Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Shielding Alice (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Shielding Alice (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 2

by Fifi Flowers

Like an idiot, I stood awkwardly in place as my body heated and I lost my words until one of my potential kayakers elbowed me in the ribs. “I think she’s talking to you. You’re the one wearing a cowboy hat.” Then he leaned closer and turned his head to the side so only I could hear him. “She’s a pretty little thing. If I was you, I’d tell her that you needed her bad.” He laughed and stepped away.

  Reaching up, I touched the hat on my head—a gift from the dude ranch owner whose property was right next to our resort. Every chance I got, I escaped next door with one of my older sisters. Learning the cowboy lifestyle, I rode horses, learned to work a lasso and make several different rope knots. So many times I wished that my family owned the ranch rather than our water-sport place when I was young. As the years went by, I realized there was far more work and some shitty parts, literally. It was better to be a visitor than a worker there.

  Finally pulling myself together, I spoke up, dropping my hand and extended it in the direction of the cute blonde. “Colt. You’re new this year.” Duh! I thought to myself after the words slipped out: I really didn’t need to tell her the obvious.

  Luckily she grinned and reached out to shake my hand.

  “Alice. Nice to meet you, Cowboy. Find me later.”

  I did as she said and she never did call me by my first name that whole summer. I didn’t mind one bit either since she and I became attached at the hip: we were inseparable when we weren’t working until she left when the season ended.

  Back to the reality of the situation, I arrived at the location where they were holding the witness. I had heard that she wasn’t happy about being taken to a safe house. Part of me wondered why they were putting her into the program from what I knew from a file I had been given. Of course, I didn’t have all of the details—just the basics. I liked that about transporting.

  Drive. Drop. Depart. Simple.

  Chapter Four


  Sitting in a guarded hotel room waiting for my professional transporter, I was regretting my decision to be a caring...concerned citizen. I had been sequestered almost immediately once I had stepped into the police precinct, offered my video and ended up talking to detectives.

  Being in what I would call an interrogation room, they asked that I turn over my phone indefinitely and said they would furnish another phone. Then once it was in their hands, sitting across from two people dressed in plain clothes—one man and one woman—they had a slew of questions to ask me. I didn’t even understand everything I heard and I hadn’t seen anyone, so I didn’t really have much to say. Even the video didn’t show people—they had to believe that I didn’t see anything.

  “Go to the restaurant and see for yourself that nothing can be seen in the alley unless maybe you stood on the toilet...which I didn’t do. I held it up like this.” I raised my arms, showing them what I had done and it was as if they didn’t believe me.

  What was the person wearing?

  What color hair?

  Any distinguishing marks?



  I kept saying I had no idea and I, truly, meant it. “You can see in the video it was dark.” I was nearly ready for tears, but I refused even though they were making me feel like I was somehow involved. Especially with their next line of questioning.

  Maybe you saw them before you went to the restroom.

  Maybe you heard an argument before and went to the bathroom to investigate.

  Who was in the room?

  “Seriously?” That word came out a bit sarcastic and I regrouped to add to my answer: “It was a crowded bistro. I wasn’t there people watching. I was with a few of my college girlfriends that I hadn’t seen in a while. We were laughing, eating and drinking...”

  There was one person’s voice that did strike me when I heard the detectives play the video. I explained to them that he had been speaking to a woman or what I assumed was a woman because I glimpsed high heel shoes and what sounded like a female voice as I turned and went upstairs. But when I came back down, he was sitting at his table with a man and his tone was completely different. I couldn’t be certain if he was the one in the video. Maybe if I could’ve heard him say the same words I could be sure, but since it sounded a lot like someone had been murdered out in the alley—I wasn’t about to speak to him.

  He said: “Get rid of things in the usual spot. Pedro knows the ropes by now.”

  She said: “Of course, sir.”

  Next, they went back to the scene in the ladies’ room and I told them that there were several cries for help along with begging for forgiveness. Those words, I, again, explained, were what had captured my attention in the bathroom stall that had a high window facing out the back of the restaurant. Had I stood on the toilet, I might have seen what was going on.

  “On your knees, face away from me.”

  More crying sounds and then whimpers until I heard a crashing, thud sound. It was before that point when I started recording...videoing actually. I held my cell phone up close to the cracked open window. I thought maybe I would capture what was going on. I couldn’t help the person but maybe his killer or killers could be found... I think it was a man asking for mercy, but I couldn’t say for certain.

  What I got on my phone was a whole lot of nothing...besides voices. It was dark in that alley and what was somewhat illuminated and captured at that angle was a view off in the distance and the brickwork on the opposite building.

  Nothing. I had nothing. I knew nothing.

  For that whole lot of nothing they said I needed to be in a safe place until more investigations could be made and to ensure that I was available for more questioning and testimony, if needed. I would be escorted to my apartment where I could secure some clothing and personal items for the trip. Then I would be staying at a nearby hotel until a transporter came for me.

  No options.

  So there I sat in a beautiful suite that looked out at the bay and wished that I could be outside in the lovely sunshine. I was thankful that the place where they were stashing me was a farm. Had it been another hotel or confined space I would’ve gone nuts. I craved fresh air and being out in nature, getting my hands dirty and drinking in the sun...or clouds and rain. My body didn’t function without those needs.

