X Marks the Spot

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X Marks the Spot Page 2

by Opal Carew

  A waitress showed up immediately.

  “They have black currant tea here. I know you used to enjoy that. Or would you prefer a coffee?” Del asked Abi.

  “I would love a tea.”

  Del ordered a coffee and the waitress went on her way.

  “It is a beautiful view,” she said, gazing out over the water.

  “Yes, it is.”

  She realized he was staring at her, his eyes filled with a warm glow. Could it be that he was interested in her after all?

  But then he shook his head. “Sorry, it’s just … I haven’t seen you since you graduated last summer. I’ve missed you. The talks we used to have. The close friendship.”

  Her hope faded.

  “Yes. Our friendship.”

  Unfortunately, those words felt like a curse on her future happiness.

  Except she knew he’d been attracted to her at one time. He’d admitted it to her … right before he’d told her they couldn’t be together because she was his friend’s sister.

  She remembered that conversation all too well. And the sense of loss that had filled her. She had told him she was a grown woman who could make her own decisions, but he hadn’t been swayed.

  Then later, after her separation from Liam, when she’d most needed a friend, Del had been there for her. A strong shoulder to cry on. Warm arms to comfort her. A man she could depend on and know he would not take advantage of her vulnerability.

  “Are you enjoying your position at Brahm’s?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am. Now that it’s summer and classes are finished until the fall, I’ve got more time to work on my research. And how about you?”

  “I’ve still been doing substitute teaching and hope to eventually get a full-time teaching position, but I’m off for the summer right now, too. I also do some work for some of my old professors developing online courses for the university. I love it because I work from home and set my own hours. It’s a long-term project and they’re very flexible about deadlines, knowing I do teaching, too.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Del said.

  The waitress brought their drinks and they sipped them in silence for a few moments.

  “So how’s the divorce progressing?” he asked.

  “You probably know better than I do since Liam keeps in touch with you. All I know is that he still hasn’t signed the papers.”

  Del nodded. “It must be rough on you.”

  She sighed. “I just want it to be over.” She sipped her tea and shrugged. “Who knew turning down money would be a problem?”

  Liam was a wealthy man. She hadn’t signed a prenup, but she’d told Liam and his lawyers that she didn’t want anything from him. He’d insisted on a sizeable settlement, though, which she’d refused. She knew he wanted her to have it because he felt an obligation to her, but she didn’t want to take his money.

  “Will he be at the wedding?”

  Her gaze shot to his. “I hope not. Did he tell you he would?”

  “No, but I know Kurt really likes him. And he’s never given up hope that you two would get back together again.”

  She pursed her lips. “Claire, too.” She shook her head. “But, no, I’m sure he won’t be attending. I saw the guest list when I was helping with the invitations and he wasn’t on it.”

  That was all she needed. For her ex to show up at her brother’s wedding.

  * * *

  As the car whisked along the highway, Liam sat in the spacious backseat, settled into the leather, working on his laptop.

  Liam had assumed he wouldn’t be invited to Kurt’s wedding, but had decided that even if he was, he wouldn’t go. But Kurt had reached out personally to invite him. In fact, Kurt had badgered him until he’d finally agreed to go. It was clear Kurt still held out hope that Liam and Abi would get back together.

  Liam, on the other hand, had finally given up hope.

  He saved the document and closed the device, then set it in the case beside him. In the flap inside the lid, he could see the edge of the large brown envelope. Mocking him.

  The key to freedom, his lawyer had told him. More like the key to complete and utter unhappiness. The final death knell to the only future he had ever, or would ever, care about.

  A future with Abi.

  She was the one love of his life. The only woman he wanted to be with. Yet somehow he’d blown it so completely and thoroughly that he didn’t know how to fix it.

  He pulled the envelope out of the flap and stared at it, then finally, his chest tight as a drum, opened it and stared at the stark white papers. He flipped to the page marked with a neon-green sticky note.

