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Superstar Page 10

by Joy King

  "Who's your cousin?"

  "T-Roc," Ian said with hatred seething through his teeth.

  Chantal damn near fell out the bed when Ian dropped that bombshell. She knew that Tyler wasn't as sweet as she appeared, but never guessed that she had done something that trifling.

  "I had no idea T-Roc was your cousin."

  "Yeah, most people don't, and frankly I don't claim him."

  "But he's blood. How can you let Tyler come between family?"

  Ian gave Chantal an eerie stare. "At that time Tyler was my family too. T-Roc knew I planned on marrying her. She was everything to me, and like the toxin that he is, he couldn't stand that I had something he wanted. He plotted and schemed to take Tyler from me, and when she chose me over him, his ego couldn't handle it. T-Roc is the reason Tyler and I aren't together now."

  "So whatever happened to the baby?" Chantal was on edge hearing the lurid details of the love triangle. She repeated her question to Ian, who seemed overwhelmed by the question.

  "If you ever tell anybody this and they ask me, I'll deny it," he said solemnly.

  Chantal nodded her head eager to hear the confession Ian obviously wanted to keep buried.

  "When I found out Tyler was pregnant, I called all my family and friends sharing the news. When I told T-Roc, that cold motherfucker said that the baby could be his because he had been sleeping with Tyler too. If I could've reached through that phone I would be in jail for murder right now. I prayed that he was just being a hating ass bastard, but when I confronted Tyler I could tell by the look in her eyes that it was true. Man, my mind went blank. Next thing I knew, I threw her down the stairs and she had a miscarriage."

  Chantal's heart was beating so fast. This information was more than she bargained for. Besides thinking about Tyler, she couldn't help but think about all the juicy tales for her upcoming novel, although that particular part of the story might have to remain in the dark. "Wow! I knew Tyler was no good, but my goodness, she's heartless!"

  "Don't judge her. She was vulnerable and T-Roc took advantage of that. He's the heartless one, not Tyler."

  "What is it about this woman?" Chantal barked, tossing the silk comforter off her body as she stepped out of the bed. "Andre, T-Roc, and now you defend Tyler like she's some fragile porcelain doll, when in all actuality she's a trifling bitch."

  "So you know my cousin?"

  "Yes, and I also knew he had some secrets on Tyler, but of course he wouldn't share them. His only concern was winning her over. Why he would want that trash I have no clue."

  "T-Roc is still after her. It doesn't surprise me. He always has to get everything he wants no matter what the cost. I hope he never gets her."

  "That's highly unlikely since she's engaged to my ex."

  "You mean Andre. I heard about that. There were so many times I wanted to reach out to Tyler but she had moved on, and so did I. But now I'm about to be divorced so maybe..." Ian's voice trailed off.

  Chantal couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You couldn't possibly want that harlot back!" Chantal screamed, revealing her jealousy.

  "I didn't say that. But it doesn't matter, she's moved on to the next man."

  "Please explain to me what you see in her. She cheated on you with your cousin and might've been carrying his baby. Why do you hate him and not her?

  "Tyler may appear to have this ideal life, but she's been through hell, starting from childhood. She's made mistakes but she's got a lot of heart."

  "Can someone gag me with a spoon, because I need to vomit. It's like my father always told me, `Everybody has a sad story'. Tyler's life of hardship is no different than any other woman's, and she shouldn't get special treatment."

  "It's understandable you would be bitter since Tyler ended up with your ex, but the hating is thick right now."

  "The same way you believe T-Roc ruined your relationship with Tyler, she did the same to mine. I can't stand that selfrighteous bitch and I'll be happy when somebody knocks her off that soapbox she's on!" Chantal secretly prayed it would be her.

  "I can't believe Chrissie talked you into going to this charity event tonight. She must have been awfully persuasive," Tyler teased as she slipped on her red Valentino gown.

  "She does have a way with words, and damn you have a way of filling out a dress. Maybe we need to stay in tonight," Andre remarked after catching an eyeful of Tyler in the form fitting number.

