Trust Me: A BDSM Romance

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Trust Me: A BDSM Romance Page 12

by Cate Bellerose

  When I become aware of my surroundings again, Keegan’s right there, above me… in me. He smiles. “Welcome back.”

  I blink a couple of times. A deep breath, and then I think I can talk. “Hi.”

  He slides slowly out, before rolling both of us over so we’re lying on our sides, facing each other. Tracing my hair with his hand, all the way down along my face, he hooks it where my neck meets the back of my head and pulls me in for a kiss. To be honest, I don’t need any pulling. The crazy intensity of our sex has simmered down, but the soft touches of our lips in the aftermath are nice too.

  “So, glad you came home with me?” he asks once we’ve separated. He runs a finger teasingly down my side from under my arm to my hips.

  I nod with a swallow. “Yeah. Not bad.”

  “Not bad?” he responds in mock anger. I grin back at him, though it turns more into a grimace when his strong hand comes down hard on my ass. The slap echoes slightly.

  “Okay, okay, it was wonderful. Amazing. The best sex of my life.”

  He laughs. “Now you’re patronizing me.” He lands a second slap, right where the previous one hit.

  “No! Honest.” I stop to draw a breath and calm myself so I can sound serious. “Really, I mean it. It was amazing. You’re all that I hoped and so much more.”

  I half expect another smart-alecky remark and another spank, but instead he looks at me intently. “Thank you,” he replies without a trace of sarcasm or irony. “It was pretty fucking amazing.”

  “God, what time is it?” Suddenly I remember I’ve got someone waiting at home.

  He glances at his night stand. “About ten thirty. Not too bad. Time for a post-coital cuddle?”

  I nod. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

  He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. I curl up around his side, my head resting on his chest and one leg thrown across his waist. He’s so warm and comfortable, it’s like I was meant to fit around him.

  A billion things are bouncing around my head. First things first: I had kinky sex. Nothing super wild, but he tied me up, positioned me… I called him Sir, and I feel good. Maybe I’m still high on endorphins, but there’s no guilt, no shame, no flashbacks that I’d rather forget. Just me. And a feeling of belonging.

  Absentmindedly, I place a couple of kisses on Keegan’s chest, and he responds by running his fingers softly up and down my back. I trust him. Maybe that’s all I was missing? I couldn’t do this with just any man, just play like Amber wanted me to, but with Keegan it all seems so different. I’m not afraid of him.

  The thought makes me smile as I close my eyes and luxuriate in the comfort of his arms.



  Mmm, my bed’s nice and warm. I snuggle deeper into the covers, enjoying the luxury of waking up slowly. No nightmares today. It already feels like it’s going to be a good day. I roll over, dragging the sheets with me and bump into… someone?

  My eyes pop open in surprise. Looking right at me, looking just as bleary-eyed and disoriented is—

  “Keegan! What are you doing in my—” I was going to say room, but it doesn’t take long to realize this isn’t my room at all. Last night comes back to me in a furious rush of vivid images, sinful sensations and sexy taste of the forbidden. What doesn’t quite come back to me is why I’m still here, waking up in Keegan’s bed when I should’ve been home hours ago.

  Shit, how many hours ago? “What time is it?”

  He sits up, the sheets dropping down to reveal his cut torso. There’s a strong part of me that considers not worrying about the time after all, and jumping him instead. He’s so gorgeous, and he’s mine. What’s another hour going to matter, right?

  “Eight thirty-two,” he mumbles, blinking groggily. “I don’t have an appointment until ten thirty, so I’m good.”

  “Crap. I’ve been gone the whole night, and I have a shift starting at ten. I’m never going to make it.” I throw the sheet off and jump out of bed, and then remember that I’m bare-ass naked.

  Keegan laughs when I try to cover up with my hands. “There isn’t a square inch of that body I didn’t explore last night. You’re not going shy on me now, are you?”