  His gaze dropped to the signature lines on the bottom, each marked with an X.

  A place for Abi to sign and a place for him to sign. Once they both did that, it would be done. Their marriage—the one thing in his life he’d ever truly wanted—would be over and Abi would be able to move on. To her true happiness.

  His heart ached. He would be adrift. Lost in a storm of despair.

  He could keep fighting for her, but then she’d only grow to hate him. She’d already made it clear she wanted nothing more to do with him.

  The distance that had grown between them as their marriage had slowly faded was hard enough to bear. At least with this gesture of presenting her with the papers this weekend and giving her what she’d been wanting for so long—his signature—maybe she would at least think of him fondly in the future.

  He stared at the page again.

  X marked the spot.

  When he signed there, he’d be signing away his happiness.

  * * *

  As Abi walked to the elevator, she texted Claire to arrange to pick up her room key.

  Ran into Jaime while checking in. She’s got your key. She’s in room 714.

  Abi took the elevator to the seventh floor, then knocked on Jaime’s door.

  “There you are,” Jaime said when she opened the door. “Did you have a nice talk with Del?”

  “Yes, it was nice seeing him again. You have my key?”

  “Yeah, let me get it.”

  Abi stepped into the room behind her. “Where are Dave and the kids?”

  Jaime grabbed a keycard folder from the dresser.

  “At the pool. The kids weren’t here five seconds before they were bugging me to go.”

  Abi laughed. “Like us when we were kids. The highlight of staying in a hotel was always the pool. We loved the water.”

  “It’s fine by me. They’ll be exhausted and sleep really well tonight. And this gives me time to sort everything out. Like getting you settled in your room.”

  Jaime had volunteered to manage the room assignments, making sure all the wedding guests got checked in all right, ensuring everyone’s needs were met and managing any changes needed.

  Abi held out her hand. “Okay. Well, hand over the keycard and you’ve got me all handled.”

  But Jaime held tight to the key. “I’m going to walk up with you.”

  Jaime headed to the door, Abi on her heels.

  “I can find my own way to my room.”

  But Jaime continued out the door and once they were in the hallway, Jaime slid her hand around Abi’s waist.

  “So I want to walk with my sister and chat,” Jaime said. “What’s wrong with that?”

  “You know I’m totally fine with the wedding, right?” Abi asked. “I’m not stressing or anything like that.”

  Jaime pushed the elevator button. “That’s good, but that’s not what I wanted to chat about.”

  “Then what?” The elevator doors opened. “And why are we taking an elevator? I thought this floor was reserved for all the guests.”

  “That’s true, but they offered us an extra suite and that’s two floors up.”

  “You’re giving me the suite?”

  “No. I’m giving it to Del. I asked the hotel to tell Del they made a mistake and need his room for a family member, so they’re upgrading him.”

��Okay.” Abi shook her head, confused. “But why?”

  Jaime grinned, her eyes sparkling. “Because I’ve set you up in the room next door. A connecting room.” She leaned in close. “And I’ve ensured the dead bolt is unlocked. That way, you can easily slip into his bed without anyone knowing about it.”

  As Abi started to protest, the elevator doors opened and Jaime grabbed her hand and led her down the hallway. Another hotel guest was walking down the hall, so Abi kept her silence, until Jaime opened her hotel room door at the end of the hall and the two of them were inside.

  “Jaime, I told you I wasn’t going to seduce Del.”

  Jaime turned her no-nonsense, older-sister stare onto Abi. “And why not? You’re crazy about the guy. And it’s clear to everyone but you that he’s crazy about you, too. But neither of you knows how to get past this friendship limbo you’ve gotten yourselves into.”

  Jaime took her hand and squeezed.

  “So take control. Make this happen.” Jaime tipped her head. “Or do you have a better idea?”

  “Well, I … uh…”

  “I thought not.” Then Jaime pulled her into a hug. “Look, Abi, I just want you to be happy. And I believe Del is the man to make that happen. You’re a smart girl. Don’t let this opportunity slip away.”

