The Time Seekers (The Soul Seekers Book 2)

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The Time Seekers (The Soul Seekers Book 2) Page 10

by Amy Saia

  I smiled, stalling. William never, ever, called me honey or sugar. But this William did. This young, cocky—God, was he cocky—boy in faded blue jeans, did. He also had a naughty glint in his eye. It made me blush in places the world couldn’t, and shouldn’t, see.

  “Hold on a minute,” I said, pretending to search for something in my handbag. What should I do to spark his memory? My girdle stared at me and I groaned under my breath. A pile of elastic would do nothing to prod his memory. I needed something of mine. Something I’d bought and worn and wasn’t from a vintage store. Words were all I had. “Nineteen-eighty, Penn Peak, Colorado, two-story yellow Victorian. Any of it sound familiar?”

  He gave me another one of his empty scowls before walking over to grab a leather jacket someone had draped across one of the gazebo’s railings. As he tried it on, I continued to list things off.

  “TRS-80, Camaro, Betty Jacomber.” I wanted to spit when saying her name, but if it helped, I’d cut her a little slack from now on. “Dammit, Will. Can’t you remember anything?” I squeezed my fist around his ring.

  “Stop saying my name like we’ve met.” Blue eyes scanned my body. “Are you new around here?”

  I nodded. “Yes, that’s right. I’m new.”

  “Well, that makes sense, then,” he said. “I guess I shouldn’t have gotten so mad at you for kissing me, I just thought maybe someone put you up to it. Jesus, I thought I was losing my mind for a second.” He grabbed my arm and swung me close. I could smell the bitter odor of whiskey and cigarettes. “Shoot, what the hell was I complaining for? It ain’t every day a guy gets a little fox like you to lock their lips on.”

  Maybe I’d lost my mind. It was me, not him. I was the one who’d gone crazy, because the William I knew would never do or say anything so rude. He was the ultimate gentleman, so worried about treating a woman correctly. How many times had he tried to hold my chair out for me at home or in restaurants, and I’d refused? Held open doors, chauffeured me around?

  Hand to temple, I broke away and slumped down onto the gazebo’s steps. “I think I need a minute to think.”

  A second later, a half-filled pint of whiskey waved around in my face. “This what you need?”

  I nudged it away. “Uh, no. No, thank you. And I believe it and the jacket you took it from belong to someone else.” My words were met with a shrug.

  “Finders, keepers.” William twisted off the bottle’s metal cap, sniffed, and took a good, long swig. The kind that would rip any gentleman’s stomach into a pile of ribbons. “What’s your name, sugar?”

  “Emma . . . Shay.” The name had no effect. He didn’t remember a thing—not a damn thing. I stared at the whiskey and wished I wasn’t pregnant so I could take the sip he’d offered. Maybe it would set things straight again. Why hadn’t William told me he used to be like this? Was he afraid I’d love him less?

  Then it dawned on me—all the things I’d listed to jog his memory were things I might never see again. I might never see William again. The one who knew me, loved me.

  A booted foot nudged my calf. “Your words dry up all of a sudden? What’s wrong with you, girl?”

  After a long moment, I gazed up at a rebel with mounds of greasy hair and smarmy face, and said, “I’m lost. Hopelessly, ridiculously lost. That’s what’s wrong. And I don’t have the faintest idea how to get home.”

  Chapter 8

  He claimed a spot next to me on the gazebo steps and put down the whiskey, only to produce a packet of cigarettes from a side pocket of the jacket. He lit up, took a slow drag and then rested back on his elbows. “Well now, you got yourself in a real predicament there, girlie. I see your bags, so I figure you must be telling the truth.”

  I saw William’s briefcase and walked a few feet to grab it, along with my bag. I reclaimed my seat on the steps, clutching them to my middle like life rafts.

  I watched him smoke a few minutes. He was rough with it, salty, taking the filter and sucking hard before shooting out the smoke with a quick exhalation.

  “You never told me you used to smoke. You never told me about any of this.”

