9. Sanudo, vol. XI, col. 153.
10. Luzio, Isabella d’Este di Fronte a Giulio II, pp. 8 – 9.
11. Lucrezia to Francesco, 14 October 1505, AG,Autografi 84, Busta 1.
12. Abraham Thus to Lucrezia, n.d. [?August 1510], filed with Lucrezia’s letters to Alfonso, ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 141.
13. Sanudo, vol. XI, col. 466, 25 September 1510.
14. Luzio, p. 9 and n2.
15. Lucrezia to Isabella, 10 September 1510, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 2.
16. Sanudo, vol. XI, col. 279. y. Luzio, p. 47.
18. Gregorovius, Lucretia Borgia, p. 332 and n.
19. Luzio, p. 59n.
20. Ibid., p. 78n.
21. Di Prosperi to Isabella, 15 April 1512, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1244.
22. Lucrezia to Francesco, Ferrara, 27 January 1512, AG,Autografi 84, Busta 3.
23. Francesco to Vigo di Camposampiero, 17 June 1512, Luzio, p. 130n.
24. Lucrezia to Isabella, 12 August 1512, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 3.
25. Luzio, p. 172.
Chapter 15: Lucrezia Triumphant (pp. 316 – 35)
1 The plaques were executed by Giannantonio da Foligno, leading member of a family of goldsmiths and engravers, originally from Foligno but for many years settled in Ferrara, where Giannantonio carried out commissions for the nobility and particularly for Lucrezia. His work features in her Inventory of jewels of 1316 – 19.
2 ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 401.
3 Gregorovius, Lucretia Borgia, p. 335.
4 21 February 1511, 'Ordini d’Isabella d’Aragona, Duchessa di Milano – , ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 401.
5 ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 401.
6 Luzio, Isabella d’Este di Fronte a Giulio II, p. 169.
7 Ibid., p. 173n.
8 Di Prosperi to Isabella, 15 October 1512, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1244.
9 Luzio, p. 184n.
10 Lucrezia to Francesco, 4 February 1513, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 3.
11 Shaw, Julius II: The Warrior Pope, pp. 314—15.
12 Di Prosperi to Isabella, 2 April 1513, enclosing information on the banquet of I April 1513, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1245.
13 Luzio, p. 213.
14 Ibid., p. 214.
15 BCAFe, MS, coll. Antonelli, 272.
16 Lucrezia to Francesco, 7 April 1513, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 3.
17 Lucrezia to Francesco, 4 July 1515, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 3.
18 See letter by Ippolita Sforza Bentivoglio to Trissino mentioning Lucrezia’s esteem for him, I June 1512, in Morsolin, Giangiorgio Trissino. Monografia d’un gentiluomo letterato nel secolo XVI, p. 387.
19 Morsolin, Lucrezia to Trissino, Belriguardo, 18 September 1515, doc. XXX, p. 397.
20 Morsolin, Lucrezia to Trissino, Ferrara, 22 November 1515, pp. 397—8.
21 Morsolin, Lucrezia to Trissino, 26 March 1516, loc. cit. supra.
22 Morsolin, Lucrezia to Trissino, 1 June 1516, p. 404.
23 Laureati, Da Borgia a Este: due vite in quarant’anni, p. 55.
24 See Lowry, The World of Aldus Manutius: Business and Scholarship in Renaissance Venice, p. 203.
25 Canto 13.69.
26 Canto 42.83.
27 Lucrezia to Francesco, 2 January 1517, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 3.
28 Sanudo, I Diarii, vol. XXI, cols 18 – 19.
Chapter 16: The Last Year of Tranquillity (pp. 336—59)
1 Lucrezia Borgia Household Accounts, ASE, Camera Ducale, Amministrazione dei Principi, 'Libro di entrate e uscite’, 1514 – 19, B1134.
2 BCAFe, Classe I, 656, Albo Estense Autografi.
3 Di Prosperi to Isabella, 18 February 1518, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1246.
4 Di Prosperi to Isabella, 30 August 1518, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1246.
5 Di Prosperi to Isabella, 26 December 1518, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1246.
6 Hope, 'The “Camerini d’Alabastro” of Alfonso d’Este’, in The Burlington Magazine, vol. CXIII, no. 824, November 1971, p. 649.
