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Alec Page 17

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  “Did you need help?” Craig asked.

  “Now you want to help?”

  “It looks like you’re going to lift weights. Need a spotter?”

  “Need a-” I grumbled under my breath for a moment and then gave a stiff nod. It didn’t matter. He would get his one day. I laid down on the bench and prepared myself again. Craig spotted me as I lifted the barbell and brought it down to my chest again. This time, I didn’t make the mistake of locking my elbows. After a few times, my left arm started to slack. It was my weaker arm. I had been trying to strengthen it for the past year, but it still just wasn’t as strong. My right arm went higher and I felt the slide.

  “You fucker. You didn’t put the clips on,” I shouted at Craig.

  The barbell tilted all the way down on the left and the weights slid right off the bar. I knew what was coming, but I had no choice but to hold on. My right arm collapsed under the pressure and the other weights slid off the right side.

  “Incoming,” I shouted as the barbell catapulted out of my hands. Forty pounds of bar went flying across the room and shattered a mirror. I sat up slowly, taking in all the damage. I felt someone come up next to me and shut my eyes. Damn, she just had to see that.

  “I thought you were a professional? Only an amateur forgets to put on the clips.”

  I turned to Craig as she walked away, but he was already running from me. He’d better run, because when I caught up to him, I was gonna beat his ass.



  I was getting out of the showers in the locker room when I walked smack dab into Alec. He was carrying a caddy with all his shower supplies and had a towel draped over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes. It was so cliche that he was trying to run into me. He was obviously wanting to start things up between us again and thought this would be a good introduction to the conversation. Both of us wet. Both of us horny. Both of us not able to look away from the other’s body. Yeah, he was playing a dangerous game here.

  “I saw that you were having some trouble in the weight room today.”

  “Yeah, it’s tough to find a good spotter.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Typical male, blaming someone else.”

  “Well, since he didn’t put the clips on, I would say it was his fault.”

  Sure, he could think whatever he wanted, but the truth was, he had been too distracted and he was the one that forgot to put the clips on. Yeah, Craig saw it and did nothing, but it was Alec’s fault.

  “Well, it’s been nice talking, but I need to get dressed.” I stepped past him, but slipped on the wet floor. I slid sideways, almost hitting the wall, but he dropped his caddy and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his body before I could hit the wall. We stood there, staring into each other’s eyes at the entrance to the showers. I couldn’t hear anything over the heavy breathing that mingled between us.

  My eyes dropped to his lips. They were so kissable and the heavy stubble on his jaw had me sighing with need.

  “Don’t,” he growled.

  “What?” I asked, completely missing what he said.

  “Don’t,” he said again. I took a step back, shaking my head.

  “You’re right.” I pulled the towel tighter and took another step back, but stepped on one of his bottles that had fallen from the caddy. My arms cartwheeled in the air as I tried to catch myself, but it was no use. I was going down. His arms reached for me again and I gripped onto his hand, but when he stepped forward, he slipped and we both went crashing to the ground.

  “Ow,” I laughed as I pulled a bottle out from underneath me. Liquid poured out of the bottle and all over me. Alec’s eyes watched as the liquid dripped down between my breasts. And then his fingers were removing the towel from where I had tucked it.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” he murmured as he spread the liquid over my breasts and down over my stomach. “I want to fuck these tits.”

  “Be still my heart,” I mocked.

  His eyes snapped up to mine and he narrowed them in anger. “I don’t recall your heart ever having anything to do with us fucking.”

  He was right. “Then don’t let it get in the way.”

  He smashed his lips against mine, his teeth hitting my lips and drawing blood. He sucked it into his mouth and licked my bruised lips as his hand trailed down my body and reached for my pussy. It had been too long without Alec and I needed him. I shoved his pants down far enough that he could maneuver out of them, and then he was pushing inside me.

  “Oh, God,” I shouted. “It’s been too long.”

  I gripped what I could of his short hair and pulled hard. “If you weren’t such a selfish bitch, we would still be fucking all the time.”

  “If you hadn’t gone and brought love into it, I wouldn’t have been a selfish bitch.”

  He thrust harder and we slid across the floor with the water and soap foaming up bubbles underneath us. “We should just hate fuck,” he growled. “I’d rather fuck your pussy than watch you give it away to some other asshole.”

  “I’d rather you shut the fuck up,” I panted. “I’d rather you fuck me than yell at me for being a bitch.”

  He got up to his knees and spread my legs wide, but when he went to fuck me, he slipped and ended up on top of me again. “Fuck, maybe if I fuck you hard enough, I could actually stand to see your fucking face.”

  “Is that why you watch me every minute of the day?” He slammed into me harder, like he was trying to deny the truth. “Just admit that you still need me as much as I need you.”

  “Of course, I fucking need you.”

  He leaned forward and bit me, fucking bit me on the shoulder until I screamed. I clawed at his back, scratching him until I could feel blood oozing from the cuts. “God, you frustrate me so much.”

  “I fucking hate you,” he growled. And then he was fucking me so hard that it actually hurt. His dick felt like he was hitting right up against my heart.

  “I love fucking you,” I panted. He gripped my hair and pulled as he shouted out and came inside me.

