Despairing Tides (Fate's Intent Book 12)

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Despairing Tides (Fate's Intent Book 12) Page 16

by Bowles, April

  “It’s been buried away in the city vaults, mother. Only waiting to be found.”

  “And he’s chosen to pass it to Rory?” Jaylyn asked.

  “Yes. He never said it but I don’t believe Trever ever told Rory who he really is. He wants this sword to prove it for him and hopefully Rory will realize it then. He has the potential to be great but he has yet to see it. Once he does, he’ll accept it and be ready for the challenge.”

  “Well, if he has the three of you guiding him, he best turn out just fine.” My father smiled, handing the sword back to me.

  I wrapped it back up and held it at my side. “That’s the plan.”

  “So, where are the girls?” Mother asked. “Did they come back with you?”

  It was an odd change in subject but I went with it to answer her. “No, mother. They left for another mission south as we came here.”

  She looked over at my father suspiciously for a moment. “I see.”


  “Get Dirk and Bryce down here alone.” My father said. “We need to have a talk.”

  I nodded, still unsure why but I bowed my head. “As you wish, father.” I then turned and left the conference room, going upstairs to my room and placed the sword on my desk then left to find Dirk and Bryce. I found them in a room just down the hall where they sustained Rory from getting himself into trouble. “There you are. Our fathers wish to speak with us.”

  “What about?” Bryce asked as he stood up.

  “Not entirely sure but we are to meet them now.”

  “What about him?” Dirk wondered as he pointed over at Rory.

  “I’m capable of staying here alone. I don’t need you to watch me.” Dirk simply held up his hand and Rory moved away and put his hands on his head. “Okay, I’m sorry! What I meant to say was, I’ll be good and stay here while you’re gone and not leave my room, oh great one.”

  Dirk smiled and nodded as he put his hand down and started walking to the door with Bryce. “That’s more like it.”

  “We’ll be back shortly for another lesson.” I said, being last to leave. “You better behave while we’re gone.”

  “I promise, I will.” Rory said, holding up one hand.

  I walked out the door, following the others and headed downstairs to the conference room. Once inside, we approached our fathers who were waiting for us but our mothers were gone.

  “You wanted to see us, father?” I asked.

  “Yes. Sit.” My father held out one hand to the chairs in front of them and we took our seats. “So, we’ve been thinking while you were away. It’s been a few years. Do you ever plan on making your unions final?”

  “Our unions?” Bryce asked.

  “With your girls.”

  “Oh.” Dirk sighed and started to get up. “Have fun talking about that.”

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Darius asked. “Sit back down.”

  “Why? This conversation obviously doesn’t apply to me.”

  “How do you think not?” Darius sounded really angry at this point and Dirk didn’t help.

  He was acting very vague while answering. “Remember that advice you gave me when I met Lana about waiting?”


  “I kind of, might not have, possibly didn’t listen.”

  Darius rose to his feet angrily but I still didn’t know what this was about. “What?! Dirk! You married her?!”

  My eyes widened and I looked right at Dirk. This was the first time I was hearing about this and I just had so many questions.

  Chapter 30


  It’s been a few years but I guess the conversation is finally happening now. I was almost glad Lana wasn’t here for it so she wouldn’t get yelled at. This was my task to deal with my father.

  “It’s not that big of a deal. Isn’t that why we’re in here, to talk about finally doing it?”

  “Maybe but I didn’t want you to go behind our backs and do this secretly!” My father raged. “When did this happen?!”

  He was mad now but if he didn’t realize it, it was only going to make him madder. “Ah—that very same day.”


  “What? It’s fine, father. So we’ve been married for a few years already. What’s the problem with that? I knew I loved her then and I still do now. There was no need to wait.”

  My father sighed and finally lowered himself down in his chair. “All right. It may have been years but you still need to show it publically.”

  “And I’m all for that.”

  “Just maybe not right now.” Bryce said, being the first to get in the conversation.

  “We don’t see why not.” Troy replied.

  “So, just add it on to everything else we have to think about like it’s nothing? Can’t it wait at least until we get Rory back to Kalu?”

  “No. The sooner you get this out of the way, the sooner you can start thinking about giving us grandchildren.”

  I’m sure we didn’t mean to but Seth and I instinctually looked over at Bryce upon hearing it and no one said a thing.

  “What was that look?” Zayden asked. “You didn’t get her pregnant already, did you?”

  “No!” Bryce bursts out. “At least I didn’t.”

  “Hey, you don’t know that.” Seth cut in. “Remember, it’s too early to tell.”

  “Bryce? What’s he talking about?” Troy wondered.

  Bryce sighed as he put his head down on the table. “Can we not talk about it?”

  Of course our fathers weren’t going to let it go.

  “It’s a long story.” I told them.

  “Well, shorten it.” My father said. “We’ll make time.”

  Zayden and Troy nodded while Bryce kept his head down, looking at the floor.

  “We had a little run in with Cadence’s father on our trip.” I explained.

  Zayden sighed. “She actually took you there? What happened?”