  Speaking of needs, I couldn’t believe the build and looks on the man who was let into the room—my transporter was hot! Way over six feet tall, dark hair, dark eyes. He definitely had to be hitting the gym every day, maybe twice a day. His muscles had muscles, but he wasn’t gross with bulging veins and no neck. I could easily see him gracing the cover of a fitness magazine.

  “Hello Hawkman.”

  That had to be some kind of code name or maybe a nickname. No mother ever named her son Hawkman. Maybe ex-military. The two guys watching me apparently had similar names: Frog and Jackal. They all spoke about me as if I wasn’t mere steps away. I just enjoyed the view and looked forward to getting a move on. Nearly a week of waiting and I was feeling more and more that I had made a mistake. I was tired of crying and regretting what I had done. The absence of work was getting me down too.

  Ready to scream “let’s get going,” they told me to grab my bags.

  “Take me away, Hawkman,” I said silently.

  Chapter Five


  “If she’s ready, I have a car waiting. I had planned an exit through the kitchen, but since she has not been identified, I thought walking out with our luggage as if we’re checking out works just fine.” I was focused on the guards rather than the woman sitting just beyond them.

  With their approval, I introduced myself to the witness using the name they had used to address me. “Hawkman at your service.” I extended my hand and she shook it firmly, looking up at me with dark brown eyes.

  “Alice.” She didn’t say another word to me or the men, she just nodded—even when I asked if she was ready to go.

  Grabbing a bag I had for myself, I helped roll her luggage while she carried an overnight bag
on her shoulder. We made our way into the elevator, down, through the lobby and to my waiting SUV thanks to a hefty tip to the valet. Bags stored in the back, we climbed inside and I put the car in drive and headed to the highway.

  “A Durango...” My beautiful passenger touched the dashboard. “...interesting. This vehicle fits you perfectly... In more ways than one.” I looked over to see a grin on her face. She jarred my thoughts back in time to a summer in Durango.

  “I used to know an Alice Kelly. She was a river rafting guide. Pretty little thing that was strong as fuck...sorry.” I know it sounded crazy but she made me feel like I could say anything to her. “That’s the best way to express how she looked compared to her strength. She maneuvered the rafts like nothing. She shocked me...” That’s not all she did to get my attention.

  We had plans to meet up after she finished work for the day. Searching for her, I was informed that she was at the launch point so I headed over there.

  “Hey, Cowboy.” She spotted me before I found her. “I need to take one more run.” I attempted to approach her, wanting to take her in my arms and kiss her. “Hold up!” She laughed, stepped back and pointed to some available kayaks. “Grab one and ride down.”

  “What the hell.” I had nothing to do while I waited for her, so I put on a life-vest and left my cowboy hat behind. I never imagined that I would find myself helping out, but I saw a couple of kayakers struggling a bit along the way. They were so thankful. It was me that, actually, should’ve been continually thanking them since they allowed me a few views of Alice commanding her raft. She was amazing: maneuvering her much-bigger-than-her craft and calling out to her riders when they needed to paddle.

  “Yeah. I know what you mean.” I turned to see a smirk on her face as she continued, “Blonde hair. A long chunky, pixie look and—”

  “Yes.” I was nodding my head as I looked forward again even though I wanted to give her my full attention. “Oh man, she had the most amazing sky blue eyes...” I was about to give far more intimate details, but held back.

  I could remember every inch of her from head to toe. How could you ever forget the first girl that ever got completely naked with you? And you lost your virginity too. Alice couldn’t say the same about herself but, then again, she was three years older than me. I was just thankful that she wanted to be with me instead of older guys who could go to bars and clubs. Our summer together was forever sketched into my mind and carved into my heart.

  “She still has blue eyes. The blonde hair is gone and it’s long...and black.”

  “Alice?” I nearly swerved in my lane and hit the car in front of me as I looked over to take her in, gazing up and down her body.

  “Watch out!” She smiled and point out the windshield. “We don’t need to get in an accident and draw attention... I thought it was you when I shook your hand. The Hawkman threw me off... And maybe because you weren’t wearing your cowboy hat.”

  I laughed. “I haven’t worn that in years.” It had been a staple back when I met her until I left for SEAL training. “It’s still back in Durango.” Only clothes and toiletries packed in a duffle bag accompanied me. The rest sat in my untouched bedroom at the resort.

  “That’s a damn shame. It looked mighty good on you.” There was a fake country twang in her voice. “About my new look...” She sighed heavily. “It’s part of the witness protection...the disguise they insisted upon thanks to getting myself wrapped up in this shit.”

  “You’re still as beautiful as ever.” I didn’t think there was anything that could make her look anything but amazing.

  She seemed to be ignoring my words because she was unhappy with her appearance or she was just trying to keep things from getting too personal. “Why are you so far from home? How did you get into this job?”

  “I could ask you the same.” Twelve years since we had last seen each other: we had a lot of catching up to do and so little time to do it.