  "You're so silly. We'll have plenty of time for that when we get home. Now zip me up, please." Andre sprinkled kisses down Tyler's neck as he zipped up her dress. She closed her eyes about to melt from his touch. "Baby, if you don't stop we'll never make it out the front door."

  "That's my intention."

  "But you promised Chrissie, remember? We can't let the charity down."

  Andre let out a deep sigh. "You're right, let's get out of here."

  By the time Andre and Tyler arrived at the Beverly Hills Hilton the event was in full swing. The couple was swarmed by the paparazzi as they quickly walked down the red carpet. Tyler gave a brief wave and hello to a few familiar faces from media outlets, but followed Andre's lead as they held hands going inside, escaping the madness.

  "Tyler, Andre over here," Chrissie said, waving at the pair.

  When they walked up Chrissie introduced them to the lady who was overseeing the event. From the pleasant but shocked look on the woman's face it was clear she wasn't sure the two were going to show.

  "Follow me. I'll show you to your table," Chrissie said, escorting them to where they'd be sitting. "But of course it's important the two of you mingle. Everyone is excited about meeting the both of you."

  After Chrissie showed them their table Andre and Tyler decided to go outside to the pool area. Everything was decorated in complete white, from the lilies to the candles and the piano that John Legend was playing.

  "It's beautiful out here. Let's dance, baby," Tyler said.

  Andre took Tyler's hand and they began slow dancing by the edge of the pool to the melodic sounds coming from the piano as if no one else existed but them. Tyler held on tightly to Andre, relishing this magical moment. Life seemed perfectalmost too perfect.

  "If it isn't the black Ken and Barbie of Hollywood."

  Andre was the first to recognize the annoying voice and turned in her direction. "Chantal, what are you doing here?"

  "And what are you doing with my dress on?" Tyler asked.

  "I see we have more than just the same taste in men," Chantal countered.

  Tyler was astonished that not only was Chantal at the same event with her, but had on the exact same dress, color and all.

  "Who in the hell let you in anyway?" Andre asked, about to drag Chantal out with his bare hands.

  "I was invited."

  "By who?" Andre demanded to know.

  "There you are. I was wondering where you disappeared to," Ian said, walking towards the threesome with two champagne glasses in his hands. With Andre blocking a clear view of Tyler, he didn't see her until he approached Chantal. They both stared at one another, unable to speak a word.

  "Cat has your tongue, Tyler? You know Ian very well. Say hello." Chantal couldn't disguise the gloating in her voice.

  "Tyler, how are you?" Ian asked in a low tone, looking at her as if he was seeing a ghost.

  "I'm fine. Is Chantal your guest? Because if so, can you please escort her out of here?"

  "If you have something to say, Tyler, you direct it to me."

  "Chantal, I try not to have conversations with deranged, jilted brides who try to run people over in their wedding gowns. Ian, this is the type of company you're keeping now?"

  "Tyler, it isn't like that," Ian said, walking towards Tyler, but Andre's reflexes kicked in and he moved his body forward so Ian couldn't get near her.

  Chantal used the opening to get in Tyler's face. "You think you're so much better than me. But I know all your dirty little secrets. You're nothing but a slut!" Chantal shouted, pointing her finger in Tyler's fac
e. Andre and Ian were so busy exchanging words they weren't paying attention to the altercation brewing between the women.

  "Slut? That's the best you can do? You're so pathetic, Chantal. I almost pity you. Now move out my way before I call security and have them toss you away like the trash you are."

  "How dare you!" Chantal roared as she grabbed Tyler's arm.

  "Let me go!"

  "You're not going anywhere until Andre hears what type of woman you really are." Tyler yanked her arm from Chantal's grip. "Andre, your precious Tyler is nothing but a slut."

  "Chantal, shut up!" both Ian andAndre said simultaneously.

  "Not until I'm finished saying what I have to say. Andre, you're always so quick to tear me down. But your sweet little Tyler isn't sweet at all. Tyler's past is quite checkered. Not only was she having sex with Ian, but she was fucking his cousin, T-Roc at the same time. And she was so careless with her sex escapades that she became pregnant and didn't know who the father was. That's the real Tyler. Not the one who you have on a pedestal."

