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Superstar Page 19

by Joy King

  Once Deanna was locked up and realized the charges against her were serious, she decided to lift the mute button and started answering questions the police didn't even ask, specifically about T-Roc's involvement with her son. Deanna insinuated that he had something to do with both her son's death and Chrissie's. When they questioned T-Roc, he admitted that he hired Evan thinking he was a private investigator, but that was it. T-Roc got the impression they weren't convinced, but with no direct evidence linking him to any illegal wrong doing, it boiled down to an improvable hunch on the detectives' part. T-Roc was relieved that he wasn't facing any criminal charges, but enough of his secrets had been exposed and he'd lost Tyler forever.

  "Who could that be?" T-Roc said out loud when he heard someone knocking on his front door. He wasn't expecting any company and actually didn't want any. Coming to the realization that with all the schemes he put into effect, and he still didn't get the girl was weighing hard on his psyche. "Chantal, what are you doing here?"

  "Hello to you too. Can I come in?"

  T-Roc took his hand off the door letting it close without saying a word, but Chantal still came in. "I see you're sitting in the dark. You've been drinking and you have depressing music playing. Those are all clues that something has you in a funk. Why don't you tell me what's wrong."

  "Chantal, go home or go do something productive with yourself."

  "Actually I did. I just came from visiting Tyler."

  "What, to gloat that having sex with Andre made front page news?"

  "Despite how it appeared, Andre and I didn't have sex and I wanted Tyler to know that."

  "Come again?"

  "You heard me. Yes, I did try to seduce him, but he turned me down. He's in love with Tyler and I wanted her to know that. It was the least I could do for all the trouble I've caused."

  "Chantal, are you telling me you've developed a conscience?"

  "What I'm saying is that life is too short to chase after a person who doesn't want you, especially when they're in love with someone else. You go through all sorts of ridiculous changes to win them over, and then you wake up and they still don't love you or want you. I rather get over it now while I'm still in my twenties and can find another man than be in my fifties, bitter because love has passed me by."

  "You seem to be taking it all in stride."

  "I am, because I already have another contender."

  "So soon? Who's the lucky man?"


  "Me?" T-Roc laughed, obviously surprised by what Chantal said.

  "Why is that so funny? We've had great sex together in the past and we have a lot in common."

  "Yeah a little too much. You're the only woman I know who is just as deceitful as me.. .maybe more. Not to say that I don't find it to be very charming, but I don't think I want to go to bed every night with one eye open."

  "You need someone who will keep you on your toes, and you know I will. But betray you...never. You admitted that you were the one who paid for my bail and legal fees. That speaks volumes."

  "I already explained to you why I did that."

  "You gave me some song and dance about wanting me out to disrupt Andre and Tyler's relationship. I do not doubt you had an ulterior motive, but deep down I also believe it's because you care about me. And the last place you want me is behind bars."

  T-Roc never gave serious thought to it, but hearing Chantal say it, he knew she was right. He did care about her. She was trifling and manipulative, but something about her was engaging. "Maybe I do care about you. That don't mean I want to have a serious relationship with you."

  "You rather sit around waiting for Tyler? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you'll be waiting for a mighty long time. She's not the woman for you, T-Roc. As screwed up in the head as she is, the girl has morals and stuff. You know deep down she wants to do the right thing. A woman like that would drive you crazy because she would spend all her time trying to change you. With me, you don't have to worry about that. In fact, we can scheme together."

  "I don't know what to do with you."

  "I have an idea where you can start."

  Chantal tossed her Cleopatra crocodile Judith Leiber clutch purse on the couch. She then unbuttoned her red silk blouse, exposing a lace bra with her impossibly perfect breasts inviting T-Roc in. She slowly unzipped her tuxedo styled pants, leaving on her metallic Miu Miu gold platform jeweled heels.

  T-Roc salivated watching each curve jiggle just right as she sashayed closer to him. Chantal outlined his luscious lips with the tip of her tongue before their mouths fully met. T-Roc wrapped his arm around Chantal's waist and pulled her tightly against his chest. His hands glided up and down her silky skin, making his dick harder. A new level of lust was erupting and T-Roc laid Chantal down on the chinchilla rug, dying to ravage her body. Chantal ripped off his clothes sprinkling kisses on every inch of muscle on his chest. T-Roc then took Chantal's face and lifted it up and put his tongue down her throat. His hands massaged her skin, then rested firmly on her ass as he lifted her legs up before entering her.

  "Is this what you wanted?" T-Roc asked, staring into Chantal's eyes.

  "Yes, baby," Chantal moaned.

  "You sure?"

  "Yes, this dick is all I need. You feel so damn good, baby," Chantal purred.

  "So do you." T-Roc's mind got lost as his manhood soaked in Chantal's warm juices. He licked each delicious breast taking in the sweet scent of her body. They explored each other's bodies for what seemed like forever until both reached their climax.

  "Damn that shit felt good," T-Roc said rolling over on his back.

  "That was better than good. I could wake up and go to sleep each night with that dick inside of me."

  T-Roc sat up and leaned over, gazing at Chantal. Her honey blonde waves fanned the rug, her body glistened, and her lips were beyond kissable. Beauty was definitely her gift.

