The Devil's Good Intentions

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The Devil's Good Intentions Page 12

by Kari Miller

  “Come in and shut the door” He ordered as he stood to pour himself another drink.

  She complied and then stood there like a deer staring down the barrel of a gun.

  “Sit” He pointed to the chair opposite his desk as he went to rest in his own chair. He figured hovering over her while he was in a dark mood such as he was could not bode well for this interview.

  After she had seated herself, she sat there meekly with her face bowed down and her hands tightly clenched in her skirts.

  “You are to be Katherine’s personal maid. Do you understand what those duties entail?”

  She looked up horrified and nodded slowly.

  “Katherine is not like the women of the ton, she is an innocent. You will go out of your way to ensure that her needs are met and that she is to be made welcome here among the staff. Do you understand?”

  She nodded and then bowed her head again.

  “Now, the part that remains between you and I.” He waited for her to look at him.

  “You will keep an eye on her. If she receives any visitors I want to know about it. If she says anything that I should know about then I want to know about it. If you suspect she is with child you will tell me before you make her aware of her condition. If she goes missing for long periods of time I want to know about it. If she goes to the stables in her riding attire without a chaperone, I want you to immediately notify me. Do you understand? Get the picture?”

  She nodded.

  “I want my wife to be happy and I never want her to feel threatened in any manner. Any troubles that come up will be dealt without her knowledge. You will not engage in conversations with her revolving around subjects that will upset her such as Allison or any other shadows in my past. You will not relay any rumours about me to her whether they are true or not. You will not consider using any herbs in her food or drink to soothe any ailment or illness without my consent. We will also not discuss the events of this evening with her; she is to believe that she was ailed by her drink and nothing more. Are we clear?”

  She nodded again.

  “Good. Your duty will start first thing tomorrow morning. Do not disappoint me. You are dismissed.”

  When she left, he downed the remainder of his drink, informed Henry to make his staff aware that not a word of this evenings events were to reach his wife’s ears and then returned to his chambers. Katherine was under the covers sleeping deeply and she looked a tad, to his relief. He snubbed the lantern and held her close to him.

  Katherine may have tried to reassure him that she did not regret her past, but he sure as hell did, even though he was not the guilty party. He would shelter his wife from such evils in the world. Sure he was acting the over protective husband, but that’s what she needed, whether she knew it or not. He would spoil her with silk and jewels and offer her everything she would never think to ask for on a golden platter. She would argue with him that he was un-necessarily spoiling her and try and convince him she did not need such things, but he was determined. He could envision his Katherine shivering in the cottage while her stomach growled out for food day in and day out. She was better than that and if her father hadn’t drunk himself to death, he would have enjoyed killing the bastard himself for putting her in that kind of position. Katherine was under his protection now and he would strike down any man or woman who posed as a threat to her. Oxford was not the safest of havens and was full of piracy, smuggling and slavery. Katherine would not be familiar with such dangers and would not fully understand why she would be so well protected, even if he spelled it out to her in black and white. She was innocent and although she knew that evil existed, she obviously thought that she was immune to them, he knew better.

  He had the same discussion with his staff that he just had with Sarah moments ago, prior to him leaving the estate to retrieve his bride. He trusted that they understood he meant for them to obey his orders without thought. Abigail didn’t per say disobey his orders and thought that she was doing her mistress a great deed; however the results were not to anyone’s favour. He didn’t think he needed to remind his staff that drugging his wife was not acceptable, but obviously it needed to be said. After tonight and the witness of how he dealt with disobedience, he didn’t think he would have any more trouble.

  With a heavy sigh, he snuggled closer to Katherine and slowly fell asleep.

  Chapter 10 - Rags to Riches

  Katherine opened her eyes after an all too groggy sleep. She had the strangest dreams that made no sense and felt restless throughout the night. She groaned and clutched her head as she tried to sit up, and then slumped back down onto the pillow when the pounding struck her temples. She remembered bits and pieces of the prior evening. There was a lot of giggling and a fair amount of light headedness. She remembered Salvador teasing her about her drunken state and then feeling odd and not well. She must have passed out shortly after that. She was embarrassed that she couldn’t handle her liquor and cursed herself for being so weak. Salvador must have come to a dissatisfying conclusion about her and her weakness. She groaned as the room started to spin and then dashed from the bed and almost missed the chamber pot as the contents of her stomach came barrelling out of her throat like a raving stream. The sounds of her heaving echoed throughout the room, as well as the sounds of running footsteps.

  “Lady Katherine!” She heard an unfamiliar female voice gasp from behind her.

  She heard the woman scramble about and then felt the wonderful feeling of a cool facecloth being pressed upon her brow.

  She cleared her sore throat and croaked out a thank you as she slumped to the floor and tried to regain her breath. Luckily the spinning had stopped as well as the pounding in her head.

  “I will run you a bath” The maid exclaimed as she scrambled away.

  “I had a bath last night” Katherine called after her, sounding weak and ailed.