  Tyler grabbed a drink from a passing waiter and tossed it in Chantal's face. "You conniving bitch!"

  "Yuk, you've ruined my makeup and my dress!" The rage instantly hit Chantal and she raised her hand back and slapped the shit out of Tyler. Tyler didn't hold back and smacked her right back, but instead of a flat hand, with a balled fist. "You punched me!"

  By the time Andre snapped out of his daze and tried to break up the quarrel, the women were now in a full-fledged brawl that had them grabbing onto each other's hair, tripping in their heels and falling into the pool splashing water on the entire viewing audience.

  "What is going on?" Chrissie asked Andre as she came up to see what all the commotion was about. They were all standing at the edge of the pool with their hands outstretched trying to pull the ladies out the water, but their fighting continued oblivious to eyes being on them. "Tell me that isn't Tyler in that pool. Oh my goodness, this is a total nightmare. Who is that in the water with her?"

  "Chantal," Andre stated, only half-way paying attention to Chrissie.

  "Security, get that woman out of the water and out of this event! There is a restraining order against her and she isn't supposed to come within a hundred feet of Tyler. Get her out of here now! How in the hell did she even get in this party?" Chrissie trilled.

  "Chantal came as Ian Addison's date," Andre informed her.

  "Ian, you're responsible for bringing this poison to this event?"

  "Chrissie, I had no idea Tyler was going to be here. I apologize."

  "I see you're still the same immature prick you've always been. I want you out of here, and take your floozy with you."

  Tyler and Chantal were now both out of the pool, drenching wet. Andre took off his jacket and put it around Tyler's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine."

  "Tyler, I'm so sorry. If I knew you were going to be here I would've never brought Chantal."

  "How could you talk to her about something so private that happened between the two of us?"

  Ian put his head down in shame.

  "Wait, what Chantal said is really true?"

  "Damn right, it's true, Andre. That hussy ain't shit!" Chantal spit.

  "Officers, this is the lady you need to arrest right here," Chrissie said pointing to Chantal.

  "Arrest! For what?" Chantal demanded to know.

  "You're violating the restraining order against you."

  "Is that true, miss?" one of the officers questioned.

  "She hit me first!"

  "I'll take that as a `yes'. Miss, put your hands behind your back."

  As the officer handcuffed Chantal she became belligerent calling them every name in the book. "Andre, do something! You can't let them arrest me. This is all Tyler's fault. Don't you see what type of woman she is?" Chantal continued her chastising as she was hauled out of the function. All you saw were intense stares and loud whispers from the crowd.

  "Tyler, you need to get out of here. I'll have you leave out the back so you can avoid the paparazzi," Chrissie insisted.

  Tyler and Andre both followed Chrissie out. They were all relieved when there wasn't a camera in sight. They got in the awaiting car and Tyler lay back in the seat mortified by what happened. There was complete silence for the duration of the ride home.

  Before Tyler even made it to the bedroom she had ripped off her twenty-five thousand dollar Valentino dress, leaving it at the edge of the stairs. Andre followed behind her, desperate for answers to the millions of questions occupying his mind. By the time he reached the bedroom Tyler was already in the shower and the bathroom door was locked. He wanted to kick it down but knew that wouldn't solve anything, so he waited patiently on the bed trying to calm down. He finally felt he had control over his anger until the door unlocked and he was face to face with Tyler.

  "What the hell was Chantal talking about back there at the party? And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about because I heard what you said to Ian, and that was damn near an admission of guilt."

  Tyler didn't say a word as she walked past Andre towards the closet. Andre was stunned that Tyler was ignoring him. He stood in the closet entrance watching her flip through the plush satin hangers deciding which nightgown would grace her body before going to bed. After deciding on the silver silk baby doll with pearl and sequin embellishments, an empire waist, plunging neckline and side slits-the sort of get-up that would have any man with a pulse forget his misery-Tyler dropped her towel and slipped it on. She slowly brushed past Andre, and he hoped she didn't feel his erection when doing so.

