Forever's Embrace (Forever In Luck Series Book 2)

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Forever's Embrace (Forever In Luck Series Book 2) Page 22

by J. Darling

  Holy hell, all manner of thoughts and ideas danced through his head, as all his blood headed south. Loosening his collar and swallowing hard, he said, “You’re playing with my head again.”

  Stepping up to him, she ran a hand up his chest and onward, weaving her fingers in his hair. Pulling him in, she kissed him with determination, then nuzzled and blew in his ear. “Yes, Jake,” she whispered. “I’m definitely playing with your head, and in case you’re wondering, I love all things Viking.”

  “God, I love your mind.” Swinging her up into his arms, he said with a shake of his head, “A promise is a promise, Precious, and you…are all mine.”


  “Oh Jules, that’s lovely,” Nate’s mom, Bev Sanders, said, as she and Linnie helped Jules put on her wedding dress.

  “Thank you, it was Nana’s. It is pretty, isn’t it? It was important to me that we waited to get married till I was done with the back brace so I could wear it.”

  “It sure is,” Linnie said. “It’s got that glitz and glamour feel of the nineteen twenties. Nana sure had style back in the day. Now what’s this all about?”

  “Oh that’s a crown of myrtle leaves. It’s a Swedish tradition indicating the bride’s innocence and virginity.”

  Bev and Linnie both stood staring at her.


  “Oh nothing,” Linnie said, looking amused.

  “Linnea Sanders, I’m still a virgin! Your brother and I haven’t been getting it on for heaven’s sake. Between my back pain, the meds, and that annoying twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week back brace that literally went from neck to hip, there simply wasn’t any incentive to be ambitious.”

  Linnie giggled. “Testy, are we?”

  Jules took a deep cleansing breath. “Be nice, it’s my special day and I’m a bundle of nerves.”

  Bev sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to her. “Honey, I don’t mean to pry, but do you have any questions?”

  Jules sat. “Not really, I’m just nervous and a little afraid.”

  “I understand the nervous part,” Linnie said, “but what are you afraid of?”

  Another deep breath. “That it will hurt.”

  Bev put her arm around Jules and gave her a squeeze. “It may, a little at first,” Bev answered, “but talk to Jake, tell him. He’ll make it okay, then it will get better, give it a little time.”

  Jules looked at the two of them and nodded. “Okay, I will.”

  Linnie sat on the other side of Jules and put her arm around her too. “Come on, nothing to worry about, this is Jake we’re talking about, remember? He’d do anything for you.”

  Jules smiled. “You’re right, I know. It’s just kind of daunting is all.”

  Bev and Linnie nodded as Linnie held out a garter. “You better get moving or you’ll be late for your wedding.”

  After slipping on the garter, Jules leaned over and put a gold coin in her right shoe and a silver one in her left, then slipped her feet into her shoes and stood.

  “Ahhh, what was that?” Linnie asked.

  Jules smiled. “Another Swedish tradition, a gold coin from your father and a silver coin from your mother, put in your wedding shoes to ensure you never go without. They belonged to my parent’s, Nana saved them for me for today.”

  “Nice, I like that,” Bev said. “I like how you and Jake are incorporating your heritage and tradition into your day. Anything else you’re doing?”

  Jules nodded. “Yes, in Denmark it’s tradition for the bride and groom to walk down the aisle together, as opposed to the bride being escorted by her father. This made Jake really happy, considering it meant I would otherwise walk down alone, and he didn’t like that idea at all. He’s afraid I’ll lose my balance wearing these shoes. So, we’ll enter the church together.”

  Bev reached out and squeezed Jules’s hand. “That’s so sweet. I can’t wait, how fun. How about the old saying something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue? Are you observing that tradition?”

  Jules shook her head. “Darn it! I forgot. But I want to if I can.”

  “Okay then, let’s see where we’re at. Your dress is old, your shoes are new, your garter is blue, do you have something borrowed?”

  Thinking about it, Jules answered. “I don’t”

  Grabbing her purse and rifling through it, Bev pulled out a small delicate handkerchief. It was finely embroidered with little white pearled beads and tatted edges. Handing it to Jules, she said, “Here, for you to use, but feel free to keep it if you like it.”

  Jules threw her arms around Bev and squeezed her tight. “Thank you, I love it.”

  Linnie went to the window. “Jules, the limo’s here to take you to the church, you ready?”

  Jules squealed a little. “I think so, I think I’m ready.”

  “Where’s your bouquet?” Bev asked, looking around.

  Linnie giggled, “Wait till you hear this one.”

  Jules pointed and shook her finger at Linnie. “You’re lucky you’re going to be my sister, and that I love you so much. Now behave. You’re making me nervous.” Then turning, she looked at Bev and explained, “It’s a Danish tradition for the groom to select and buy the bride’s bouquet.”

  Bev put her hand to her mouth trying to cover her amusement, then tried desperately not to laugh. “That’s nice, dear,” she managed to choke out.