  “No, I mean—maybe? Where are my clothes? I need to get home. If I rush, maybe I’ll make it.” Admitting to myself that modesty is pretty silly at this point, I scavenge any garments I can find off the floor. Skirt, bra, my blouse over a chair. Panties? Oh right, in his suit jacket. My stockings have a run in them, but I’m just going home. I ball them up and stuff them in my purse to throw out later.

  “I’ll drive you.” He throws the sheets aside and hops out of bed, totally unconcerned about his cock swinging free, as naked as I am. Well, was, as I zip up my skirt. Opening a closet, he pulls out fresh underwear, a clean shirt and a pair of dark jeans.

  We dress quickly, Keegan looking stylish and neat, his five o’clock shadow only adding to his sexiness. Me, on the other hand, I’m sporting the latest in walk of shame chic, still in yesterday’s makeup and stiff from... I shiver from the memory of the night before, not to mention all the times we woke up during the night and he filled me up with his giant cock. No wonder I’m a little sore.

  Happy, but a little sore and a lot late.

  “All right, are you ready? Wait, where are my keys?” He stops and thinks. “Ah, fuck. My car’s still at the restaurant. I’ll order a ride.” He grabs his phone.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to come.” I look around to make sure I have everything. I don’t even want to look in a mirror. “God, I’m a mess.”

  “You’re beautiful. If we weren’t in a hurry, I’d throw you right back onto that bed and fuck you silly.” He opens the door and, rolling my eyes, I follow as quickly as I can. A minute later, the Uber pulls up to the curb.

  “Seriously, I’m fine by myself. We’ll talk after work.”

  “Bullshit. If I’m in trouble for bringing you home late, I’ll own up to it. You’re not taking all the blame. It was both of us.”

  “No, really. It’s fine. There’ll be less yelling and stress this way. It’s going to be difficult enough to deal with Mom and still make it to work on time without you being there to make it more complicated.”


  “No, I’ll be fine.” I give him a smile, trying to be encouraging.

  “This is the mother that’s the source of your complexes that I’m supposed to be helping you with, right?” His disagreement is plainly visible in his expression.

  “Yeah, but, not now. She’ll be angry, I’m sure, but I’m an adult and I can’t handle it. God knows it’s not the first time I’ve done something she didn’t approve of. It’ll be fine.” If I say it enough, I might just believe it myself.

  He sighs. “If you’re sure. Listen, I’m a phone call away, alright? If things get rough and you need to get out of there, or just want someone to help mediate, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

  That gets me smiling, and my heart warming. “I appreciate that.”

  “I have appointments on and off all day, so at least text me to let me know you make it into work.”

  “Alright, alright. I get it. You want to take care of me.” I lean in for a quick kiss, but instead he grabs me behind my neck and makes it a long, passionate one. When I finally get up for air, I shake my head. “Wowee. If that’s what I’ve been missing all this time, then I’m totally okay with this new state of our relationship.”

  He laughs. “Okay, go, before I change my mind.”

  Popping the door, I slide into the car, then give him a quick wave. “Bye.”

  “Bye.” He’s still waving as my car pulls out.

  We’re going to have to have a real talk, and soon. Last night completely blew any distance we were meant to keep way out of the water. Neither of us had planned for it, though we definitely put ourselves in a position to lose control over and over again. So maybe his subconscious wanted it as much as I know mine did.

  Look at me, psyc
hoanalyzing the analyst.

  Traffic’s light for a change and I’m home almost before I know it. Everything’s already paid for by Keegan, so as soon as I’m dropped off, I rush up to my apartment a warp speed.

  My key isn’t even in the door when mom rips it open. “Where have you been, young lady?” Her brows are deeply furrowed, and her mouth a thin straight line. “You were supposed to come home last night. I’ve been so worried. Did he take advantage of you? He did, didn’t he?”

  I hold my hands up to stem her angry word flood. “God, Mom. Why do you always have to jump to the worst conclusions? He didn’t kidnap and rape me if that’s what you’re asking. We’re two adults who enjoyed each other’s company. I lost track of time and ended up crashing at his place. I’m sorry I didn’t call, but I swear I’m fine.”