  “She didn’t take us to see him.” Seth said. “It was just supposed to be her but Blake arrived and we ended up going inside, some things happened, Bryce and the King exchanged some words then one thing led to another and—I—ah—”

  He was stalling for the right reasons but I finished his sentence for him. “Seth punched the King.”

  My father and Troy were both stunned but Zayden was furious. “You struck the King?! Seth! Do you know what you’ve done?!”

  “Father, I had to! He hit Cadence right in front of me! I wasn’t going to let that go!”

  “It’s because you’re not used to their ways! You should not have intervened!”

  “It wasn’t entirely Seth’s fault.” I said as Zayden calmed down enough to listen. “He had it coming after granting Blake possession over Naomi.”

  Troy looked over at Bryce, who still had his head down and seemed to understand his reasoning for upset.

  “That’s when things went wrong. Cadence tried to stop the King from getting to Bryce after they argued about it and that’s when he hit her. Everything after that all seemed to happen so fast that before we knew it they had us detained and our sentence was to be carried out immediately following.”

  “Sentence?” My father wondered. “They were going to have you killed?!”

  “Not just.” Seth replied. “But death by torture.”

  “As is the custom for an assault on the King.” Zayden said in an angry tone. “But how did you manage to get yourselves out of that as you are clearly here to tell about it?”

  Seth and I looked over at Bryce. He couldn’t have known we were looking at him but he sighed and lifted his head to answer. “Naomi couldn’t stand it anymore after they made them watch what they did to us and she traded her freedom for ours but only by agreeing to give Blake a son. We didn’t find out about it until we made it back to the ship and she wasn’t there.”

  “You got her back though, right?” Troy asked. “Tell me you got her back.”

  “Yeah, but too late. She’s probably already
carrying his son. That’s how I know he’ll come for her and when he does, only one of us will walk with our life and I can tell you it’s not going to be him.”

  He walked out without another word.

  “As much as I understand his discretion, you two have to talk him out of that right now.” Zayden said. “We won’t risk another war because of this.”

  “So, you’re not going to even do anything? If it wasn’t for Naomi, they would have killed us!” Seth said.

  “I will deal with this the diplomatic way. This isn’t a time to retaliate with hostile action.”

  “And if he refuses? We’ve met them, they’re not the type to want to talk it out.”

  “If he refuses, then we shall see if he dares to take action with us as he knows all too well what will happen then. Go. See to Bryce and be sure to keep the young Prince at ease so long as he’s here. The Ledian King and his daughter plan to vacation here at the start of the summer next week and I want you to keep him in check.”

  “With pleasure.” I smiled as we both stood up.

  “But, if you think he’s up to the challenge, have him join us for dinner as I’m sure we all want to know how he managed to evade us for so long.”

  “It’s a charming story.”

  “Well, then you best prepare him. As I look forward to hearing it.”

  “We’ll tell him.” Seth said.

  Chapter 31


  My mind has just been so bent on one thing, killing that evil twin. It would have been better for the world if I did. He hurt Naomi. That was it. It was already done. He was finished in my eyes and I prepared myself for it, sharpening my weapons.

  “This isn’t the way, Bryce.” Dirk said.

  I heard them enter but I didn’t reply. I just continued to scrape the sharpening stone against the cold steel blade on my bow with precision and high concentration.

  “Look, Bryce.” Seth began. “We know why you’re angry and believe me, you have every right to be but you know what you’re planning is wrong.”

  I took a breath of anger and stopped to look up. “What I know is that he took something of mine and though I’ve gotten it back, I may as well always be reminded with sight of a child not my own.”

  “You don’t know that.” Dirk replied.

  “Can we please be realistic here?! Even if she’s not, you know he’ll be back for her anyway! That’s why I have to do this! I let him have her once, I won’t let him get to her again!”

  “This was not your fault!” Seth shouted back.

  “Yes, it was! It was entirely my fault! I’m the one that stepped out of line! I’m the one that caused us to almost be killed! I’m the one that forced Naomi to surrender her life to him and now, I’ll be the one to end it!”

  Seth sighed. “All right, fine. Do what you’ve got to do but remember one thing, we’ve got a kid in the other room who is supposed to be looking to us for all the answers. He is not to find out about any of this, understand?” I nodded. “Good. Let’s go to him and get him prepared for dinner with our parents. They are expecting to hear his life story.”

  I was almost shunned to hear of this and slightly cracked a smile. “Really? This should be interesting.”

  Seth smiled back. “I know. Let’s go.”

  I stood up and we left the room to retrieve Rory. “Finally. I was beginning to think you forgot about me.”

  “If only.” Dirk muttered.

  “So, what are we going to do now because I’m ready to leave this room?”

  “Not so fast.” Seth said, stopping Rory from reaching the door by putting his hand on his shoulder. “The King has invited you to join us for dinner but first, we need to teach you some proper table manners so sit.”

  Rory sighed and sat down in a chair. “All right. Go ahead.”

  “First rule. Bow and greet them. Your introduction is not necessary this time as they already know who you are so you can then join them at the table where we tell you to sit.”

  Rory sighed again, eager to get going. “Is that all?”