7 Lucrezia to Isabella, 19 August 1518, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 4.
8 Lucrezia to Francesco, letters of 20, 21 and 23 August 1518, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 4.
9 Lucrezia to Isabella, Ferrara, 26 August 1518, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 4.
10 Lucrezia to Isabella, Ferrara, 17 October 1517, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 3.
11 Di Prosperi to Isabella, 4 March 1518, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1246.
12 Giovanni Borgia to Alfonso, 8 July [1519], ASE, Cancelleria Ducale, Particolari, Busta 209, Fasc. 4 Borgia.
13 Di Prosperi to Isabella, I May 1518, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1246.
14 Di Prosperi to Isabella, 16 June 1518.
15 ASE, Camera Ducale, Amministrazione dei Principi, Busta 1127.
16 Juan Las Cases to Lucrezia, 12 May 1518, ASE, Cancelleria Ducale, Particolari, Busta 209, Fasc. 4 Borgia.
17 Louise de Valentinois (Luisa Borgia) to Lucrezia, Lyon, 16 March [?1514] ASE, Principi Esteri.
18 ASE, Camera Ducale, Amministrazione dei Principi, B1134.
19 Di Prosperi, 26 November 1518, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1246.
20 Draft letter by Lucrezia to an unnamed cardinal, 24 November 1518, ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 141.
21 Lucrezia to Alfonso, n.d. [?1519], marked by archivist as 2 January, ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 141.
22 Vannozza to Lucrezia, February 1515, ASE, Cancelleria Ducale, Particolari, Busta 209, Fasc. 4 Borgia.
23 Vannozza to Ippolito, 14 September 1515, ASE, Cancelleria Ducale, Particolari, Busta 209, Fasc. 4 Borgia.
24 See Sacerdote, Cesare Borgia, la sua vita, la sua famiglia, e i suoi tempi, p. 843.
25 Ibid., p. 848.
26 Bonaventura Pistofilo to Lucrezia, 24 November 1518, ASE, Cancelleria Ducale, Particolari, Busta 6.
27 Pistofilo to Lucrezia, Lyons, 4 December 1518, ASE, Cancelleria Ducale, Particolari, Busta 6.
28 Lucrezia to Alfonso, Ferrara, 23 December 1518, ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 141.
Chapter 17: The End (pp. 360—66)
1 Di Prosperi to Isabella, 17 March 1519, AG, E XXXI.3, Busta 1247.
2 Lucrezia to Isabella, 31 March 1519, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 4.
3 Lucrezia to Federico Gonzaga, AG, 31 March 1519, Autografi 84, Busta 4.
4 Lucrezia to Alfonso, apparently unpublished, 26 April [1519], ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 141.
5 Lucrezia to Leo X, ASE, Carteggio tra Principi Estense, Busta 141, f 42.
6 Alfonso to Federico Gonzaga, AG, Autografi 84, Busta 4.
7 Alfonso to unnamed friend, ASE, Casa e Stato, Busta 400.
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Alexander VI, Pope (Rodrigo Borgia; LB’s father): elected and enthroned; divides New World; powers; birth and background; character and qualities; fondness for LB; illegitimate children; passion for Giulia Farnese; religious piety; nepotism; and LB’s marriage to Giovanni Sforza; and claims to Naples; and Juan Gandia’s marriage; leaves Rome in plague; Gonzagas seek favour from; relations with Giovanni Sforza; offended by Juan Gandia; dependence on women; Caterina Gonzaga appeals to for protection; alliance with Alfonso of Naples; conflicts with rivals; demands to Giulia and Adriana; and ransom demand for Giulia Farnese; retreats before French; painted by Pinturicchio; Dolfo disparages; and appointment of Juan Gandia as Captain General; and LB’s divorce from Giovanni; and Juan Gandia’s disappearance and death; rumoured incest with LB; accepts Jews; appropriates goods and money; and LB’s marriage to Alfonso Bisceglie; supports Louis ; accused of simony; appoints LB to Governorship of Spoleto; at Nepi; deprives rivals of status as papal vicars; poisoning attempts on; welcomes Cesare Borgia on return to Rome; exploits Ascanio Sforza’s downfall; nearly killed in whirlwind; and attack on Alfonso Bisceglie; and murder of Alfonso Bisceglie; resilience; promotes marriage of LB and Alfonso d’Este; negotiates LB’s marriage settlement with d’Este; celebrates LB’s marriage to Alfonso d’Este; LB intercedes with for Ercole’s plea for nuns; praises LB to Ferrarese; present at Cesare’s Vatican orgy; and LB’s dowry on marriage to Bisceglie; and LB’s departure for Ferrara; anxiety of LB’s marriage to d’Este; differences with Ercole over LB’s annual allowance; and LB’s illness and loss of child in Ferrara; and Orsini and Vitelli plot; on killing of Lorqua; death and burial; mistrusts French alliance; praises LB’s friendship with Ippolito d’Este; and appointment of new cardinals; and death of Giovanni Michiel; health worries
Lucrezia Borgia Page 44