  “A wife and kids?” I shook my head at her question and was relieved to know that she had neither according to the report I had read about her: Single. Both parents living. That was in an area marked next of kin.

  “Good to know there’s no little lady waiting back on the ranch for you.” Her words made me laugh. “Not going to ask me...or you already know?”

  “There was some mention of you being unhitched.”

  “Unhitched. I like that word... No one ever wanted to marry me.”

  “That’s not true.” I was quick to rebut her declaration. “If I had been older I would’ve never let you go... I would’ve asked you to marry me, have babies with me and stay forever.” I looked over and watched her bite her bottom lip. I was in so much trouble. I had a feeling that something was off...or up...or... I should’ve known that the name was more than a sign.

  How did I just drop her off and not worry about her? Would they guard her with their lives? I would. I would never let anything happen to her. I would die first before anyone could ever harm a hair on her head—blonde or black.

  “I would’ve said yes to you, Cowboy.”

  Chapter Six


  Colt had been so young when I met him but he was far more mature than guys I knew my age. Cute as hell and so polite. Both winning traits in my book. He charmed the pants right off of me...eventually. He had grown into a really handsome man and he was still wearing his cowboy duds—minus the sexy hat.

  Being a beach girl from California, I had never been one that drooled over the cowboy image. Surfers had been my thing. A taste of my summer cowboy had me looking at them in a different light. I never dated another cowboy, but I had succumbed to reading about them in romance novels.

  I was overly excited to find a real live one sitting next to me on the long drive up north. It was nice to reminisce about Durango and the fun we had. I hated for it to end. That thought popped into my head once we had made our way through the Los Angeles area and were heading into the San Fernando Valley. How did I extend our time together? I needed it to slow down. I needed more...

  The rumble in my tummy provided me with the perfect solution. “Lunch?”

  “We’re supposed to stay on the road, but if you don’t report me—”

  So excited to find that my tactic worked, I cut him off. “I promise not to say a word if you feed me something greasy and delicious.” I was nearly giddy.

  I loved the grin on his face as he responded to my request. “I know just the place and it’s out of the way. It could send anyone following us off our trail. Or we’ll know for certain if they follow us.”

  “You think someone is following us?” I had a bit of worry in my voice. I had no idea what I was up against since I dumbly turned in my phone to the authorities.

  He didn’t seem fazed by the possibility—I needed to find out how he had gotten into this business and where the Hawkman came from. He sounded like a real life super hero. “One way to find out when I head off-road.”

  A few miles down the highway, he pulled all the way to the right and exited the freeway. Winding through a canyon, beautiful scenery greeted us: greenery, rolling hills, lots of trees, and wildflowers on both sides. Then before too long, he turned off the paved road and headed down a dirt one with huge oak trees on both sides. At the end there was a dirt lot packed with other vehicles in front of an old rustic looking house with a big patio running the length of it.

  “Ready?” he asked, putting the SUV into park.

  “Totally.” I was already getting out of the car and he quickly met me. Side by side we walked through the parking lot toward the entrance. “I’m starving. Feed me, Cowboy.”

  “You’re the only one that ever thought of me as a cowboy.”

  “Cowboy boots, a hat, lasso, and horse...what else would they call you?”

  “I don’t have a lasso.”

  “You did.”

  I loved when he had lassoed me to the bed in an old house I shared with three other girls who took summer jobs in Durango. For someone lacking
experience, he sure learned quickly and had a volume of knowledge...and moves. I had thought of asking him about watching online porn, but I didn’t want to embarrass him or keep him from living out his fantasies. I just kept my inquiries to myself while I enjoyed every sensation and all of the good...really good attention he was providing. I’d never had better than him before or after and often wondered what had happened to him.

  “How did you find this place?” I asked, looking around the small indoor area that included an old fashion, saloon-style bar and limited seating in comparison to the huge outdoor dining area. Outside there were several picnic style, wooden tables with umbrellas—where we were seated.

  “It’s really old. It opened back when cowboy movies were popular and being made all of the time. They filmed a lot in the canyon and this old house was used as the chow wagon. One of the Hollywood cowboys bought the place and kept it going.”

  “I bet Hank told you about it?” I knew how he hung on every word the old cowboy at the dude ranch—next door to his family’s resort—told him.

  “Yep. It’s taken me years to check it out...” He snickered a bit to himself like he was hearing an inside joke before continuing. “Appropriate that it’s with you; my first time.”

  Oh my goodness! His words had caught me off-guard and had me feeling a bit flustered and I wasn’t sure what to say so I changed our conversation to a safer ground.

  “How did you get into the transporting business? I thought you’d be gliding across the water with a great tan; teaching people how to man their vessels. Or maybe you would’ve defected to the dude ranch next door and become a full-time cowboy.”

  “It’s a long story how I got to this, but, basically, I joined the Navy SEALs, retired, got into guarding politicians mainly and a few celebrities... It wasn’t for me I decided. You’re only my fourth assignment.”

  “Why did you enlist?” I never pictured him anywhere but Durango.

  “I overheard my parents talking about finances, losing the property... I decided to give them a break on my college tuition which was high. Besides, all of the men in my family went into the Navy.”


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