  Dirk hit him in the back of the head while I answered. I wanted to help. He was my cousin and this would help distract me. “No. Next, you immediately want to unfold your napkin and place it on your lap then there’s the position of posture. You must always have good posture while sitting at the table, don’t slouch and don’t put your elbows on the table, it’s rude.”

  “Then you wait to take the first bite as the King must do it first.” Dirk added. “Then when you begin to eat, remember to take small bites and chew your food completely before swallowing and do it with your mouth closed. Also, don’t speak with food in your mouth and don’t slurp. No one wants to hear you eat.”

  “Very true.” Seth replied. “And remember to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ whenever necessary and graciously thank your host for his hospitality, this being the King. Got it?”

  “Pretty much but what happens if we get there first?”

  We looked at each other, surprised he asked.

  “Good question. I’m impressed.” Seth said. “If they were to enter after us and we were already sitting then we immediately stand up upon their arrival and bow as we greet them. After that, we wait until they sit before sitting ourselves and the rest goes along the same.”

  “Good to know. Can we go now?”

  “All right. Let’s see how you do.” We all walked out of the room and made our way down to the dining hall but servants were still setting the table. “I guess we’re early.”

  “Well, I’m glad I asked.” Rory muttered. “But why don’t they come to attention when you walk in the room?”

  “It takes a lot of people to keep a palace like this running.” Seth explained. “They do the work and are supposed to seem unnoticed at all times unless I need something.”

  “So, need something. I want to see what they do.”

  Seth smiled and looked to a maid passing by. “Excuse me? Can you send word to my father? Tell him we’ve arrived.”

  “Certainly, your majesty.” She smiled as she bowed then left the dining hall to find the King.

  “You’ve got to teach me how you do that.” Rory said as he looked back at her leaving.

  “How I do what?”

  “How you simply lure in women like that.”

  Seth laughed to himself. “What?”

  “You didn’t see that? She totally wanted to be all over you.”

  We all laughed this time.

  “Easy, kid.” Dirk said as he put his hand on Rory’s shoulder. “We don’t do that around here.”

  “Why not? She was cute.”

  “You’re forgetting we have our own women for that.” I replied.

  Rory sighed. “Oh, yeah. Lucky. When am I going to get a girl?”

  “How about we worry about that later?” Seth suggested. “Right now, you have to worry about dinner.”

  Rory sighed again as we walked over to the table and sat down. “Fine.”

  We waited until Zayden and the others walked in then immediately stood up from the table and bowed.

  “Good evening, father.” Seth said.

  “Good evening. You may sit.”

  We sat down at the same time and Rory took his teachings seriously as he unfolded his napkin and placed it in his lap. Everyone else did the same and Rory even sat up with good posture and waited for Zayden to start eating. Once he did, he knew he could and I felt the night was going well.

  Seth gave him a look from across the table and Rory quietly finished what was in his mouth before he spoke. “I appreciate you having me join you tonight, your majesty. As I’m honored to be here in your fine city.”

  “Well, let me retaliate your appreciation as we too are honored to have you here.” Zayden replied. “As it was a surprise to us to hear Trever had a son.”

  “It came at quite a shock to us as well when we were sent to Hintus to retrieve him, father.” Seth said.

  “Hintus?” My mother wondered. �
��Whatever came over you to go there?”

  “It’s a lengthy tale, my lady. I wouldn’t want to bore you with my life of error.”

  Dirk smiled. “Oh, don’t be modest. They’re more than just mistakes. You’re a walking tragedy.”

  “Please, you’re too kind, Dirk but I’d seriously rather not.”

  “Sure you would. Just do it.”

  “Thanks but no.”

  Dirk was getting angry and his eyes flashed red. “You’re irreverence is dismissed as you don’t have a choice.”

  “You’re feeling an impulse to strike me again, aren’t you?” Rory smiled. “Best keep that under control.”

  “Oh, I will. Bryce.”

  I was next to him and hit Rory in the back of his head for Dirk. “Hey!”

  I laughed and leaned into him. “Just tell the story. It won’t let up until you do.”

  Rory sighed and looked back at my mother. “It would seem that I have just come up with the time to share my tale with you, my lady, if you’re still wish to hear it.”

  She smiled. “Why, of course. Do tell it.”

  “Okay. Where shall I begin?”

  “However far back you can remember.” Zayden answered.

  “Excellent choice, your majesty. Now let’s see. My upbringing was ever so stressful because, at the time, my father was just the royal advisor and living in the palace was so completely boring. I didn’t know what to do with myself half the time. Then part of this you probably know. My mother died. That just kind of made things worse and I could no longer take being confided within the walls. I had to get out before I ended up killing myself. I made the first decision of my life, also my first life’s mistake and I left the city completely. My second life’s mistake was hopping the next ship out of the country and making my final docking in the Hintin port which, I must say, changed my life for the worst. I stayed in Canbell alone with nowhere to go as I slept where I fell and ate what I could steal.”

  Our mothers awed like they had just found a sad little sick puppy roaming the streets.

  “Oh, child.” Mother said. “You should have come to us.”


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