  Taking my wrist, she drags me into my own apartment and slams the door. “Don’t act so flippant with me. I was half expecting to have the police come knocking, telling me they’d found your body in a gutter somewhere.”

  “And here I thought you liked Keegan. I can only imagine what you would’ve thought if he’d been someone you didn’t like.”

  She snorts. “You wouldn’t have made it out the door. Which is apparently what I should’ve done yesterday, too.”

  “I’m twenty-two! I can take care of myself.” I almost feel bad for snapping at her when I see the hurt look on her face. I’m not really in a habit of speaking up or getting angry because it’s easier to let her overbearing tendencies slide so I don’t have to deal with them, but when mom jumps all over Keegan, it puts me on the defensive. This isn’t just about me, it’s about him. “You’ve gone completely overboard. Keegan was a perfect gentleman the whole time, the kind who respects the woman he’s with and treats her the way she deserves.”

  In my case that was tied up, spanked and well fucked, but in broad strokes we’re in agreement here. Then I get thinking about broad things stroking, and I have to refocus.

  Mom deflates a little in the face of my defiance. “I couldn’t know that, Miranda. You were just gone, and you didn’t let me know what was going on.”

  “You could’ve called if you were that worried.”

  “I tried! Several times and you didn’t answer. What did you expect me to think?”

  I dig for my phone in my purse. Of course the battery’s dead. Didn’t I charge it before going out last night? “Okay, I’m sorry. My phone’s dead.” I sigh. “That’s my fault, but you don’t have to jump straight to assuming he’s some kind of serial murderer.”

  She wraps her arms around me and pulls me closer. “I’m your mother. I worry about you. You know that.”

  “Sure, Mom, but some day you need to accept that I’ve grown up.”

  “You’re right, but it isn’t easy. You’ve grown into a strong woman, and I’m proud of you, but I’m never going to stop wanting to protect you. I don’t want you to fall for the same kinds of things that I did at your age. Every time you’re out with someone, I’m terrified.”

  I sigh, understanding where she’s coming from, but not knowing how to get through to her. “Don’t let how Dad treated you run both our lives. He wasn’t good to you. To us. Keegan’s not like him.”

  “Brad started out wonderful too. It didn’t stop him in the long run.”

  “Sometimes you just have to take the risk. Keegan treats me well. He makes me feel good. He respects me and my decisions. You were ready to give him a chance last night. He hasn’t done anything to change that, all right?” I grip mom’s arm just below the shoulder, squeezing for emphasis. “I like him. Please don’t ruin this for me.”

  She refuses to meet my gaze, which is unlike her. “I’ll try to keep my worries to myself, but if you go out again while I’m here, you make sure your phone’s charged.”

  “Of course, Mom. I’m sorry.” I smile, trying to reassure her. “Now, I have to hurry and get ready for work. I’m already going to be late if I don’t get a serious move on. I’d stay and talk, but I already tried to get the time off when I found out you were coming and there’s nobody to cover me.”

  She nods. “Of course. But if any of those customers give you any trouble, you let me know and I’ll sit there with my knitting and scare them off.”

  Sheesh, why do all the people in my life seem to think I need round the clock care? “Sure, Mom. I’m going go to shower and then I have to run.”

  She nods, returning to my couch and settling down in front of the TV with her knitting. I’ll have to have a longer talk with her, too. We can’t keep doing this. I’m starting to think she’s the one that really needs counseling, and not just the kind she gets with Gladys and the other women back home.

  Okay, work.

  Twenty minutes later, I’m showered, dressed, hastily made up and rushing for the door.

  “Love you, baby,” Mom yells from the couch.

  “You too,” I reply over my shoulder.



  Well, fuck, I don’t know what to do. That’s a feeling I’m neither used to nor particularly fond of. After back to back sessions well into the afternoon, a late lunch is order, and while it’s not particularly fancy, the bar food at the club sounds just about perfect. It would also help to have a chat with someone who might understand my predicament. I could do the macho thing and bottle it all up until it all goes wrong, but I picked the wrong profession if I didn’t want to know how dumb that is.