  William threw the spent butt like a rocket so it arched in the air, only to hit grass and fade slowly to death. “Now, why on earth do you keep saying things like that, like you know me or something?”

  “Because I do know you, but you don’t know you yet.”

  “Is that a trick question?”

  I laughed bitterly and shrugged.

  The fireworks stopped, and the crowd began to dissipate into the dark recesses of Springvale. They were all headed home, even the American Legion with their brass instruments; they shuffled down the gazebo steps past where we sat. I scooted closer to William to allow them more room.

  He peered down at me when our shoulders touched. I searched those blue irises for a long moment in the hopes I could find the William I knew inside their depths. His eyebrows rose to a haughty angle. “Whaty’re lookin’ at me like that for? You want another kiss? All right then, you asked for it.”

  Before I could say anything, his lips crushed down onto mine, so hard, so fierce I felt actual pain. He gripped at my arms, pulled me so close I became one with his whiskey and cigarettes and leather. I tasted blood as he continued to mesh my lips with his in a manner I’d never experienced before. William had always been a good kisser, but this . . . this was . . .

  He let go, shoving hard so my head knocked into the wooden railing. “There’s your kiss—the only part of me you’ll ever get. I’m leaving this town and nobody, especially not some ridiculous little girl, will keep me here.”

  He waited for me to say something, but all I could do was rub at the burgeoning lump on the back of my skull. My tongue tasted blood. “You’re . . . horrible.”

  He snorted and stood up to leave. Quick, I reached to pull him back. “You can’t go,” I said.

  “Like hell I can’t.”

  I pulled harder and he almost fell on top of me, maybe on purpose, because he still had a stupid smile on his face. Next thing I knew, he’d grabbed my bag and was sorting through the contents. “Let’s see what you got in here, sugar.”

  He laughed when I reached for it—held it out of arm’s length. “Magazines, lipstick, a bunch of hair goo, and what’s this?” He pulled out the girdle. A slow whistle passed through his pursed lips. “Fancy.” Then he saw all the money. The whistling stopped. “Oh, now I get it.” He closed the bag and shoved it at me, right in the gut.

  “Get what?” I asked.

  “You don’t have to tell me anything. I understand exactly who you are now. Or rather, what you are.”

  My mouth fell open. The train of thought he was eluding to caused a much bigger pain than any of his previous offenses. He was saying I was a . . . a . . . whore.

  Instinctively I slapped him across the cheek.

  His smile left, but for only a second. He observed me from head to ankles. “A girl like you, right here in Springvale. And she’s got her sights set on me.” He tugged on a strand of loose hair from my carefully executed chignon. “Well, I ain’t buying. No matter how good-looking you is.” He yanked hard on the strand, then let go. “See ya around.” Then he walked away with quick and angry steps.

  I clutched at one of the gazebo’s carved posts and rose to my feet. My breath locked inside a vault of disbelief as I watched my very life walk away from me. I was angry at William for never telling me about his young self. But mostly I was mad at myself, because if I hadn’t pulled away so much, it would have all been there for me to see.

  And what was it he’d tried to tell me in the library earlier—that important bit of information I hadn’t wanted to hear?

  Words formed inside my brain: “Files have a funny way of getting lost. I’m worried that time can’t remember everything.” And then I remembered the word “
malfunction,” and how I had refused to listen.

  I let out a curse, kicking at the railing. But there was no use in swearing, no use in kicking.

  Chin raised, I watched his figure disappear past the western corner of the post office into a dark alleyway. A girl joined him, running from a group of friends to his side. He put a protective arm around her shoulders, and the sight of it made me horribly jealous. When she tilted her face to look up into his, I could see the girl was only his sister Cathy—the one I’d seen killed by the cult in a vision of William’s. My breath flew out in relief.

  I was in their world. A stranger.

  I hated Springvale. I loved Springvale. For over a year, the town had flittered behind my eyelids like a film transposed into every corner of my brain. I took a deep breath and smelled her summer sweetness, the same as I remembered. Crickets chattered in nearby bushes as I picked up my bag.

