Fantasy Warrior

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Fantasy Warrior Page 5

by Jaylee Davis

  Kord shook his head and snarled. “I’ll lose control.”

  “The first shuttle will carry us, along with Morshant, the medic and three other spacers. That way we won’t crowd you. We’ll stay forward, giving you and your female the entire rear section to yourselves. No one will approach without your consent. The other two transports can handle the rest of the landing team.” Thoren paused, awaiting his answer.

  Even in his irrational state, Kord realized Thoren’s plan might work. The shuttle was large enough. If he secured Sandra in a seat at the very back and shielded her with his body, there might be enough distance from the other males for him to maintain control. No warrior relished the thought of killing his own species, but when it came to protecting a mate, rational thoughts gave way to violent impulses driven by instinct alone.

  “And if I can’t stay rational?”

  “Contrary to what the Alliance ordered, the pilots have stunners. Conscious or unconscious, we will get you to the ship one way or another. Morshant has vowed that your female won’t be harmed, and she’ll stay with you. I give you my oath to make sure it’s done.”

  “Why should I trust Morshant to help?” Kord grumbled in a lowered voice.

  “I heard that.”

  Thoren whispered, “He’s hearing enhanced. His mother is a royal.”

  Kord snarled. “Why didn’t you tell me? Do the other two warriors on the ship know this?”

  “Dorlbeast’s ass! Would you focus on what’s important right now?”

  Since Thoren seemed to be losing his patience, Kord worked hard at settling down. Behind him, his female rustled around in the bushes. He glanced back. She stood now, peeking around one of the plants while attempting to hide her body behind a large leaf. Their gazes locked. Her little tongue swept out and she licked her lips before she bit the lower one. The desire to sweep her up into his arms and show her how much he wanted to devour every part of her was almost more than he could resist.

  “Would you like to talk to her?” His partner’s question instantly distracted him.

  “Yes!” His attention riveted on the other male.

  Kord watched cautiously as Thoren slid his hand down to the top of one boot and withdrew a silver cylindrical device. He held it up, giving Kord a clear view.

  “Morshant is giving you a chance, Kord. This is the smaller version of an implanter. The medics carry them in case a prisoner doesn’t understand an interrogator. The translator chip it inserts is the same one you and I have stuck in our heads. No different than any other. Once you’re settled on the shuttle, I’ll do the procedure. Do you understand?”

  “I understand,” Kord snapped, not happy about what needed to happen next.

  “The transport is waiting in the harbor,” Morshant called. “As soon as it surfaces you two better be charging toward the entrance with that female. The captain won’t be as lenient if we’re spotted by the local officials, and after we arrive, the general will shoot first and skip the interrogations completely.”

  Morshant spoke the truth. His decision was easy. Kord nodded. He leveled a determined look at his new partner, and ordered, “Stay where you are until I have her.”

  “Wait. Give this to her.” Thoren tossed the material at him. “I took the garment from one of the shops on my way here.”

  Kord caught the small scrap of clothing and then shook it out. He took a quick scent before grunting in approval. Afterward, he turned to collect his mate.

  Chapter Five

  Pam spent the first few seconds resting on the damp mulch under a thick shelter of tropical plants, catching her breath and trying to calm her nerves. Once she realized Kord talked to the other barbarian who’d been at the bar, she listened in to their conversation. Their words were unintelligible, but the angered responses from Kord confused her. Except for a couple outbursts of harsh-sounding words, the other man spoke in a calm voice, as if he wanted to help.

  She rustled around and managed to coax her legs and feet to cooperate enough to stand. She grabbed a nearby tree trunk to help her balance. A quick inspection of the plant revealed she’d landed next to a banana tree. Her nakedness left her feeling exposed and vulnerable, especially now. A sudden bout of modesty overcame her, and she snatched one of the large leaves. She bent it down in front of her, shielding her private parts from view.