  "Let's get married," T-Roc finally said, and all Chantal could do was smile. She had finally landed her a husband.

  "Mother, I'm glad you could come over," Tyler said, opening the front door.

  "But of course. I was happy you called. Especially when you told me my grandson was here."

  "He actually already went to bed. We had a long and busy day. 11

  "That's fine, I'll come back over tomorrow to see him," Maria said, having a seat on the couch.

  "Can I get you something?"

  "No, I'm fine."

  Tyler sat down on the other couch.

  "You're not going to have a drink-no champagne?" Maria inquired.


  "I'm surprised."

  "I don't need to drink anymore," Tyler said with a renewed confidence in her voice.

  "I couldn't agree with you more, but we all know that isn't going to make you stop."

  "I'm sorry I didn't say that right. I won't be drinking anymore because I don't need it in order to deal with my disappointments."

  "Impressive," Maria said sarcastically. "What brought that on?"

  "Seeing my father again for the first time in over twenty years." Tyler witnessed the color drain from her mother's face and her body stiffen. "Is it botox that has your face frozen because you can't be at a lost for words. That's humanly impossible, but then, are you human, because what type of mother would keep her children from their father? Only a monster."

  "Tyler, I can explain," her voice trembled.

  "I'm sure you can, but I don't want to hear it. Do you know what you did to me by ripping him out of my life? I spent all of my teenage years and the majority of my young adult life blaming myself for my father never coming back. Do you remember when I was fifteen and I asked why hasn't Daddy come back for me and Ella, and you looked me in my eyes and said he didn't want me? No child should ever have to hear those words."

  "He wasn't good enough for you and Ella."

  "And you are? Lady, you are truly living in a fantasy world. That is our father. We deserved to have him in our lives."

  "I did
what I believed was the best for you and Ella. I wanted to protect you."

  "From what?"

  "He didn't have his life together. He was going to bring us down."

  "No, you did that all on your own. How dare you play God with our lives? I'll never forget what you did."

  "Tyler, baby, I love you. You have to believe me. All I ever wanted to do was provide you and your sister with a good life, a nice home, pretty clothes, treat you two like the little princesses' that you were. Your father would've never given you that."

  "Maybe not, but he would've given us love, and there is no price tag on that. But our father is back, and this time you won't take him away from us."

  "So now you want him to be a part of your life?"

  "Yes, and if you want to be a part of my life and your grandson's, you better learn to accept that."

  "Your point has been made, Tyler. You know that I want to be a part of your life and Christian's. So if accepting your father is a stipulation, then so be it."

  "Good, because although I disagree with a lot of your decisions and I still don't approve of your relationship with William, you're my mother and I do love you." Tyler walked her mother to the door and gave her a hug good-bye.

  "I love you so much, Tyler," Maria kissed her daughter on the cheek.

  "I know."

  Tyler went upstairs and ran herself a hot bubble bath, surrounding the Jacuzzi top with Jo Malone amber and sweet orange candles. The smell of velvety amber, hints of incense and musk were heightened in the seductive scent. She closed her eyes taking in the evocative aroma that engulfed her entire body with warmth.

  Her mind drifted off to the last time she felt Andre inside of her and how his lovemaking was intoxicating. Tyler could no longer fight the urge. Her heart and body was yearning for Andre.

  She opened her eyes, desperate to reach the nearest phone, and there he was. "Andre, how long have you been standing there?"

  "For a few minutes. I hope you don't mind. You looked so beautiful I wanted to appreciate every moment."

  "No, I don't mind. I was actually about to call you."

  "Tyler, you have to believe me. Nothing happened between me and Chantal," Andre proclaimed, kneeling down next to the tub.

  "I know. Chantal came to see me today."

  "I told her not to bother you. She so damn hard headed."

  "Don't be upset. I'm glad she came to see me. At first I wasn't, but once I heard what she had to say I was."

  "Did she tell you how much I love you?"

  "Surprisingly, Chantal told me that and a lot of other things that I needed to hear. There might be hope for her after all," Tyler giggled.

  "I don't care about that. I just want to know if there is hope for us."

  "You tell me."

  "Baby, I want us to be together more than anything. I can't imagine my life without you in it. I want to share my whole world with you."

  "You mean that?"

  "With every bone in my body."

  "Then tell me what happened."

  "I did, and you said Chantal backed up everything I told you."

  "I'm not talking about Chantal."

  "You're referring to that article in the Los Angeles Times," Andre said, turning his face away.

  "Yes. If you really want us to be together then you can't shut me out. I need to know what happened... no secrets."

  "No secrets," he repeated as he began telling the story of what happened so many years ago.

  "Back then, I was seventeen, wild and having fun. I would travel with my father sometimes when he would go overseas, and by then I was a celebrity in my own right with my own fans. The girl they're talking about in the article, Sheila, I was involved with her, but many parts of the article were completely fabricated. Sheila wasn't fifteen, she was eighteen, and she had traveled with me from the United States."

  "Was she your girlfriend?" Tyler asked.