  No! I would not let myself love this place. Not after what the cult had done to me. I’d despise it every second I carried out the mission, and get the hell out the very second I found a way to do so.

  But first . . . I’d need a place to stay.

  I heard a familiar voice behind me—someone speaking about the weather. I turned to see, and found myself facing another person now dead and gone forever.

  Grandmother Carrie. I held back a small cry.

  Arm in arm with Grandpa Jack, she emerged from behind a booth and was about to pass by without a glance. When they came near, I stepped to the side. I kept staring at her beautiful face, one much younger than I’d ever seen. She must have been in her mid-forties, but you couldn’t tell. Barely a line was there to mar the surface of her olive skin, though her jowls had begun to sag a little.

  “Hello,” I managed, still staring.

  “Hello,” Grandmother Carrie returned. She glanced up at Grandpa Jack in question, and he gave me a good inspection from behind a pair of wire-rimmed glasses.

  Searching Grandpa Jack again, Gran hesitated a second before speaking. “Do you go to school with Pauline?”

  I shook my head no.

  “Are you a member of our church?”

  Again, I shook my head.

  “Well,” she said, sounding a bit defeated, “I’m embarrassed to say this, but I can’t quite place you. May I ask your name, dear?”

  “It’s Emma. Emma Shay.” My maiden name. She’d remember, right? She had the gift; it must have told her I was coming, and who I was, and why I appeared so confused. But with the blank expression deepening her chocolate eyes, it became apparent ‘the gift’ wasn’t in effect yet. She hadn’t developed it. Still no help from the heavens.

  Thinking on my feet, I quickly made up a story about how I was some long lost relative who’d stopped into town. “Didn’t Aunt”—what was the name of the second aunt I’d never seen because Mom hated her guts?—“Ruby call you to tell you I’d be coming?”

  “Why no, she didn’t.” Gran waited for Grandpa Jack to say something. After letting out a great breath of air, he mumbled that Aunt Ruby was crazy and it figured.

  “And you are Ruby’s . . . ?”

  “Daughter.” She did have one, didn’t she?

  “Daughter,” she repeated.

  With raised brow, Grandpa Jack said he’d better go get the car.

  “I hate to impose on you,” I said, walking closer. We made our way through a group of people, teenagers smoking and being rough with too much horseplay. Gran stared at them and then at me. This time there was a small hint of recognition in her eyes, leaving me with a spark of hope.

  “You do resemble Ruby,” she said. “In the eyes. She’s awfully young to have a daughter your age, but, well, I shouldn’t judge.” She clicked her tongue, thinking. “Oh, I’m sorry. Forgive me for sounding rude. I suppose you could stay with us. It’s short notice, but . . . family is family.”

  Oh, thank God! A bed to sleep in and Grandmother Carrie alive. It made tears prickle behind my eyes, but I told myself not to cry. Not now. I’d cry later, but not now.

  “I can pay you.” I wouldn’t ask for a speck of food. I only wanted to be near her.

  “Oh, no, no, dear. That won’t be necessary. Put your money away.” She peered down into my open bag and saw the pile of bills inside. A strange expression crossed her face. We began to walk again, heading for the street. “Do tell me, what brings you our way? Is everything all right at home?”

  “Everything’s fine,” I said. “Ru—Mother, well, she got remarried, and I decided it was time to hit the road. Travel a bit, so she and her new husband could be together without me hanging around.” And William thought he was the writer of the family.

  “Remarried?” she asked, softly. “I wish she’d return my letters. I knew none of this.”

  “Yeah, well.” I sighed. My bag was getting extremely heavy and the heat, even at night, was so unbearable I wanted to rip my clothes off. I’d forgotten how hot it was in Springvale in the summertime. I’d give anything for a huge snowdrift to jump into. “Hope you don’t mind,” I said, stopping to remove the pumps. “But I hate wearing these.”

  A mint green Chevrolet with silver chrome pulled up. Grandpa Jack leaned out the window and told us to get in. When Gran cleared her throat, he grumbled something and left the car to take my bag. Then he opened the trunk and threw it inside. When he opened the door to the backseat, I saw a girl about my age. She smiled at me. Her honey hair was coifed into a smooth flip, and she wore a smart green dress and little yellow flats. I hesitated for a moment.

