel let out a little screech of panic. They were trying to surround him now and he knew all he could do was run for it and hope they let him go. Leaping over the closest downed log, Samuel stumbled through the powdery white in his snowshoes. Barely keeping his feet, he churned his legs and prayed to The Creator for mercy. Panting, he burst through a wall of brush and turned to look back. There was nothing behind him and Samuel slowed. I lost them, he thought and tried to catch his breath in the frigid mountain air. I’m okay.

  A growl sounded. It was so deep and close, Samuel flinched from it. Looking around to find the source, his heart nearly stopped in his chest when he saw the giant beast step out from the trees. Only the outline of his massive body could be seen in the darkness, but it was enough for Samuel to know there would be no stopping it. Dropping to his knees, he raised his hands, palms out and started to beg. "Don't do this," he whimpered. "I am a chosen and important member of the brotherhood from Eden. I've done nothing to you." The wolf moved closer and Samuel could actually feel the monster's hot breath on his face. "Please ..." he whispered, but the wolf did not know mercy and in a flash, tore out Samuel's throat. Dying, his hot blood running red into the snow, Samuel fell forward and his last thought was of The Creator. I did it for You, he thought and then was no more.

  THEY DROVE THROUGH the night and reached the first sentry just as the sun came up over the eastern horizon. The sky was surprisingly bright for a change and even in his haste, Hector slowed to appreciate the array of red and oranges lighting up the horizon. Raven, apparently sensing the slowdown, sat up from where she had been sleeping in the passenger seat beside him, and looked over. "Beautiful," she said. "A sign of a great new day dawning." Hector nodded and hoped with all his heart she was right. The sentry had been reassuring, letting him know Queen Helen was well, despite her injury and Prince Edward was still imprisoned in the royal dungeon. Still, he would not let himself completely believe any of it until he saw it with his own eyes.

  Slowing now as the tunnel approached, he wished the entire way was open and that the wrecked express train inside did not completely obstruct the passage into his kingdom. It will be one of my first official decisions, he thought as he turned on the headlights and rode into the darkness. To clear the path and allow transports for trade to come to a depot I will have constructed as well. Hector knew it was past time his hidden valley became open to serious negotiation with other groups in the high desert. There was not much cooperation yet, but he could feel a change happening throughout what was once nothing but a wasteland.

  Rolling to a stop at the wreck, Hector shut down the engine and heard Simon do the same with his motorcycle. Exiting, Hector led everyone along the safe passage through the overturned train and when they came out the other side, he could see daylight ahead. His heart swelled with pride as he took in a deep breath and reveled in the knowledge he was returning home and as a hero. No doubt seeing his expression, Simon laid his hand on Hector's thick arm and nodded. "A momentous event in the epic story of your realm," he said. "It is an honor to stand here beside you—" Suddenly, Simon stopped talking and alarmed, Hector looked down at him. He relaxed when he saw Kit had come up beside the little man and put a finger to her lips in the universal sign to be quiet. It was all Hector could do not to laugh at the almost tender interaction between the two and appreciated the girl's understanding of the significance of the moment. It did not require a speech.

  Turning back to the exit, Hector strode forward, eager to see Helen and be back. As the group neared the end and were stepping into the light, Hector saw the four cat mutant guards at the second tunnel. The moment they recognized him, they dropped to a knee and bowed. "Now that is a greeting," Matthew murmured from behind Hector. Hector nodded and knew the deference would take some getting used to.

  "Stand up," Hector said as his group crossed the trellis over the high valley. The guards did, and one broke off to leave at a sprint.

  "To let the queen know," explained the lead guard. "She ordered it." Hector grinned and felt good knowing she missed him too.

  "I understand," Hector said. "Well, lead on. I want to see her." Eager now, the royal guards turned and led Hector and his friends onward and through the second tunnel. As they broke back into the sunlight, Hector saw the strangest thing. The wide path ahead was lined rows deep with residents of the valley. As they saw him, cheers filled the air. Walking through the gauntlet, some of the cubs in the crowd rushed out to touch Hector and then would skitter away with glee. Hector had never witnessed anything like it and felt emotion trying to overwhelm him. Looking from side to side and not sure what else to do, he raised his paw in a hello. The crowd's voice only grew louder. Grinning now, caught up in the powerful moment, Hector gazed ahead to the end of the lane and there he saw Helen standing and waiting for him. She had never looked more be
autiful and Hector walked faster to close the distance. His friends wisely held back and as he approached, Helen smiled. This time it was Hector's turn to bow to one knee as she was the queen and he was still yet a prince. Helen laughed at his gesture.

  "Get up, Hector," she said. "There's no need for that." Hector stayed in place and gazed up at her. The moment was perfect and he knew it. Putting out his paw and taking hers, he saw a look of puzzlement cross her elegant features and then her eyes widened. He recognized happiness in them and any fears he might have about his decision left him. As if sensing the gravity of the moment, the crowd hushed and all listened when Hector started to speak.

  "My queen and my beauty, you have been patient beyond belief. You have shown me kindness when I did not deserve it and returned love to me when I was lost in the darkness," Hector said and then drew in a deep breath to steady himself. "Helen, will you honor me by being my wife? Will you marry me?"

  With tears in her crystal blue eyes, Helen nodded. "I will," she said. "I will."





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  KM Fortune writes unique women’s adventure stories set in challenging futuristic fantasy and science fiction landscapes. Go to the KM Fortune Facebook page at and click the Sign-Up button to stay connected with her.


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