  From the few glimpses she stole around Kord’s body, the other giant kept his attention focused on her barbarian the whole time, never once looking her way. The other men whose voices she heard on occasion were hidden from her sight by foliage and two very massive musclebound men. Her nerves settled a bit and her knees stopped shaking until Kord took a quick glance at her over his shoulder. Pam’s breath hitched. His bronzed gaze was scorching hot. The heated look seemed to burn through her, stoking her desire for him to an all-time high.

  Pam licked her lips. She bit her lower one, barely holding back a moan. The second he turned back to face his companion, she sucked in a few quick breaths. Passing out was not an option. No matter how attractive Kord looked, she couldn’t afford to break down now. Somehow, she had to talk him into letting her go. Her friends might be hurt or they might be waiting for her to show up at the condo. She had to find them. It was the only sane thought running through her mind. Everything else had to wait, even her desire for Kord.

  Forget about all the aliens, dead or alive. Maybe they don’t actually exist.

  Some asshole could have drugged her and she was having a bad trip or nightmare. No wonder she couldn’t understand what they said. Any minute now, she’d come to her senses and they’d all be gone. It would be just her and a banana leaf hanging out together in the landscaping. Her aching butt disagreed, sending a reminder of how she’d fallen on it twice in one evening.

  Kord loomed large in front of her, scattering her wishful thoughts by his overpowering presence. He held a t-shirt in his hand, offering it to her. Pam inched away from her hiding place and reached out, half expecting him to make a grab for her. Instead, he let go of the shirt as soon as she grabbed it.

  Thrilled about having something to wear, Pam turned her back to the men. She pulled the t-shirt over her head, thrust her arms through the short sleeves and pulled the hem down over her. It fell to mid-thigh, at least three sizes too large, but the shirt covered her nakedness, giving her a bit more confidence.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a shape come closer. Before she could jump away or even utter a sound of protest, he’d captured her. He looped one of his arms down under her sore bottom and lifted her, holding her tight against him. Hot naked skin pressed against the cotton material covering her breasts, warming her in ways that would’ve normally made her blush. Embarrassed by her reaction, Pam threw her arms around his neck and tucked her face against his collarbone to avoid looking at him. He slid his other arm down her back and skimmed his hand to the underside of her thigh, urging her to place her leg around his waist. Understanding dawned on her, and she spread her legs to grip his waist with her thighs. She hooked her ankles behind his back, anchoring her body to him, and prayed the tail end of her new shirt reached low enough to shield her bottom from view.

  A low growl vibrated deep inside his chest once she was secured. After a moment of hesitation, Kord turned, and she tightened her grip around his neck as he shuffled to the bench.

  “Sandra safe,” he said right before bolting past the other man.

  Taken by surprise, she shrieked out an unintelligible curse against his skin and closed her eyes. If he stumbled and fell while carrying her, she’d be crushed if he landed on top her. Pam held on for dear life as Kord dashed away from their hiding place. Since her eyes were shut, she couldn’t tell which direction he headed, but she doubted he ran toward her condo. And to add more to her worries, she heard the pounding of footsteps running after them. No doubt, his friends followed them. He was taking her away.

  After a short dash, Kord slowed. Pam took the opportunity to raise her head and look around. What she saw wa
s almost unbelievable. A silvery colored vessel skimmed across the water’s surface, heading toward the massive concrete dock where cruise ships normally tied up. She could make out its features in the dim light, and could tell it was like no other ship she’d ever seen. The body of the large craft looked cylindrical but streamlined like a commercial jetliner, only not as long. Instead of wings, it had two narrow fin-like edges running down the length of each side. She suspected they were more for stability than any other reason. She had serious doubts about its ability to lift off the ground or water with such slender wings. It pulled alongside the dock until its edges touched the pilings.

  So awestruck by the sight, she didn’t at first notice when an opening appeared near the middle of the vessel. The second Kord sprinted toward it she came out of her stupor long enough to object.

  “No, Kord. Don’t take me in there. No!” He’s kidnapping me. I’ll never see my family or friends again. Panic washed over her along with fear and anger.