  * * *

  Abi slumped on the bed, staring at the door Jaime had exited. Del would be busy until about eight, Jaime had told her, because he was helping out with some last-minute errands. It was seven now, so she had plenty of time to psych herself up and slip into the other room before he got back. She could be waiting for him completely naked in his bed.

  Maybe Jaime was right and that was the best way to break through this limbo they were in and move their relationship forward.

  She did want that.

  She nibbled her lower lip as her gaze slipped to the connecting door between the two rooms.

  Could she really go through with such a blatant and desperate move?

  Her heart quivered.

  Jaime was right. She needed to move this relationship forward and that meant taking a chance.

  She stood up and hesitantly walked to the connecting door. The thundering of her heart grew louder the closer she got and by the time she reached the door, she could barely catch her breath.

  She stared at the doorknob, frozen to the spot.

  If she just went in and looked around, that didn’t commit her to the plan.

  She sucked in a deep breath, then grabbed the knob and turned.

  * * *

  It had been a long trip and it was late. Liam wanted to get into his room and to bed. He pushed his keycard into the slot on the door of his suite and opened the door.

  He’d run into Del and Kurt in the lobby, and they’d gone for a drink to catch up. Kurt had only been able to stay a few minutes, but Liam and Del had chatted for a couple of hours.

  Liam had missed his old friend. He and Del had been close all through grad school, but finally Liam had graduated and started his business, while Del had remained in the academic world.

  Distance made it difficult to keep a friendship going.

  And then, of course, there was the breakup with Abi. Not that Del had ever taken sides … exactly … but he had been Abi’s shoulder to cry on. And Liam knew that Del had a thing for Abi. It’s the reason he had introduced Liam to her in the first place, since Del had had it in his head he couldn’t date his other friend’s sister.

  And in his heart, Liam knew Abi had a thing for Del, too.

  He stepped into the suite. It was much smaller than the ones he was used to, but it was elegant in its way and had a homey feel.

  When he was talking to Del and Kurt, Del mentioned that he’d been bumped to a different floor because of a mix-up. That’s when Liam found out that most of the guests were on the seventh floor—which would include Abi. Liam would have preferred to get a room on another floor so there’d be less likelihood he’d run into Abi in the hall. This was her brother’s wedding and he didn’t want to add undue stress. And running into him was bound to stress her.

  When he mentioned that, Kurt suggested that he and Del switch rooms. Del was happy because he preferred to be on the same floor as the wedding party anyway since he was a groomsman.

  Liam rolled his suitcase into the sitting room and glanced around. There was a fresh bouquet of flowers in a vase on the dining table, the fragrant blossoms filling the space with a delicate scent. He loosened his tie and headed for the bedroom door.

  Then froze.

  On the white, wooden surface was a note. Scrawled in Abi’s handwriting.

  Being away from you for so long has made me realize how much I want to be with you. The fact that we’re drifting apart is breaking my heart. I don’t want to lose you. I love you. If that scares you, I understand. But in my heart I think you feel the same way about me.

  I’m waiting for you inside. If you’re willing to take a chance on us, then join me.

  If not, then tell me that it’s over between us and I’ll go.



  Joy surged through Liam.

  Abi loved him. She wanted to get back together.

  But how had Abi known what room he was in?

  Fuck, of course. Kurt must have told her. Kurt had told him several times over the past few weeks that Abi still had feelings for him, and clearly Kurt wanted them to reconcile. He must have told Abi where he was and arranged for her to have a key.

  Liam sucked in a deep breath, his heart pounding. It didn’t matter how she’d come to be here. All that mattered was that she wanted him back.

  He opened the door and stepped into the bedroom. Pillar candles were set around the room and soft music was playing. A bottle of champagne stood on the dresser in a silver ice bucket, with two tall, slender glasses waiting to be filled.

  A large king-sized bed dominated the room.

