Forever's Embrace (Forever In Luck Series Book 2)

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Forever's Embrace (Forever In Luck Series Book 2) Page 4

by J. Darling

  The cold slowly crept in as the fire died, and he realized for the first time that it’d become quite cold outside. Getting up, he went to look out the window. It was a clear night, windy though, with a quarter moon high in the sky, and minus ten on the temperature gauge. No excuses being made, he knew his room in the basement would be cold, and if logic stood, if it would be cold to him, it would be freezing to her.

  Now what? Did he dare get an extra blanket and take it to her? Would it ruin everything he’d been working for? Would he frighten her? Would she come and ask for an extra blanket? He shook his head. He knew the answer to that one. Running a hand through his hair, he took a deep breath and blew it out, then growled in frustration. Shit, what to do, what should I do? There was no way he could lay there knowing she was freezing. Then he remembered what she’d said.

  “I was shivering so much so, my teeth chattered…I thought maybe he’d offer me his coat or something, but he didn’t…he let me freeze to death.”

  Here goes something, or nothing, he thought.

  “Make her feel cared for…feather the nest a little.”

  Walking downstairs, he headed for the laundry room.


  Jules was freezing. She was tempted to go looking for an extra blanket, but wasn’t sure where to look. She wondered if the snowsuit she’d worn earlier in the day was dry. Getting up, she dashed over to her suitcase, pulled out her sweatshirt and sweatpants, and put them on over her pajamas, then a sweater, and another pair of socks, followed by a pair of mittens. Grabbing her coat, she ran back and hopped into bed, spreading the coat over her the best she could. Her teeth chattered and she was covered with goose bumps.

  What was that? She heard a noise. Someone was downstairs.

  She huddled under the covers and tried to be quiet. A door opened and closed, then the snap of a button being pushed. Whoever it was, they were in the laundry room, because the dryer just went on. Listening intently, time went on. She didn’t think they’d left, but she couldn’t be sure. Then after about ten minutes, the dryer stopped. Whoever it was, flipped the light off with a click, then was in the hall outside her door. She heard a little knock, and then the door began to open slowly. She looked up in a panic.

  “Shhh, it’s just me,” Jake said in a whisper. “It’s gotten cold out, and I figured you’d be freezing, and I can see I was right. I brought you a heavier blanket.”

  She looked up, and could barely make him out from the dim light coming in through the window. He removed the coat from her legs, and began to spread the warmed blanket over her. Oh, did that ever feel wonderful. She reached to pull up the covers, and he chuckled when he saw her mittens. He took them from her when she removed them, then helped her as she shook off her sweater.

  Settling back into bed, she felt like she should say something but didn’t know what. Her heart was pounding so fast. He’d been so kind and attentive, and if she had to describe the way she was feeling right now, it would be cared for. She hadn’t felt this way since long before Nana died.

  “Jake, I…I…” she looked away.

  He knelt by the bed and pulled the blanket up around her shoulders, then brought a hand up and gently cupped her face, while softly caressing her cheek with his thumb. She felt him staring at her, and yet it was so dark, she knew he couldn’t see much. His touch helped to soothe her panic. Reaching up, she placed her hand over his. It was warm, and strong, and feeling his strength gave her courage. “Thank you, Jake…for being kind…for helping me.”

  Her eyelids fluttered and closed, as she felt him lean forward and place a tender kiss on her head.

  “Go to sleep,” he said, his voice low and deep. “I’ll see you in the morning.” Then he got up and left, shutting the door behind him.

  She didn’t know what to think of him. He wasn’t like other men, or at least he didn’t treat her like other men had. He didn’t seem to be in a rush, he took his time, was reserved, attentive, thoughtful, and very, very gentle. There was no doubt he was in total control, and she was quite certain very little escaped him. All this was comforting for so many reasons, but mostly, because of the confidence he showed when doing them, leading her to believe that these traits were genuine, inherent within the fabric of the man named Jake.

