Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare Page 2

by Matt Nicholson

  I wasn’t sure which of us was getting off the most. I yanked on the chain and the clamps actually got tighter. I’d never seen anything like them, but they were ingenious. When I pulled harder and stretched her nipples, both she and Gary said, “Oh, God” at the same time. If it weren’t for the fact that my cock was bouncing like a pogo stick and I was almost ready to fuck the script and her, I’d have laughed.

  Instead, I jerked the chain again. This time, she replaced the deity’s reference with something a bit more vulgar. Like I said, I’d have obliged her if I could have. Being the nice guy I am, and thinking maybe the “Oh, fuck” might become a reality if I played my cards right, I stopped pulling on the chain to give her a break.

  Instead of taking advantage of the lull in her torment, she pulled her shoulders back, making the clamps tug her nipples anyway, and shifted her rear so that it pushed into my crotch even harder. “Oh… stick to… the script.”

  My cock had never started tingling without help before, but there it was.

  Never one to buck an order, I tugged hard on the chain then pulled it up, down, sideways, watching the flat jaws pinch deeper into that crinkly part at the bottom of her nipple, making her tits bounce around as much as I could. Wacko as she may have been, I think I was beginning to fall in love. Then I remembered that the script called for a second set of clamps.

  I let the chain drop to her belly and moved the clamps under her nipples, pinching her areolae.

  She cried out when I opened them, and watched through almost glazed eyes when I snapped them back on. I put the second set above her nipples. By then she’d closed her eyes and her head lolled back. She was taking quick, shallow breaths, obviously getting into the pain. I thought about unzipping my pants, sticking my dick up between her legs.

  As wet as she was, I could have pumped anywhere near her pussy and gotten the job done, especially as horny as I was. But I didn’t want the fun to stop. Instead, I yanked both of the chains, hard and apart. Instead of screaming like I figured, she pursed her lips. The last thing I expected to hear was, “Oooh, fuck yes…” but that’s exactly what she said. Then she shook her tits so I’d do it some more.

  Not one to disappoint, I pulled and tugged, letting the clamps bite harder. By then the rubber grips on the tips of the clamps had to have been chafing pretty badly, but all she did was lay her head back on my shoulder, grind her ass into me and moan while I watched her tits bounce. After one really hard yank that tore the top clamp from her right nipple, she finally screamed.

  But, before the sound had stopped echoing through the small room, she whispered, “The needles.”

  I stopped tugging and started looking around. “Where?”

  “Shit, under the couch…” She fumbled around with her hand, finding nothing. “Damn it. Gary…”

  She frantically fingered herself while Gary ran up and grabbed a bag of hypodermic needles from just under the edge of the couch. He all but threw them at me and darted back. I thought he was going to fall and bust his head getting back to the camera. When he was set, I took one of the needles out of the bag and looked at it. It was fairly small, like one of the insulin needles my dad used.

  I noticed there were about a dozen of them as well as several that were thicker, and some that were gigantic. The bag was supposed to have fifty of the small ones. Between the bruises and the missing needles, I decided this probably wasn’t her first rodeo, so I decided to jump right in. I aimed between the two dimply-looking marks the clamp had left on her areola and jabbed.

  Her eyes got wider and she hissed, but otherwise the wet spot I was feeling in my crotch was as much from her as from me, and probably more so. I did the same to her left nipple, stabbing the needles straight into it. The third buried into her left nipple right next to the other, right in the tip.

  Tears had actually started trickling down her cheeks, but instead of telling me to stop she reached between her legs and started rubbing at her pussy again. While the wet, slapping sound echoed in the room, I took a thicker needle and pricked at the thick folds of meat between the clamp jaws, not quite spearing, but dotting the hard, crushed flesh with tiny dots of red. By then, I really just wanted to poke her where the sound was coming from, and not with any needles.