  Andre refused to give in to his lustful desire. As much as he wanted to take off his clothes, crawl into bed and make love to Tyler, he decided to use his upper head instead of his lower. "Tyler, are you going to answer my question?" he asked, still keeping his distance. He feared that if he went any closer and inhaled her intoxicating scent he wouldn't be able to control himself.

  "What question?" Tyler asked as if she had no clue what he was talking about, which infuriated him.

  "Don't play games with me, Tyler. I'd expect that from Chantal but not from you."

  "Oh, so now you're comparing me to that psycho?"

  Andre put his hands over his face trying to understand how Tyler was flipping this around like he was in the wrong. "No, I'm not. Let me start over with this: What was your relationship with Ian and T-Roc? What happened?"

  "Honestly, I don't think it's any of your business. It's the past and it should be left there. You don't hear me asking you about every woman you were in a relationship with, although it seems you still can't get rid of one of them."

  "Listen, T-Roc isn't in the past. You're filming a movie with him right now in the present. If you were involved with him, it would explain why he is so determined to stay in your life. We shouldn't keep secrets from each other, Tyler. All it will do is cause us not to trust one another."

  "So you have no secrets about your relationships that you rather keep in the past and not share with me?"

  "No, I don't. That is why I want you to tell me about your relationship with Ian and T-Roc, because we shouldn't keep secrets from each other."

  "Fine. Years ago when I first got to New York I dated T-Roc briefly. It didn't work. Then I met Ian. I had no idea they were cousins. By the time I found out, I was already in love with Ian. Then we had a huge falling out, one that T-Roc orchestrated so I could run into his arms, which I did. I soon realized that I still loved Ian and that T-Roc was the one behind all the drama, so Ian and I got back together."

  "A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant and I didn't know who the father was. But it didn't matter because when Ian shared the news with his family, T-Roc was more than happy to announce that the baby could be his. Of course Ian lost it and he threw me down the stairs, which made me have a miscarriage."

  "Are you satisfied now hearing my dirty little secret? If you like, I can share all of them with you as I have so many."
r />   Andre stood in the center of the bedroom speechless. He knew Tyler's confession wouldn't be anything nice, but he wasn't expecting her to admit to such foul behavior. "I can't believe I'm hearing this. How could you do something like that?"

  "That is exactly why I didn't want to tell you, because I would have to endure that look of disgust and disappointment on your face. Don't you think I feel ashamed by my actions? You'll never understand the pain I went through knowing that because of what I did, the baby I was carrying died. I don't need for you to pass judgment against me."

  "But you made yourself seem so perfect, as if you could do no wrong."

  "What woman are you describing right now? When I met you I was involved with a married man. I have never presented myself as some martyr. I'm probably one of the most flawed individuals you'll ever meet. But I do have a conscience, and everyday I'm working towards healing myself so I can be a better person. It's a process though, and not something that will happen overnight. For you to stand there and make me feel less than human isn't helping."

  "I want to understand, but it's hard."

  "I was nineteen. You never did stupid things as a teenager that you wish you could take back?"

  "Okay, so you were young. But how can you still work with T-Roc?"

  "Because this is business and I have a professional obligation. Of course working with T-Roc isn't my first choice, but at the same time this is William's movie and I'm an actress. I have a job to do. That's like saying I can't do another movie that William is directing because I slept with him."

  "If I had my way you wouldn't be working with either one of them. There is going to come a point when you'll have to decide what is more important to you."

  "Andre, you know I want us to be a family. Me, you, Christian, Melanie and the babies I want us to have together. But I also want to fulfill my dream of being a superstar. Is that so terrible?"

  "But at what price? Doing love scenes with a man I despise? Being directed in a movie by a man that I despise? And let's not forget you've slept with both of them. Only in Hollywood would this bullshit be acceptable." Andre grabbed his car keys from the dresser and headed towards the door.


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