  This stuff was all new and foreign to her, but somehow, someway, she felt like she could truly trust him. What would that be like? To trust a man, to count on him? To have him be there when you needed him? Her heart started to beat, and she fantasized.

  He was dashing with his short, dark brown hair combed up and off to the side, and he had the warmest, light brown eyes she’d ever seen. His face was square and angular, his features well defined, and he had a straight nose, perfectly proportioned to his face. He had laugh lines that bracketed sensuous lips, and for the most part, he always had a five o’clock shadow. She smiled, thinking about him. He wasn’t the largest of his brothers, but he was a nice size, probably close to six feet, with plenty of strong, hard muscle. Lean and brawny. Was that possible? More like strapping. Yeah, that’s what he was, strapping.

  Turning on her side, she snuggled under the warm blankets, and put her nose to his pillow. She loved his scent. Okay, so maybe her subconscious had been trying to tell her something yesterday. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she kind of liked him, and well, given enough time, she could see herself falling in love with him.

  Oooh, now that she admitted it, her mind spun. What would it feel like to kiss him? To have him kiss her? Sheesh, she was acting like a teenage girl. Then she giggled. Even so, she still wanted to put her head on his shoulder and snuggle up with him. Another giggle, with a smile from ear to ear. She shook her head at her silliness.

  By all accounts he was an Adonis, and could have any woman he wanted, so why would he ever want her? But still, what would it have been like if he hadn’t left just now? She felt herself blush. She didn’t know what it made her, but deep down inside, she wished he had stayed just a little bit longer.


  It was the big day. Linnie and Jules spent most of it at Bella’s Salon and Day Spa in Luck, being pampered and waited on. They each had a massage, before having their hair and makeup done. From there, they headed to the church to make their final preparations. Standing outside the sanctuary, Jules waited. The day had been a blur, and other than a glance or a smile here and there, she hadn’t seen Jake since last night when the four of them had gone to a movie.

  Butterflies, she thought. She had butterflies in her stomach from knowing that in a few moments, she’d be walking down the aisle and Jake would be there, standing next to Nate, waiting and watching. Last night, when she’d become chilled during the movie and went to put her jacket on, he lifted the armrest between them and helped her, before pulling her against him and putting his arm around her. She sure didn’t put up a fuss. If she’d had it her way, she’d have crawled onto his lap and snuggled up with him. Except this time, she’d have put her arms around him and touched some of those muscles of his.

  An effervescent giggle bubbled up from inside her, and she looked around to be sure no one had heard it. She was in a church for heaven’s sake. She could hear Nana in her head, you’re dancing around the maypole, moppet. Well, she rationalized, he had been warm, and she had been cold, and Linnie did say her brothers would look after her and take her under their wing. So there, she thought, tying it up with a bow and smiling to herself, then almost started giggling again. Oh Nana, I miss you.

  Looking over her shoulder, she smiled at Linnie. She was beautiful in her dress and very, very happy. Jules couldn’t help but hope that one day that’d be her. Hearing her cue, she turned towards the sanctuary and made her way down the aisle.

  There he was, standing amidst the hazy light of dozens and dozens of lit candles. He was ever so handsome, dapper in his finery, and she blushed at her musings of the previous night. She neared the front of the church, taking her place and turning to watch Linnie. This was all so beautiful, quaint
, private, and she’d never imagined in her wildest dreams that a wedding could be like this. On television it was always this huge crazy affair, or in some office in front of a judge. She’d never been to a wedding, and she couldn’t help but think this was the most perfect one. It wasn’t even her day, and still, she felt like a princess.

  Watching as Linnie and her father came down the aisle, Jules felt her heart squeeze and tears come to her eyes, as a father passed his only daughter’s hand to another. She could only imagine what it must feel like to be Linnie right now. To be loved and cared for by special men, men you could trust, a father, brothers, and now a husband, how…wonderful.