  “A bath will help you recover” The maid insisted as she started to fill the tub.

  Katherine’s stomach muscles tensed and within seconds the remainder of what was in her stomach was being flushed down the chamber pot again.

  The maid held Katherine’s hair back as well as the cool cloth to her brow until she was certain the spout was over. Helping Katherine to her feet and letting her find her balance, she guided her to the running water. Katherine instantly became aware that she was completely un-clothed and blushed.

  “I apologize for my current state, I seem to have misplaced my clothes” She tried at humour to lighten the moment.

  “Clothes? How can I bathe you if you are still wearing your clothes?” The maid brushed off her modesty as she helped her into the tub.

  The water was still flowing as Katherine seated herself, which felt oddly soothing as the rushing water massaged her skin. The maid added in some scented oils and went to retrieve a towel.

  “Witch Hazel” Katherine commented aloud as she breathed the scent in and smiled.

  “I think the scent rather suites you and it is most relaxing is it not?” The maid replied a little hesitantly.

  “You are correct; this is indeed the oils that I used to bathe in many years ago.” She replied with an encouraging smile as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back onto the tub.

  After she had emptied the contents out of her stomach, she started to feel more like herself. The bath was indeed soothing and just what she needed.

  The maid shut off the water and proceeded to lather soap onto a cloth to prepare to wipe her down. Again Katherine blushed. She had never liked it when her nanny had tried to bathe her and had insisted that she attend to herself. Katherine was feeling a tad weak so in a way was grateful for the help, but still preferred for her bathing to be a private affair.

  “What is your name?” Katherine enquired while placing her hand on the maid’s arm to still her movements.

  “Oh! Gracious me, where is my head at?” She gasped out. “My name is Sarah; I am your new personal maid.” She responded with a welcoming smile.

/>   “What happened to Abigail?” Katherine enquired, not that she had anything against Sarah or any favouritism with Abigail.

  “Abigail is no longer employed at the estate Mistress. It was decided that I was better suited to attend you.” She said cheerfully.

  “Oh, well then I suppose I should thank you for assisting me this morning.” Katherine said in confusion, but decided to let the subject go. “But one thing that you will learn about me is that I am very private in my bathing affairs. Anything that I do in this room I would prefer to manage myself, unless of course you are blessedly holding a soothing cloth to my brow while I am in need.”

  “Yes of course! My Mother was a personal maid to a lady who was of the same habits. Do forgive me?” She sounded genuinely repentant but not offended.

  “There is nothing to forgive. Thank you for taking care of me.” Katherine responded back with a smile, but eagerly awaiting her privacy.

  “I shall prepare your day dress and wait for you to finish dressing, unless of course you would like me to aid you in that?”

  “Your first assumption was correct. I will be fine.” Katherine assured her.

  “Once you are dressed please knock on the door and I will help you with your hair.” Sarah said firmly, not entirely open to being dismissed with all of her duties. Katherine was fine with that.

  “Thank you Sarah.”

  With that, Sarah handed her the cloth and quickly departed.

  Katherine already felt better, as though her brief sickness was a thing of the past. After she dried off and donned her clothing, she knocked on the door and Sarah entered to pick up where she left off.

  Once Katherine was ready to start the day, she was led to a small breakfast nook where Salvador was seated, sipping his coffee and reading the paper.

  He stood up as she entered and placed the paper aside as he rushed to help her sit down. Katherine smiled and shook her head in amusement.

  “Good morning” He said calmly while studying her face cautiously.

  “Good morning” she returned as she poured herself a glass of orange juice and watched Sarah fill her plate with food.

  “How do you fair?”

  “I fair well as you can see. Will you be taking me for a tour of the estate?” She enquired so he wouldn’t push the subject. She didn’t want him knowing that his lush of a wife woke up hung over, or that she had been ill as a result of it. If he wasn’t embarrassed by her faux pas, she knew that he would at least be concerned and would probably forgo the tour, fussing over her health.

  He cocked an eyebrow at her and looked over her shoulder at her maid, before answering her question. Her maid wouldn’t say anything would she? This was a women thing and she was sure that her maid would respect her privacy.

  “Yes, if you are feeling up to it.” He responded slowly.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? From what I have been able to glance from out the window, it looks lovely.” She replied with a smile and then started in on her breakfast.

  “I will ready a horse for us if that is the case and we will leave shortly after your meal.” He informed her as he finished off his coffee and stood up. “Forgive me Love; I have a couple of matters to attend to prior to our departure.” He relayed to her as he leaned down and kissed her forehead, and then walked out of the room.

  After Katherine finished her breakfast, her maid brought her into a small sitting room and encouraged her to rest while waiting for Salvador. When Salvador came to retrieve her, he led her to the stables where a horse was awaiting them already saddled. Salvador winked at her and then mounted himself onto the horse. When he held his hand out to her she looked confused, until it struck her that he intended to share the saddle with her. Laughing at the gesture she accepted his help and then tried to calm her heart as his arm wrapped firmly around her and trotted off.

