Irresistible Love at Silver Falls (Island County Series Book 7)

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Irresistible Love at Silver Falls (Island County Series Book 7) Page 16

by Karice Bolton

  Kyle peppered kisses down my neck to my shoulders, the stubble tickling my skin.

  “I’m sure we’ve got plenty of time,” he murmured against my shoulder. “Tour doesn’t start until eleven.”

  I sleepily glanced at the clock as I felt his tongue trace along my collarbone, my body responding to him instantly until the time I saw blinking on the clock actually hit me.

  “It’s a quarter to ten,” I said, running my fingers through his hair. “We’ll miss the ferry.”

  He sat up, pinning me down with a knee on each side of my hips, and my breath caught at the sight of him. Kyle was even more gorgeous in the daylight.

  I ran my hands along his rippled stomach muscles and couldn’t keep the smile off my face. He caught my hands in his and pulled them to his mouth and kissed them.

  “I guess we’ll have to wait for another session.” He rolled off of me, and I watched him walk to the shower.

  Every inch of him was toned. His broad shoulders led to a muscular back that went on forever. I had to close my eyes and bring in a deep breath to keep my bearings, or we’d never leave this cabin.

  “You in there?” Aunt Hildie knocked on the door, and my heart rate shot to a hundred beats a minute. I grabbed the sheet and made my way to the door so she could hear me.

  Mortified, I answered a quick. “Yes.”

  “Okay. Just wanted to make sure someone didn’t break in. Saw the lights on late last night.”

  “Only your hoodlum niece,” I muttered, yanking the sheet tighter.

  I didn’t hear her footsteps leaving the porch so I knew she was on the other side of the door figuring out how to ask the real question that was driving her curiosity.

  “We’re headed to Fireweed for the haunted house tour, but I’ll be back to clean and freshen up the cabin.”

  “No need, dear. Enjoy yourself.” And finally her footsteps sounded against the wood.

  My aunt just couldn’t help herself when it came to the idea of love and every little detail that might encompass. Still tucked in the sheet, I made my way to see Kyle rinsing the last of the suds off.

  I brushed my teeth, dropped my sheet and stepped into the shower with him.

  “This made my morning a whole lot better,” he murmured before kissing me.

  “Me too,” I said softly, feeling his hands slide along my hips.

  The steam rolled against our bodies, and the dampness made us cling together as he lifted me against the tile.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, and I felt the length of him press against my belly, making me crave him that much more.

  He scattered kisses along my breasts, stopping only to tease me with his tongue before pushing into me.

  “Kyle,” I murmured, feeling his fingers slide lower until my world folded into his. “More.”

  “Anything you want, baby.” He pushed deeper, running his mouth along my neck right up to the sensitive spot behind my ear.

  I looped my arms around his neck and tilted my head back as his tongue trailed along my exposed, wet skin.

  “You feel amazing,” he said, his breathing ragged.

  His words spun me into another orbit as my body clenched around him, sending me into a high unlike any man had ever produced. My body shuddered into his as he slowed and moaned my name in the most intimate way possible.

  The hot water still trickled down our bodies as I kept holding him, feeling my heart race with contentment.

  “I love you so much, Brooke,” he murmured, still breathing hard. “I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  I opened my eyes to see his gorgeous blue ones, and I melted deeper into his arms.

  “I love you, Kyle. I think I’ve never let myself love another man because I somehow knew you’d be back.”

  I unwrapped my legs from his waist and slid down the wall slightly before he pressed his forehead against mine.

  “I’m sorry I made you wait so long.”

  “It was all worth it, Kyle.” I kissed him again, and my body immediately responded. “You’re trouble.” I murmured between kisses.

  He pulled his lips away and flashed a cocky grin. “What can I say? Hurry it up or we’ll miss Casper.”

  Kyle pushed open the glass door and dried off with one of the soft, white towels while I tried to stay focused on quickly showering, but he was such a distraction that I finally had to turn around and face the showerhead.

  By the time we got to the ferry dock, we’d barely made it, and I let out a deep sigh of relief.