  Her moans got louder; my dick got wetter. The longer we went, the more certain I was I’d get to dip it. Poor Gary was just getting fifty bucks. But since I wasn’t yet certain, I decided that letting her come could spoil the rest of the fun; she'd probably just go back to being Cecilia the Witch. Since she didn’t seem to find the little beads of blood pooling around her nipples a bother, I figured the clamps coming off might distract her more.

  I grabbed the chain near the left one and slowly pulled. As her nipples and tits stretched, she started rolling her hips, almost as if she dared me to keep going. I did, until the clamp slipped up and right off the tip of her nipple, pulling both hypodermics out with it. She blurted another shrill squeal and redoubled her fingering. Figuring maybe she just needed a surprise to take her mind off that nipple and her clam fingering, I just opened the other clamp, letting the blood get back in.

  She cried out again and started pumping her fingers that much harder. Determined to keep her from coming, I sunk my finger into the tips of both her tits, drove my nails into her areolas and twisted at the same time as I stuck a needle sideways through the whole mess. She screamed alright, but it wasn't because of the pain. It was because she was coming. Not willing to let her win, I treated her nipples like taffy and even twisted the needle, trying to hurt her, but it just helped her along.

  I thought about getting pissed. I mean, it was my ego that she’d just skewered by twiddling herself with a few fingertips instead of my cock like I thought she'd do. But, that’s when I remembered what was next in the script. I looked at Gary, who was quickly rearranging himself while Cecilia was otherwise occupied. Once she sagged into me, I smiled at him.

  He knew the smile from all the times I’d beat him in poker. He grinned, reading my mind. “The table?”

  I unclamped the last remaining clamp and savoured her squeal as the blood burned back into the bruises and pokes. “Oh, yeah... the table!”


  Before I got to use the table, the list called for more needles. I pulled one of the one-size-below-pencil thick ones out of the bag and showed it to her so she’d know what was coming.

  She looked at it without much care. “It’s a needle. Stick it in my tit.” You’d have thought she was talking about the weather.

  “You’re the boss.” Without warning, I jabbed it sideways through the skin on the underside of her breast. I have to admit, her gasp made me grin. I guess she expected me to grab her boob and slide it in easy, or something. Still smiling, I put another one beside the first and shoved it through. Her skin dimpled for only a second before it popped in and then stretched a little before it came out again. I eyed her nipple, thinking about how fun it’d be to just go for the gusto with the thickest one she had.

  Seeing where I was looking, she growled. “Later, dickhead.”

  Yeah, the fucking script. I thought that the guy that wrote the script was an idiot. Whatever story they had in mind would have been even better if every needle speared Cecilia’s nipples and areolae. It’d sure do it for me.

  But, hell, I was getting a free thrill out of the deal, so I decided not to stare at the gift horse. I slipped the third needle in beside the first two, forming the silly arc they asked for. It was really kind of boring, though my dick said otherwise.

  Well, boring wasn’t quite right. I had a naked woman on my lap and was getting to do things to her tits most guys couldn’t imagine. But, compared to other things I could have been doing, it was boring. Biting would have been a lot better, or whipping them into a battered, bouncing frenzy. Tying them so they looked like fat purple balloons sounded fun, too. He had that in there later, though, so I could wait.

  I jabbed the next needle into her left breast.

After that first needle, Cecilia acted almost as if nothing was happening. A little stick and it was done, just like the nurses use to tell me when I’d get shots. By the time I’d finished the second breast, she looked positively bored. So I acted as if I was going to jab one of the needles into her inner thigh. That got her attention.

  Before I could go for her pussy lip, she hopped out of my lap, her hands back behind her head.

  “OK, this is boring. Next.”

  I stood up and wiped both her tits down with alcohol then rearranged my cock. Grinning at Gary, I walked across the room and grabbed a little wood-topped table.

  “Here comes the fun part, bud. Hope that camera’s heat-proof or it’ll melt.”

  I set the table on the floor in front of her. She’d read the script, too, and stuck her chest out. I looked at her, fresh needles in hand...the thick one. “You sure you wanna do this?”