  "I had so many women back then, but Sheila thought she was my girlfriend and I guess that's all that really mattered. We would have fun together and I enjoyed her company. That weekend was her birthday and she had never been overseas, so I invited her to come along as my gift to her. Some present that turned out to be."

  "What went wrong?"

  "I did. I gave Sheila some money to go shopping, and I was in the hotel lobby having some drinks when this sexy woman started flirting with me. I figured Sheila wouldn't be back for awhile so why not have sex with her? I took her upstairs to my hotel room and we became intimate."

  "It had started pouring rain outside and Sheila got soaked and came back to the room to change, and she walked in on us having sex. She was hysterical and began crying and yelling. But instead of being sympathetic, I screamed on her and asked her why she didn't knock before coming in. She was humiliated and jumped on the girl trying to fight her, and then when I tried to get her off the girl, she scratched my face, neck, chest and back up. It was complete chaos in the room. The girl I was having sex with was terrified by Sheila's behavior and ran out of the room with just the bed sheet wrapped around her."

  "Sheila began throwing everything and ransacked the room. And she kept on saying when she was doing all this was how much she loved me and that she was pregnant with my child. When she dropped that bomb, I became pissed and went ballistic. I told her she was a lying trick trying to trap me with a baby, but it wouldn't happen because I didn't give a damn about her and that she was just another piece of pussy to me. I told her to pack her shit and get out. I threw on my boxers to go find the other girl."

  "Before I walked out, she looked at me and said, `How can you do this to me? I just want to die right now'."

  "I said, `Go ahead, nobody is stopping you.' Those were the last words I said to her. I went up and down the hallway looking for the girl and I couldn't find her. I wasn't gone for more than five minutes, and when I went back in the room I saw Sheila's wet clothes on the floor leading towards the balcony." Andre put his head down and Tyler could hear him choking trying to hold back his tears.

  "Andre, it's okay," she said reassuringly.

  "No it's not. My body wouldn't go any further. My feet couldn't even touch the balcony because in my gut I knew she had jumped and it was entirely my fault. I may not have pushed her with my hands, but I did with my words. God forgive me." Andre said, breaking down in tears with his hands cupping his face.

  Tyler didn't know what to say. There were no remarks she could use to take away the pain and guilt he was harboring.

  Andre gathered his bearings and continued. "A few minutes later the cops came in and saw the scratches on my face and the trashed room, and when Sheila jumped she was naked, so they immediately arrested me assuming I was responsible for what happened, and technically I was responsible, just not physically, but emotionally."

  "So how was the situation resolved?"

  "It took a minute. I had to stay in jail for a few days. They couldn't find any ID on Sheila and she looked young so at first they claimed she was underage. They found the condom on the bed from when I had sex with the other girl and assumed I used it when I raped Sheila. It was a nightmare unraveling the mess I created. One thing that article was right about, once my father got wind of what happened he was able to hire the best lawyer and investigator to clear my name. The investigator found the woman Sheila had caught me with and she told the authorities that Sheila was the one who attacked us and trashed the room. And after the police investigated, they could tell by the way Sheila landed from the fall that she jumped and wasn't pushed."

  "Thank goodness."

  "Yeah, but I left there a changed person and not for the better. I blamed Sheila for turning my life upside down and was bitter and resentful towards women, especially after the autopsy was done and it revealed she wasn't even pregnant. I became even more of a womanizer. I was such a selfish man," Andre admitted, shaking his head in disappointment.

  "Then when that article came out, although it was full of inaccuracies, it brought back all the m
emories I had suppressed. It made me think of the time Chantal slit her wrists and then when she hit you with the car. I had to admit that my egotistical behavior brought out the worst in women, and I was wrong for that. That's why I turned away from you, because I felt like a monster that didn't deserve you."

  "Andre, look at me."

  He turned to face Tyler as they gazed in each other's eyes.

  "Would you ever do anything to hurt me like that?"

  "I swear on everything that I love, no. Experiencing love for the first time with you has turned my life around. I'm a changed man."

  "Then you do deserve me, because you're the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with."

  Andre lifted Tyler out the bathtub and carried her to their bed. "Baby, I'm home and I'll never leave you again," he said before the two made love.

  "Baby, don't be nervous, you'll do fine," Tyler said as the lady finished touching up her makeup.

  "But this is the Oprah Winfrey Show. She's the queen of all media and millions of people watch her show. What if I go on there and can't say a word?"

  "Then I'll nudge your arm and speak for you until you get it together. We're a team. Together we can get through anything."

  And that's what they did. Andre and Tyler sat down on the most sought after couch and shared their stories. For the first time Andre spoke publicly about what happened to Sheila that day in the hotel room. He gave every detail revealing his shame, accepting responsibility, and the valuable lesson he finally learned.

  Tyler discussed her one time dependence on alcohol and turning to it to relieve pain she didn't want to face. She also revealed how being without her dad for so many years had left her with low self-esteem and feeling insecure. She declared that now she no longer needed alcohol or pills to take away the pain, but instead chose to discuss her issues and disappoints instead bottling them up.

  Oprah and the audience were moved by both of their honesty and hoped that other men and women would learn from their growing pains.


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