Hot Hits

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Hot Hits Page 8

by Harry Blue

  ‘Ah,’ she said, ‘and what is your business?’

  ‘I’m a fixer. Of the criminal variety. I finance things. Say for example there’s some toerags who want to buy some coke, they’ve got a deal going, but need finance, they put the word out and I listen to the whisper. If I like what they are doing, then I put up the money. For a fee. But most of what I do comes through trusted reliable sources, people I’ve been dealing with for years. I know them, they know me, it’s unusual to take on new business. But if there’s sufficient merit, then I will look at new propositions. Which is where you come in. Let’s have a hypothetical situation. I have an ‘associate’ who has taken a liberty, and needs teaching a permanent public lesson. That’s where you come in. I pay for your talent. And a talent and gift you have, make no mistake.’

  And that is how Barbara became a professional hit woman.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Meanwhile, back in Ostend, there was discord in the band. Cedric had never been a popular member, and his playing was getting progressively worse. He liked his drink, which was obvious by his size, with beer being his tipple of choice. The Belgian variety was a particular favourite of his, so this trip was a wonderful opportunity to indulge. Unfortunately, it affected his playing ability. More beer, the worse his playing became. He thought that he was immune to criticism, because it was he who had introduced Thomas to Busy Mick, and it was he who had thought of the band idea in the first place. And it was he who had organised everything in such a short time, so, hey, he was the man, he was the one who could get away with anything he wanted. But he hadn’t reckoned on being under surveillance from Barbara, Busy Mick’s own little mole. It was Barbara who was reporting back to Busy Mick at the end of the trip, and if it was an adverse report, then if he was becoming a liability, then something would have to be done about him. That night’s concert had not gone particularly well. They had played their full medley of tunes, but some had been played a lot worse than others. It wasn’t just Cedric, it was two of the newer male members who hadn’t joined in before, and their lack of practice was evident. Yes, they could play, but Roger was far better, and he hadn’t really played for quite some time. Sue had been given the role of soloist for one particular number, so fortunately she had exonerated the decision by playing beautifully. This had been the high spot of the whole evening, so she was feeling particularly proud of herself. They went for their walk after the exercise of their love making, revelling in the warm sea breezes, holding hands, strolling on the flat sandy beach. Sue was walking in a strange way, as if she had been horse riding and was a bit sore down below, but Roger didn’t like to comment, as he thought it might be a ‘woman’s thing’ that he didn’t understand. The night life was amazing with so many hotels and cafes still open, such a choice, so they came off the sand, wiped their feet, and sat down outside a pleasant looking cafe – they were all pleasant looking. Soon a waitress was by their side.

  ‘What can I get you please?’

  ‘Beer for me and ..’he hesitated, looking at Sue

  ‘glass of dry white wine please.’

  ‘Coming up,’ said the waitress.

  They started chatting as they waited for their refreshments. ‘So, has it been as bad as this before?’ asked Roger.

  ‘It’s been bad, but not as bad as this. We’ve always played some notes that weren’t quite in the right order, but the band has struggled on, as we’ve always enjoyed playing. However, this time, people just don’t like Cedric, and don’t feel like covering for him. Also, they don’t like Mr. Thomas very much either, resenting the way he took over the band.’

  ‘So, how do you see it resolving?’ asked Roger.

  ‘That’s quite difficult.’ She stopped as the drinks were served. ‘Thanks.’ She said to the waitress. ‘It depends on the reaction of the audiences,’ she continued, when the waitress had gone. ‘There is a fee involved, as you say, and we are supposed to be one of the better bands, especially as we are travelling both in and out of the UK. We quite often share the gig with other bands, usually non UK, and they are far better than us on every occasion. Without exception.’

  ‘Do you think that there’s something else going on?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘There’s a lot that doesn’t add up. I’ve already said to you about the way that the band was taken over in such a suspicious way. Also, the way that Thomas and Cedric couldn’t play their way out of a paper bag. And the way that there’s not a great deal of continuity about the band. Look at those three new players, for example. Barbara’s good, but nothing special, but as for the two men, well, I’m not that good, but I’m far better than them, so that’s not saying much. Think about the way that the band’s taking on all these new gigs, Milan next, somewhere in the Gulf next, it’s all just so, strange. It doesn’t add up.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it, darling, I’m sure it’ll all come out okay in the end. At least it meant that we can have a lovely little break together, and I’ve got some more plans for you.’

  ‘Really?’ Roger asked, sipping his beer.

  ‘No more at present, let’s sit and appreciate everything.’

  As they were sitting enjoying themselves, Roger could swear that Mrs Walker, his guest who had stayed just after Easter and enjoyed, really enjoyed, sex with, walked past, but the light was dark, and he couldn’t really be sure. She hadn’t looked in his direction, so he said nothing to Sue. No point, really.