  “We cut that close.” I leaned against the window and slid a look at Kyle.

  “It was worth every stressed second of the car ride getting over here.” He laughed, pulling onto the ferry and turning off the SUV.

  “I wouldn’t want to keep the ghosts waiting though.”

  He reached over and held my hand. “I had no idea how much I’d miss not being with you and I haven’t even left yet.”

  I giggled, feeling the exact same way. Everything with Kyle felt so good that I was worried what was going to be around the next corner? What was going to ruin it this time?

  When Fireweed Island came into view, my stomach knotted. It made absolutely no sense, but instead of being excited for our time together, I started dreading that he was going to be leaving soon. It reminded me of the dreaded Sundays when I disliked my job. Instead of enjoying Sunday, I spent the day feeling blue and tormenting myself about Monday.

  “What’s got you so quiet?” he asked, glancing at me as the ferry docked and he turned on the ignition.

  “Just really enjoying our time together.”

  He nodded with a smile that showed he understood. “Our life together is just beginning, Brooke. I promise you that.”

  I waved at the ferry worker as we drove off the ramp and headed into town.

  “From this moment forward, I’ll enjoy every single second we have together, and I’ll quit dreading the fact that I live three hours away.”

  “It takes almost four, Brooke.” Kyle’s brow arched.

  I groaned. “I’ve never done a long-distance relationship before.”

  “I’m not sure this counts.”

  With the sun out, Fireweed Island was bustling. I saw a line outside of Maddie and Holly’s tea shop, and several groups were at my favorite restaurants waiting to be seated on the outdoor patios.

  “Amazing what sunshine does to the state of Washington.” I beamed, taking in my new home state.

  “You mean like prompting the citizens to go outside.”

  “Yeah. That.”

  Kyle turned down a long and windy road that led to one of the bigger parks Fireweed offered its residents. It was located next to one of the island’s cemeteries.

  “Makes sense we’re starting near a cemetery.”

  “We don’t go in. I guess it just starts here.”

  I nodded as he found a parking spot on the street. There was a group of people congregating near one of the island’s lookout points. It was one of the more beautiful spots on Fireweed capturing the ferries chugging off in the distance.

  “I have to confess that I wasn’t expecting that last night,” Kyle said, before we got out of the SUV.

  “What were you expecting?”

  “I thought with today’s tour, I might scare you into bed with me.” He winked.

  “The day’s not over.”

  He let out a low growl and shook his head. “This is going to be extremely painful.”

  “Payback’s something, isn’t it?” I blinked my eyes and hopped out of the Land Cruiser.

  “Evil. Downright evil, Brooke.”

  I shut the door and walked in front of Kyle’s SUV where he met me.

  “They finally made it.” I heard Jewels but didn’t see her. I spotted my cousin and waved, and that’s when Jewels nearly jumped out of the rhododendrons at me.

  “What the heck are you doing in there?”

  “I was trying to get a shot of the buds with the blooms just starting to op
en. I’ve been taking photography lessons from Jake.”

  “Maybe, you’ll get to capture some paranormal shots today,” I offered.

  “I’m sure that will happen.”

  The guide motioned us over and introduced herself. Her eyes lingered on Jake and Kyle a little too long for my liking, but I let it slide and leaned my head on Kyle’s arm.

  “So, the first home we’ll be learning about is a block away. Legend has it that the Smiths, who were pioneers on the island, left several buried gold bars on the properties they owned.” She turned to face us as she walked backwards, and I got more nervous about that than the ghosts.

  “The problem is that the Smiths owned property on most of the islands around here so whoever owns the homes now often has to deal with gold diggers. No pun intended.”

  I cringed and Kyle squeezed me hard and whispered. “It’s going to be one of those tours.”

  We stopped in front of a home that looked like it had been abandoned long ago. Shutters barely clung to the siding where they hadn’t been peeled off. “The last family to have lived here left about thirty years ago, citing paranormal activity. Poltergeists mainly. They felt the home was possessed and brought in an expert to drain the timbers of whatever evil was lurking, but the man they brought in died in their foyer.”