  “Fuck,” he sighed, dropping his head to my chest. “I really fucking needed that. It’s hard to be so fucking angry at you all the time when I really just want to fuck you up against a wall.”

  “The shower works too,” I panted.

  “Maybe next time, we’ll leave out the shower gel. I’m feeling extra clean right now.”

  “I’m good with that. Say, tonight? The trampoline in the training center?”

  “Hey, I fucking use that,” a voice said from behind us.

  “What did I miss?”

  My head snapped up with Alec’s and we saw Gabe, Jackson, and Hunter staring at us.

  “You missed one hell of a show,” Gabe grinned. “There were lots of bubbles and some good hate-fuck talk. And if I’m not mistaken, there was some ass play.” He turned to Hunter. “Her, not him.”

  “Wait,” Hunter said, “Her playing with his ass or him playing with her ass?”

  “Hey!” I snapped. “Would you mind?”

  “No, go ahead and continue,” Gabe said, turning back to Hunter. “Does it matter?” Gabe asked Hunter.

  “Well, yeah, I’m not sure I want to see her playing with his ass. Now, her on the other hand-”

  “Hey, assholes,” Alec snapped. “Would you mind giving the lady a little privacy?”

  Jackson snorted. “That’s no lady. We saw what the two of you did. Besides, no one walked away when I was in this position.”

  “Damn, I have a feeling that I missed out on some of the same shit that I would have seen when she was tied to the bed. Missed it by just this much,” Hunter said, holding his finger and thumb just an inch apart.

  “Since when are you all a bunch of voyeurs?” I asked. “Usually people don’t want to watch others having sex.”

  “Gabe’s a bad influence,” Hunter said as he continued to stare at us.

  “Getting a nice view of Alec’s ass? See something you like?” I asked.
r />   Hunter turned red and tried to turn around quickly, but slipped in the soap and fell down, his face landing right on Alec’s ass.

  “What is that between my ass cheeks?” Alec shouted. “Get it the fuck off me!”

  “It’s my nose,” Hunter said, struggling to get up. He put his hand on my leg to help himself up.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  “Get your fucking hands off her right now!”

  He moved, placing his hand on Alec’s ass, cringing and pulling it away quickly.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Alec shouted. “Stop fucking touching me!”

  “Hey, it was fucking worse for me. My nose touched something between your ass cheeks. I’m not into motor boating!”

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t be watching us fucking!” Alec shouted. “All of you get out!”

  “Alright, alright, don’t get your balls in a twist,” Gabe laughed. “We’re going.”

  “You need a hand, Alec?” Jackson asked. “I’m sure Hunter could help you out.”

  “Get out!” Alec and I both yelled at the same time.



  “I’ll go in and cause a distraction,” I said confidently outside the biker bar. Our target was inside and we needed to get him out before he got himself killed. There were only so many things that would distract men when they had their sights set on something, and pussy was one of them. I had the body to pull off this job, so it only made sense that I be the one to do this.

  “No. You’re not walking in there dressed like that.”

  Alec’s eyes wandered over me, and even though I knew he appreciated my body, his look was anything but appreciative right now.

  “I wasn’t planning to,” I said, pulling my jacket over my head and handing it off to Craig. He took it without a word, knowing that when my mind was made up, there was nothing to say about it. Besides, he knew that speaking right now would only make things worse. I took off my shoulder holster and pulled out the gun at the small of my back. It wouldn’t do any good to let the men think I was armed.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Alec spat. “I’m the team leader and I said we’re not fucking doing it this way.”

  “I’m getting undressed. Like you said, I can’t walk in there looking like a woman that knows how to use a gun.”

  “Taking off your clothes isn’t the way to go either,” he growled.

  “Don’t worry,” I said, patting his cheek playfully. “I’m only taking them off for you.”

  “And me,” Craig said from beside me. I raised an eyebrow, wondering why he was being so unhelpful. “What? Don’t expect me to just automatically side with you. I have to deal with his grouchy ass too.”

  I yanked my t-shirt off, revealing my white tank top that showed off my tanned skin and toned body. Being in shape definitely had its advantages when we needed a distraction.

  “There’s no fucking way I’m allowing you to walk into that bar dressed like that.”

  I glared at Alec. “Just wait. I’m not even finished yet.” I turned to Craig with a jerk of my chin, “Hand me my bag.”

  Craig tossed it at me and I dug through the contents. I always kept a change of clothes on me just in case, a pair of shorts that happened to be one of my favorite pair. They were short and sexy, cutting off just below my ass cheeks. They would be perfect for the occasion.

  “No,” Alec said furiously, eyeing the teeny tiny shorts. “No fucking way.”

  I grinned and unbuttoned my pants. Craig, being the smart man that he was, quickly turned away as I yanked down my pants.

  “It’s like you’re just begging for me to get my ass kicked,” he grumbled.

  “Aw, don’t worry. I’m here to protect you from the big, bad wolf.”

  “Yeah?” Craig turned back as I yanked up my shorts, knowing he caught a glimpse of the thong I was wearing. “What are you going to do when I’m not around you?”