  “Oh, Emma, this is our daughter, your cousin, Pauline,” Grandmother Carrie explained, getting into the front seat next to Grandpa Jack. She added, “You’ll have to room with her. I hope that’s all right.”

  All the gears in my plan went kerplunk. It was my mother—my mother in the backseat of the Chevy. I couldn’t get in the car with her, much less share a room. Not after what she’d done. She’d betrayed and abandoned me, then watched me die.

  Mother, Pauline, scooted over to welcome me in. The car rolled forward. “Maybe you know something about fashion,” she said. “I’ve been dying to learn some of the new styles. They don’t understand anything about stuff like that here in stupid old Springvale.” Pauline pulled a leg to her chest in a carefree style. “We’re going to have the best time!”

  I eyed the front seat in misery, but only received a set of happy stares. I turned to the window and glared through the thick, spotted glass. Springvale flew by in dark rushes of leaves and grass.

  This isn’t what I came here for.

  I closed my eyes and let out a long breath. This was my fault, completely.

  Once more I heard William’s words echo through my head, wisdom I shouldn’t have been so hasty to reject: Malfunction.

  Chapter 9

  The door closed softly. Pauline came over with a plate and mug: Fiestaware in blue and daisy-yellow. “Mother said to give this to you. Aren’t you hungry? It’s fried chicken. We made it for the Fourth of July picnic today.”

  I was hungry. But I’d sworn not to impose. One glimpse at the food, though, and my stomach screamed at me to forgo all promises. Even she heard it. “Gosh. Didn’t you eat anything at all on your way down here?”

  I took the plate and glass and balanced them on my lap. The hideaway bed I perched on had sagging metal ribs that poked and groaned. Sleeping would not come easy.

  Mother lay sideways on her bed. “Tell me about your life. You said you’re from . . . ?”

  “Colorado,” I said, ripping flesh.

  “Oh, gee. Colorado sounds just lovely. I’d go there in a second! I’m so sick of this dinky town.”

  Why did she have to talk so much? Things were still so fresh in my mind; the deadness in her eyes when I’d run into her after the eclipse. It’d been over a year, and I still cou
ldn’t forget.

  Mother carried on. “Well, I gotta get out of this place. I want to travel—meet people. Meet a boy.” She rolled off the bed and moved to a vanity set painted white, with little strands of ivy as an accent. An open window nearby sucked, then flipped, a sheer curtain toward her arm and sent a warm breeze into the room. Opening a drawer, she pulled out a scallop-edged black and white photo. When she walked over to show it to me, I almost choked on a bite of chicken.

  It was my father in the picture. It was impossible not to recognize him. I put the chicken down and wiped my hands and mouth on a little fabric napkin tucked underneath my plate. I asked to see the picture.

  “He’s very handsome,” I said. My throat went tight.

  Apparently, this was exactly what she wanted to hear, because she fell into a long dialogue of how they’d been writing to each other for almost a whole year, and in his last letter, he’d asked her to come visit. Maybe, if she played her cards right, he would buy her a ring. He wouldn’t do it unless she traveled there. Then she said her mother didn’t allow her to travel alone, but maybe since I’d shown up, I could let her tag along on one of my adventures, in which she would conveniently stop off in Colorado. Mother would never be any the wiser about the whole thing.

  Her eyes settled on the bedroom door for a long moment. “She and I, well, we don’t get along. Mother has always been disappointed in me. There’s just no pleasing her.” Then, glancing at the photo again, her expression melted into happiness. “He loves me just for me. Isn’t that wonderful? I just gotta see him.”

  She turned to me. “And you have to help me.”

  I stammered a moment, looked at the picture again, and then handed it back with a sadness weighing on my chest like iron. “I can’t.” You don’t deserve my help. You watched my father die, and didn’t even cry. Then you watched me die. I can’t forgive you. I just can’t.


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