  Chapter Sixteen

  When they returned to the hotel it was gone one, but Sue wasn’t ready to turn in. She had other ideas in mind. She and Roger had been walking hand in hand since they left the cafe, so when they were outside her room, she opened the door without a word, guiding him inside, not turning on the light, relying on the natural brightness coming through the window. Still saying nothing, Sue went down onto her knees, opened his zip, and took out his prick. Without him seeing, she had placed a woollen mitt glove on her right hand as she had walked in the door, which she used to massage his prick up and down, soon making him hugely erect. This time, she decided that it was to be no oral sex for him, but more concentrate on her willing body. After a few minutes in this position, Sue stopped, telling him to get undressed.

  ‘You’re a grown-up now, you know what to do.’

  As he quickly threw his clothing off, Sue did the same, so they were standing before each other naked, willing, and ready. Again, she guided his hand between her willing legs, and he was surprised to feel something there that hadn’t been there before. He looked quizzically at her. She then lay down on the bed, opening her legs as wide as she could, knees almost up to her chin, holding each ankle with each hand, so he could have the best possible look. He could see a little bit of string.

  ‘Down you go, use your teeth.’

  Roger needed no second bidding, immediately smelling her sexual juices as he started drinking them. His tongue wasn’t the only thing working this time, as he gently took the protruding end of the black string in his front teeth. He had to tug a little harder, as there was an obstruction, obviously something connected and inside, so he tugged harder still, rewarded with the sight of a little black ball popping out. He stopped.

  ‘Have you had this in all evening?’

  Sue nodded, still with her legs wide apart.

  ‘I’ll carry on, then.’

  ‘I would if I were you. Never know what you’re going to find down there.’

  Roger resumed his task, biting on the string, immediately being rewarded with a second black ball, followed quickly by a third. He hadn’t stopped being a magician though, so continued until there were five balls on the bed, glistening in the natural light with her sexual juices.

  ‘Now, your next task, should you choose to accept it, is to bring me to a climax with your mouth, teeth and tongue.’

  Roger required no second instruction, returning to h
is allotted place. As well as his mouth, he brought his hands into play, using the index finger on both hands to gently prize her labia lips open. Throughout, these two fingers stayed in the same place, but they were used to great effect, because he applied pressure to increase the way that they moved, while opening and closing her gap according to the amount of noises and moans she was making. Pulling the lips apart, he made more than enough room for his tongue to enter, as a sort of mini-prick in its own way, but with a lot more sensitivity. He moved his tongue up and down, knowing that every movement was giving his woman an exquisite amount of pleasure, and Roger never ceased to be amazed at how good giving oral sex to a woman was. You had to give pleasure to receive pleasure, and he was certainly giving pleasure now. She moaned and writhed under the intensity of her emotions, all instinct centred on her love box, her juices flowing naturally, lubricating his tongue as he went ever deeper and deeper. She couldn’t believe how he could know instinctively what to do, because as well as his tongue being inside, his fingers moving her lips up and down, side to side, he had managed somehow to find her G-spot, which no-one had ever managed to find before Roger had wonderfully come on her scene. She was bucking so violently that he could only just restrain her, and he knew that it couldn’t last. She was getting wetter and wetter, her juices were doing what came naturally, so he wasn’t at all surprised when she bucked even more when he swallowed even more of her way of climaxing. She was there, at her pinnacle, out of control with lust, drowning his so he swallowed five times, each time more of her than before, until she slumped back onto the bed, releasing her ankles from the grip of her hands, completely satiated.

  Roger said nothing, as he gently lifted Sue up, then covered her naked, glistening, body with the duvet, quickly threw his clothing on, kissed her gently with deep tenderness on her more than willing mouth, then left the room. Soon Sue was asleep, when she awoke the next morning wondered if it had all been a dream. But as she turned over to look at the bedside clock, she felt the little black balls, and knew it had all really wonderfully happened. Sue couldn’t hide the smile of contentment.