  He ignored her and bolted for the open doorway. With a short leap, he landed inside and then kept walking deeper still. She had to escape. Pam squirmed in his arms and unlocked her ankles, freeing her legs from his waist. As her lower body slid down, she unhooked her hands and tried to push away. Kord simply tightened his hold around her upper back, twisted and reached down with his free arm to scoop her up beneath her knees. She fought back, beating her fists against his thick chest, his neck, and jaw and anywhere else she could reach all while screaming at the top of her lungs.


  His growled order terrified her. Pam froze in his arms, too frightened to move or speak. This was the end. She’d trusted this man, and now he’d turned on her. What’s next? Would he and his friends torture her? Rape her? Or would they slice her up for their next meal? She’d seen his arm weapons and teeth. God. He could tear her throat out in one bite. No longer in control of her emotions, she burst into tears.


  Kord gritted out a muffled curse at his own stupidity. He’d frightened her with his outburst. Now the smell of fear rolled off his female and swamped his senses. Her tears splashed against his chest. Each one scalded him while her sobs tore his heart to shreds. If he could cry, he’d join her in her misery.

  “Sandra safe.” Kord spoke as gently as possible, desperate to console her.

  She cried louder.

  He stomped down the center aisle and chose a seat at the very back of the shuttle. He settled onto the cushion while keeping his female cradled in his arms. Her sobs had quieted, but the stench of her fear assaulted his senses. She’d end up hating him before he ever had a chance to show or tell her how much he loved her. The translator implant was his only hope of easing her fear. No matter what it cost him, Kord vowed he’d remain in control of his instincts. If he failed and his Tauran brothers had to stun him, at least his mate would be safe. Thoren was his partner. The warrior would protect her for him.

  Thoren crept closer and chose a seat in the same row next to the aisle. Kord noticed the male take a scenting breath. Protective anger surged within him at the idea of another warrior taking in his mate’s scent. The four empty seats that separated them helped to settle Kord’s anxiety, but he couldn’t contain the warning growl that escaped him.

  His partner winced and shot him a guilty look. “Instinct,” Thoren offered as an apology.

  “Don’t repeat it,” Kord warned. All unmated warriors displayed the same reaction to an unknown female. They simply couldn’t help themselves.


  Deshak sidled down the far side of the aisle and slipped a small container to Thoren before scurrying back to the safety of the forward section. The Tauran males entering the shuttle shot wary looks his way before taking their seats. No one tried to speak to him. A good thing since Kord was in no mood to hear any of their vulgar comments or derogatory jokes. Verbal taunts between spacers, soldiers and warriors were usually the norm at the end of most missions.

  Thoren cleared his throat to gain Kord’s attention before speaking quietly. “We’re leaving the harbor. Soon we’ll submerge and travel well beneath the surface to avoid detection by the Krell sensors. Once we’re far away from shore, it’ll be safe to leave the planet and start our journey to the Defiance.”

  He held up the object Deshak had passed him. Kord recognized it—tranq dust. Kord shook his head, uncertain about the safety of using it on his female. “She’s quiet now.” She rested against him, no longer sobbing, but her tears still splashed on his chest at regular intervals.

  “Think, Kord. You know the reasons. She’s upset, and will probably struggle when I attempt to place the translator. You don’t want her hearing damaged, do you?”

  Kord suppressed a growl as he shook his head.

  Thoren leaned closer and held out the drug dispenser. “Do you want to do this part?”

  “No. I’ll turn her toward you and hold her.”

  At Thoren’s nod, he cupped her chin in his palm and tilted her face upward. She tensed, but Kord pressed his lips to hers before she could react. The beginnings of a scream turned into a soft gasp as her mouth opened to accept his tongue. Unable to help himself, he deepened the kiss for several blissful seconds, enjoying the delectable taste of his mate as her fear gave way to passion. She trembled in response. Not letting up, he stroked a hand through her hair, grabbing just enough to gently turn her head to the side so she’d face Thoren. He begged the gods of his ancestors to make her forgive him for what he had to do next.