  Alec growled behind me and I turned just in time to see him smack Craig across the back of the head. He had been staring at my ass. I yanked my boots back on, admiring the way my tank top and shorts showed off my body, but the boots really brought it all together. It was a fact that men in these biker bars were driven by tits and ass. Since I had that, it made sense that I use it to my advantage. Plus, the boots I had added to the wild woman look. It was perfect.

  “How do you expect me to stay outside when you’re in there looking like a slut?”

  As I checked my ankle holster, I studied the stubble along Alec’s jaw. Every time I saw him with stubble, I was reminded of his head between my thighs as he ate my pussy and made me come harder than I ever had before. I shook the thought from my head, because it wasn’t helpful right now.

  “Is that what you think of me? I seem to recall you not being able to keep your hands off me for the past three years. And you never thought I looked slutty before.”

  “You were never going to walk into a bar dressed like that before.”

  “So, it’s okay for me to dress like this around you, but not around other men. Are you worried I’ll be swayed by one of them or that I won’t be able to fight off their advances?”

  He stood and yanked me into his body. “I’m worried that I’ll get so fucking jealous watching other men looking at what’s mine that I’ll ruin the whole fucking operation and kill every fucking man that dared to even glance in your direction.”

  And here we were again with the possessive jealousy. We’d only been fucking, but it was already overwhelming.

  “Look, the best way to get the attention off our guy is for me to walk in and stir up some trouble. You know that. Don’t be stupid.”

  “It’s not necessary for you to-”

  “Just stop,” I said forcefully. “This is ridiculous. We work together. You can’t prevent me from doing my job just because you’re fucking me.”

  “Fucking you?” he snarled.

  “Oh, shit,” Craig muttered.

  “I think that’s what people call it when you stick your dick in my pussy and pound into me until I’m barely able to walk.”

  “Obviously, I haven’t fucked you hard enough to pound the stupid out of you.”

  “Why me?” Craig muttered again as he started shoving my gear into a bag. “I just signed up for a job. ‘It’ll be fine,’ Cap said. ‘They’re professionals and it hasn’t been a problem so far,’ he promised me. Yeah, we’re getting along really fucking great right now. My two teammates are fucking and I didn’t know about it for two fucking years. You would have thought that I would be one of the first to know, but no. I find out along with everyone else. And even better, now I have to find a way to work with a man that can’t see past his own obsession and a woman that’s too stubborn to realize that the fucker loves her.”

  Craig looked up and saw Alec and I staring at him. Glancing at Alec, I almost laughed at his lethal expression. He apparently didn’t enjoy Craig’s running commentary.

  “What?” Craig huffed. “You have no fucking clue what it’s like for me. I’ve been playing referee since we started working again.”

  “My obsession is just fine, and she knows exactly how I feel about her,” Alec snapped.

  “I know and that’s the problem.”

  “You’ve known all along how I felt. Don’t pretend like I just started telling you.”

  “Loving me wasn’t part of the deal. I swear, if I have to deal with this possessive shit anymore, we’re done fucking.”

  Alec narrowed his eyes at me, but this wasn’t the time to deal with this. I strapped my knife across the lower part of my back, under my shorts, and slung my bag over my shoulder. Luckily, it was black leather and perfect for what I needed.

  “Whoa,” Craig stopped me. “You can’t go in there with your hair in a fucking bun. It ruins the whole look you have going.”

  “Really? And how should I be wearing it?”

  Craig sighed and walked up behind me, pulling my hair out of my p
onytail holder. “If you ever fucking mention this, I’ll kill you.”

  I waited as Craig worked his fingers through my hair, braiding it from one side, around the back, and down the other side. He pulled out his knife and I looked in the gleaming metal at the inverted braid he had put in my hair.

  “Where did you learn to do this?”

  “I’m not fucking talking about it.” He bent over and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder and stomping around the building. Alec grabbed my upper arm and dragged me back to him.

  “I’m fucking telling you not to do this.”

  “And I’m fucking telling you that this is my job. If you can’t deal with this, then we have nothing to talk about.”

  I yanked my arm from his grasp and turned to the bar. I just didn’t understand why he couldn’t live with the fact that I didn’t want a relationship. We fucked and it was good. He already tried the relationship thing with me and it failed. He just had to let it go.



  “I’m done.”

  I rolled my eyes in annoyance as we all sat in Cap’s office. She was overreacting. Again. Typical woman, she couldn’t see that I was protecting her in that bar. That was my job as her man, or the man fucking her, and there was no way I was letting anything happen on my watch.

  “She’s being dramatic,” I told Cap. “Everything’s fine.”

  “I’m being dramatic?” she asked incredulously. “You blew our job-”

  “We got the client out,” I pointed out.

  “Here we go again,” Craig muttered beside us.

  Cap turned his gaze on Craig with raised eyebrows. “Is there something you want to add?”

  “I don’t know. Would it matter? Would you believe me?”

  Yeah, there was still a lot of tension between Craig and Cap over what had gone down over the past year. Being accused of being a traitor kind of sours a relationship, and I completely had Craig’s back, but at some point, they needed to work their shit out. The tension wasn’t good for the Reed Security family.


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