  And lying on the bed was Abi.

  A smile crept across his face. Her eyes were closed and her angelic features glowed in the candlelight. His heart ached at the sight of her beloved face.

  He had spent a long time talking to Del—over two hours—and now Abi was fast asleep.

  If he had known she was here waiting for him, he would have been up in a heartbeat.

  His gaze glided over her. The long eyelashes fanning across her cheek. Her cute upturned nose and heart-shaped lips. The long waves of chestnut-brown hair cascading over the pillow, and the duvet covering her.

  And her creamy-smooth, naked shoulders.

  His cock lurched to attention at the realization that she was naked under that cover. If he pulled it away, he would see her ripe, round breasts. Her dusky-rose nipples. The delightful, delicate petals of her pussy.

  He sucked in a breath, his cock straining painfully against his pants.

  He walked across the room, shedding his jacket and tie, and dropped them on one of the armchairs by the fireplace. He unbuttoned his shirt, anticipating what was about to happen. He was going to be touching her soft skin soon.

  He slipped off his shirt and shed his pants, being quiet so he wouldn’t wake her. He liked the idea of kissing her from her slumber.

  When he was totally naked, he slipped into the bed and glided close to her.

  As much as his hormones insisted he touch her, he found himself staring at her sweet face. Remembering those early days when he’d wake up in the night and gaze at her just like this, knowing how lucky he was to have found her.

  Finally, he couldn’t hold back. He leaned in and pressed his lips to her shoulder then followed a fluttering path of butterfly kisses along her satin skin to her neck. He nuzzled at the base, which he knew she loved.

  * * *

  Abi felt tingles dancing along her skin and sighed at the delicate feel of lips nuzzling her neck. Liam often woke her like this when he worked late. She murmured softly and glided her arms around his neck, drawing him closer.

  He chuckled softly and his arms slid
around her, pulling her tight to him. The feel of his hard chest against her breasts made her nipples blossom to tight buds.

  His body was so warm and welcome. Her hands glided down his back, then over his hard, muscular ass.

  But as he continued to hold her close, his mouth now playing along the side of her neck, she remembered this wasn’t Liam. Their relationship was over.

  Her heart stuttered as she remembered this was Del. She’d stolen into his room and climbed into his bed to wait for him. She must have fallen asleep.

  But he was holding her now, so that meant … her pulse quickened … that he must feel the same way about her.

  She squeezed him, her fingers still curled over his ass. Oh, God, his butt was firm and hard. Like Liam, she knew Del worked out and kept his body in tip-top shape.

  His mouth glided along her jaw then he captured her lips. His tongue nudged at the seam of her mouth until she parted it, welcoming him inside. He surged deep and explored her. Her heart pounded as his tongue curled and stroked, then undulated against hers. She glided her fingers through his hair, the passion of his kiss lighting a fire deep inside her.

  She arched forward, wanting to be closer. Needing to feel the length of his naked body against hers. She ran her hand down his sculpted chest and over the well-delineated ridges of his abs.

  Then she bumped against it. His marble-hard, impressively long cock. She wrapped her fingers around it, barely able to reach all the way around the thick shaft, and glided its length. Oh, God, he was every bit as big as Liam was, which was saying a lot.

  He released her lips, pulling her to him in a tight embrace, as if he never wanted to let her go.

  “Oh, I’ve dreamed of this for so long,” she murmured against his shoulder. “You can’t know how much I’ve wanted this.”

  “Fuck. Me too, kitten.”

  * * *

  As soon as Liam used the endearment he’d called her ever since he’d met her in that sexy cat costume at the Halloween party, she stiffened in his arms. A feeling of dread filled him.

  “Liam?” The shock in her voice totally killed his belief that she was here for him.

  Her hands pressed flat against his chest and pushed. She was strong, but he was stronger. Unwilling to give up their closeness, he allowed her only a few inches. She gazed up at him, her blue eyes wide.


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