  Jewels gasped and Jake squeezed her. “He’d had a known heart condition, and it was just coincidence, but the family living here didn’t believe it and moved soon after. They didn’t even try to sell the property. They were certain if they did, they’d be punished for exploiting an unknowing family. Okay, let’s keep moving.”

  I squeezed Kyle’s hand and pulled him around the side of the house. It was an old Victorian home with an incredible ocean view. “Can you imagine what this would be like all fixed up?”

  “You heard the lady. There’s poltergeists inside,” Kyle teased.

  “I wonder who owns it.” I peeked through the dirty glass, seeing tipped-over furniture and peeling wallpaper, but beyond that, beautiful crown molding and wood floors looked to be in good shape.

  I heard a sharp whistle and nearly fell backward, only to see it was Jake, who was now doubled over with laughter.

  “Hey, the guide is wondering where you went,” Jake said in between breaths. “Boy, you spook easy.”

  “Not even. You merely sounded like a dying cat.”

  By the time we joined the rest of the group, the guide was already describing the next tragedy when Jewels leaned over to me.

  “Hey, this is the house that Maddie and Holly’s parents live in.” Jewels grimaced as I listened to the tragic love story. “I wonder if they know they’re living in a haunted house.”

  “Or that they’re on a stop for the tour.”

  Just as I said that, the front door swung open and an older lady in a hot pink bathrobe began yelling “Shoo” at all of us.

  I craned my neck to get a better look. “Sure enough it’s her. Looks like she’s got Muppet on her shoulder.”

  “Yup. Seems like she’s got her bird with her.”

  “Shoo,” the bird screeched. “Shoo.”

  “I hope she doesn’t recognize us,” Jewels whispered, ducking behind the shrubs.

  I chuckled. “Yeah. How horrible of you to participate in something like this. You’re practically her neighbor and you’re willing to gawk at her.”

  Jewels stuck out her tongue before peeking over the shrub. “Yeah, but you’re practically related since she’s Chance’s soon to be mother-in-law.”

  “Shoot. She saw me,” she hissed and ducked behind the shrub.

  “Jewels? Jewels, is that you?”

  I hid a chuckle and took a few steps forward, tugging Jewels into view with the guys staying behind.

  “Hi, Mrs. Wildes.” Jewels shot me a dirty look before moving toward the woman in her bathrobe.

  It was hard to imagine how either Holly or Maddie were related to the woman with the bird on her shoulder, but I knew they were. Mrs. Wildes and her husband had come to the property many times, and Hildie always treated them like royalty.

  “So good to see you, Jewels. Sorry. I was just chasing off these crazy tour groups that keep showing up every Sunday.” She shook her head, turning to look at me. “Can you believe it?”

  “Not at all.” I shook my head and Mrs. Wildes came in for a hug.

  I squeezed my eyes closed in hopes that the cockatoo wouldn’t peck my eyes out.

  “Would you like to come inside for a cup of coffee?” she asked.

  “Oh, we’ve got to get going. Thank you, though,” Jewels said. “Our men are probably off wandering without us.”

  Mrs. Wildes laughed and nodded. “Go enjoy your Sunday.”

  “Will do.”

  We waved and made our way back to Jake and Kyle.

  “You didn’t want to meet Chance’s almost mother-in-law?” I arched a brow.

  “I’m sure there’ll be plenty of time for that. I’ve already heard a bit about her.” Kyle flashed a smile and linked my fingers with his.

  We found our way toward the ghost tour again when Kyle’s phone buzzed. He slid it out of his pocket and glanced at me. “I have to take this. It’s Abigail.”

  “Sure.” I nodded and he jogged far enough away from the group so he didn’t disturb anyone.

  After a few minutes, I glanced behind me and saw Kyle pacing back and forth still on the phone. My stomach tightened.

  I hoped everything was okay.

  A few more minutes passed and he came back over, looking a little frazzled.

  “Everything okay?” I whispered.