  “What, you get queasy at the sight of needles? Yes, I want to do this, or you wouldn’t be here.”

  I shrugged and pinched a fold of white meat on the inside of her left breast. “Fine by me.”

  The plan was for me to poke the needles all the way through and basically pin her to the table by her tits like a bug. She closed her eyes and did more of the deep breathing stuff while I slowly jabbed the needle in. Once it broke the skin, it slid through easy, then it hung up a little as it stretched a pinpoint of skin on the other side before finally breaking through. Even though she’d winced, her areolae started to crinkle up again. She was getting into it. So was my cock, or rather my cock was still. It was bouncing around inside my wet pants like a marionette.

  Ignoring the throbbing, or trying to anyway, I did the same thing on the outside of her boob.

  Using her nipple as a centerline, I lined the two needles up so they’d be in the same place when I pinned her to the table. Even though she was acting like it was no big deal, her mascara was running.

  I thought about asking if she was alright, but not only did I not really care so much, but I didn’t really want the smart ass reply. I pinched the inside of her right breast instead. It wasn’t too long before all four needles were sticking through the creamy white part of her tit, and, as she stood there with her arms behind her head, showing her boobs off to me, Gary, and the camera, I thought about other things I could be skewering.

  Once I was done, she leaned forward and dropped her tits onto the table. The bottoms of her boobs flattened out. Lying on top of the wood, they looked like the main course for a Thanksgiving feast. I figured they’d feed a family of four pretty well. Anyway, I grabbed the outside needle on her right tit and pulled it out so that the skin stretched. She watched me pin her tit to the wood, all the while doing that deep breathing thing.

  I have to admit, there was something really hot about looking at her tits like that. Her nipples weren’t reacting real well. They were kind of flat, but the Thanksgiving dinner thing kept hounding me, and the thought of taking a carving set to her tits became my new dark fantasy, especially after I pinned the other side to the table.

  Wanting a closer look, I moved around behind her. I wondered if Gary was having the same cannibalistic thoughts I was having. After giving him another quick grin, I leaned over her left shoulder and snagged her nipple. Pulling on it and the inside needle beside it, I pushed the hypodermics into the table, pinning her left tit like I did her right. While Gary got some good film, I decided just where I’d stick the next needle.

  Now came the fun part. Well, the whole needle thing was fun, but it was nipple time. She kept her hands behind her back as I leaned over her right breast and brought a needle toward her nipple. The script called for spearing her areola, just to one side of the nub, so I lined up and looked at her. She’d closed her eyes tight and she was starting to breath hard. That’s when I noticed that her right hand wasn’t behind her back. The wet rubbing sound told me exactly where it was.

  I snagged the loose skin just beside her nipple. “That’s not in the script.”

  She kept rubbing herself. I figured her clit was taking a pounding, and imagined her fingers working away. I felt my balls shift, rolling around on their own the way they do when I’m really horny.

  She opened her eyes for a half-second. “It is now, Jeff.”

  Jeff. She called me Jeff. If she’d forgotten her pet names for me, all of them containing four-letter words, she must have really been getting into it. I smiled at Gary, nodded slightly so he’d know the fun was about to start, and jabbed.

  I know somewhere back in this little story I said something about how weird it is that certain things can make a guy stiff. When I watched the needle lance through the dark skin and pin it to the cork, I actually almost came. How weird is that? It was like slow motion, the sharp tip pressing into her areola, pushing it down but not breaking the skin until it was sandwiched between the needle and the table, then slipping through like it was going through butter before ramming deep into the cork.

  She took a deep breath, but didn’t open her eyes. Since she wasn't watching, I thought about planting the next one through her nipple—script or not. I decided that jeopardizing my life wasn’t the best idea, though, and went for the other areola instead, ramming it through the soft skin so that it would take a pry bar to pull out. She gasped again, and sped up her fiddling.

  “Put your hands on the table.”

  She pried her eyes open. “Fuck you, that’s not in the script.”