  Jules put her hands to her cheeks and shook her head in horror. “What was I thinking? I hope it’s not a handful of weeds.”

  They all busted out laughing.

  “Too late now,” Linnie said, smiling. “Let’s go, Jake’s probably beside himself pacing a path outside the church by now.”

  Standing outside St. Peters Lutheran Church, Jake waited for Jules to arrive. He’d picked this church because in the dark of night, they’d be able to see the cross on the spire when lit up from the front window of the house he was building for her. Looking off in the direction of the farm, he wondered if she’d left yet, and remembered back to Thanksgiving when he stood waiting for her at the airport. At the time, he’d wondered what it would’ve been like if she’d been coming for him, to see him. Well, now he knew.

  His heart leapt when he saw Linnie’s car turn at the corner and head his way. Walking, to his truck, he pulled out an average sized bouquet of flowers, consisting of the palest, softest, pastel colored assortment the florist could find. He didn’t know a damn thing about flowers, but his stipulations had been somewhere along the lines of something nice, something old-fashioned, nothing embarrassing, and absolutely no carnations. He had to admit the florist had done a nice job. The bouquet looked pretty amazing, and he felt certain Jules would like it. On the off chance it didn’t work out though, he’d ordered a dozen pink roses that he’d had tied with a ribbon as a backup, just in case.

  As Linnie pulled in, he checked his pocket one more time, yep, the rings were there. She was wearing the engagement ring he’d bought her, but there were two more. A Swedish tradition, three rings, one for the engagement, one for the wedding, and one for motherhood. Taking a deep breath, he headed over and gave Linnie and Bev a hug before they entered the church. Resuming his pacing, he noticed the sun going down in the west. His thoughts were bouncing all over the place, but the biggest one…that that damn back brace was finally gone. He couldn’t wait to hold her. Turning, he saw the limo making its way towards him.

  Walking over, he waited for the driver to open the door for her. When he did, Jake held out his hand. As she stood, his breath left him. She…she…she looked like an angel, she was so beautiful. Her gown was form fitting with a small train in the back, and it glittered from zillions of teeny, tiny, sparkly beads all over it that caught the setting light. No back brace here he thought, and the cane was gone too. Her hair was mostly up, with long loose ringlets hanging down the back, and a delicate gold wreath of leaves was on her head. She literally looked like an angel. Wow! His vision swam.

  “You’re absolu
tely stunning,” he said, his voice cracking as he did.

  She blushed and smiled a little. “I feel beautiful. You make me feel beautiful.”

  Putting his arm around her, he handed her the bouquet. “Here are your flowers. I hope you like them.”

  Taking them, she looked them over. “Oh Jake, they’re perfect!” Then she smiled that charming little smile of hers. “I love them.”

  “You ready?”

  She nodded. “I’ve been ready for months.”

  His heart sang. He helped her into the church and down the aisle, to the applause of their family. It was an extremely small church, so she didn’t have far to go, another reason Jake had picked it. With Linnie standing up for her, and Nate for him, they said their vows.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jakob Albrecht. Jake you may kiss your beautiful bride.”

  Turning to her, Jake took her in his arms and held her, kissing her sweetly. “I’ll love you always Juliet Rose Albrecht.”

  She smiled widely, then answered, “And I you, husband.”

  Oh man, he loved the sound of that. In the mood to celebrate, he turned and shook the hand of the pastor, thanking him, then looked to everyone and said, “Its six months late, but I owe my girl a night of dancing. Party at the Dalles House in St. Croix. Let’s go.”

  As they sat around the reception table sipping on drinks and eating appetizers, Jake decided it was time to break the news to his dad. “Hey Dad, remember that girl you told us about, the one who out milked all you boys at the county fair?”

  His dad snorted. “She cheated.”

  “Really, how?”

  His dad thought about it, then started chuckling. “She caught us making some comments related to her udders getting in the way when she milked cows, so when it came time for the competition, she put on the tightest shirt she could find and stuffed it full of tissues. All us boys were distracted by the sight and ogling to get a peek. We lost, she cheated.”

  There was laughing all around the table.

  “Sounds like you got what you deserved,” Jake responded, wanting to stir the pot a little more.

  His dad snorted again. “Well, good thing no one asked you.”

  “It’s interesting, because remember that instructor I told you about, the one who arranged for me to get training in Albany?”

  His dad nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Well, the first day of class, she knew who I was by my name, and she asked me to pass a message on to you. She said something like, tell Karl I can still out milk him, and that he still owes me a pair of hair ribbons. Then when I called to thank her and invite her to the wedding reception today, she said she’d love to let Karl buy her dinner. I told her there’d be music and dancing, and that you loved to dance. She said she’d be sure to wear her dancing shoes.”

  “That so,” his dad answered nonchalantly, picking up his beer and taking a drink. Then he cracked the biggest grin. “So the ole broad’s still kickin is she?”

  Jake nodded, “Yep, should be here anytime now.”

  His dad sat back smiling, then shook his head. “Well, what do you know…Michelle Engebretsen…haven’t seen her in years.”