  “Actually, no. Abigail and her mom got into a little argument, which turned into a big teenage blowout. Anyway, her mom told her she couldn’t come to my house for spring break next week. We usually align on all discipline, but this one I’ve got to see what’s going on. I’m not sure why her mom didn’t talk to me first.”

  His phone buzzed again.

  “I bet that’s her now.” Kyle shook his head. “I’m really sorry about this.”

  “Don’t be. Duty calls.”

  He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and jogged back up the hill.

  “You seem really well-adjusted with everything,” Jewels whispered as the group began walking again.

  “You mean the mother/daughter situation?” I smiled and shrugged. “They seem like a really close family.”

  Jake’s gaze stayed on mine. “Yeah, but Kyle’s never dated before. It will be interesting to see how Abigail’s mom takes it.”

  What did he mean Kyle hasn’t dated?

  “What do you mean?” My brows furrowed. “I thought she had a husband and certainly Kyle hasn’t stayed celibate.” I knew that wasn’t possible.

  “No, but he never got serious about anyone before.” He shrugged. “It will just be interesting to see how things shake out.”

  “Great. I’m glad I get to be the guinea pig.”

  Kyle came up behind me and draped his arm around my shoulders. “Sorry about that.”

  “I promise. You have nothing to apologize for. I think it’s sweet.”

  He laughed. “Well, good.”

  “Does Abigail still get to come over next week?”

  “She does, but there’s one condition.”

  Chapter Twenty

  I pulled down the long driveway to Kyle’s house. Mountain wildflowers dotted the gravel drive and were a warm welcome even though I was second-guessing my decision to have come. I hadn’t been nervous until the last ten miles. For some reason once I hit that milepost, my palms started sweating, and I started worrying about every possible thing going wrong.

  Kyle didn’t like the condition that Abigail’s mom floated out there, but I fully understood and persuaded Kyle to go along with it.

  If I was going to meet her daughter, her mother needed to meet me. I swallowed hard and sucked in a sharp breath.

  Maybe, we’ll hit it off right away.

  Maybe, she’ll hate me.

bsp; Maybe, I should turn right around and never look back.

  I spotted a green Chevy Tahoe parked next to Kyle’s Land Cruiser and my fingers gripped the steering wheel.

  Today would be fine.

  I shifted my attention back to Kyle’s house. It was a gorgeous log cabin with a wraparound porch. I’d driven by it the first time I came here, not knowing who actually inhabited it. Now, driving up to the place, I noticed all the little details like window flower boxes full of white petunias, red geranium hanging baskets, and a lavender wreath on the door. Kyle’s home felt warm and cozy, and I hadn’t even stepped inside.

  Pulling up next to the Tahoe, I turned off the ignition and flipped down the visor. The reflection staring back at me was as good as it would get considering I’d just driven for a few hours.

  I grabbed my bag and a gift basket full of our favorite products my aunt and I put together for Abigail’s mom, and I hoped for the best.

  By the time I kicked my door shut, I was a nervous wreck. I laughed to myself thinking how at this woman’s mercy I was. I’d stood in front of hotel executives presenting my ideas to spend their million-dollar marketing budgets and never even had one butterfly, but right this moment, a swarm of butterflies battled it out in my belly with each step forward.

  I climbed the steps and saw a Welcome mat at the door with a squirrel printed on it and pressed the doorbell.

  The lock unlatched, and my heart soared the moment Kyle opened the door. I wasn’t sure if it was okay to kiss him, hug him, or just stare at him, so I chose the latter.

  “Come on in.” He smiled, noticing the gift basket. “Looks a little different around here when the snow isn’t piled up to your knees, doesn’t it?”

  “It’s beautiful.” I walked inside, surprised that I was smelling cinnamon and nutmeg wafting through the air. “Something smells delicious.”

  “I’m baking an apple pie.”

  My brow arched. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Abigail loved the Harlens’ apple pies so I had Jake and Chance teach me the recipe.”

  “You never cease to amaze me, North,” I said, clutching the basket and looking around the foyer. “Are Abigail and—”


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