  Turning to the minister, she watched and listened as Linnie and Nate exchanged their vows. At one point she looked to Jake. He was watching her. The realization had her heart beating rapidly, as her breathing increased, and she felt a loosening warmth spread through her, contradicting the tightening ache she felt within. She couldn’t help but wonder if this feeling, this clash of emotion, was what some called desire. She thought it might be, and the thought that she was wanton made her flush and look away.

  It wasn’t until later in the evening, at the wedding reception held at Paradise Landing, that Jake sought her out. He was waiting for her as she exited the powder room.

  “Hey,” he said, flicking his head and staring down at her with that special grin of his.

  Feeling her insides tighten at the sound of his voice, she looked down and answered shyly, “Hi.”

  “You look beautiful. You know that, right?”

  With her cheeks turning pink, she looked up at him, then said softly, “I do now.” His eyes were so warm, and she loved his eyes.

  “Come with me,” he urged. “Linnie wants a specialty drink from the bar, and I want to check on some scores from today’s games.”

  Guiding her in that direction, a small frisson of energy coursed through her when he touched the small of her back. This was one fancy place she thought, as he helped her onto the tall chair at the counter. The bartender immediately arrived to take their order.

  “Yeah, I’ll take a beer and she’ll have…” They both looked at her.

  She didn’t know. What does one drink when at an affair like this?

  “Might I suggest a glass of white wine for the lady,” the bartender offered.

  Relieved, she answered, “Yes, a glass of white wine would be nice, thank you.”

  “You’re not much of a drinker are you?” Jake asked, as he swiveled his chair to face her.

  She shook her head as she turned her chair a little in his direction. “No, not so much so.”

  “Well, one thing I can say, is that you know football,” he offered, by way of a compliment. “You called the winners of all three games on Thanksgiving.”

  She smiled as she played with a napkin. The bartender brought their drinks and she took a sip. Not bad, she thought, as she took another sip.

  “Who’s your favorite team?” he asked, stretching out his leg till the two of them were touching.

  “The Chicago Bears,” she said, looking at him, overwhelmed by the feel of his leg against hers. He smelled decadent, and she wanted to crawl on his lap more than ever. Oh dear St. Lucia, help me, he’s wearing that scent I like! Her heart rate picked up. She turned and took another sip of her wine.

  “The Bears, huh? Do you have a particular favorite?”

  She had to fight back a smile. She didn’t know what had just come over her, but she was going to have a little fun with him. She turned and answered, “Mmmhmm, definitely. All of them.”

  He choked on his beer as he swallowed. “Is that so?” he responded, clearing his throat and grinning. “You like all of them? The whole team?”

  He was laughing at her, and she knew it. She was being silly. Nodding innocently, she tried not to laugh, then took another sip of her wine as she batted her lashes at him.

  “Yeah, I don’t know if they’re such a good team this year. They’re a little rough, could be better. Now the Packer’s, they’ve got a pretty good team this year,” he boasted.

  Had he lost his mind? They were better than they were last year, but not as good as the Bears this year. “Ahhh, no they don’t,” she said, confidently shaking her head in total disagreement.

  “You don’t think so?” he queried, lifting an eyebrow and giving her that sexy grin of his.

  Mmmm, he was a hottie, she thought, as she took another sip of her wine. “Nope, not by a long shot,” she answered, feeling smug.

  He smiled big. “Care to make a friendly wager on it then? The two play against each other on New Year’s Eve?”

  Interesting, she thought, then took another sip of her wine. Whew, she’d sipped half of it away, and it was making her a teeny bit warm. Feeling brave, she batted her lashes at him and went for it. “What would be the wager?”

  “Packer’s win and you come back and spend a week with me over Valentine’s Day. Bear’s win and I’ll have the finest bottle of white wine out there delivered to you.”

  Nooooooo! Dang it! The Packer’s were going to lose! Shoot! Still, she was thrilled he wanted to spend some time with her. Maybe she’d come back anyways, make the excuse she wanted to see Linnie. She looked away, trying not to be disappointed, pretending to be thinking about it.