  Chapter Seventeen

  That morning was Sunday, so they had a reasonably early start, as they had another two sets to play, one at noon, the last at four. Sue met Roger at breakfast, joining him at his table, nudging feet and doing intimate things that new lovers do. They soon left for the bandstand, meeting the others there. The two gigs went without incident, if anything they seemed to play a bit better together, with not so many discordinant sounds. The first went particularly well, probably because Cedric hadn’t had the opportunity to drink too much, and there wasn’t a great gap to the second set so it was quite a happy band that met for the return journey home. Roger was more than a little surprised when his bus was full and packed for him, with only him and Sue missing, especially as the other two buses were all ready to go as well. There were so many people inside he could have sworn that there were more for the return journey, but he had the same number so the responsibility lay with others. It had been pre-arranged that they would have a stop just before the French border at a little village that specialised in selling tobacco and related products, but Roger was a little surprised to see that there were still people inside the other two buses when they went to buy their purchases. As a non-smoker he wasn’t bothered about buying some duty free tobacco, but had been asked to purchase some by a couple of his college pals, who rolled their own cigarettes. The saving on this tobacco was quite considerable, as the Belgian shops were geared up to sell to the British customer. He hadn’t been there before, and was amazed to see that some of the shops were open 24 hours a day. Roger made his purchases, then went to the toilet for his comfort stop. He returned to his bus via the chocolate shop then stowed away any purchases that his passengers might have made. There were four or five people getting onto the other buses, and he was amazed to see that he didn’t recognise them. He was just about to say something when he was aware of Cedric being the person guiding them into the buses, and was even more surprised when Cedric looked at him, drawing his hand across his throat followed by holding his hand up against his mouth, in the universal sign to say nothing or it’ll be the worse for you. Roger looked around to see if anyone else had seen anything, but strangely they were looking the other way. If that’s what they wanted to do, then it wasn’t up to Roger to do anything about it. There was a time and place for everything, so Roger was quite comfortable doing nothing. Soon the convoy was back on the road again, Roger still at the back, and when they arrived at the tunnel entrance the same procedure applied, only this time UK customs officers required all the passports of the people in his bus. They didn’t have to get out to show personally, all Roger had to do was wind the window down, show the number of passports was the same number of passengers, and no photos were examined. Very easy, as both the other buses had done the same while Roger was patiently waiting. Some of the other bus passengers remained in their vehicles while all Roger’s lot went into the terminal, to have a pee, and to buy refreshments, also an English Sunday newspaper. It was easier to drive onto the train this time, as Roger knew what to expect, so soon they were parked inside, waiting for departure, as some of the other bus passengers went to the toilet at the front of the train. They seemed to be the ones that hadn’t got out at the tunnel terminal. Strange, that. Roger read his paper, going first to the football results. Fulham had drawn at home again. Same procedure as before, when the train arrived in Folkestone, he drove straight off, no passport control or customs, as they had already been dealt with on the French side.

  They got back by ten o’clock UK time, parked the buses up, and Roger and Sue walked home along the seafront, too weary to think about sex, hand in hand with their small cases.

  Chapter Eighteen

  A couple of days later Sue was sitting on the seafront, having a cup of morning coffee. The promenade was a long one, with three beach front cafes with wooden decking going onto the shingle beach. Sue liked to sit at one of these, had her favourite, relaxing while she studied. She could easily spend a couple of hours, soaking up the sunshine while she read, not even aware of her surroundings very much as she intently looked at her books. Wind was a problem sometimes, blowing the papers away if she wasn’t sufficiently careful, but she often placed the saucer over vulnerable paperwork. Sue regarded these times as quite precious, not even allowing Roger to come and join her. Her attitude was that he had the gym for his own time, she had the beach front cafe. Let me keep my space, and you can have yours. She wasn’t too welcoming then when Barbara brought her coffee over, sat down on a vacant seat at the same table, and said ‘hello, mind if I join you.’ There was no question mark in her voice when she said this, just assuming that it was okay. Sue looked up from her studies.

  ‘Oh, hello, no, please sit down,’ the last bit said with no hint of irony, just implied. ‘Nice to take a break from studying, for a change. Isn’t it a lovely, sunny day. I’d better put some sun cream on, it’s so warm.’ Sue went into her bag that was by her side, took out the sun cream, and applied it to her bare shoulders. ‘Want some?’ she offered to Barbara.

  ‘No thanks, I won’t be staying that long. Thanks all the same though,’ replied Barbara. ‘Glad that I’ve bumped into you, though. I know that I’m only the new girl in the band, but I can’t help noticing that there’s something not quite right about what’s going on.’

  Sue was immediately on her guard, as she didn’t know much about the other girl, how much she was aware of what was occurring, with her immediate thought being ‘Who is she really. What do I know about her, and how has she suddenly contrived to meet me where I quite often sit and study.

  ‘Not too sure where you’re coming from on this one, Barbara. I have only been with the band for a couple of years or so, being only a poor student, so keep my nose out of band politics. Have you anything specific in mind as to what you’re not happy about?’

  ‘Well,’ paused
the blonde woman, ‘I’ve only been on the scene for a short while, as I said, but I can’t help overhearing some of the comments being made.’

  ‘For example?’

  ‘You’re not making this easy for me, are you? Okay, four or five of the lads could easily form a breakaway band. No bad thing in that, but it would be a really sad thing to do just because people are getting annoyed with Cedric. After all, he doesn’t seem like a really bad bloke to me. Okay, he likes his drink, and okay, he can’t play for toffee, but I’m sure that he’s got some good points.’

  ‘I’m struggling here,’ said Sue. ‘Good points. Bad points. Let’s add up each side, and see where we come to. Bad points, I can think of at least fifty, and that’s the number of bad notes he manages every time we play. Good points. I’m struggling here, please help me out. Oh yes, I know, the decent notes in tune that he plays. No, still struggling to get into double figures. Sorry, Barbara, I know that he’s a mate of Rick Thomas, but that’s not going to help him for much longer. You wanted my opinion? He’s literally a weight we can’t afford to be carrying. He’s a fat slob, rude, arrogant, drunk, and there’s a lot of us think that he’s got some kind of hold over Mr. Thomas to be able to continue. Now, I’ve been frank with you, because you asked me my opinion, what do you say. You are certainly no fool, there’s more to you than possibly meets the eye, be frank here.


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