  True to his word, he gave her a full tour and history of the surrounding estate. The gardens were lovely as was the hedge maze. There was a secluded pond that they rested at buried deep into the forest and a small hunting lodge that he pointed out as they passed it. His land could have fit a large village on it and he laughed when she said so. He told her that he had been known to allow gypsies refuge on his property in the past, as long as they kept out of site and respected his lands – which they always had.

  After the tour, they ate a small lunch at a table that was set up in the gardens and then readied themselves to go into town. Salvador had made arrangements to meet with the dress maker to have Katherine fitted for new gowns. He said he had business to attend to in the city so would drop her off and meet up with her afterwards. He reminded her that he would give the final approval on her wardrobe and she was not to give him any trouble regarding his decisions. He also told her that she was to not hold back. When they arrived at the dress makers, he gave the woman a quota on how many outfits she was to be fitted for and then handed Katherine three catalogues for her to choose outfits from. She later found out that the designers of the outfits she was given a choice of were all the rave and not in the least considered among common folk.

  When Salvador met up with them afterwards, he and the dress maker went over her selections. He made a few minor changes and added in three additional ballroom gowns that caught his eye. He picked out a couple of dresses as well that were already tailored and after Katherine was fitted into them, he offered to take her for a tour of the city while the dress maker made the necessary adjustments.

  Katherine was surprised by the city; it was so different than Camden and in a way a much younger town. He purposely avoided certain areas and when she would enquire about that, he would tell her that they were areas not appropriate for a lady and that if he ever caught her anywhere near those parts he would lock her in his dungeon. She laughed and shook her head at him, even though she knew there was a shred of truth to his words.

  After the tour, they picked up her temporary wardrobe and made their way back home. He reminded her that Charles and his wife Rachel would be joining them for dinner and then pulled her into his study and locked the door behind him.

  Before she could ask what he was about, he pinned her to the wall and his lips came down on hers for a long passionate kiss that made her head spin. When he broke the kiss, he spun her around and pressed her up to the wall while lifting her skirts.

  “Salvador!” She gasped, feeling a light draft brush up against her thigh.

  “I have wanted to do this all day” He whispered seductively into her ear as he tugged down her under garments and then squeezed her butt cheek.

  “We could be caught” She breathed out as he spread her legs with his feet and found his fingers stroking her nub.

  “The door is locked” he assured her as he continued to arouse her. “Place your palms flat against the wall Katherine” He breathed out heavily and then kissed her ear.

  She did so.

  He then took hold of her hips and pulled them back.

  “Keep your hands on the wall” He ordered her when she lost her grip.

  She replaced her palms on the wall and then gasped as he flipped her skirt over her back. He pulled her under drawers completely off of her and then pushed up her petticoat. She anticipated hearing him undoing his pants and couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her again. Instead, he dropped to his knees and spread her legs out even further. She gasped and then moaned as he buried his face into her mound. At one point, the feeling was so intense that she found herself on her tippy toes and panting while trying to cool her forehead on the wall. He stirred her juices and spread it across her mound. His fingers trailed her juices from her tight sheath right across her anus. She cried out as his hands spread her butt cheeks and his tongue licked up the juices from around her anus. She reached behind her to slap away at his hands, he growled out his displeasure and landed a hard smack on her rump causing her to screech and flinch away from him.

  “Keep your hands on the wall” He growled out as he spread around her juices again and then smothered her
anus with his findings.

  This time when she felt his tongue licking at her anus, she bit her lip and moaned as a new sensation struck her. Her stomach muscles tensed and she started making incoherent sounds when he his tongue trailed from her anus to her nub and then back again. He gave her another smack on her butt cheek before straightening up and lowering his breeches.

  He rubbed his shaft along her butt cheeks and between them. She moaned when he teased her anus with the crown of his shaft and then moved it so that it was replacing his fingers when stirring around her juices. He brought his lubed up shaft back up to her anus and then proceed to rub it along the crack of her rump.

  Katherine moaned and writhed as desire and need pumped through her veins.

  He placed the crown of his shaft right at her core and held himself there. She was going out of her mind with need and didn’t care how wanton she appeared to be. She tried to push back into it, which only earned her a slap on her butt cheek. She cried out at the sting and moaned her frustration as he continued to hold back. He teased around her opening but avoided penetration. She was so frustrated that she thought she might scream. She couldn’t take her hands off the wall and she couldn’t shift positions. He was in full control and she wanted to beg him to give her what she needed.

  “If you don’t stop teasing me Salvador, I will find a way to pay you back in like!” She ground out between breathes as she tried to control her temper. Her body was screaming for his and she could feel the walls of her pussy clenching with need and her nub throbbing.

  He chuckled from behind her and with one quick thrust had her crying out her gratitude. His thrusts became so intense that he was lifting her feet off the floor and the only noises that could be heard were the smacking sounds of their joining bodies, his grunts and her panting.


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