  “Unless of course, you’re worried the Bear’s are going to lose, because we both know the Packer’s have a better team this year.”

  Yeah, right, she almost snorted. Looking back at him, she said, “Okay, Jake, you’re on, but be ready to send that bottle of wine. I’m finding I really like white wine.”

  “Okay, let’s make it official then, lets shake on it,” he said.

  That’s it? Shake on it? Wouldn’t a kiss be more official? Lordy, lordy, she needed to slow down with the wine. Next thing you know, she’d be dancing on the bar, belting out show tunes and doing the can-can. Smiling, she held out her hand.

  Heading back to the reception area, Jules couldn’t stop smiling. She didn’t say anything, but he’d just been busted. It’d all been a ruse. He’d totally forgotten about the scores he was looking for, and Linnie’s drink.


  Jake was pumped! She’d agreed! Now those damn Packers’s had better pull a win out of their ass or he’d personally go to Lambeau and beat the shit out of Favre. The odds didn’t look good. The Pack had already lost to the Bear’s once this season, and they’d lost six of the ten games they’d played, whereas the Bear’s had won nine of their ten. But still, they had to win, they just had to. Just in case though, he’d left a loophole. He’d told her he’d have a bottle of wine delivered, then simply failed to mention he’d be the one making the delivery.

  Was this night ever going to end? He was supposed to give her a ride home, and if the time proved right, he was going to try and hold her hand. He didn’t want to screw this up. He really, really liked her. He laughed to himself. That was a joke, it went much deeper than that, he was way beyond like with her, and they hadn’t even kissed.

  Holy hell, where was that waiter? He needed a shot of some Jack. His mind was all over the place. She’d been so unbelievably gorgeous coming down that aisle, and he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off her. The pale pink of her gown with the imbedded gems, glittered and glowed about her shoulders, mesmerizing him. Looking down the long table, he found her, and the sight of her had him damn near drooling all over himself. Her neck was exposed, and the cut of her gown provided him with a tantalizing peek of her cleavage. Man, she was hot. Reaching up, he loosened his collar some.

  Then there was that hair of hers, he couldn’t forget the hair. He closed his eyes thinking about it. A thick mass of golden, gossamer-like strands, all piled atop her head, and he wanted to take it all down and run his fingers through it. Shit, he needed to loosen his collar some more. A heavy hand fell upon his shoulder.

  “She go for it?” Nate asked, as he sat down next to him.

  Jake nodded. “Sure did.”

o for what?” Nik asked, leaning over.

  Jake and Nate looked at each other, then Jake gave Nik, and a now interested Kris, the details of his wager with Jules.

  “Nice,” Nik said, nodding his head. “You lucky bastard. I still want to beat the piss out of you though.”

  Kris chuckled. “Make that two of us.”

  “Hey, it can only be one of us, and if it hadn’t been me, it would’ve been one of you then,” Jake answered, not feeling one ounce of remorse.

  “Yeah, but I would’ve won,” Kris answered, holding up his beer. “To the stud.”

  They all toasted his success.

  “Now they’ve got to win,” Jake added, taking another drink of his beer.

  “That they do,” Nate agreed. “Can you take her to the airport tomorrow? Linnie’s worried she’s abandoning her by leaving for Lutsen in the morning.”

  “Yep, already planned on going no matter what. Tell Linnie not to worry, I got it.”

  Nate smiled knowingly. “Figured as much.”

  Clank, clank, clank. “Can I have your attention please?”

  Jake looked down to the end of the table, to where his dad was standing with a glass in hand.

  “I just want to let you all know how very happy I am today. Cheers to the beautiful bride, my lovely daughter, and my new son-in-law.”

  They all toasted amongst cheers and whistles.

  Then, putting his hand on Nate’s dad’s shoulder, giving it a little shake, he continued, “And as a special little gift, Steven and I called in a few favors and hired a band. They’re here, and setting up in the bar as we speak.”

  Linnie, Jules, and Nate’s mom, all clapped excitedly, while the guys sat in stunned silence.


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