  With a quick jerk, he slanted his mouth away from hers and held his breath while Thoren shoved the atomizer in front of her face. He pressed the top button on the small container, and a wispy cloud of medication particles spayed out. As expected, she gasped, taking a deep breath. Her expression changed in the next instant. The look of desire turned to shock, then she leveled accusing looks at him and Thoren. Her eyelids fluttered briefly before closing and she relaxed, becoming a dead weight in his embrace.

  “Expose the area behind her left ear and hold her head still,” Thoren ordered, wasting no time.

  Although he knew exactly what was required, Kord followed his partner’s instructions without complaint. He hoped his mate would forgive him for sedating her. Without being able to explain about the translator or the procedure, she would have resisted and risked injury. He couldn’t allow her to be harmed.

  Thoren placed the glowing tip of the implanter against her skin directly over the mastoid bone behind her ear. He triggered the activation switch. After a very brief moment, the light turned off. Thoren removed the device and then quickly backed away. His partner gave him a swift grin before standing and hurrying forward to join the other males. It was done. Kord relaxed his hold. She’d regain consciousness after a few minutes, although the drug would keep her calm for the rest of the flight to the ship.

  If he could just stay in control and not let the primal urges overcome him before reaching the ship, maybe Morshant and Thoren would be able to help him. A quick glance toward the front of the cabin let him know the two Tauran males spoke in hushed tones, plotting something. He hoped for a solution. He had maybe an hour at the most to convince her to trust him again before they arrived. He had no idea how many hours remained before he’d claim her as his mate.

  The shuttle might be slightly crowded with males, but the Defiance would be different. Tauran males would be everywhere. Females weren’t allowed on Tauran battleships. Kord would require private quarters with his mate. Such berthing was rare to nonexistent. At the moment, he shared a room with three of his fellow warriors, four large bunks and one cleansing unit, a typical arrangement. It wouldn’t work for him now. Just the thought of her being so close to other unmated males threatened to send him over the limit and into a protective rage.

  Instead of dwelling on what might happen, Kord focused his entire attention on the female resting comfortably in his arms. He was grateful to Thoren for providing a covering for her. The white garment hid most of
her painted body. Kord slid his gaze up and down her lovely form. The fact she’d seemed uncomfortable about her nudity when she caught him admiring her breasts pleased him to no end. Her naked body was meant for his eyes alone, no one else’s.

  She was tall, taller than any Tauran female he’d ever seen, and lithely built. He had no doubt their bodies would fit perfectly together. Kord groaned softly, impatient for a swift end to his latent time. In a way, he considered himself lucky. How did his mated brothers survive three days of impotency in the time before the Phase or the suppressor drug? The wait was pure torment. All he could think about was pleasuring her, night and day, for the rest of his life. However, his cock remained limp, unresponsive to his desires.

  He felt like an unbladed male once again. Except Kord knew what it felt like to take pleasure in a female, to bring her to orgasm over and over before giving in to his own desire to climax. Ever since he’d left the citadel on Pella after his training, he’d never been with another Tauran female, but he’d had sex with more than his fair share of females. All were alien, and most of them worked on the pleasure planets scattered along the Tauran/Free Space border near the Alliance Territory.

  In battle, warriors fought hard, most often to the death. If they were severely injured, a short time spent on one of the pleasure planets helped them recover. The sexual distraction kept them from returning to the Border War before their injuries were healed.

  Their bodies were enhanced in many ways. Not only were they larger than the Tauran males, they healed in a matter of days, usually no more than two weeks unless they sustained a near-fatal injury. Kord had suffered many wounds during the war, but not one single scar marred his skin. He wondered if his mate would like that or if she was like some of the females he’d met from other species. Many of them preferred males who sported battle scars, as proof of their masculine prowess. Would she think him unworthy?


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