  “Don’t worry dad,” Nik piped up, “we got you covered.” Reaching in his pocket he pulled out a pair of hair ribbons. “Picked these up for you just in case, you know, should she be cute or something.”

  Laughing, his dad grabbed the hair ribbons. “I’ll take those. She always was cute.”

  There was hootin and hollerin all around.

  “Dad, you old dog,” Kris said, as he smacked him on the back.

  “Hey, I ain’t dead yet,” his dad answered with a smile. Then he turned and began watching the door.


  Thank You!

  Thanks so much for reading. I hope you’ve enjoyed Forever’s Embrace. If you did, I’d love for you to:

  -Consider posting a review at Amazon: Forever’s Embrace

  -Email me at [email protected], I’d love to hear from you.

  -Lend the book to a friend through the Kindle lending program.

  -Watch for book four coming out later 2014.

  -Enjoy a little something from Jules.

  -Read the first two chapters of Forever’s Affection, Book Three of the Forever In Luck Series.

  Swedish Snow Drift

  1 ½ cups milk

  3 ounces white chocolate, chopped or chips

  1/8 tsp almond extract

  Dash of vanilla

  Ground nutmeg to taste

  Whipped cream

  Whisk milk, chocolate pieces, vanilla, almond extract, and a dash of nutmeg in a saucepan constantly until blended. Serve hot with whipped cream, and a sprinkle of nutmeg.


  J. Darling


  Book 1: Forever’s Promises

  Book 2: Forever’s Embrace

  Book 3: Forever’s Affection

  Book 4: Late 2014


  Copyright © J. Darling, 2014

  First Edition

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or were used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. The republication or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic or mechanical or other means, not known of hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without permission of the copyright owner is illegal and punishable by law.

  STORY DESCRIPTION: The rough around the edges Kris Albrecht is the love them and leave them type. Busy with running a farm and engaging in all things manly, he has no time for the interests and needs of a woman or child. That is until the beautiful Danielle Reed gallops into his life and captures his attention. Looking for a fresh start, a no nonsense Danielle settles in Luck, Wisconsin, where she soon finds herself saddled with issues beyond her control requiring her to return to the life she’d hoped to leave behind. Will the self-professed bachelor earn her trust and win her love? Can they hold onto what is near and dear to both their hearts or will they be torn apart? Find out when you read the epic drama in Forever’s Affection, book three in the Forever In Luck series.

  This book is dedicated to those who have had

  the courage to love another, flaws and all.


  Standing in his parent’s living room, Kris Albrecht, waited while his mom straightened his tie and coat.

  “Mom, stop,” he said, stilling her hands. “It’s fine.”

  “I can’t help it. It’s a mom thing. I just want you to look your best.”

  Putting his arm around her, he leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you. It’s good.”

  “You got the ring?” his dad asked, coming to stand behind his mother.

  Patting his coat pocket with a sweaty palm, he felt for the little box. “Yep, right here.”

  “You sure you two are ready for this? You’re both still pretty young.”

  Kris nodded. “It’s not like we just met yesterday, we’ve been together for three years. The time feels right. I hate that she’s off at college and imagine we’ll wait till she’s done, but I think we’re ready for this.”

  “When did she get into town?”

  How much longer is this going to take, he really wanted to get going. “Ah, I talked with her a couple hours ago, she was in Minneapolis.”

  “Maybe you should wait and give her some time with her family before going over there.”

  Oh, hell no. Kris shook his head. “Nah, she said to come over. She wanted to see me, spend a little time together before they leav
e tomorrow for Thanksgiving at her grandma’s.”

  His mom put her arms around him and gave him a big hug. “My baby, all grown up and going to get married.”

  Kris laughed. “Mom, let’s wait till she says yes first.”

  Getting in his truck, Kris sped to Vanessa’s house, anxious to see her again. It’d been three months since she left for college in Iowa, and it was the first time they’d ever been apart. So he was real happy she was home, and this time when she left, she’d have his ring on her finger. He smiled, liking that idea a lot. Man, the next four years couldn’t go fast enough.

  As high school sweethearts they’d been inseparable. Her a cheerleader, him the football quarterback, her homecoming queen, and he the king. They were each other’s everything and the envy of all others, and they knew it. That was okay though, they didn’t gloat, but they were in love and weren’t afraid to show it.

  Pulling in her driveway, he looked around for her car. Not there. Getting out of his truck, he started for the house. The front door opened and she stepped out, pulling on her pink jacket as she did. Smiling wide, he headed towards her. Still pretty and petite as ever, with her feathered frosty, blonde hair, light green eyes, and pink everything. She loved pink.

  Jogging up the steps, he grabbed her and pulled her into a big bear hug. “Hey, babe,” he said, picking her up and twirling her around. “How’s the prettiest girl in town? I was worried you weren’t here when I didn’t see your car.”

  She smiled, a little. “I got a ride from a friend.”

  Strange, she hadn’t mentioned that. “Really? Kiss me.”


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