  I smiled, another needle poised. “Okay, let’s see if you can tear your tits free before I jab this one through your nipple.” I held the needle menacingly over the stiff flesh.

  She paused, contemplating the thought. When I rammed the needle just to the left of her nipple, close enough to make her realize I was serious, she started to put her hands on the table like I’d ordered, but met my eyes instead. They were glittering with challenge and mischief. “Fuck you, bastard.”

  “Oh? Really?”

  I think she almost smiled, but I speared her nipple before she could answer. Without the distraction of her fingers doing the walking, she cried out, eyes wide, and then drove a hand to her pussy with an audible slap. Before she really got going, I skewered the other side of her areola and drove the needle into the table. The next two needles made her hiss as they pierced her areola and drove into the wood. I saved the best for last, slowly pressing it through her nipple, wiggling it a bit until she squealed, then pushed it down hard.

  Tears ran down her cheeks, but her fingers were winning the battle. With the tips of her boobs pinned to the board like butterflies, I decided to improvise. “Now, I’m gonna modify the script some more.”

  She was just catching her breath when I reached beneath the table and hooked her like a bowling ball, driving my two middle fingers into her cunt and grinding my thumb into her clit. She was dripping wet, and her clit was hard as a rock.

  Harder than I’d ever felt it.

  “Oh, Jesus!”

  I knew that Cecilia wasn’t a particularly religious woman, so I took it as a compliment. Then I pulled her backward by her pussy and stretched her tits out by the needles. When she gasped, I laughed, grinding my thumb in a circle while I wiggled my fingers. I could tell by the way she was rolling her hips, pressing against my hand, that she was close to coming.

  In fact, she was even pulling herself back harder, deliberately torturing her nipples even more. I looked at her stretched tits. The little dots of blood were starting to flow. My dick beat like a tom-tom, and fucking was beginning to be foremost in my brain.

  I listened for that little moan—the one she always let out just before she came. When it came, I stopped. She screamed again, this time in frustration. I caught her hand before she could get back to her pussy and leaned over her, pinning it with the other one by the wrists to the table. She remembered several pet names and conveniently screamed them into my face.

  I just laughed and nibbled at her ear. “Time to get back to the script.”

  “Say, ‘please.’” Boy was I enjoying myself.

  “Fuck you!”

  “OK.” I yanked two of the needles from the top of her right tit. She screamed again and fought to get her hands free.

  “Say, ‘please.’”

  “You son-of-a-bitch!”

  I yanked another needle from her right tit at the same time as I yanked two from the left. Her reaction echoed down the hall.

  “Say, ‘please.’”


  This time, I pressed down on one of the nipple needles while I pulled out the last one from the top.

  “God damn! OK, Please!”

  Little droplets of blood were oozing from the tops of her tits and blood was trickling from the three holes in each of their tips. Now my dick was really tingling. I left her with her nipples pinned and crawled under the table.

  “Gary, make sure you get this.”

  Then I pressed my face up between thighs that spread like magic, and snagged her clit with my teeth. A half second later, I was beating on it with the tip of my tongue, using her butt cheeks as handholds to keep her still. I could hardly hear with her thighs clutching my head. Breathing was coming close to being optional, but I had a plan.

  It wasn’t long before I heard her cries through my thigh ear muffs. From the way she rocked, I knew I’d accomplished my goal. She’d lost control and actually torn the needles free from the table. If Gary didn’t get some really kick ass video of that, I swore to myself I’d kick his ass.

  After another minute of licking her ‘til she slumped, I backed out from under her and wiped my face on my sleeve. “Gary, you’d better have…”

  “Oh, shit, Jeff. This’ll be worth a fuckin’ mint!”

  “Well, keep filmin’, dude. We’re not done.”

  I started snagging needles from her nipples. A couple of them took some elbow grease and a fair amount of nipple crushing. She hardly seemed to notice. Of course, she hadn’t stopped breathing hard from the orgasm yet.


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