  At this hour, the club’s pretty quiet. There’s a DJ setting up to host tonight’s party, but other than that, only the bar is seeing any activity. A couple is having cocktails in the lounge, probably preparing for an early start, and there’s a woman at the bar sipping fizzy water while having a burger. At the end of the bar, some guy is nursing a beer. And then there’s me.

  Gabe steps up as I slip onto a bar stool. He pats me on the shoulder with a grin. “Keegan. What’s up? Business good?”

  “Yeah, booming. I still appreciate that you’ve recommended me to the members here. It’s drummed up a bunch of business, and hopefully I’ve managed to help a few souls find their way in the process.”

  “From what I hear, you’ve only left me with happy customers. That’s a win-win, in my book.”

  I nod, glad to hear it. “Good. How’s Dawn? Doing well? Hell, how’s life with a little pudding?”

  Gabe laughs. “It’s a whole new world. Suddenly I’m the damn sub, running around at the beck and call of a little beast who only knows how to scream, eat and shit. But I’m loving it. Dawn’s doing well too. Exhausted, but happy. We’re making it work.”

  “That’s great. Listen, do you have time for a chat? I could do with some advice.”

  He glances around the bar. “Sure. Things are still pretty quiet. It’s more fun at night, of course, but while the baby’s still small I’d rather be home to help out in the evenings.”

  “Yeah, I get that. Could I have a Coke? I need to drive back to work after.”

  “Sure thing.” Gabe pours a glass and sets it in front of me. “On the house.”

  “Oh, I can’t—”

  “It’s just syrup and water, man.” Gabe grins. “Don’t worry about it. So what does a therapist need advice about?”

  “Thanks.” I tip the glass at him in a toast before taking a sip. The punch of sweetness reminds me of Miranda and her hot chocolate. She texted me a while ago to let me know she made it to work, but I can’t help thinking about her and wondering how she’s doing. “Okay, here’s the deal, and just for the record, I’m trusting you not to screw me over with this information.” I take a deep breath. “I’ve fallen for someone.”

  He gives me a confused but curious look. “Okay… grats, but I’m guessing there’s more to it than that.”

  “She’s a client, from here.”

  His eyes narrow and he leans back against the counter. It’s obvious he’s not thrilled with that admission. “There are rules about that, aren’t there?”

  “Yeah, lots
of them,” I reply grimly. “If I were advising a friend, I’d tell him to back the hell out.”

  ”So back the hell out.”

  I roll the cold glass back and forth between my palms. “It’s not that easy.”

  “You’re going to have to give me more to go on, man. I appreciate that you came to me, but I trusted you by recommending your services to the members. That’s not something I can do if you’re using it as some kind of fucked up dating service.”

  “Oh for Christ’s sake, you know I wouldn’t do that,” I snap, looking up to find him watching me with a look that’s more understanding than angry. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “I know, but why don’t you tell me what’s going on.”

  “One of the newbies Amber took under her wing called me up a while back. We… we hit it off right from the start. And that’s never, never, happened to me before with a client. I thought I could handle it, but she feels it too, and even though it’s both unethical and illegal for me to pursue anything with her…”

  “Maybe you should talk to Paul. You know him? Paul Cannon.”

  I shake my head. “Nope.”

  “I’ll introduce you later. He’s a cop and might be able to give you some more practical advice, but for now I’ll play TV shrink and throw this back in your face. What do you think is the right thing to do?”

  I roll my eyes at him and take a drink. “If I knew that, I wouldn’t be here, would I?”

  “Really? You have no idea? You seemed pretty sure about what you’d advise your friend.” There’s an amused glint in Gabe’s eyes.

  With soft laugh, I curl my lip at him. “Fuck you.”

  “So, obviously, you know what the right thing to do is, but let me guess. She’s pulling every string to appeal to you as a client, a woman and a submissive. Not an easy thing to ignore. Especially since guys like us get off on control and caring for the vulnerable people in our lives.”

  “Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t run into this problem before. Before Dawn, I would’ve been a goner the first time a beautiful women walked into the room and told me to make it better. There must be something different about this one.”


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